mind-of-a-crow · 17 hours
survived checking my bank account. i deserve a little treat
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mind-of-a-crow · 17 hours
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mind-of-a-crow · 17 hours
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mind-of-a-crow · 17 hours
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Columbian Black-Tailed Deer | MRNP
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mind-of-a-crow · 18 hours
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mind-of-a-crow · 18 hours
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12K notes · View notes
mind-of-a-crow · 18 hours
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mind-of-a-crow · 18 hours
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by yomargey
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mind-of-a-crow · 3 days
one thing about me is I am gonna read a merlin fic. no doubt about it will I be reading a merlin fic. which one? any. all. I scour ao3 every day for my newest find and you best believe I will find. and also read. I take my merlin fan fiction reading Very Seriously
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mind-of-a-crow · 3 days
Oh. He like. Actually fucks the troll. Okay
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mind-of-a-crow · 3 days
I understand why people like making Uther homophobic but it's just so much funnier if he's completely fine with Arthur being gay but draws the line at his potential boyfriend having magic
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mind-of-a-crow · 3 days
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Merlin: *chanting loudly while holding his hands up and eyes glowing*
Arthur: must have been the wind
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mind-of-a-crow · 5 days
Leon: The next person that says "weird flex but okay" is going to get punched in the face.
Gwaine, dramatically: Preposterous boast but alas, my good bitch.
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mind-of-a-crow · 5 days
Post-fall when hannibal and will had kidnapped bedelia i just KNOW that bedelia would call out will or just bicker with him like in s3 and then will would be like "i'd advise you to be quiet Bedelia if you don't want to lose your tongue next" and hannibal would be smiling at that SO hard
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mind-of-a-crow · 5 days
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mind-of-a-crow · 5 days
I think my favorite genre of fanfiction is when the author says something like "this was meant to be 3 chapters but it's actually going to be 5" in the notes at the end of a chapter and you can look up at the chapter count and it's like 15 or something
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mind-of-a-crow · 8 days
At King Emry's Court: Full Scene
(The badass King Merlin AU)
Excerpt: Arthur frowned a little, ready to complain, before remembering himself. "You speak of justice…" "I never said anything about justice." Arthur frowned at the interruption again. "I've given your father three options. I offered him peace, I offered him ignorance and I offered him war; the only thing I did after that was make him aware that actions have consequences. This is what this is about; not revenge, not justice, but simple cause and effect."
In the middle of nowhere, northwest from Albion, was the island known by magic users as Elysium. Elysium seemed to have appeared out of nowhere, nobody had ever heard about it until about twenty years after Uther Pendragon started his war against magic.
Slowly, rumors of this island began to grow and eventually what was only a myth became real. Some kingdoms of Albion turned their eyes to the island; interested in their growing economy, the chance to trade with them and the chance to forge alliances. Soon enough the island that was known to be the magic users paradise — their hiding place if you will — became a bustling and well succeeded kingdom.
The King of Elysium was known mostly by name, a hooded figure by the name of Emrys. Few were the people that knew his face, most of them were part of the select group he chose to manage the island while he was away.
Emrys was rarely seen, his way of ruling the kingdom was different than everything one might have seen before for Emrys rarely stayed at the island, leaving it on the hands of his chosen few.
The chosen few were known as the seven, most of their identities were also unknown as they all chose to wear a hooded cape at all times, so they were mostly known as their assigned number.
As the Kingdom grew in strength and wealth, Uther Pendragon began losing allies and what was once seen as a strong man with a just fight in the name of good, was slowly turning into a madman thirsty for revenge and bloodshed.
Trying to save face, King Uther scheduled a visit to the island. He was indeed curious about the kingdom and about Emrys himself, but with his visit he hoped to learn their weaknesses and find enough information to create doubt amongst the other kingdoms of Albion and turn them against magic once more.
King Emrys kindly invited Camelot's party to spend the harvest celebrations with them, a week-long festival where both magic-folk and humans thanked the goddess and the land for the given provisions for the winter. Along with King Uther, Prince Arthur and a handful of servants and knights went on their way to meet the mysterious island.
Upon arrival, Camelot's party were welcomed by the seven, the man and woman that managed the island in Emrys absence. Uther didn't like it, he wanted nothing more than meet the man that dared to go against him, but Emrys was nowhere to be seen.
After two days of not finding the sorcerer, Uther demanded a meeting with Emrys' court and was surprised when he found out that even if his wish for a meeting was granted, Emrys himself still wouldn't see him.
Merlin was Prince Arthur's manservant — he had been for years as a reward for saving Arthur's life — and as the prince's servant he was granted the privilege of joining them on their visit to the island. But Merlin was more than a servant — in Prince Arthur's eyes he was closer to a friend — so Merlin also had the honour to be allowed in council meetings.
That's why Merlin now sat at the back of the room watching as King Uther made angry demands at Elysium's court, screaming at the councilwoman that had been introduced as the main representative and the second of the seven. He watched as the woman was interrupted again and again, as she tried to reason with the mad king that demanded to see Emrys and made threats of war.
He had had enough, there was nothing the woman could do against Uther, especially in the state he was in. Merlin took a step forward, and then another, slowly letting his secret seep out of him.
Upon noticing his movement, some of Elysium's councilmen and women started to move as well, until one of them raised their voice to say "All rise for the Lord Emrys," and Merlin fully let his magic out, allowing it to change his garments into ones more befitting of a king. He walked to his seat at the center of the room and, upon reaching it, turned around taking in the many emotions passing through the faces of Camelot's citizens that were in the room.
Uther's face was red as he restarted his complaints, this time filled with accusations, insults, and even more threats.
"You are nothing but a lowly servant!"
Merlin had enough, he had been done with Uther a long time ago and now he was filled with a rage he hasn't felt in a long time.
"I'm aware of what I am, Uther Pendragon." he started, his voice growing louder in order to compete with Uther's own screaming. "I am a peasant. I was born to grow crops," Merlin continued his speech standing up slowly.
"I was born to scrub floors, polish boots and clean chamber-pots. I was never suppose to be King, I wasn't suppose to have people depending on me, on my choices; I wasn't supposed to have to lead anyone or give anyone hope."
Merlin walked towards Uther, staring him dead in the eyes with such intensity that brought a golden gleam to his still blue irises.
"I never once asked for riches, for power; and I never asked to be King."
He stopped right in front of Uther, still staring at him, and brought his voice down. "You are the one who gave me this crown."
Uther had his face completely red, a vein in his forehead threatening to pop.
"You can scream all you want," Merlin continued, turning around and heading back to his seat. "You can hate me and my people, my kind; you can try and make demands and threats, but I assure you, you will not have it your way."
"Then you have chosen war." Uther said when Merlin paused his speech long enough to sit down.
Merlin looked at the small man in front of him with a mixture of disbelief and amusement.
"War?" He snorted, "you can't go to war with me, Uther. How would that even work?"
Merlin smiled and frowned his eyebrows. "We are in an island, Camelot has no ships of its own. You are here because you used my ships." He leaned back.
"Besides, who says I want war with Camelot? I actually quite like the place, you know? I have a bunch of friends there."
"Camelot is no friend of magic users, we will fight to rid the world of your little nest of pests."
Merlin dropped his smile, his eyes grew sharp once again as he focused on Uther, and he let out a sigh. "By the goddess you are tiresome."
He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees.
"Here's the deal, I will give you three options to choose from. You can choose whatever one you like most, I'll be happy with any of them."
Uther seemed ready to speak again but never got the chance.
"Option number one: We sign a peace treaty similar to the ones I have with other kingdoms where we'll begin to plan trade routs and the such to start collaborating with each other, but you will have to stop your persecution and the bloodshed against my people," Merlin scrunched up his nose. "I'll not even demand that you lift the ban completely, merely that the punishment fits the crime committed and that you stop actively hunting us down."
Uther's face was getting closer to purple and he opened up his mouth. "Option number two," Merlin said louder before Uther restarted his hate speech.
"We sign an armistice and you go back to pretend this place doesn't exist and we will do the same with Camelot."
Merlin leaned back again, "which brings us to option number three: war"
Uther looked taken aback for a second that war was actually in one of his 'options', he looked eager to respond but Merlin raised his hand interrupting him again.
"Let me explain something about option number three before you choose. First of all, even if you manage to find ships to bring your knights across the sea, I assure you they will not make it to the port. The only ships that can anchor at my shores are the ones I allow to."
Merlin let the information sink in before continuing.
"Secondly, even if you manage to bring your man to my island you'll still have the three levels of protection shields that won't allow you to pass. Not mentioning the amount of magic users that would be eager to get their own personal revenge against anyone wearing Camelot's colours."
Merlin shook his head in disapproval.
"Finally, and this is the main one so pay attention; if you do choose to go to war against me, if you are so eager to erase magic from earth that you decide to go out of your way to persecute my kind in this sacred place; I promise you that no knight, no soldier, no innocent human from Camelot or otherwise, will be harmed in your foolish war. The only person that will face consequences if you seek war against my kingdom will be yourself, Uther Pendragon, and I'll make sure of it."
Merlin leaned forward again and rested his chin on his hands. "It's about time you start taking responsibility for your own mistakes, and assume the consequences of them like the man and king you were supposed to be."
The room went silent. Merlin's threat hang heavily in the air taking away the voices of everyone in the room, even from his own council who did not expect that decision. They all knew Merlin loved Camelot, and that he had a soft spot for it's prince.
"You dare to threaten me."
Merlin's eyebrows went up and a startled laugh escaped in a breath and soon turned into a giggle fit that was joined by the rest of Elysium's council.
"You are joking, right?"
"I demand a fair combat between our kingdoms, as a war is supposed to be."
"You are joking, right?" Merlin repeated. "You are not sitting in front of me, demanding war with people that you have murdered for decades and suddenly decide that you are pro-fairness just because things aren't going your way. Because if you are… well that's amusing, really. And befitting"
Merlin cleaned dry tears from his eyes.
"You threaten to murder me…"
"Murder? No, I don't recall saying that. I said that if you went with the warpath there would be consequences and you would be the only one to pay for them. In fact," he looked at the seven man and women he trusted most, the ones that ran his kingdom for him. "I'll tell you what, you have until the end of the week to make a decision, meanwhile councilwomen two and six will gather this week to decide what your fate will be if you choose the warpath."
"And how is that fair?" Arthur spoke and for the first time since Merlin left his place at the back and took his seat as Emrys, Merlin dared to look at him.
While Merlin knew Arthur better than the man knew himself, right now Arthur was using his court face, and even if usually he could read right past that as well, all Merlin could see right now was his steadfast gaze looking right back at him.
"Councilwoman two is a non-magic user, she helps us see the things by the point of view of those who have no magic at all but still have to live with it; councilwoman number six is a magic-user who lived in Camelot for a while, she was on her way to take matters in her own hands when I convinced her otherwise and she came to my island instead."
Merlin rested his chin on his hands again.
"I usually don't mind taking part on the decision-making — of course not, how could I? — but in this case I fear my judgment might be a little…" He let his gaze wander away and land back on the prince. "Compromised."
"I see the reasoning for your councilwomen choice, but how can I be certain that what they'll chose will be fair?"
Merlin let a smirk escape, both from the irony of the word fair related to Uther and for Arthur himself. Then he shook his head.
"You are forgetting that he doesn't have to choose that path."
"I think we both know the likeliness of that."
"What would you have me do, then?"
Merlin watched as a glimpse of surprise escaped through Arthur's mask, followed by a hint of doubt before both of them were suppressed again.
"Let me…"
"No." Merlin interrupted him before he could even start, there was no way he would let Arthur decide his own father's fate if it ever came down to it.
Arthur frowned a little, ready to complain, before remembering himself. "You speak of justice…"
"I never said anything about justice." Arthur frowned at the interruption again.
"I've given your father three options. I offered him peace, I offered him ignorance and I offered him war; the only thing I did after that was make him aware that actions have consequences. This is what this is about; not revenge, not justice, but simple cause and effect."
Arthur stared at Merlin with tight lips, he didn't like what Merlin had said but he also didn't have a good enough argument to go against his reasoning.
Merlin kept his gaze focused on Arthur's face trying to catch another glimpse of his emotions. He could feel his frustration and annoyance but most of all, he knew Arthur feared for his father.
"However" He continued, "I can see your point of view and after careful consideration I have come to realized that perhaps you might have a point."
Arthur looked shocked, not just a glimpse that was escaping through his mask, no, Arthur was completely shocked and it was clear for everyone to see.
"Well of course I have a point"
Arthur scrunched his nose in annoyance and Merlin smiled. Maybe things would be alright in the end.
"Like I was saying, you made me realize that it would be interesting to have the point-of-view of someone that has been directly under King Uther's rule and isn't connected to magic in any way in the decision making process, so I'll allow you, Prince Arthur, to chose someone from your party to speak on your kingdom's behalf."
Uther talked back at that. "If anyone should be choosing my representative, it should be me!"
Merlin had honestly forgotten Uther was still there, in fact he was so focused on Arthur that he forgot that everybody else who wasn't him were still there. He was so glad he didn't see any trace of hate in his prince's eyes that the rest of the world didn't seem to be attention worthy.
Granted, Arthur still had his mask on, but the glimpses Merlin managed to see earlier were all hatred-free, so Merlin was hopeful and if everything turned out not horrible, Merlin was considering to create a new holiday to celebrate this day.
"Honestly, Uther, the fact that you still think you have any say in my court baffles me. You entered here spitting rage and making demands like some kind of entitled child, why you would think I would let you make any decision about anything after that makes me severely concerned for your kingdom, and that's coming from someone who's been living there."
Uther spluttered.
"Arthur is choosing because the argument was his, because he seems to have his bearings and, honestly? Because he's more likable than you."
Uther's mouth opened slightly and Merlin noticed a small smile creeping up Arthur's mouth.
"Now, Prince Arthur, I'm going to need a name but if you allow me an advice, I'd tell you to choose for the kingdom, not for the man."
Arthur looked back at him in the way he always did when he thought Merlin had said something uncharacteristically wise, except this time it came with a weight Merlin couldn't place.
Merlin didn't know but Arthur was looking at him with admiration, Merlin always confused him in the sense that he seemed so much more than just a servant, like Merlin had the heart of a noble and the wisdom of a king. Now that he knew the truth about him, everything seemed to fall into place.
Merlin always had that aura around him — especially when giving Arthur advice — of someone that was destined for greatness. Learning that he was Emrys made so much sense that while looking at him right now, sitting in a throne leading and protecting his kind with certainty, Arthur didn't find it in himself room to be angry about it. Not when that scene felt so right that he wondered why he never realized how magnificent Merlin would look with a crown.
Arthur looked around the room for a while, seemingly measuring the men that had come with them.
"I can have someone brought from Camelot before lunchtime if you don't have what you need here," Merlin offered and Arthur looked surprised at him.
Merlin knew who he would've chosen. It seemed obvious to him but maybe Arthur had a different strategy.
"I choose Sir Leon," he turned to the man himself "If you feel like you're up to the task."
"It would be my honour, Sire." He bowed in agreement.
"Wonderful!" Merlin clapped his hands once which seemed to startle a few people. He smiled at Arthur's good choice before continuing. "Sir Leon will be joining the second and the sixth throughout this week to reach a mutual decision about what would be an appropriate outcome." He waved at each of them as he spoke.
"Meanwhile," he continued. "King Uther has a week to reach a decision of his own about what is to be done with both our kingdoms. While he does so I want to remind the court that the Camelot party are still our guests and must continue to be treated as such."
He looked back at Uther, "you are all, of course, still invited to partake in our harvest celebrations — there's no need for bad blood between us while a decision hasn't been made — and you are all free to explore the kingdom as you will, I just ask you all not to wander through our forests by yourselves, they have a tendency to be purposefully confusing."
He turned his gaze to his court.
"In the interest of full transparency, not more courtly meetings will be held until we gather again in a week to hear Camelot's position, all non-urgent matters shall be postpone to the week after, and the urgent ones can be brought directly to me."
"You will regret this." Uther interrupted, his voice filled with poison and disdain. "You think you can spy on me and my kingdom without consequences, I'll make you pay for your lies and your sins."
The room felt heavy again, Merlin was just tired.
"Can't wait to hear all about it next week. Court dismissed."
He stood up and his court stood with him, differently from what is done in Camelot, the Elysium court always waited for him to leave the room first before leaving their places. He wasn't sure when this began being their way but he had a suspicion it started because Merlin hated attending court and always were the first at the door when it was over.
Camelot's household watched in silence as the whole room of Elysium's court stood in place waiting for their king to leave through the door before moving to leave themselves.
It wasn't long after Merlin left that he began hearing the familiar footsteps following after him. They were strong and decisive and were marching straight towards him with purpose, soon enough he felt a strong hand around his arm and long nails digging at his sleeve. "I want him dead"
"And what else is new?"
He felt the nails digging deeper and he was forced to stop. He turned around and found himself face to face with green eyes filled with anger and annoyance.
"This isn't a joke, Merlin. Uther should die, this is the only way."
"You heard my decision, Morgana." Merlin stared back at her with a steady gaze, they had had that discussion many times before and while Morgana always complied with his decision of not going for Uther's throat, it didn't mean she was happy about it. "It's not me you have to convince of that."
"You really think Leon and Hunith will let me sentence him to death? Have you met them? They don't understand, Merlin, not like we do."
Merlin's gaze softened as he stared at her. "Do you know why I chose you to be part of the seven?"
"Because I'm powerful and have understanding of courtly matters."
"That helps, of course, but that was not the reason." Morgana's stance softened in surprise.
"Was it out of guilt?"
"Some kind of gift to apologize for the poison?"
Merlin was taken aback with surprise, it had been a while since he thought about that day. "I thought we had put that behind us."
"We did." She sounded relieved.
"Morgana, I chose you because I trust you to fight for our kind in a way I'm not able to. You are angry, and while you might not be out for revenge anymore, it doesn't mean you would casually dismiss it like I would. But most of all, I chose you because after everything you've been through in Camelot, after Uther and after me, you still managed to maintain enough heart to not give in. I admire you, Morgana. You have a strength in you that can inspire people to follow you. I'm lucky to have you by my side and I trust you to make the right decision."
Morgana looked at him in shock, she seemed so vulnerable like this, with big doe eyes that seemed to be staring at the sun for the first time. It was gone quickly enough, she looked down and recomposed herself. "It's because of you, you know?"
"Me? I was under the impression that I made things worse."
"You did, at first, but you reached out to me later and didn't give up. I don't know what would have become of me if you hadn't. The path Morgause was taking us was not one I'd dare to follow today, it came from a place of despair and anger and I would have walked down that road with her til the end if it weren't for your persistence. We might have ended up in different sides of this war."
"I see. I'm glad it didn't came to it then."
"So am I." They smiled at each other before Merlin turned again and offered her his arm. "So, tell me, how's Morgause doing? Did she find new apprentices?"
She took his arm and laughed, "oh, you wouldn't believe it, those poor girls."
They continued their journey down the hallways of Elysium Castle, chatting and gossiping like old friends. Merlin knew there was still much to be done, he still had to find Arthur and explain himself to his prince, and he knew Uther wouldn't spend this week in silence. Just imagining the headache he could bring for his people left him slightly out of breath.
But that was a problem for another time, right now he just wanted to enjoy the pleasant company of one of his dearests friends in the world without any drama to stain it. "Anyway, let's talk about the way Arthur was looking at you, don't think I didn't notice."
Or not
"Did you hear that? I think I heard Lord Erick calling me." He let go of her and started sprinting away while laughing.
"Merlin! Come back here! You will not get away from this conversation! Merlin!" her voice echoed through the hallway as Merlin ran away with the wind.
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