mindmazesworld · 3 years
How to study
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Studying is a deliberate attempt taken to understand and retain a particular subject or area of interest. We employ different approaches to enhance the way we study however, you'll realise that these studying feats are short-lived. What people normally do is they write everything down and hope they would understand and then they try repeating it over and over to per adventure internalise that information but that doesn't work very well. Instead, I'll be teaching you a study hack we call "ACTIVE RECALL". In achieving this, you need to follow these steps :
1. Own the explanation
By this I'm referring to explaining the concepts to yourself in your own words. This can be achieved by speaking to inanimate objects. It might sound weird but as you explain to an audience (the objects)in your own words not the writer's mind you, it crystallizes and becomes yours.
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2. Refer and consolidate
If there's something you missed you can look back and ask yourself "why did I miss this" not just the "whats" because this discovery will also help you minimise any forgetful cycle during studies. NB: Put a little more effort on remembering for the future.
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3. Lastly, utilize spaced repetition.
This is when you space out the amount of intervals that you recall all the information. So immediately after you "own the understanding" try recalling it in 10 minutes, followed by an hour, a day later, a couple of days later, etc depending on what you want to to use the information for.
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If you follow these approaches I can guarantee that it will revolutionize the efficacy of your studies. Always remember to study smart and not hard!
You might want to check this helpful video out by Jordan B Peterson (Professor of Psychology, University of Toronto) which talks about how to maximize a lecture and its aftermath as a learner :
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mindmazesworld · 3 years
Then and now
if time was a person, what would he regret?
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