98 posts
2008.02.17 - 2023.08.01
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
minmin-pal · 2 years ago
i am relieved that i left my room tidy.... 안녕히 가십시오 
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minmin-pal · 2 years ago
you don't have to send a reply or even an answer really, i know it's close to the time so please feel free to ignore this and give yourself some time or just do something else you'd like other than answering a tumblr ask lmao/lh/gen
welcome back to custard/mikey/mustard/🍮 speedrunning asks in 2 hours go!
'Trying to become happy by doing assassinations' caught me off guard but yay I've already properly fixed and added the stuff you said to my watch guide, i appreciate the 'using the wrong pronouns for extra concealing' lol, ty jjba veteran for ur wisdom :pray: /gen
i've gotten so used to expecting them to come back too lol, but yes alright, thank you for the advice :D maybe i can somehow make it thru jjba with even a quarter of my feelings intact? (I'm not confident in that either ::/j/lh)
and woah I'm glad you were able to enjoy naruto! and yeah truee the possessed fox mode(?) thing always looked so cool and reminding is understandable lol, and now that you mention it he really would've been that one friend everyone would have in elem lmao. his cheery, rebellious to teachers and pulls pranks, he definitely would've been a popular kid or something during elem (is elem the same as primary school? ;;)
ngl i'd maybe say the reason gaara was more appealing than sasuke is maybe he was actually a nice character?/lh also younger gaara was very adorable to watch but yeah sasuke was just being a tad bit of an asshat lol
and ohh, people's opinions on tsunade is often positive leaning but it's neat to hear your thoughts on jiraiya and orochimaru are often like switched, if that makes sense? it's fun to see other opinions finally exist lmao, jiraiya was weird as heck but he had that character appeal going on somehow lol/pos
the 'hercules-corona borealis great wall' new term i never knew existed, ty for this brain food :pray:
and ah, somehow that single image you inserted of the dude drawn in the first style explains it (art looks nice though, muscles so cool omg/lh/pos)
I'm getting the same feeling that aot will end in the same-ish manner that killer in love did, just completely turn everything on the viewers heads and make us all feel emotionally exposed or smth lol, i'm gonna have to put on some protective gear before restarting the anime ;;
oh wait there's a csm part 2? I haven't heard much about it though it makes sense if his still working on it, and yep csm has already been added to my to-read list and csm2 is joining >:)
oyasumi punpun sounds very cute, i will be checking that out now, i need to feel feelings again after speedrunning killer in love lol/hj/lh
"boy's abyss" added to the collection (i will actually finish this list I swear lmao/gen) help naur "you didn't dislike kokoa, and that's really telling of you as a person" had me worried if it was bad for a few seconds TT/lh
and yeah I'm really glad they made her kinda of a victim too, really pulled the story together especially in the 'backstory leading to her walking off into the distance' ending (and yeah don't worry about any of it being too short or anything, it's understandable so pls don't strain urself :D/lh)
oh yeah, seeing a character make the same decisions or do the same thing as you and it's being shown/viewed(?) as a bad thing, is definitely an eye-opener moment
i don't know all the details and this might seem unwarranted but you were both human and I'm sorry they left you so suddenly (i'm not trying to come as all like- dunno pompous or anything i swear ;;) not trying to argue since it might've been the healthy decision for them and i can respect that, i'm sorry you had to be left alone so suddenly though/gen (i hope this didn't come off badly ;;/lh)
we're speedruninngg :run:
and yay, yeah i really did it like it, thank you again for getting me to read it/gen the wholw story and it's art in general was very lovely:]<3
(mustard is my new, nEW name that will appear on my birth certificate lmao, also how did i not think of that sooner it was literally staring me in the face lol)
i'm answering the first of the 'thank you and nice to meet you' post thing and i reached where you said you were physically running out of time and i am also running out of time physically, the irony is making me cackle lol/hj/lh
it makes me a bit sad too, but i'm really glad i did meet you (as much as meeting you counts to stumbling across your blog?) i might not have said this enough times, but reading you rant off on random tangents and just talking about silly random stuff that you liked and things that mattered to you was genuinely a very fun experience that i won't be forgetting./gen
mayb the afterlife or void or whatever turns out to be meeting you there, does have wifi, i mean you can never be too sure right lmao? I can imagine it might just be 2 bars or something tho lol/lh
bye bye to you too min, and yeah no worries, the end poem has a special place for me so i don't consider it corny at all that you brought up, not gonna lie the first time i read your response seeing the response just made me bawl harder lol,
you like showing me stuff and i like watching you show me stuff, it's very fun would reccomended:D/lh reccomended:D/lh
don't be sorry, you don't need to be/lh/gen
thank you for that, (am i allowed to save it?/genq/nf) making you tear up was the goal muahaha >:)/hj/lh
even if it's not new, i stand by "all min art is good art", thank you. genuinely for everything min. this has been a very nice few 47(?) days of knowing you and i'll always check back on here, i know you said promises don't count to dead people, but welp unfortunately one of us will still be alive and chilling so that promise is gonna get fulfilled >:) my evil masterplan all along, it's gonna take you so long to scroll down thru my jjba review part 1 ask with the shitty wifi in the afterlife/again, whichever ends up waiting
i'll take care of little dustball min >:) could go to a cat cafe, i heard you liked cats./lh
It nice meeting you min, thank you for everything genuinely, it's been nice.
love you stranger :D
gonna go offline permanently in 5 mins (plus i will be deleting a lot of posts- just cus i dont want to be known for some of these) so i cant go too indepth
im really happy we spoke. i sometimes would worry that people who found me off my more. sad stuff would never know me much and im happy u let me . not be so depressing and let me rant about fuckin g jojos bizarre adventure to you
thanks mustard custard mikey and see u in the next ecosystem
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minmin-pal · 2 years ago
how much do u weigh/whats ur bmi?
uhh this is not the best question 2 ask somebody it might come off as rude depending on person im. 50 and a half or so according to the suspicious website i found its. either of these
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dk why its letting me pick and choose
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minmin-pal · 2 years ago
cou ld i ask how u plan to go a bout do this,, it'll be painl ess right?
oh no itll hurt i dont wanna survive afterwards so im opting for the classic option. hanging my one fear is that.. my closet rack things arent strong enough to hold 50 kgs worth of human.. ive taken everything off it though so if it breaks. im going to . slice my arteries wish me luck
thats macabre sorry im being so funky. im just being my authentic self you know
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minmin-pal · 2 years ago
Have you eaten well?
i dont really feel hungry to be honest so i dont think i'll eat anything plus i heard u shit urself when you die and... i dont wanna do that...
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minmin-pal · 2 years ago
are you a cat or dog person? do you have any pets? any significant memories or experiences with animals?
CAT PERSON i go to back alleyways that r filled with strays and i give them all my food and my friend had a cat and it would always run up to me and i loved it sm :grin:
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minmin-pal · 2 years ago
it felt illegal not to give my 2 cents on the new min art lol, thE ART so pretty
i like how in the comic one even if it's like maybe a rough sketch (i'm assuming it is) you can still see all the details of your character lol, swirly eyes, the little side hair tuffs that look like ears but probably aren't, with the little mouth and the big swoop hair thing. it's nice/gen and may i return the "evolution??" and replace it with an "evolution!!", evolution did very much happen though i'm biased since i'm in the "all min art is good art" group, we even have "min art>>" shirts :D/j/lh
i don't even know what style you can classify the most recent as, but like- it looks good?? i've been looking at it for 5 minutes now, my eyes r starting to tear up but it's so nice to look at??/gen it's a bunch of colorful scribbles and i just adore how you were even able to fit in details here like the tilting face?? and the face is perspective accurate but also looks- so pretty? there's the metal fence thing and what i'm assuming to be wild shrubbery and what my brain said to be maybe lilypads? but also it really could just be more foliage and it looks amazing either way??  
nO BUT THE Shadow cast by the metal fence cascading (is that a word-?) over the plants and the person laying down, then there's also the warm light source?? oh my god?? this genuinely looks so cool holy heck?? /gen/pos
as always, your art is always so lovely and just so diverse, it's whiplash but the good kind lol (i did in fact not know there was a good kind of whiplash till i saw min art/lh/hj) amazing works as always min<3
thank you so muhc :sob: u just made my whole. early morning whenever i see like oc art i like seeing all the traits thatre like. recognizable the quirks and whatnot amd... u pointed out theswirly eyes and the ahoge and the tufts and the small moth :sob: im literally teary eyed that might be cuz im yawning a lot though (i cant remember if it was a sketch or not but im pretty sure it was just doodle i made)
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why the hell is that so high quality
im really glad u like this one cuz. it was so experimental at a point i was just adding stuff cuz i could-- but it all turned out good at the end so it doesnt matter originally i was gonna end it here
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but. it just felt lacking something i like this version, since it does like have good aspects its less. unrealistic in comparison to the other, it smore solid you could say like if youd taken the other and minimalized it
thanks pal c:
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minmin-pal · 2 years ago
...maybe.. last art post. idrk im just overflowing with creative. juices??? that feels wrong to say
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minmin-pal · 2 years ago
so sleepy
i made this. 5 months ago evolution?? (tw sh)
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minmin-pal · 2 years ago
it's the fi nal artwork i'm assuming we'll ever see , could i ask what the perso n with cuts holding a knife over the sleep ing person means ? is it symbolism to someth ng , if u don't mind me asking ?
ur art re ally looks very lovely ! sorry for bombard ing your inbox with asks by the way !
not final,, unless i dont finish current theres no deeper meaning.. well no big deeper meaning they r both me. i do not kill people do not get wrong message :pray:
thank u btw its okay if u send a lot of asks it makes me smile
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minmin-pal · 2 years ago
i dunno how to start this but here's my ask about killer in love :D
chap 10: i finally see the guy! the guy that i think you meant? or is the one that's like "i can have anyone i want" type? i also saw arata and stalker dude. them going to disneyland after burying someone is giving me whiplash but in a good way?/pos and i finally saw the scenes of kokoa smilling and saying "don't die." and the pic of suzuki after just stabbing the stalker. i actually really adore the artstyle omg, i see what you mean by it's super pretty
and i noticed how like during the car sequence when suzuki asked if he could call her by name? in the first panel of her it showed her eyes as normally detailed, but then the next panel when she calls him by his name, it's suddenly detailed? i love this? it makes it so easy to get immersed? and it's giving kokoa a kind of eerie feeling around her lol if that makes sense, but suzuki is actually so expressive i like how it's different from the other characters:0
i'm getting somewhat attached to them (suzuki and kokoa) now and i'm very nervous lol, i don't even know how this'll end since i'm on the 'dude disturbs suzuki and kokoa in their table' scene at the start of chap 10, but yea i should probably continue now lol
yikes points for arata and stalker, but i already worry abt this dude oh no, and yep i'll continue reading now but gahh i really like how they managed to show suzuki's thoughts ngl, at the start showing why he joined a crowd like arata's and how he tried to change the way he presented himself/his image. it went from him accepting to be kokoa's fake boyfriend to something extremely out of the normal happening to him? the whole stabbing someone then the random people in the group taking photos and making him trend on twt, online harassment and it's all piled up on him now. things never went right before, and just when he was trying to be 'normal' it didn't work and his (presumably) tired of it all now, but even when he had the knife to his throat he was able to smile even a bit then as his about to plunge it, kokoa just- runs up to him (and i'm just noticing this now but did she block the knife with her hand? is that why there's a small scar there in the "don't die" scene?)
but aa, all the details like his eye-widening, the background tuning our during these shots and kokoa just so gorgeously detailed and smiling "Don't die. Let's live together." then suzuki tearing up?? i didn't expect this to be so gut-wrenching ;; i'm- really curious what she meant by saying "I'm the same as you, I'm worthless shit, I know that desire to die but I don't want you to die." i realize now we don't actually know much about her at this point other than her having a stalker, being somewhat off-putting (though that's probably just me reading into it too much?), her enjoying the same stuff as suzuki that got exposed as a 'nerd' at the table and that's about it? ig? i assume we'll find out more about her in the future chapters though.
the last scene with suzuki crying and saying about "The feeling of being hugged is incredible. i don't know if the "You're like a goddess." scene is part of the actual manga or if the site i'm reading it on inserted it in like an art piece or something? i'm assuming it's part of the story but ahh, the symbolism of this last scene is giving foreshadowing vibes sm but it shows their dynamic kinda well i'm assuming :') suzuki seeing kokoa like a goddess and him feeling like he was 'pardoned, and allowed to live'. i'm looking forward to how this dynamic grows though defintely, it's like suzuki is uhm- what's the word? putting her on a pedestal maybe? maybe 'looking at her as though she's his redemption/saving grace'? i suppose that would fit my current understanding of their dynamic though it might change i dunno, and yep i'll continue reading now lol
last bit- I FINALLY GOT TO THE LAST SCENE OF THE CHAPTER?? WOOHOO?? not really woohoo though, it's just the dude's ugly mug lol
chap 10.2: ohh, so so far suzuki's dealing with the random dudes that know kokoa, he asks about it but then she gets a bit upset so suzuki backpedals? i'm assuming it's meant to be off-putting since they purposefully mentioned about "why didn't she just block the stalker?" thing that suzuki though in the apartment scene. all the shots of them during the night with the sparkles of the attractions around them is so pretty in all honesty, suzuki's embarassed/flustered reactions are a bit cute to read lol/lh
chap 11: THE DUDE IS BACK :'(!! suzuki come backkk ;;!! this guy haS A KNIFE???
chap 12: is the reason kokoa had a melancholic expression when asking suzuki to never change because of this dude? i know his the 'bad guy' in this scenario but it's that sense where the writer is so good at writing that i actually understand? his entire life got upended whether kokoa meant to or not, even if she didn't mean to, the fact he suffered is valid though so the lien of "Damn, I wish I could kill them all." i dunno i just react to it as"yeah that's fair" if that made sense? i dunno, off handed tiny rant lol sorry
oh wow okay i finally scrolled down to the part where he did the thing to kokoa, major yikes ;; i'm both looking forward to/dreading how suzuki will react once he finds out the dude took kokoa, it was nice meeting flustered suzuki o7o7
chapter 13: they were probably such good friends??? why would you slap her??? he has an inferiority complex is that it-?/lh he has a warped perception of what 'loving' kokoa is like ;; WAIT HIS THE KILLER??? HUH?? oh wait so the black haired transfer student actually seemed pretty chill? though i assume his nonchalance just pissed off this dude more ;; suzuki's here :D
chapter 14: oh god his comments are disgusting, he earned that punch from suzuki lol the artist really did do such a good job on the art though, all the shading and shadows really helps to paint the scene ahh/gen/pos the "I'm gonna slaughter you." scene is so intense looking like actually, the persepective!! it's so good!!
suzuki: "No way, another phyco." meanwhile suzuki:
(did that meme make sense, i hope it did lol)
is kokoa some type of evil mastermind?? or is the story just misdirecting the reader's expectations?? the writing is so good i'm becoming just as confused as suzuki lmao, and oH!! they used the manga pages!! as the background for this scene with suzuki blacked out with only his widened eyes visible, the mood setting is actually unreal i love this/pos suzuki's definitely an unreliable narrator now that i realize lol but also it's his perspective so i can't say i fault him at all, but woah i like how suzuki's eyes get all fogged up in these intense moments, super cool detail
YEAAA, HE GOT HIT WITH THE GLASS! SUZUKI GOO! OH MY GOD HE AIMED FOR THE DUDE'S EYE??? the pained expressions are so starkly different compared to the usual expressions and i just love the intensity of all the frames<33 all the rough lines and wrinkles, the more stiff edges of the character really exemplifies it a lot :D
chap 15: this dude is really adding more weight to the suspiciousness of kokoa, i'm so confused on what to think and believe ahh i adore this level of writing that manages to cause this feeling in readers lol,really puts you in the shoes of suzuki. I WASN'T READY FOR THIS SCENE OF SUZUKI SLASHING THE DUDE'S THROAT??? THE ART AND EVERYTHING IS SO PRETTY!! i adore suzuki's blank-eyed expression sm lol
chap 16: now i can't help the feeling that kokoa is using suzuki ;; though i guess that would make sense in the genre and story so far? ah suzuki's conscience is getting to him now lol, oh yea blank-eyed suzuki is the normal now ig, he finally decided on his purpose now though somehow i feel like this is what kokoa wanted lol, idk complex stories always confuse me lmao
the shot of him saying "Thats my purpose in life." is so nicely drawn omg<3 i love all the details, it looks so clean yet so 'sketchy' at the same time if that makes sense. the expressions were so nice in this chapter ngl/pos
YEA!! KOKOA IS SMILING AND BLUSHING:D i don't know how these two are ending but kokoa really does look pretty. the art is so nice to look at and oh no the camera was recording them ;;
chap 17: kokoa being sneaky and i assume jealous is very amusing to watch lol/lh o7 riko chan
chap 18.1: oh okay that was an eye opener on kokoa lmao, so i'm assuming something happened or kokoa's always just been catering to other people and stuff like that? kokoa's reaction to "can you really be happy like that?" feels intense ngl, maybe it's cause the previous characters of focus have all been dudes who are interested in kokoa aside from that one girl friend of hers that warned suzuki im pretty sure, i like the character insights so far :D
will suzuki have to reject or harm riko :(? oh but his back to somewhat gentle expressions lol, maybe it was the nap or something. OH MY GOD THE KNIFE CAME OUT, THEY'LL HAVE TO KILL HER WON'T THEY?? TT oh wait his sweating while threatening her lol, there's finally some sign of hesitation ig?
oh my fucking god
he actually killed her
WHY AM I INTERNALLY HURT SM TT riko got me attached oh no :'( the light was finally back in his eyes too ;; o7 and yep his losing himself (i'm at chapter 20 while writing this, how did i skip the chap indicators lol)
chap 21: oh my god that boyfriend is a douchebag wha the heck, IN HER HOME TOO???? all the scribbles over the pages to show suzuki suddenly 'realizing' was such a cool effect omg, i'm seeing a recurring theme of people saying to kokoa "- just because your somewhat cute." and other similar stuff like that, will her story involve something about her putting up a front or changing herself somehow?
oh yea, suzuki knows at this point lol, though ig he doesn't care anymore? or maybe he does, i'll see next chapter but i finally found the other scene you showed me :D that uh- "Okay then, why don't we kill that guy?" one with suzuki's smiling face lol, and yep his starting to lose it (i feel as though i've already said this)
chap 26: oh wait :( it's showing yuki and kokoa's trip to disneyland now, kokoa reacted exactly how suzuki did lmao. r they riding the same rides too? i don't remember the specifics of their rides ;;
chap 28: ... absolute whiplash ;; i- i love this?? it's made me feel things?? i've reached the scene from the prologue?? it's all coming together and i adore the connection they now share of 'not having anyone but each other'? i don't know how the actual ending will be like, but for no i'm really happy that they didn't make kokoa to be some type of 'in control, manipulator' type of character? she has her own motivations? she feels so human? i love how the writer was able to write this story so well that when suzuki was demanding an answer from kokoa of "whether to kill him or let him (her well ig exboyfriend?) live" and you could see she was at a loss for words, she didn't know what to say and suzuki was getting more frustrated? i, actually like the fact that kokoa leapt to protect yuki from suzuki? yuki was horrible and hurt her, took her for granted but yuki is confused but she loves yuki still?(i assume so at least) it's such a cool parallel to suzuki killing riko now that i think about it but just inversed?
riko loved suzuki sincerely and wanted to be with him, the "but i love __" moment was suzuki killing riko 'to not cause kokoa any trouble' (i don't know how to phrase this right but i hope the idea got across lol)
yuki 'loved' kokoa and literally breaks up with her, the "but i love __" moment was her literally running after suzuki, trying to stop him from killing yuki and even throwing herself at him
riko loved suzuki but suzuki loved kokoa more, kokoa loved yuki but yuki loved (idk fame? money? the name of that girl he was sleeping with that i forgot?)
i adore this bit a whole lot ngl, when kokoa proceeds to try and 'butter up' (for lack of a better term) suzuki, did she even believe herself? or was she trying to convince herself more than she was suzuki? and now they're both united again, under the "I'm the same. I have nobody but you." and- well i gues they don't really anymore do they? it's so much more different than their earlier dynamic, suzuki actually knows things about kokoa now. his seen her 'ugly', she's not just a 'random cute girl' anymore, maybe nor is she even just a 'goddess that pardoned me, that allowed me to live' since i'm pretty sure the spotless view he had of her is gone now. she's human, they know each other now. they're on the floor crying and hugging and goddamit i can feel myself tearing up too ;; /lh there's no more of that- idealizing suzuki had? is it bad i like this development a lot?
"You've finally noticed me. But that doesn't stop us crying. I can't help it and neither can you." has my heart on a platter, this made me feel too many feelings lol/gen/pos
chap 29: "I wish we had met sooner. If we had, neither of us would've been alone." why is this such a gut-wrenching line, why do i like that they're finally having a conversation ? i dunno, i know it's just been unfortunate circumstances that led them to each other but i can assume either of them would've cracked from their 'normal' eventually, but ahh the parallels again! at first it was suzuki who we knew the thoughts of and it was kokoa who seemed 'mysterious' and we didn't understand but now the roles have been reversed and now kokoa's the one asking "if suzuki will still be with her forever even if he doesn't like her anymore?"
oh my god suzuki pat kokoa in the same way or place on the head that yuki did, it is now i realize perhaps when kokoa first said for suzuki not change, she was referencing her bf lol kokoa's new haircut looks really pretty ngl though that's likely just the artstyle looking nice in general, 
chap 32:  i feel like i may have not explained it properly in my last few paragraphs lol, but ahh i suppose this is the bit where they actually have an actual honest conversation? seeing as the first time i mentioned 'they were having a conversation' it was pretty much just kokoa talking? suzuki wasn't as invested? i don't know how to phrase stuff ;;
his being honest, his finally properly realized instead of earlier where he was thinking "I won't let myself think.", there's no 'goddess', there are just two people. they're both coming to terms with it, that noit wasn't real. i'm scared of the next chapter but why do i feel like suzuki's maybe gonna turn himself in or something? maybe he'll still hold up his promise to make kokoa happy and maybe cover for her? 
kokoa wants to believe but suzuki's already been in that position, he knows that won't make her happy. "Being loved by someone like me won't make you happy." i'm actually getting teary ;;  "You'll be fine, even if you're alone." wow ok i didn't need my heart today i guess :melt_smile:
the introspection of suzuki while his on that ledge, the lack of backgrounds in the memory giving harsh contrast to the busy and filled background of when his looking down is genuinely so amazing, in the police car too, his so angry and it's understandable why, the art is beauitufl and perfectly captures everything. the shot of suzuki crying, screaming with snot  dripping and saliva leaking from his mouth, just purely uncontrolled crying. the lines are harsh, intense and then there's the last shot with the barebones shading, soft colouring and melancholic expression and it all feels so fitting/gen
i'm getting whiplash from kokoa's backstory reveal and the ending of the story itself/lh i'm actually at a loss for words? i'm pretty sure the full story will properly register in my head in a few hours but as of now, i just loved everything? the beginning, the ending that i never saw coming from a mile away, all the characters, i realize i might be lacking in experiences to properly appreciate this story but for now, i can say i genuinely did love it all. thank you? for letting me be aware that this existed?/gen/lh
the culmination of kokoa's story: it explaining why she said "I'm a worthless shit.", why she goaded riko about "not making an effort" she parroted the sentence of "Did you really expect to be loved unconditionally?" and the fact that that parallels the message she received of basically saying "Don't look for love." or something like that, it's a bit blurry right now, and why she mentioned the prince metaphor, it shows her rejecting stalker dude and the "i have a nice nose" dude lol, it showed her family and how the way she coped with everything harming her reputation and following her till the end of the story (the being seen with older men thing her classmates were gossiping about), how changing herself seemed to work for a while but it was never enough for others, it wasn't enough for her. this whole story was tragic and i realize damned by the narrative from the beginning, it was always foreshadowing something ominous but- i can't say i regret reading this. it was a very fun experience and i thank you a lot for looking it so much, i ended up reading it too.
it's not really spoilers anymore for you to talk about why you related to suzuki, if you still wanted to chat about that, the art was just as gorgeous from the start till the end, i liked it all a lot. 
thank you min<3 
(also fair warning and apology lmao, i might've missed a few "chap XX:" signifiers like that since i was just reading the manga in one tab then auto writing what i thought in the other tab like some kind of journalist lol so a few are out of place or maybe don't make sense, i hope the general idea gets through tho/gen)
okok first of all ive read through and i must say im so happy u liked it this is a big favorite of mine and i havent shown it to anyone really before (bcuz its kinda.... sad) but if u liked killer in love u should definitely check out boy's abyss its A LOT like killer in love... without the killing ive sat here typing out a response but honestly you hit a lot of feelings i had right on the nail.. and honestly you caught a LOT of stuff faster than i did- i only realized after a reread that the part where kokoa says "did you really expect to be loved unconditionally?" didnt click until i reread it- also you didnt dislike kokoa, which is really telling of you as a person when i read it, it was obvious the author was trying to make us think kokoa was the manipulator or something, and it just felt off the comments on it when i read were people hating on her and such and i always liked her (ill say something more indepth having to do with her in a second but i wanna finish this point first) im happy she was kinda just a victim and wasnt using him (though she sorta was- atleast not to the extent the manga couldve made her) its all just very genuine (ive been typing this for. an hour. and it is only one pragaraph long. im sorry if this is really short my brain is like .. mushy)
OK SO im really not typing anythong of sumbstance im sosry
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THAT SCENE. IS SO SWEET because it introduces the idea of them getting away from eachother. in that short time they knew eachother their relationship turned really codependant suzuki was literally killing all her problems- which to begin with was toxic, but now, shed reached a point of needing him, and as long as he lived he would need her too like a soldier and their country country needs soldier, soldier is dependant on country- its literally their home think koreans signing up to fight in war to aid japan (oppressors) during ww2 they couldnt LEAVE korea, and they were much too poor to feed themselves or family, so theyd join so their fsmily would get food from the military its a bit of an extremem comparison. but its not wrong :grin:
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kokoas backstory singlehandedly explained why she was her, how she was her, excused her actions, and cleared up her character shes genuinely just unforfunate in every aspect which is just so heartbreaking cuz its litterally not her fault she tried, and failed, and tried again and failed and tried and failed again she just attracts weirdos i guess
my favorite part is when suzuki kills her boyfriend because, she *technically* instigated it, but he knew she didnt want the boy dead and suzuki, he just lost it by then hed killed riko already, and he now was done for no matter what hed either run away with kokoa or die or go to jail so for him to sacrificed so much for her, just for her to have someone she still loved other than him yeah i get where he came from killing the guy was. a bit much. but its understandable amd thats whats so great about this!!! theyre all so undoubtedly human its amazing...
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the reason i like suzuki or related to him and whatnot was his relationship with kokoa im a- was a really obsessive person a while ago recently id say counting today as august its been a good 6-7 months that was honestly my rock bottom, and it was then that i read kimi ni koisuru satsujinki and when i got to when he killed riko and it was just kinda like. i would do that too and thats when it kinda clicked that i was kinda fucked at the time you can tell im being vague cuz i dont like to talk about it
aswell as the youre like a goddess scene it reminded me of how i felt about this one person. and how feeling like that kinda pushed them away from me, its just really eye-opening to see someone doing things you do, and recognizing it as a bad thing, then realizing that that in turn makes you a bad person aswell kokoa, kinda like. them. was viewed in a really uplifting way and they, or kokoa was just a human and they were flawed, and they had layers o them, and they werent just a shoulder to be leaned on and . suzuki (or me aswell) just failed to come to terms with that, and in the manga's case suzuki did eventually reach that, and let kokoa go but i was kinda like suzuki after he killed kokoa's boyfriend
completely deluded, not willing to face reality but (they) werent like kokoa in that sense, because they realized the. not goodness of the situation, and instead of staying (like kokoa did with suzuki out of fear) they just. left me which im glad they did honestly, cuz that was the healthiest option fot them
really fucked with me though, since it was just. sudden i had it coming though i was a real prick
anyway IM REALLY GLAD U LIKED IT i was scared u wouldnt really care for it so this was really heartwarming thanks custard or mikey
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minmin-pal · 2 years ago
wait naur im sorry about that,, i meant like when u said in that earli er ask that u'd eat breakfast first or sumthing so i meant like
i hope u enjoy ur breakfast whenever u get around to eating it*
NOOO I WAS JOKING I WAS MAKING A JOKE my humors too dry :sob:
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minmin-pal · 2 years ago
who was the last person to make you cry and why?
myself cuz i stubbed my toe into my bed frame and then my mom cuz she heard me crying and then told me i was being Overdramatic.
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minmin-pal · 2 years ago
people i havent even spoken to before messaging me cuz im dying and its like... wow... people really do only care when youre dead
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minmin-pal · 2 years ago
who are some celebrities/popular individuals you're not a fan of or think shouldn't be a celebrity/popular?
i like picasso's art but h ereally shouldnt be considered an amazing creator his art, while full of. talent. is for its time, and currently just not the best ever.... and he shouldnt be "THE" artist Plus he beat his wife. and was a mysogynist.
i think hitler shouldnt be so popular either. hes just some guy who got too much power and had a trip and also killed/caused the deaths of 11 million people (prisoners of war, european jews, disabled people.... people who didnt like him killing any of the aforementioned 3) plus hes fucking ugly im sick of seeing 14 year old online call him hot. hes dosturbing looking. he genuinely looks like a joke sim his art was good though, its a shame he didnt pursue his dreams and instead went for the genocide route when you google his artwork youll get a lot of stuff, but the only thing ive seen is
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that i didnt know he made it at the time, but it just makes me kinda uncomfortable when i look at is it feels wrong
how did a question about celebrities get about hitlers artwork im so srry :sob:
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minmin-pal · 2 years ago
its 9 pm why is it so humid i hate hot weather sm
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minmin-pal · 2 years ago
you'll actually be 15 years, 5 months and 15 days old tomorrow (if i calculated it right)
funny coincidence ig?
the funniest
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