mmmm umami!
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i love the sun the moon and the stars! but above all i love you most (22)(used to be malfoynction)
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milkpuddjng · 1 year ago
Do u ever think about gons fishing rod and killuas skateboard being opposite/fuel to each other while representing smth bout their holder:
Do u ever think about how killuas skate gets him to go faster while gons fishing rod needs him to be patient
Do u ever think about gon owning a fishing rod is him wanting to be seen mature in an island full of fishermen adults who sees him as a kid
Do u think about killua owning a skate in a household that needs him to be mature while he want to be seen as a kid
Do u think bout . At the end of the day, how the village people trusts gon to be mature for his age while the Zaoldyck see killua as a kid who cant chose for himself his own life choices
Do u ever think about how killua stops using his skate when he first meets gon to equal his pace, do u think about gon making killua wait for him to pick leorio's bag
Do u eve think about how killua stopped having the skate around after he went home and came back 10/10 willing to equal gons pace unlike the rest of the hunter exam
Do u ever think about gon losing/dropping his fishing rod whenever he wanted things to go faster (ex: hanzo's fight, first fight with gido, canary beating him up)
And getting it back again when he was willing to be patient (ex: most of the hunter exam, 2nd fight with gido)
Do u think about him losing it entirely in Greed Island, the VERY arc he starts to be very CLEARLY less patient
The same place his dad was preparing him of the world
Do u think about how in CAA gon starts going faster than killuas pace
In the palace invasion when he runs further than him cus he was unwilling to stop at all
Do u ever think about Killua being the one to stop him and return him to his senses
Do u think about how in the last scene of the first chapter they met killua wants gon to teach him how to use a fishing rod while gon asks him to teach him about his skate
Do u ever think about neither of em getting their item back cus they grew out of it, a part that would never completely restored, aka change
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milkpuddjng · 1 year ago
aaah omg I wish I followed you earlier then! I cannot judge I also think chrollo is very attractive and the yorknew city arc is my favorite. Also Chimera ant being your favourite? I did not see that coming but I respect it! May I ask why? I think hxh was the first anime I watched and I remember being flabbergasted at how long the arc was…and now i’m watching one piece so there’s that
LMAO nothing beats one piece in terms of length but i think what people mostly didn't like abt the CA arc that i really enjoyed was the narration. i think hxh2011 in terms of following the manga does an amazing job but one of the criticisms that i've seen leveled against the arc because of the narration is the fact that on the basis of being animated the arc didn't need narration (which is typically a tool used for mangakas for exposition) but i completely disagree because i think it's literally the only way to fully comprehend and understand that arc. ANYWAY SORRY IM RAMBLINGGGGGG but i loved CA because the arc is a turning point for gon and killua who up to that point have surpassed every single trial (I don't want to say with ease but up to that point nothing has troubled them to the extent of discouraging them). gon and killua are geniuses one of a kind they've overcome everything thrown at them and then you think the chimera ant arc is going to be another trial to overcome with the power of friendship and hard work and intent! nope! the chimera ant is so BRUTAL. like i said it's THE turning point of the manga. this happy go lucky shonen becomes a tragedy (which has only been hinted at by the manga prior think the kurta clan massacre and kurapika's character arc). togashi really beautifully but also. brutally . deconstructs what it truly means to be a shonen protagonist and all the trauma and baggage that comes with it. it really makes a point that wow these are just two kids experiencing war crimes war and horror after horror. obviously they're not going to be sane. obviously they're going to react in non sensible ways!!! obviously they're going to be traumatized!!!
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milkpuddjng · 1 year ago
Went a bit more in depth with the grow up designs in a bit of free time cause this is my new obsession
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milkpuddjng · 1 year ago
In the first poetry workshop I ever took my professor said we could write about anything we wanted except for two things: our grandparents and our dogs. She said she had never read a good poem about a dog. I could only remember ever reading one poem about a dog before that point—a poem by Pablo Neruda, from which I only remembered the lines “We walked together on the shores of the sea/ In the lonely winter of Isla Negra.” Four years later I wrote a poem about how when I was a little girl I secretly baptized my dog in the bathtub because I was afraid she wouldn’t get into heaven. “Is this a good poem?” I wondered. The second poetry workshop, our professor made us put a bird in each one of our poems. I thought this was unbelievably stupid. This professor also hated when we wrote about hearts, she said no poet had ever written a good poem in which they mentioned a heart. I started collecting poems about hearts, first to spite her, but then because it became a habit I couldn’t break. The workshop after that, our professor would tell us the same story over and over about how his son had died during a blizzard. He would cry in front of us. He never told us we couldn’t write about anything, but I wrote a lot of poems about snow. At the end of the year he called me into his office and said, “looking at you, one wouldn’t think you’d be a very good writer” and I could feel all the pity inside of me curdling like milk. The fourth poetry workshop I ever took my professor made it clear that poets should not try to engage with popular culture. I noticed that the only poets he assigned were men. I wrote a poem about that scene in Grease 2 where a boy takes his girlfriend to a fallout shelter and tries to get her to have sex with him by tricking her into believing that nuclear war had begun. It was the first poem I ever published. The fifth poetry workshop I ever took our professor railed against the word blood. She thought that no poem should ever have the word “blood” in it, they were bloody enough already. She returned a draft of my poem with the word blood crossed out so hard the paper had torn. When I started teaching poetry workshops I promised myself I would never give my students any rules about what could or couldn’t be in their poems. They all wrote about basketball. I used to tally these poems when I’d go through the stack I had collected at the end of each class. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 poems about basketball. This was Indiana. Eventually I couldn’t take it anymore. I told the class, “for the next assignment no one can write about basketball, please for the love of god choose another topic. Challenge yourselves.” Next time I collected their poems there was one student who had turned in another poem about basketball. I don’t know if he had been absent on the day I told them to choose another topic or if he had just done it to spite me. It’s the only student poem I can still really remember. At the time I wrote down the last lines of that poem in a notebook. “He threw the basketball and it came towards me like the sun”
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milkpuddjng · 1 year ago
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mixed signals
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milkpuddjng · 2 years ago
The legacies people leave behind in you.
My handwriting is the same style as the teacher’s who I had when I was nine. I’m now twenty one and he’s been dead eight years but my i’s still curve the same way as his.
I watched the last season of a TV show recently but I started it with my friend in high school. We haven’t spoken in four years.
I make lentil soup through the recipe my gran gave me.
I curl my hair the way my best friend showed me.
I learned to love books because my father loved them first.
How terrifying, how excruciatingly painful to acknowledge this. That I am a jigsaw puzzle of everyone I have briefly known and loved. I carry them on with me even if I don’t know it. How beautiful.
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milkpuddjng · 2 years ago
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milkpuddjng · 2 years ago
What do you mean you hatched an egg you bought at the SUPER MARKET
So there’s this company in the UK, right. They brand themselves on producing fancy free range eggs and as part of that they have breed information written on the carton.
I did some snooping and found that every miracle news story of a supermarket egg hatching in the UK traced back to duck eggs, specifically the Braddock White duck eggs produced by this one company for the supermarket Waitrose.
And one day my mum brings them home and says “I bought these to eat but aren’t they the ones that hatch?”
And it’s spring and I’m hatching a ton this year so in they went.
On candling we had three fertile eggs! That’s a fertility of 50% - the same as shipped eggs from a breeder!
Hatch day comes and we get 2 ducklings, Curie and Becquerel. Sadly, Curie contracts duck septicaemia from an infected navel and doesn’t make it, but Becquerel is a healthy bird and growing like a weed.
I had put 4 breeder eggs in a week after them in case just one hatched, so Becque now has two Khaki Campbell cross friends called Tsuki and Hoshi so she isn’t lonely.
And as of today’s 7am Quacking - Becque is a female! Which means she’s capable of laying eggs and therefore I have pirated a duck.
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milkpuddjng · 2 years ago
Whenever I hear people talk about Taylor Swift's unrivaled lyrical prowess or how no one is breaking gender quite like Harry Styles I think, yeah, you would think that if you form a "stan" personality around your devotion to a few singular artists and view any attempt to broaden your musical perspectives as a betrayal to your identity and your team. And you would get very defensive about that if you form a persecution complex about liking something that's actually extremely popular.
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milkpuddjng · 2 years ago
the meaning of life is summed up in the story elmer bendiner tells about how when he was a pilot the second world war, his plane was hit with a barrage of anti-aircraft fire from the nazi forces but the crew survived. and how everyone was saying it was a miracle until they investigated the shells that got in the fuselage and found there was no explosive charges in any of them. in one they found a note scribbled in czech, written by the person who had been forced to manufacture the shells, and it just said ‘this is all we can do for you now’.
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milkpuddjng · 3 years ago
when a white girl thinks she's ugly i'm like dam you had all those sociocultural advantages and still think that. it's probably true
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milkpuddjng · 3 years ago
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milkpuddjng · 3 years ago
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obsessed with this gif from the wikipedia page for the mercator projection showing actual countries sizes
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milkpuddjng · 3 years ago
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Finally finished these Skater Hinatas! ✨
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milkpuddjng · 3 years ago
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Astro observations (based on my personal experiences, not intended to offend/ slander any placements🥺💖)
- I love the way that Pisces mercuries talk I know ppl get in on them and claim they’re confusing but I disagree !! 😭 as a Virgo Mercury, everything they say to me sounds so poetic. The most basic sentence and I’m like SOMEONE WRITE THAT DOWN! 🌈
- Why do Scorpio mercuries always speak in such a flat/ deadpan tone🥸🤨 STOP IT PATRICK YOURE SCARING HIM (aka me)
- Sag mercuries will roast u accidentally 🤥oops
- The most bold/ straight forward person ik has libra and Scorpio in her big 3. This combo can really hurt ur feelings if they wanted to but also they’re very direct sometimes so I try not take it personally hahaha *cries*
- All the sag rising women ik are short but have amazing and athletic bodies but the sag rising men are always super tall and lanky 💀 JUPITER EXPLAIN!
- Taurus men r either 🥺🧸and their go to is sweats or either they’re boujie as fckkkkk and take their time choosing their outfits
- Taurus placements can always tell what’s missing in a food. My friends chart ruler is Taurus in Jupiter and she’s always like hmmm this is missing a dash of paprika 🔎👁👄👁
- Leo moons always need to make their presence know (purr as they should) but sometimes it’s to the point where it’s obvious, like walking into a room “fashionably late” or like my Leo moon mom yawning super loud so everyone knows she’s tired 🤠
- Aqua and Gemini placements will know the most random facts or be up to date with everything on social media. 👾💻 or sometimes with aqua placements it can be the complete opposite and they won’t get any of your references 😭
- Virgo risings always have receipts for everything. It’s giving, “hold on, I know exactly what I said. Let me pull up the messages.” 💅🏾
- Pisces placement women always find partners that will rub, kiss or touch their feet. as a Pisces rising 🌚 my ex hated feet but they really liked mine and would give me foot massages hehe
- Gemini risings are always so restless and animated, talking with their little hands a lot 🥺 and eyes flitting around everywhere, I can see the wheels of their brains turning as they silently take note of every little detail
- Pluto-Mercury aspects (mostly harsh ones) can sometimes be disliked by their teachers BC they’ll ask the intriguing questions others don’t wanna ask or sometimes their behavior gets demonized even if they’re not doing anything… COILD also get accused of lying even if they’re not ?? IK THEY ALWAYS DID that crap to me 🤨💔
- Cap + Gemini energy is so interesting to me 👁👄👁 like what goes on inside ur Brains. My gemini sun, cap rising friend is constantly flitting between yayyy I’m having fun 😝 to OH MY GOD I MADE ONE LITTLE MISTAKE 🤯🤯
- cap moons always look like this 😐
- Let’s talk about how Virgo Venus and Scorpio Venus is more alike than we think 😵‍💫 it’s “I will do anything for you <3” energy.
- Looking up ur pets birth chart is so fun & can show u something like their “love language” my dog has a cancer moon and she loves to be cuddled and gets real anxious away from home 🥺
- Sometimes Virgo/aqua energy in a chart will really love to mansplain you😭 LIKE OKAY WE GET IT UR SMART
- Aqua moons are very proud of their weirdness and sometimes love to make random noises Lmfaooo. Also my aqua moon bestie, “I don’t like watching movies while they’re popular and everyone else is watching them! I watch them once they’re not😤”
- Tbh I don’t see a point in lying when you have 12h moon synastry 😣 it’s so invasive if ur a closed off person! Cause it’s like the other person can see EVERYTHING, THEYLL EVEN REACH U THRU DREAMS SKDKDK
- Every cancer placment woman I know is sooo gorgeous and SOFT how does it feel to be a goddess among mortals 💕☁️
- 7h stelliums/ placements need to be so careful sometimes BC they can unconsciously mold into the person they’re interacting with, they’re really good taking on others mannerisms 🤥
- Sometimes it’s hard for 7h placements to be able to juggle multiple relationships (both platonic or romantic) at once BC theres always ONE person they unknowingly dedicate way more time to 😵‍💫🤧
- Aries moons are SO STUBBORN they rather die than admit they’re wrong 😃😃😃
- Libra risings always talk like rich people, there’s just this 💅🏾😤💋👛 energy, imagine the fancy smanchy rich ppl laugh, the “AhAaHAHA!”
- When water risings wake up in the morning it’s like they’re waking from the dead 🧟‍♀️🧟🧟‍♂️ GIVE US TIME TO LOG INTO THE SIMULATION DAMN
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milkpuddjng · 3 years ago
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milkpuddjng · 3 years ago
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Jean-Michel Basquiat (American, 1960–1988), Year of the Boar, 1983, 244 x 61 cm (each), 244 x 190.4 cm (overall)
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