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4/16/23 5:30am tarot eight of swords tower reversed queen of cups reversed lmfaooo
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Last year I finally started journaling in a way that felt good. Then I got depressed and I stopped. Then I started feeling like I wanted to start again, but now my mind is having too many thoughts and I can't write fast enough. So here we are. I'm moving today. Its 1:52 am and I think the movers are coming around 8-10am. My living room is filled with suitcases of my things. I think I only have the bathroom and kitchen left. I packed a lot of it two days ago... because I planned on renting a car and taking some stuff over to my new place by myself in hopes of shaving off time from the movers since they charge by the hour. I got to hurtz and ended up not being able to rent because they didn't accept my chime card. So when I got back home I unpacked everything and redid it all. I been feeling bouts of anxiety and feeling overwhelmed because my brain wants things done a certain way, but the way I want to do it is unecessary and time consuming. I want everything to categoracally go together based on room or type. I got myself to a halfway between that and trying to be space efficient. I know the movers would be able to pack stuff for me too but I don't want to use that time. I tried calling matty and jenna to see if they could hangout while I did stuff a little before midnight here so 9 over there. But they didn't answer and that made me sad in a far off distance type of way. Oly is sitting on my arm now so I guess thats all I got
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