milprojectlol-blog · 5 years
My vaca
Allyana de Jesus - 11 Arts and Design
   Let’s mix it up shall we, we spice, splice, and give you suffice with stories that are exciting, inviting, filled with zing lighting, surely to give life to your boring life. Let me be honest, i was hesitant, always filled with gloom whenever i hear my mom say “We’re going on vacation kiddos” cuz i’ll only point in one thing...and that is Cavite! Cuz for the most part, who doesn't like cars? Me. The smell of freon kills me, suffocating my lungs as though i wanna vomit sticks. I would rate our ride as though im a car guy or as what the british say a “Bryan” a skeptic 9 just because we made it out alive. 
   It was a very common place, still etched in my mind, fancied a step or two, just trying to test our common room, ukelele’s and music, hummings and paintings, sentimental? I don’t think so. Usually it’s boring in here, sit while shifting my sit, got nothing to do but twindle my feet, suddenly a buzz in my pocket, a ding in my ear, it’s a message from him, he’s saying he’s here (not literally) a friend from my town or a friend from afar, im not very sure what stories he may have now, but anything to pass time would suffice, even though i know what half of them are.    Im glad we still get to go out every now and then, helps my mind get focus on rather alternative visions I substitute with reality, is that a goat? Is that a cow? Ohhh will ya look at that, it a rooster.    Went to the hills one day, weather’s nice, just the right amount of clouds that surrounds us up to the horizon, rows of clouds, almost forming a farmers tilled soil, it made me think of, Hmmnn Corn, Farmers, Cotton, Slavery, Abraham Lincoln. This puzzle museum we went to looked intriguing, the place, the puzzles, makes me want to dismantle them and mix them all up just to give the owner a hard time.   Had my fun though, i bet it was the whole point of this vacation right? Days passed quickly than i can remember and i guess it’s time to go back to the usual routine. Perhaps something new will happen, i hope so.    It has been a while guys and im very glad i got to get back to you all, but as usual, till next time! And when is it? you may ask, and i’ll say...Till Rapture.
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milprojectlol-blog · 5 years
My Christmas
Gladys Roldan - 11 Arts and Design
Before Christmas I work in my house like arranged the things, so I advance to cleaning so we celebrate exactly, this Christmas with my cousin we going to new one store then I brought the something like my shirt, pants and keychain for my friends. Then I buy the gift for my other friend. After brought we going to mall to play games anything. Actually, my Christmas I feel so sad and happy because my family is not completed.
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milprojectlol-blog · 5 years
My New Year
Gladys Roldan - 11 Arts and Design
My new year is so amazing because I see that beautiful fireworks in the sky, surrounding me are noisy because of piccolo, turotot and another the midnight during new year I’m very happy because I join the games with my family, so I enjoy then after games we watched the movie, IT Chapter 2 and this is my hobby and we always watch every new year.
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