mimiflieder · 5 years
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me: what could i dr- my brain: KAZEMARU
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mimiflieder · 6 years
aa thank you!! and also pls breathe, you need your oxygen!!
and i love fukaze too!! one of inazumas best ships tbh
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can you tell i like glowy effects? bc those were so much fun omg
also fukaze is probably my favourite inazuma ship? and i can’t even tell you how that came to be bc i rlly rlly didn’t like fudou for a long time. but now i think he’s actually one of the most interesting characters!
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mimiflieder · 6 years
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enyaga replied to your photo “can you tell i like glowy effects? bc those were so much fun omg also...”
The colouring and lighting effects look wonderful! Great job!
Thank you!! the glowy effects were the most fun out of everything tbh, the coluring was kind of difficult for some reason this time..
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mimiflieder · 6 years
your art is gorgeous im in love. thank you so much for creating such amazing works
omg thank you!! i only recently got back into drawing again so hearing this makes me rlly happy!!
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mimiflieder · 6 years
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can you tell i like glowy effects? bc those were so much fun omg
also fukaze is probably my favourite inazuma ship? and i can’t even tell you how that came to be bc i rlly rlly didn’t like fudou for a long time. but now i think he’s actually one of the most interesting characters!
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mimiflieder · 6 years
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finally done with the lineart!! those frills made me crazy rip
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mimiflieder · 6 years
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i recently browsed through some inazuma beta designs and absolutely fell in love with beta!natsumi!! that low ponytail with that big ass bow is just too cute!! it would have suited her so much and set her off more from the other girls who pretty much just have their hair down... 
i’m not rlly up to date with ares but her casual clothes look super cute aswell!!
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mimiflieder · 7 years
oh my God, I realized a MONTH late that you recommended one of my fics. I'm very ashamed that I never finished it tbh.... I did so much research for it too! (all places except the school do actually exist) I tried to get back into it... but after all this time I couldn't.. I'm still happy that you consider it a good read!!
Hi I’m just gonna leave some  links to some of my utmost fave doujin +fanfics cuz why not, begin the year with some good stories. I want people to read these cuz man are they GOOD!! ( They’re all shipping stories, go figure)
Lemme start with fics! woo 
Azure: Its a Tsunatachi fic  by @mimiflieder, its not completed but man its soooooo fluffy and cute, and just really sweet!!! Tachi has Tsunami visit over winter break and are just two very in love gays.
Reality is lonely: It’s sweet and just a tad bit sad, makes you think about growing up and that’s pretty deep tbh. Tsunatachi but takes place during GO!!
My snow angel:  Ohhhhhh boy, this is a hella long fic. It’s beautiful, and pure and super creative. Also,,,, it’s Fubuyuki….  but it’s so amazing. Probably the fic I recommend the most ^^
Where I end you begin: Pinkpiano!!  Just pure and sweet, very detailed too and just plain enjoyable and fluffiness that is very good for the soul
Yayy let’s begin with doujin !!!
( also nsfw warning for like… all of them, ehhhdontjudgeme)
Green eyed monster: First off I wanna say this is the first time a hentai has made me cry so goddamn much. Even if it’s pretty messed up, just read it. Please. You will love it especially if you love the feels and angst. It talks about the three aliea boys the whole time, Gazelle and Gran mostly. Plus the illustrations are GORGEOUS!!!!!! uhh rape warning I guess??
Hand in hand: OML THE FLUFFFFF  (evenifit'shentai) The art style is adorable as hell, and so detailed and well illustrated!! It’s a very sweet and sort of feelsy type of story, very good at lifting up the mood tbh. Endou and tachi are the main characters!! So there’s a plus >v<
Won’t stop crossdressing: Mann. I love this one, it takes place during the time Sakuma and Genda were under the influence of the meteorite stone. Sakuma is always hanging around Genda after helping him, and …. you just have to read!! Gensaku.
Anyway, I hope you guys like what I put… these stories are my all time favorite stories… Enjoy!!
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mimiflieder · 7 years
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mimiflieder · 7 years
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Collection of things I painted in therapy
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mimiflieder · 8 years
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Kazemaru Ichirouta in my art through the years
the first pic is from 2012 and the latest is from 2017! i think between the last two there was about a 1,5 year gap tho. it’s still rlly interestng to see how i interpreted the character in my everchanging art style - maybe more will come in 2017 since he will make a comeback?
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mimiflieder · 8 years
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guess who’s on the same team next season????
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mimiflieder · 8 years
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i finally finished coloring this!!
the characters belong to a youtube tutorial series for character designing: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLn3enI048q_sa4iU5L7rkSUnbAilKCNzX #squad
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mimiflieder · 8 years
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i’ve been watching a really cool youtube project that focuses on how to create shonen manga and i really love the character designs so far!! i’m going to colour this sometimes <3
you can watch it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3dS3toyJt8&list=PLn3enI048q_sa4iU5L7rkSUnbAilKCNzX (it’s german though)
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mimiflieder · 8 years
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Der Cast des FinalClash ist offiziell und tbh Pan war ja von vornherein relativ klar? Aber über Horrorkissen freue ich mich wirklich, plus es muss ja pro Staffel eine blauhaarige Lady am Start sein. Halbzwilling kenne ich nicht so gut, aber ich bin mal gespannt, wie er sich machen wird!
Und damit ist auch meine Reihe an Gruppenbilder abgeschlossen!
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mimiflieder · 8 years
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I can be your angle or yuor devil... or monster?
the most halloween-ish PriPara unit at your service! I love Garumageddon, somehow it’s worked itself up to my favourite unit, their friendship is precious!
and wow, it has been such a long time since i’ve drawn smth but i’m glad that i finished this one <3
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mimiflieder · 8 years
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Two ACEO cards featuring someones OCs!
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