minirose96 · 6 years
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Options are being brought to us, now. Read this open letter then peruse their option. -Wolf
To: Tumblr Jeff D’Onofrio, Tumblr CEO New York City, New York, United States
Dear Jeff D’Onofrio,
On December 17, Tumblr will be banning porn from its site.
By banning “adult content” from your website in truth you categorically ban sex workers regardless of how they are using your platform. You cut them off from the ability to build an audience for their work, and what’s even worse, you declare their very existence as obscene.
Tumblr allows every content creator, artist, or small entrepreneur to build an audience and communicate with this audience at any moment in time - if you do not work in the adult industry of course.
Many brands use social media to sell products. Social media and eCommerce are interlocked. You take this now away from every adult content creator around the globe. And that is wrong.
You mentioned in a blog post titled “A better, more positive Tumblr”:
“There is no shortage of sites on the internet that feature adult content. We will leave it to them and focus our efforts on creating the most welcoming environment possible for our community.”
You are wrong: There is a shortage of sites on the internet that feature adult content, in particular when it comes to shadowbanning and the ability to also advertise on these sites.
Look, here is what we do:
Sharesome is a site that welcomes all the people that you just kicked off your platform. You gave them time until December 17th to export a backup of their blog to save their years of work. Meanwhile we will develop an import tool, so they can move to us, and we leave you with all the white supremacist Nazi blogs – because we ban that kind of shit.
Tudor Bold                                         Ralf Kappe CEO, Sharesome                              Founder, Sharesome
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minirose96 · 6 years
Tumblr is gonna lose so many members lol
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minirose96 · 6 years
IF YOU NEED TO CALL 911 BUT ARE SCARED TO BECAUSE OF SOMEONE IN THE ROOM, dial and ask for a pepperoni pizza. They will ask if you know you’re calling 911. Say yes, and continue pretending you’re making an order. They’ll ask if there’s someone in the room.
You can ask how long it will take for the pizza to get to you, and they will tell you how far away a dispatcher is.
Here is an example video
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minirose96 · 7 years
If you are following this blog for the porn - sorry, this is an inactive old blog. For my current content, which is a lot of NSFW/Lifestyle/BDSM related stuffs, Go here https://fun-stuff-from-a-good-girl.tumblr.com/ thank you!
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minirose96 · 7 years
Join Markiplier's Charity Livestream and help me win a $50 Amazon Giftcard!
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minirose96 · 7 years
okay but
Laura Barton calling Clint “Clinton” when he’s in trouble
“Clinton, socks.” “Laura—” “No. Pick them up, put them in the hamper.” “Laura–” “Clinton.” “Yes, ma'am.”
And that’s ALWAYS how it goes. “Clinton.” “Yes, ma’am.”
Every time.
And Natasha is snickering behind her hand as she watches the exchange over and over and next time they’re in the field, Natasha and Clint are pinned down, but she’s got this and she’s just like
“Clinton. Left.”
And he doesn’t even think cause she has the inflection down. He kills like 34 guys and saves the hostages and gets a pizza and is a general badass and then he turns to Natasha and is like
“Did you– in the field? Did you wife me?”
And Natasha just grins and says, “Yes, ma’am.”
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minirose96 · 7 years
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minirose96 · 7 years
Everything alright? Generally, people don't leave unless they've had some shit happen. How're yah goin?
Yeah, Everything’s fine. I’m just moving on to a different part of my life. I don’t really watch Supernatural or Sherlock or any of the other things I used to reblog and “fangirl” over, and I fully intend to remain on tumblr, but I would prefer not to use my old blog because many of my followers are underage, given my previous content, and the content I am interested in talking about/blogging about is more adult oriented.Currently, I’m a nursing student and a submissive to a wonderful man, so my mind is more focused on “adult oriented topics,” shall we say. I don’t want to just flood this blog with that kind of content, which would be a dramatic change from my previous content. I also don’t intend to remove any of my current content or disable this account. I just would rather not have people accidentally follow “Minirose96″ when I’m liking a lot of content for my secondary, adult blog. 
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minirose96 · 7 years
Is there any way to make a side blog my main blog?  Also, what would happen if I deleted my main blog /with/ a side blog attached to the account? Would that make my side blog my main blog, or would it just delete my entire tumblr account? I ask because, quite honestly, the fandom side my my life is over and done with. While I don’t want to delete this blog, because I have a lot of my personal writings on it, I am not interested in continuing to update or have any part of any fandom. 
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minirose96 · 7 years
New B&B fanvid!
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minirose96 · 7 years
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The Graveyard Shift, by @riseofthefallenone and @purgatoryjar
Summary:  Dean’s favourite coffee shop, The Graveyard Shift, is only open after the sun goes down. Which is perfect for him, because that’s exactly when he craves coffee the most while doing the overnight at the fire hall. The coffee shop’s owner is pretty perfect too, but it’s kind of a bummer that Dean never gets to see Cas during the day. In a world where the supernatural live more or less in peace with the rest of humanity, it’s a little impolite to ask Cas just what he really is - or what his dark past entails.
Updates: every Tuesday
Finally, the first chapter is here! Go check it out and tell Jen how awesome she is! 
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minirose96 · 7 years
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minirose96 · 7 years
a genderqueer superhero who wears a binder and hides their face so everyone assumes they’re male but then they have c cups and never bind as a civilian so their secret identity is safe
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minirose96 · 7 years
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minirose96 · 7 years
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#very subtle
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minirose96 · 7 years
So this au post has been floating around and its been giving me ClintNat feels (tl;dr whatever you write on your body shows up on your soulmates). I then had to share my pain with @polyamoryavengers so, like, half these ideas are hers. ANYWAY:
-words don’t appear on your body until you become the person that your soulmate can fall in love with
-Clint has been that person for Natasha for ages, but the Red Room won’t let her write on herself so he still believes he’s not worthy of her yet
-Natasha, never getting any words on her skin, believes she will never be worthy of her soulmate, ever.
-Until the day she leaves the Red Room and just as she’s wavering after a particularly awful mission, thinking maybe she should go back Don’t Forget Eggs is suddenly scrawled across her hand.
-Natasha just hysterically laughs and cries because if anything proves her handlers were wrong, its this.
-She can’t bring herself to write back to her soulmate, but then one night, Clint, drunk and morose, writes Are you even there or am I alone? and Natasha grabs the nearest pen and scrawls back as fast as possible I’m here and I’m not going anywhere
-Clint can’t believe she’s finally writing. They introduce themselves and start writing conversations to each other, Clint telling her all about Kate and Lucky, Natasha telling him about the choices she was able to make for herself each day. 
-Clint pulls his shirt up in front of every mirror he comes across because Natasha writes long angry rants on her stomach and every time he reads one, he falls a little more in love.
-Clint begs her to come to New York so they can meet properly and she tells him she would love too, but she needs to find out who she is first. And then, just as she feels she’s ready to go to him, she starts being chased by SHIELD. The thought of putting Clint in danger sends her heart into her throat.
-Cornered in a little hotel in Florence, she writes to Clint I’m in Florence, I don’t think you’ll hear from me again and Clint, perched watching the Black Widow in her room, writes back I’M IN FLORENCE WHERE ARE YOU.
-Natasha is writing I just want you to know I love you along the vein on his forearm and he looks through the window, where the Widow is writing on her own, looking like she’s about to cry and all of a sudden it clicks
-Natasha, struggling to think of how to tell Clint in as few words as she has just how much he means to her, when a man bursts through her window gasping out “Tasha!” and at first she only comprehends a few things.
-That is the most saccharine purple she has ever seen
-THAT is a SHIELD emblem
-And those are the words she just wrote running up his forearm
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minirose96 · 7 years
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“Bored yet, princess?”
“You wish, hotshot.”
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