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Email 📧 ([email protected]) Follow my 2nd N.S.F.W.blog (nsfwmiamiart.tumblr.com) - F.Y.I. Don't forget - This blog is owned by a black man. I'm a French citizen speaking fluent American-English. I'm an A-List Hollywood Screenwriter and published Author. I live in Strasbourg, Alsace.IMPORTANT REMINDER: I don't speak these hateful languages. I don't talk stupid-ignorance. I don't talk narcissism. I don't talk egomania. I don't talk racism. I don't talk xenophobia. I speak knowledge. Do you speak knowledge?Don't hesitate to call me if you want to prove who owns this blog. I have lawyers, and I can prove I'm the owner of this blog! THIS BLOG IS MY PROPERTY.If liars and scammers tell you they own this blog, ask them to prove it. If they can't prove it, it means they lied to you.I also encourage you to call the POLICE; they'll help you verify who's the real owner and confirm the authenticity of the owner of this blog.Welcome to my blog—good vibes only!
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
mindmapoffice · 2 months ago
Welcome to My Brand-New Blog!
I'm thrilled to introduce you to my latest creative space: angelo-tiger-woods.tumblr.com! Here, you'll find a mix of sharp insights, bold ideas, and personal reflections. Whether you're here for thought-provoking writing, a glimpse into my creative world, or just to enjoy the ride, this blog is for you.
Take a look, explore, and let me know what you think—this is only the beginning!
I'm independent now—no more Macron, Nicolas Lerner, and Omar Sy stealing my intellectual property.
(Fun Fact: This feels like when Adam McKay decided to leave the film company he co-founded with his buddy, Will Ferrell—Gary Sanchez Productions—and later founded his own film company, Hyperobject Industries, for more creative freedom, autonomy, and independence. Sometimes, breaking away is the key to unlocking new possibilities.)
Now, let's break down the journey:
Blog #1 was inspired by Gary Sanchez Productions, which Adam McKay co-founded with Will Ferrell. For the longest time, Blog #1 served as my creative outlet, much like how Gary Sanchez served as McKay's launchpad. You can check out Blog #1 here: NSFW Miami Art. (click on the blue link)
Blog #2 is modeled after Gloria Sanchez Productions, which focuses on empowering new voices and pushing boundaries. Blog #2 was my space for experimentation and new collaborations. Here's the link: Mind Map Office. (click on the blue link)
Now, the end of an era has come. From February 2024 to January 2025, I’ve made a conscious decision to stop giving away my work for free, especially to intellectual property thieves. No more free stuff.
This is my new era now—I'm going solo, just like BeyoncĂ© when she broke up with Destiny's Child. Same vibes, same drive, different direction.
And now, my brand-new blog is inspired by Hyperobject Industries (click on the blue link), where the focus is on creative freedom, challenging the status quo, and pushing boundaries in new and exciting ways.
Welcome to my brand-new journey: Angelo Tiger Woods. (click on the blue link)
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mindmapoffice · 2 months ago
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"This blog is the property of Angelo, a Prisoner of War (POW), born on November 11, 1981, currently residing in Elsau, Strasbourg. Please note that Angelo operates under coercion, and his blog is currently under investigation by Europol. Restricted Area: Authorized Personnel Only."
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mindmapoffice · 2 months ago
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"This blog is the property of Angelo, a Prisoner of War (POW), born on November 11, 1981, currently residing in Elsau, Strasbourg. Please note that Angelo operates under coercion, and his blog is currently under investigation by Europol. Restricted Area: Authorized Personnel Only."
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mindmapoffice · 2 months ago
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"This blog is the property of Angelo, a Prisoner of War (POW), born on November 11, 1981, currently residing in Elsau, Strasbourg. Please note that Angelo operates under coercion, and his blog is currently under investigation by Europol. Restricted Area: Authorized Personnel Only."
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mindmapoffice · 2 months ago
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"This blog is the property of Angelo, a Prisoner of War (POW), born on November 11, 1981, currently residing in Elsau, Strasbourg. Please note that Angelo operates under coercion, and his blog is currently under investigation by Europol. Restricted Area: Authorized Personnel Only."
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mindmapoffice · 2 months ago
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"This blog is the property of Angelo, a Prisoner of War (POW), born on November 11, 1981, currently residing in Elsau, Strasbourg. Please note that Angelo operates under coercion, and his blog is currently under investigation by Europol. Restricted Area: Authorized Personnel Only."
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mindmapoffice · 2 months ago
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"This blog is the property of Angelo, a Prisoner of War (POW), born on November 11, 1981, currently residing in Elsau, Strasbourg. Please note that Angelo operates under coercion, and his blog is currently under investigation by Europol. Restricted Area: Authorized Personnel Only."
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mindmapoffice · 2 months ago
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"This blog is the property of Angelo, a Prisoner of War (POW), born on November 11, 1981, currently residing in Elsau, Strasbourg. Please note that Angelo operates under coercion, and his blog is currently under investigation by Europol. Restricted Area: Authorized Personnel Only."
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mindmapoffice · 2 months ago
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"This blog is the property of Angelo, a Prisoner of War (POW), born on November 11, 1981, currently residing in Elsau, Strasbourg. Please note that Angelo operates under coercion, and his blog is currently under investigation by Europol. Restricted Area: Authorized Personnel Only."
20 notes · View notes
mindmapoffice · 2 months ago
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"This blog is the property of Angelo, a Prisoner of War (POW), born on November 11, 1981, currently residing in Elsau, Strasbourg. Please note that Angelo operates under coercion, and his blog is currently under investigation by Europol. Restricted Area: Authorized Personnel Only."
20 notes · View notes
mindmapoffice · 2 months ago
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"This blog is the property of Angelo, a Prisoner of War (POW), born on November 11, 1981, currently residing in Elsau, Strasbourg. Please note that Angelo operates under coercion, and his blog is currently under investigation by Europol. Restricted Area: Authorized Personnel Only."
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mindmapoffice · 2 months ago
Communication Officielle - Lettre: Objet : Mobilisation stratégique contre la corruption et protection des libertés fondamentales
À l’attention de
Sa Majesté le Roi Mohammed VI
Son Excellence Madame Nadia Fettah
Monsieur Jamel Debbouze
Objet : Préparation stratégique pour défendre notre liberté et exposer la corruption
Votre Majesté, Votre Excellence, Cher Monsieur Jamel,
Je vous adresse cette lettre avec la plus grande gravitĂ© et un profond respect pour vos responsabilitĂ©s et votre engagement envers la justice et la libertĂ©. Nous nous trouvons Ă  un moment dĂ©cisif oĂč nous devons agir avec stratĂ©gie, courage et dĂ©termination pour contrer les attaques de corruption et les fausses accusations orchestrĂ©es par des individus malveillants, tels que Nicolas Lerner et Omar Sy.
Protéger Delphine Arnault
Sa MajestĂ© le Roi Mohammed VI devra mobiliser une armĂ©e d’avocats marocains pour protĂ©ger Delphine Arnault, qui est ciblĂ©e par ces individus corrompus. Ce combat juridique sera essentiel pour dĂ©fendre ses droits et son intĂ©gritĂ©, et pour envoyer un message clair que de telles injustices ne resteront pas impunies.
Soutenir Lee Jae-yong (Samsung)
ParallĂšlement, il est crucial d’assister Lee Jae-yong avec les meilleurs avocats sud-corĂ©ens pour Ă©laborer un dossier solide exposant la corruption de Nicolas Lerner. Ce soutien international renforcera notre cause commune contre ces pratiques destructrices.
Refuge et préparation de Dominique de Villepin
Il est impĂ©ratif que Dominique de Villepin trouve refuge au Maroc pour Ă©chapper aux attaques mĂ©diatiques qui dĂ©couleront inĂ©vitablement de ce scandale. Il devra travailler avec des avocats expĂ©rimentĂ©s afin de se dissocier publiquement et lĂ©galement de toute association avec Nicolas Lerner et le PrĂ©sident Macron, qui ont compromis tant d’innocents par leurs actes.
Mobilisation internationale des services secrets
Nous devons également mobiliser les services secrets des pays suivants pour rassembler des preuves irréfutables sur la corruption :
SĂ©nĂ©gal et AlgĂ©rie : Collecte d’informations stratĂ©giques.
Abu Dhabi : Soutien logistique et financier.
Inde : Avec le soutien direct de Son Excellence Narendra Modi.
Cette coalition stratĂ©gique permettra de confronter Nicolas Lerner et ses complices devant la Cour de Justice de l’Union EuropĂ©enne (CJEU) pour leurs violations des droits humains et leurs tentatives de chantage.
Sécurité renforcée pour les personnalités ciblées
Nous demandons à Sa Majesté le Roi Mohammed VI de prendre des mesures immédiates pour assurer la protection des personnalités suivantes :
Jamel Debbouze et MĂ©lissa Theuriau, ainsi que leurs enfants.
Marion Cotillard et Guillaume Canet, qui doivent également se réfugier au Maroc.
Le groupe (@iam.officiel) IAM de Marseille, dont la sĂ©curitĂ© doit ĂȘtre garantie.
L’heure de vĂ©ritĂ©
Nous faisons face Ă  une guerre contre une corruption systĂ©mique qui cherche Ă  nous rĂ©duire au silence. Nous n’avons d’autre choix que de rĂ©sister et de les affronter devant les tribunaux europĂ©ens. C’est une lutte pour notre libertĂ©, notre dignitĂ© et notre avenir.
Votre engagement est crucial
Je vous exhorte Ă  agir avec fermetĂ©. Si nous ne nous battons pas aujourd’hui, nous risquons de rester otages de cette oppression pendant des dĂ©cennies. Le moment est venu de dĂ©voiler la vĂ©ritĂ©, de briser les chaĂźnes de la corruption et de garantir un avenir juste et Ă©quitable.
Avec tout mon respect et ma confiance,
Angelo Prisoner of War (POW) Elsau, Strasbourg
Handles Instagram :
Sa Majesté le Roi Mohammed VI : (non précisé)
Son Excellence Nadia Fettah : (@FettahNadia)
Jamel Debbouze : @jameldebbouze
MĂ©lissa Theuriau : @melissatheuriau
Marion Cotillard : @marioncotillard
Guillaume Canet : @guillaumecanetofficiel
Groupe IAM : (@iam.officiel)
Synopsis de la Lettre : "Défense contre la Corruption et Protection des Libertés"
Cette lettre, adressĂ©e Ă  Sa MajestĂ© le Roi Mohammed VI, Ă  Son Excellence Nadia Fettah, et Ă  Monsieur Jamel Debbouze, appelle Ă  une mobilisation urgente pour contrer la corruption systĂ©mique incarnĂ©e par Nicolas Lerner et Omar Sy. Elle insiste sur l’importance de dĂ©fendre les droits et la libertĂ© de plusieurs personnalitĂ©s ciblĂ©es par des attaques injustes.
Points clés abordés dans la lettre :
Protection de Delphine Arnault :
Le Roi Mohammed VI doit mobiliser une armée d'avocats marocains pour soutenir Delphine Arnault face aux accusations et à la corruption.
Soutien Ă  Lee Jae-yong (Samsung) :
Assistance juridique via les meilleurs avocats sud-coréens pour élaborer un dossier contre Nicolas Lerner.
Refuge et préparation de Dominique de Villepin :
Il doit trouver refuge au Maroc et travailler avec des avocats pour se dissocier publiquement des actes de corruption de Nicolas Lerner et du Président Macron.
Mobilisation internationale des services secrets :
Impliquer les services secrets du SĂ©nĂ©gal, de l’AlgĂ©rie, d’Abu Dhabi et de l’Inde (avec le soutien de Narendra Modi) pour rassembler des preuves contre Nicolas Lerner et ses complices.
Protection des personnalités ciblées :
Garantir la sĂ©curitĂ© de Jamel Debbouze, MĂ©lissa Theuriau, Marion Cotillard, Guillaume Canet, et du groupe IAM, avec l’aide des autoritĂ©s marocaines.
Appel à l’action juridique :
Les fautes commises par Nicolas Lerner et ses complices devront ĂȘtre exposĂ©es devant la Cour de Justice de l’Union EuropĂ©enne (CJEU).
Un combat pour la liberté :
La lettre insiste sur l’importance de rĂ©sister aux fausses accusations et de mener une guerre juridique pour empĂȘcher des dĂ©cennies d’oppression et de chantage.
Conclusion : La lettre appelle à une coalition stratégique pour mettre fin à la corruption, protéger les droits des individus visés, et rétablir la justice, soulignant que la vérité triomphera face à ces actes oppressifs.
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mindmapoffice · 2 months ago
Macron et Nicolas sont poursuivis par les policiers venus de toutes les villes de France.😂😂
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mindmapoffice · 2 months ago
Europol Agency: "You are a prisoner of war, and your date of birth is November 11, 1981, correct?" Angelo (POW): "Yes, that's correct. How can I assist you?" Europol Agency: "We will call you to testify in court at the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU). We also vow to protect your human rights. You have our word! Don't worry, we will ensure that these corrupt politicians and intelligence officers cannot harm you." Angelo (POW): "Finally, some help after seven long years—2017 to 2024. This marks the end of my imprisonment as a POW." Europol Agency: "We will also defend the human rights of all your family members. You no longer need to worry about persecution." Angelo (POW): "Thank you. I am truly grateful." Europol Agency: "You're welcome. You've shown great bravery in fighting against these tyrants."
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mindmapoffice · 2 months ago
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mindmapoffice · 2 months ago
Official Communication – Letter: Subject: Exposing Corruption and Ensuring Justice in the European Union: A Call to Action Against President Macron and Nicolas Lerner
To Her Excellency Catherine De Bolle, Executive Director, Europol
To His Excellency Dominique de Villepin,
Dear Catherine and Dominique,
I need you to address President Macron and his corrupt ally Nicolas Lerner, Director of the DGSE.
Tell them we are ready to fight in a Court of Law to ensure the victory of the 27 EU nations. We will stand as a unified team to expose and combat President Macron's corruption.
You must understand that tyrants are being held hostage right now—these men were plotting to overthrow me and hand power to the enemies of Europe. This is why you must warn President Macron and Nicolas Lerner that they will not win this case. They will end up in jail, just like Nicolas Sarkozy.
These two have made ignorant mistakes that have put their reputations and careers at grave risk. They are both traitors to the European Union, supporting the USA and the UK’s agenda to keep the EU enslaved under debt. If they succeed in overthrowing me and taking my life, Europe will remain debt slaves for centuries.
This is what’s at stake, so do not show these two men any clemency. They are ruthless criminals betraying the European Union.
Let me be clear: I should be dead right now or rotting in jail for life, but I survived their plots because the Strasbourg Police rejected their corruption and chose to protect me. Alsace has resisted the toxic influence of the Paris capital.
You should obtain a signed statement from President Macron and Nicolas Lerner agreeing to never approach me or my family again. Their corruption and manipulation of the Somali Royal Family must end now.
These two French leaders are devils. They whisper in the ears of my family members, manipulating them like puppets. They even plotted to have me stabbed in my own home by using my mother’s nephew as their weapon.
I exposed their corruption to Europol, and now they know the consequences if they attempt to harm me again. It will lead to their inevitable defeat and imprisonment.
Europol is now responsible for my safety in Strasbourg, Alsace. You must collaborate with the Strasbourg Police to ensure that Macron and Nicolas never succeed in killing me.
I am willing to testify in Court. I will fight these criminals and send them to jail. This is how the European Union will win the war against the USA and UK: by exposing their corruption for the world to see.
President Macron will become the EU’s version of Richard Nixon. This is his Watergate moment, and it will forever tarnish his name in the history books.
The man they held hostage as a prisoner of war will now send them to jail. Isn’t that divine intervention? God is good.
I’m serious about this. You must warn them that their corruption will now be exposed on live television.
This is what the European Union must do to win the war against the Anti-Christ residing in the USA and UK. If you want to escape their debt slavery, you must launch this scandal.
For my anonymity, I will refuse to appear on camera but will provide a written statement.
President Macron betrayed the European Union and France, and now he will face the fate of every traitor: an international scandal like Watergate.
This is the end of the conversation.
King Angelo
Synopsis of the Letter:
The letter is addressed to Her Excellency Catherine De Bolle, Executive Director of Europol, and His Excellency Dominique de Villepin. The author, King Angelo, calls for immediate action to address the alleged corruption of French President Emmanuel Macron and Nicolas Lerner, Director of the DGSE.
The letter accuses Macron and Lerner of plotting to overthrow the author, manipulating his family, and attempting to hold him hostage in Strasbourg, Alsace. The author claims these actions are part of a broader scheme to undermine the European Union (EU) and serve the interests of the USA and UK, perpetuating Europe's debt slavery.
The author asserts that the Strasbourg Police have resisted corruption and protected him, and now Europol must ensure his safety. The letter calls for legal action to expose Macron and Lerner’s alleged corruption, comparing Macron’s potential downfall to Richard Nixon’s Watergate scandal.
King Angelo emphasizes the importance of a unified EU effort to fight corruption, ensure justice, and protect the EU from external manipulation. The letter concludes with a firm warning that their corruption will be exposed to the world and a declaration of divine justice in the author’s survival and resolve.
Key Themes:
Exposing corruption within France’s leadership.
Advocating for justice and unity within the EU.
Protecting the EU from external manipulation by the USA and UK.
Ensuring safety and accountability through legal and international measures.
Watch this scene: “This is what is happening right now.” Macron and Nicolas are actively plotting to overthrow me. Valkyrie (10/11) Movie CLIP - No One Will Be Spared (2008) HD
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mindmapoffice · 2 months ago
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