minds-bodies · 28 days
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why I chose fasting!
Fasting is an ancient practice deeply rooted in spiritual tradition. It is defined as an abstinence of food and drink. There are many different ways to practice fasting with periods of fasting different in length of time, intensity, and frequency. Nearly all religions have periods of fasting as a part of their practices, such as Lent, Yom Kippur, Upavasa/Anasana, and Ramadan. This is because fasting has consistently been used for its psychological effects and ability to keep one in the present moment. Non-religious people practice fasting as well for the psychological benefits, increased discipline, and biological effects.
Fasting appealed to me for this project because of its intensity. I felt that in comparison to other options for mind body practices, this one would give me mental and bodily effects that could be easily observed and recorded. In addition, there is a lot of research performed on the biological and psychological effects of the practice. It is diverse with many different ways to practice. In all honesty, I love things that really challenge me, and I am certain that abstaining from eating for an extended period of time will be difficult. 
Vipin Sobti, researcher and professor at Panjab University, identifies some of the psychological and spiritual benefits of practicing fasting in her article Belief in Religiosity, Spiritual Well Being, and Fasting. It reduces fear of the future, presumably by allowing the individual to maintain a sense of control over their daily life. It strengthens a spiritual connection with others and a higher power, shows an increased ability to cope with life circumstances, and increases existential/spiritual wellbeing. What most appealed to me about fasting was the effect it had on self efficacy, which is defined as the belief in one's own ability to accomplish tasks with the aim of achieving a specific goal (Sobti 2010) .I believe this is a result of the discipline required to fast. It works the part of the brain associated with delaying gratification and positive reinforcement. Other examples of positive effects include self transcendence, enhanced meditation and prayer practice, increased ability to stay in the present moment, and an expanded state of consciousness (Nash 2006). 
For the sake of this project, I will be participating in a 24 hour long fast twice a week for the remainder of the semester. The fast will be a liquid fast - no solid foods. I will continue my routine practices such as yoga, daily journaling, academic work and working at my job. I will not be practicing intense strength training exercises on days that I fast, and I will not be doing the fast 2 days in a row. As a result of this practice, I expect to feel more emotionally aware, more present, more in tune with my body, more disciplined, and have a higher sense of self efficacy and satisfaction. In addition to my daily journaling practice, I will keep track of my moods and be sure to take note of any differences between my state of mind on days I do and do not fast.
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minds-bodies · 28 days
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