74 posts
Hey! I'm Doll, this is my minecraft blog.bisexual, adult, she/it/they Minecraft Username: DarkGoddessDoll
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
minecraft-doll · 3 years ago
I'm not dead I'm still here! I had a bit of an "oh no" moment where my old laptop was dying, I should be able to make much better content now due to having an entirely new laptop for home and a PC which is currently set up at my boyfriends
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minecraft-doll · 4 years ago
I'm kinda back
I have a PC now, only minor issue is the amount of time i have to access it considering it's set up at my boyfriends and I currently don't live with him.
I'm currently on the hunt for a new laptop so I can start playing and uploading frequently again. since this one is basically near screwed. all my worlds and mods are backed up on an external hard drive at least
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minecraft-doll · 4 years ago
Been a while!
Hopefully I can get this blog back up and running! So sorry for the sudden and long hiatus.
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minecraft-doll · 5 years ago
All there was to a Coral reef biome alongside a bunch of sea pickles.
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I found a larger coral reef biome about another thousand blocks away.
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minecraft-doll · 5 years ago
isn’t a block in minecraft like a metre? which would mean steve and Alex are two metres tall? I can’t remember where I heard that though (Endermen would be three metres)
so, in real life, the average pig gives around 28 pounds, or 12.7kg of meat. in minecraft, without looting, a pig will drop 1-3 - I'll say an average of 2 - pork chops.
this means that one pork chop in minecraft weighs around 6.35kg. in real life, the average person eats around 10 ounces of meat daily, or 0.283 kilograms.
this means that whenever the player eats a pork chop, they are instantly consuming over twenty-two times as much meat as the average person eats in a day. considering that it takes 2.5 pork chops to fill a person's entire hunger bar, that means that minecraft steve has to eat 42 pounds, or 19.05kg of meat (technically 56/25.4, considering the fact that a player cannot eat half a pork chop in game), or 55x (again, technically 66x) the average amount of meat a human eats in a day.
steve is a monster.
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minecraft-doll · 5 years ago
16 x 16 square house patch
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I’m doing a mini series of builds all a chunk each. this is the first of many. they’ll be tiny projects, but even so may take a while to get how i want them.
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minecraft-doll · 5 years ago
This user is in love with the new nether update.
But oh my god there’s a lot of endermen now.
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minecraft-doll · 5 years ago
These would be awesome in ruins in coral reefs
bed spawner, glass flower, coral doors... what do i request, so many possible shitposts
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Well I can do one of them right now
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minecraft-doll · 5 years ago
Debug World
The debug world in minecraft is super useful for texture making, and its a neat  little secret in the game. Here’s how to get it:
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Start by making a new world
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Change the world type to ‘Buffet’ in more world options
Now, hold shift, and click world type again. The screen should look like this:
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Now create a new world, and it should be the debug world!
It looks like this:
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It contains every block in every blockstate, so you can check if your textures are working properly.
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minecraft-doll · 5 years ago
So I spawned in on a created flatworld preset (christmas eve here!)
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Present box! never seen this before!
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minecraft-doll · 5 years ago
My villagers are dumb...
They all got stuck in the town well, lost their jobs and I wondered why they weren’t roaming around
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minecraft-doll · 5 years ago
Create a town in a Dark Oak forest clearing
(My seed is really neat, so I’m right near a woodland mansion too!)
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minecraft-doll · 5 years ago
Exposed ruins
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Not even a single ruin part is underwater (Same seed as weird plant)
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minecraft-doll · 5 years ago
Oh... okay
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Random dead plant spawned in the middle of water
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minecraft-doll · 5 years ago
Hey, Mineblr...
Need help with Minecraft mods? Optifine? Forge? Shaders? Resource packs? How to get modded leaves to wave all pretty-like?
Allow me to introduce you to my completely inclusive pretty Minecraft tutorial for 1.12.2/1.13.2/1.14*!
Don’t know which shaders to download? How to get those darn Biomes o’ Plenty leaves and flowers to wave properly? How to install Forge and Optifine into the same save file? Just want your game to look like it does in pretty Tumblr aesthetic videos? This tutorial does it all! From showing you how to get mods and shaders, to downloading the basics of Optifine and Forge (and both at once), to getting waving cherry blossom leaves, you’ll be able to find it here! Timestamps to each part of the tutorial and links to all sites, mods, shaders, and resource packs are in the description! I’ll be answering any additional questions you may have in the comments.
Happy crafting!
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minecraft-doll · 5 years ago
I also love doing this with my partner
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for @mattachinz
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minecraft-doll · 5 years ago
Minecraft emoji asks
🏃‍♀️Do you prefer to walk or sprint?
🐴 Favourite horse pattern?
🐺 Do you tend to tame wolves?
🐯 Do you tend to tame ocelots?
🦅 Favourite parrot colour?
🐈 Favourite cat colour (1.14)?
🕸 Do you kill spiders once they’re passive or leave them?
🐾 Favourite passive mob?
🌵 How do you defend your base?
🌲Favourite tree and type of wood?
🌾 Do you farm above ground or under cover?
🌷Favourite flower?
🌙 Do you spend time outside at night?
💤 Do you sleep every night?
🌍 Favourite biome?
🍗 What is your preferred source of food?
🎂 Do you tend to make cakes or more complicated food like pies or stew?
🏹 Bow and arrow or sword?
🎼 Favourite Music disc?
🗺 Do you make and use maps?
🏝Island craft or play on the mainland?
🌋 How do you deal with lava? Do you use it in your builds?
🛤 Do you build minerails? What do you use them for?
⛲️ Do you use water in your builds?
🏛 What architecture style do you build in most?
📷 Do you make gifs or share screenshots?
💎 What do you use diamonds for?
💡What is your preferred source of lighting?
🛏 What colour is your bed? (Or the one you sleep in most).
🛋 Do you build furniture for your base?
🎁 Bonus chest or no bonus chest?
❤️ Do you keep your health at max all the time?
🔱 Thoughts on the aquatic update?
🐠 Do you have a favourite tropical fish?
🔈 What sound settings do you play with? Do you play with subtitles?
🏳️ Do you use banners in your builds? Do you have a favourite dye pattern?
💀 Favourite hostile mob? Least favourite hostile mob?
🎒 What items do you typically keep on your hotbar?
🏆 What level are you on the world/ server you play on most?
🎨 Do you tend to play on creative or survival?
🖼 Do you like the default paintings? Do you have a favourite?
🔥 Have you ever had a base burn down?
💦 What particle settings do you play with?
🥕 Do you have a favourite crop?
🌐 Do you prefer to play alone or on a server?
💰 Do you trade with villagers often?
⚰️ How often do you tend to die?
🔮 Do you tend to enchant things? What are your favourite enchantments?
🍽 Do you watch your hunger level vigilantly or let it get low?
🍵 Do you like to use potions?
🐖 How much time do you spend in the nether?
🐉 Do you put much emphasis on reaching The End?
✌️ Do you ever play on peaceful? What mode do you prefer?
🐬 Do you give dolphins blocks to play with?
⚒ Do you play with or without mods? Which mods do you use?
📅 How long have you been playing minecraft?
🕹 Which edition do you play? If you play java, which version is your favourite? Which version do you typically play on?
▶️ Do you watch any minecraft YouTubers?
📦 What kind of storage system do you use? (Or describe your storage setup).
🚪 Favourite door or trap doors?
👕 What does your current skin look like?
🧚‍♀️ Do you like to use elytra?
⛏ Favourite building block?
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