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I guess I should have something here since a bunch of people are being sent here for P4A stuff :) General nerd into lots of nerdy things. She/her
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minimarker · 4 days ago
You know what I think is really cool about language (English in this case)? It’s the way you can express “I don’t know” without opening your mouth. All you have to do is hum a low note, a high note, then another lower note. The same goes for yes and no. Does anyone know what this is called?
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minimarker · 5 days ago
we joke about Tumblr making your brain unable to interact with regular humans, but today I used the phrase “very slow tigers are chasing me” and no one, NO ONE, understood what I meant.
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minimarker · 10 days ago
Reblog this to ease the back pain of the person you reblogged it from
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minimarker · 12 days ago
One problem with antisemitism is you can’t fight it by talking about famous Jewish people and things Jewish people contributed to society. You can talk about how Einstein was Jewish and the next thing you know people are saying that the Jews are stopping us from going faster than light.
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minimarker · 13 days ago
Who did 9/11
That is the worst slander I ever heard against a first baseman.
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minimarker · 19 days ago
The AJC's State of Antisemitism in America report for 2024 was released yesterday.
US Jews are tired and scared.
With roughly three-quarters (77%) of American Jews saying they feel less safe as a Jewish person in the U.S. because of the October 7 attacks, it is no surprise that nearly six in 10 (56%) American Jews report changing their behavior over the past 12 months out of concern for their safety. This is a sharp increase from previous years – jumping from 38% in 2022 to 46% in 2023 to 56% in 2024.
American Jews see antisemitism as emerging from diverse sources. The 2024 survey asked American Jews to assess how much of an antisemitic threat certain groups or issues – the extreme political right, the extreme political left, extremism in the name of Islam, and Christian nationalism – pose in the United States today. Roughly one-third of American Jews say each of those four represents a very serious antisemitic threat: extremism in the name of Islam (33%), Christian nationalism (33%), the extreme political left (33%), and the extreme political right (33%). Roughly three-quarters or more say that each group or issue represents at least a slight antisemitic threat.
The vast majority (90%) of American Jews say antisemitism has increased either a lot (61%) or somewhat (29%) since the Hamas terrorist attacks on Israel on October 7, 2023, and one-third (33%) of American Jews say they have been the personal target of antisemitism – in person or virtually – at least once over the last year:  23% report being the target of an antisemitic remark in person 17% say they were the target of an antisemitic remark or post online or through social media 6% say they were the victim of antisemitic vandalism to, or messaging (such as flyers or pamphlets) left on their personal property 2% say they were the target of an antisemitic attack in person, during which the attacker physically touched them 10% report being targeted by any other kind of antisemitism, not already asked about
Three-quarters (78%) say they did not report any of the antisemitism they experienced, with more than half (54%) saying they didn’t think anything would be done if they reported.
For the first time in the six-year history of the survey of American Jews, a majority (56%) say they changed their behavior – by avoiding certain behaviors or activities – over the last year because of fears of antisemitism.  40% say they have avoided publicly wearing or displaying things that might identify them as a Jew, up from 26% in 2023 37% say they have avoided posting content online that would identify them as a Jew or reveal their views on Jewish issues, compared with 30% in 2023 31% say they have avoided certain places, events, or situations out of concern for their safety or comfort as a Jewish person, up from 26% in 2023
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minimarker · 29 days ago
ok so these new tariffs are likely going to be primarily affecting red states. i want y’all to ignore the urge to respond by saying the people in those red states deserve it because of the political representation we have. not because some of us are progressives but because this is an opportunity. if conservatives from these states start complaining about higher prices and financial strain, do not respond with “well you voted for this!” this is your opportunity to pull them to the center. say “wow that is really awful. i’m sure this isn’t what you wanted when you voted last year. you deserve representatives that will have your best interests at heart, you should let them know how upset you are! you deserve to be heard!”
because listen to me. republican politicians don’t give a shit about what progressives in red states have to say. they aren’t gonna change their voting trends for us. but if a bunch of small town conservatives start to get restless and angry with their politicians, if they lose support from their most important demographics, that has a shot at changing things. so swallow your pride and disgust and have a conversation with that republican truck driver instead of taking the pot shot that’ll get you 10 minutes of dopamine. do the hard work.
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minimarker · 29 days ago
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I find myself in the surreal position of being a victim of the Eaton Fire. It's certainly not my favorite experience, but I have been deeply touched by all the "helpers," as Mr. Rogers taught us. Any help would be much appreciated, including just boosting this post. Thank you 🙏
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minimarker · 29 days ago
there's a really funny 3d printing controversy going on btw.
if you don't know, there's a very popular 3d printing model out there called "benchy". this is used for benchmarking your 3d printer because it's a difficult print and will help test it out.
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this is so widely used that people make their own little versions of it, remixing the 3d model to make benchy look cooler and stuff. however, a new company owns the benchy license. they are sending copyright takedowns to all those who wrongfully uploaded the benchy model.
of course, this is pissing off the 3d printing community greatly. everyone loved benchy and have used it for years. so someone on reddit decided to make a new model that is designed as a 3d printing stress test. one that works a lot like benchy, and people are freely able to edit it as they please. you know what they called it?
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minimarker · 1 month ago
And some of those Critters are Nerdfighters! I recognize those names! 😆
at least a few Critters are experiencing the "its a dangerous day to get paid" phenom, donating to this charity one shot. @sizzlingsandwichperfection-blog @edwardspoonhands
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minimarker · 1 month ago
hi, I'm living in Kansas now and this TB outbreak has got me pretty worried. do you have any resources for where to get a vaccine? I want to make sure I'm as protected as I can be
The only existing vaccine for TB is called BCG, and it's 102 years old. It is not effective at preventing infection, severe illness, or death in adolescents or adults, so unless you're under the age of 10, there's not much reason to get it.
We could have new, good vaccines for TB, but we decided not to invest in them over the last 50 years, because almost everyone who gets TB is poor, and our social orders devalue the lives of impoverished people.
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minimarker · 1 month ago
i’m going to let this video speak for itself. bc i don’t even know what to say anymore. i don’t know how we come back from this level of radicalization among young people to the point where holocaust denial has become the norm.
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minimarker · 1 month ago
where’s that justin mcelroy post when i need it
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minimarker · 1 month ago
do you have any ideas about why so many students are struggling with literacy now? I know that illiteracy and reading comprehension have been issues for years and most americans read at like a 5th grade reading level but I’m curious why it seems to be worse now (pandemic? no child left behind?)
It is everything. There’s not one answer. I could talk about this forever so instead I set a five minute timer on my phone and wrote a list of as many of the many things that are causing this on a systemic level that I could think of:
It’s parents not reading with their kids (a privilege, but some parents have that privilege to be able to do this and don’t.)
It’s youtube from birth and never being bored.
It’s phasing out phonics for sight words (memorizing without understanding sounds or meaning) in elementary schools in the early aughts.
It’s defunding public libraries that do all the community and youth outreach.
It’s NCLB and mandating standardized tests which center reading short passages as opposed to longform texts so students don’t build up the endurance or comprehension skills.
It’s NCLB preventing schools from holding students back if they lack the literacy skills to move onto the next grade because they can’t be left behind so they’re passed on.
It’s the chronic underfunding of ESL and Special Ed programs for students who need extra literacy support.
It’s the cultural devaluing of the humanities in favor of stem and business because those make more money which leads to a lot of students to completely disregard reading and writing.
It’s the learning loss from covid.
It’s covid trauma manifesting in a lot of students as learned helplessness, or an inability to “figure things out” or push through adversity to complete challenging tasks independently, especially reading difficult texts.
It’s covid normalizing cheating and copying.
It’s increasing phone use.
It’s damage to attention span exacerbated by increased phone use that leaves you without an ability to sit and be bored ever without 2-3 forms of constant stimulation.
It’s shortform video becoming the predominant form of social media content as opposed to anything text-based.
It’s starting to also be generative AI.
It’s the book bans.
what did I miss.
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minimarker · 1 month ago
one time a ranger 1 (so not law enforcement) at the state park where i worked was getting rid of a bunch of clothes so he put them all in garbage bags and dropped them off at the bunkhouse where all the seasonal employees lived and he said we could go through them before he donated them and we all took a tshirt or two and then a month later we were throwing a party and I was like "we should all wear his clothes to the party" and he came in and it took him like an hour and five drinks to suddenly be like "wait a minute.................."
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minimarker · 1 month ago
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Gonna make a lino cut to make shirts with this on them
Edit: realized I'd done a thing that drives me nuts when other people do it. Sorry about that.
צדק = tzedek, justice
חסד = chesed, lovingkindness
חוצפּה = chutzpah, audacity
תיקון עולם = tikkun olam, healing the world
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minimarker · 1 month ago
usamericans, do you remember in the incredibles when syndrome made the robot go haywire just so he could swoop in and 'save the day'
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