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milkiewie · 2 years ago
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★ 【Gwan-E】 「 ★ヨル 」 ☆ ✔ republished w/permission ⊳ ⊳ follow me on twitter
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milkiewie · 3 years ago
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this is the kind of relationship development i like to see
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milkiewie · 3 years ago
Sesshomaru with everyone :
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Sesshomaru with Rin *cute puppy looking at his wife*:
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milkiewie · 3 years ago
SessRin in Volume 1 of the Yashahime Manga
The first volume of the official English release of the manga is out and Sesshomaru is in lurve
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I know a lot of people consider the manga to be superior to the anime but until Shiina gives us a scene of Inuyasha laughing at and/or giving Sesshomaru hell for this, I will be reserving judgement on that
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Look, I know I’ve already posted these exact panels several times at this point but I will never get tired of them
My babies are being romantic af. Having clandestine meetings alone in a dreamy sunlit forest.
“Rin grew into a beautiful woman”
Seriously, just a brilliantly simple repudiation to everyone who wants Rin to remain an eternal child and never ever be allowed to grow up. Meloncita is adult woman certified now and ready to make the most powerful daiyokai in the feudal era fall crazy in love with her
You get that Okugata-dono status, Rin-chan. You deserve it
And can we talk about the most important detail of all:
Sesshomaru’s hand
Caressing her face
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Kaede 100% knew about the secret forest dates
Inuyasha, why are you just sitting there? Go make fun of your brother!
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Even Kagome is inspired by how romantic Sesshomaru and Rin are being
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Anyway, smash cut to babies
Congratulations, it’s twins!
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Sesshomaru is pleased
(Sorry, but the MST3k fan in me refuses to hear Jaken’s line about “The Master” in anything but Torgo’s voice from Manos: The Hands of Fate)
I wonder what kind of gifts Sesshomaru sent? Knowing him, it was probably kimonos. Lots and lots of kimonos
You know Rin probably secretly wishes he would give her melons instead though. Like, she doesn’t have the heart to tell him but every time Sessh rolls up with a shiny new package she utters a tiny prayer to the gods of gourd and then its just. More. Kimonos.
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Chapter 3:
Family Portrait Time!
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God, Sesshomaru saying “our daughters” to Rin
Right in my feels. Right in my feels
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Look at him, poor baby. He wants his waifu back so badly
Ken Narita said in an interview that Rin is Sesshomaru’s heart and since Rin has been sealed inside that tree Sesshomaru is just a man without his heart
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milkiewie · 3 years ago
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Fantastic SessRin fanart by いちの❤️
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milkiewie · 3 years ago
No one seems to notice how it’s implied Uzui left his clan when he was 15, and by then he was already married to his wives. That makes Hinatsuru, Makio, and Suma 13, 12, and 11 respectively. 
This isn’t me saying the mangaka is gross for that or anything. Nor am I saying Uzui and his wives’ relationship is bad (I adore them). I just find it funny how people get mad over stuff like RenTan while ignoring stuff like this.
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milkiewie · 3 years ago
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I saw the cat meme and knew what had to be done.
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milkiewie · 3 years ago
Kotoha Hashibira: An Average Woman, a Perfect Mother
Demon Slayer has a bunch of amazing mothers and one of my top favorites is Kotoha. We get a very very small amount of time with her and yet I adore her. Not only is she the epitome of a mother, pouring all of her love and care into Inosuke, but she wasn’t bitter at all. She also wasn’t perfect by any means, this poor woman had such low self-esteem and fully shouldered blame for things that weren’t her fault and she couldn’t control but she took responsibility for it and she completely owned her role as a mother, prioritizing Inosuke in every situation she’s in. She was also extremely relatable, despite her beauty she had low-self esteem and saw herself as incredibly flawed, blaming herself for things she had no control in and thinking she wasn’t very intelligent and I wouldn’t be surprised if she considered herself ugly. Her husband and mother-in-law beat her and yet she poured her love into Inosuke, giving it to him unconditionally and never blaming him or associating him with her abusers. She promised to care for him and any time she realized she was in a dangerous situation even if it was a little late she immediately took Inosuke’s safety into account and ran.
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When she’s fleeing Douma the berating things she says about herself are heartbreaking. “I always fail, I always go to someone bad. I’m your mother, I must take good care of you but…” and this whole time she is apologizing while still trying to protect him. A lot of people struggle with making what in hindsight is “the right decision”. In the moment and situation they are in, the decision they make at the time seems right and it’s hard to not feel tremendous guilt when it turns out to be wrong. That’s not Kotoha’s fault. Douma was kind to her, he didn’t harm her, didn’t ask for any kind of “payment” or “favors” he didn’t try to harm Inosuke, he took care of her injuries and he was acting as a religious leader, why wouldn’t Kotoha trust him? She probably also wanted to trust that someone cared about her and was interested in her and after what she’d been through who could blame her? And yet she was still perceptive enough to not try to rationalize Douma’s evil nature, she saw the horrible things he did and who he truly was and immediately left, saving Inosuke’s life at the cost of her own. At first, I found Douma’s opinion of Kotoha kind of endearing if not strange, because it seemed like Gotogue was trying to get us to sympathize and empathize with him using his relationship with Kotoha especially when you hear how he explains himself:
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But no. No. No. No. that’s not true at all and not what Gotogue was going for. Douma saw Kotoha as the equivalent to a favorite pet that you spoil. She was pretty to look at and pleasant to be around but she also didn’t cause him any problems. There’s no flashbacks of her sticking her nose where it doesn’t belong, pushing boundaries, starting fights, etc. She is content and appears easy to get along with. Douma found her amusing but never truly connected with her (his interaction with Kanao shows that he just flat out can’t do that), nor with Inosuke as we don’t see any images of him trying to interact with Inosuke directly. What also drives this home and makes Douma even more biting is
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He mocks her here, basically laughing as he says “she was always miserable”. But she wasn’t. And in fact it makes him look a bit stupid because even Douma couldn’t see that in spite of everything she had gone through, all of that abuse from her family, she was happy while she was with Inosuke. She was happy because she had her beloved child and she was in a place where she wasn’t being abused and the man residing with her wasn’t trying to abuse her or her baby. She loved this little child who depended on her for everything and instead of focusing on hating her abusers, being bitter about her past, or pitying herself she focused only on loving Inosuke who mattered most to her. There was no room in Kotoha’s heart for that negativity, pain and self-pity because for Kotoha there was only room for Inosuke and those feelings were nothing compared to him and her feelings for him. And I love that it is Inosuke who realizes that she had been happy, that it is her baby boy who gets to remember that no, she was happy. In spite of all of her suffering,  Inosuke made her happy. Her life was hard and tragic but she was not miserable. I loved how suddenly all of the loving things she would say to him came flooding back after that biting comment and the pure rage that unfurls from Inosuke, it is so cold and intense and passionate it’s an amazing reaction from her son. Because Inosuke knows her life wasn’t meaningless. She found meaning in her relationship with her son, in her role as a mother and even though she made mistakes her love for Inosuke was truly perfect and her sacrifice for him was an act of unconditional love.
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milkiewie · 3 years ago
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AU where Douma wins
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milkiewie · 3 years ago
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I’m sure your mother loved you very much.
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milkiewie · 3 years ago
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milkiewie · 3 years ago
The biggest plot twist in KnY is the fact that this is Haganezuka’s face:
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And this man is SINGLE because he is terrible at socializing and hard to deal with lol
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milkiewie · 3 years ago
Kamado Tanjiro-
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Yup! He is made up of sugar, spice and everything nice.
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milkiewie · 3 years ago
New KnY Databook: Kanae and Sanemi friendship
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I saw people confused by what Himejima thinks of Sanemi. 
It always makes me sad that in KnY no relationship between the pillars is well developed in the manga (friendship, companionship, brotherhood, etc.) . And that you only find out about their friendship and their ties through the extras.
One of the most wasted and with potential friendships in the manga is that of Sanemi and Kanae. 
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Kanae and Sanemi in the Manga
The only scenes that are in the Manga of them come out in chapter 168, and if one has not read the extras and the light novel it is difficult to know that the scenes where Kanae appears have more context than it seems.
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Kanae and Sanemi in the light novel
If someone reads the light novel can better understand why Kanae’s concern throughout the entire chapter of the Manga, why she grabs his arm and why it was she who calmed Sanemi down.
The whole novel tells you about the bond and emotions that come with being the older brother and having lost your parents because of a Demon. And the feeling of guilt in not being able to care for or protect a younger brother.
The novel focuses is on Masachika and Sanemi’s bond. But also prove Kanae as the person who could have seen the most and understood that brootherhood bond between them.
The novel tell you that every time Sanemi was badly injured from the missions, Masachika sent him to the Butterfly mansion so that Kanae would heal and scold him so Kanae is the only pillar who has known Senemi since before he became a pillar.
Sanemi in the light novel seems to have a complicated bond with Kanae:
He respects her and feels familiarity because they are both the same age, they are the older brother/sister, they lost their parents at a young age to a demon, etc. that kind of similar life experience and Kanae being so kind when she heals him, it makes Sanemi feel comfortable with her and like her presence, but at the same time he does not understand her and feels that they are very different. From her side you can see that she cares for him and that she can see through his bad boy cover, Kanae tells him “you are a very nice person” he does not understand her words or why she tells him that, but she says it because she sees how he cares about people.
And at the end of the Novel, it is understood that Sanemi only trained to be stronger and kill demons but he never wanted to be a pillar. But Sanemi and Masachika go together on a mission and are seriously injured, they are taken to the butterfly mansion but only Sanemi survives and Masashika dies, Sanemi only became a pillar, for Masachika’s death, to meet Oyakata and claim him.
As I said before, they were taken to the butterfly mansion and Kanae was the one in charge of curing Sanemi and Masashika, so most likely she also saw him die or was the first person after Sanemi to find out about Masashika’s death. Most likely, Kanae has also seen how Masachika’s death affected Sanemi, that’s why she knew where Sanemi’s anger was coming from and that’s why she’s the one who calms him down in the manga.
if someone wants read the light novel, can do it here: Signpost of the Wind
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Kanae and Sanemi in gakuen and Taisho Secrets
in the Taisho Secrets The pillars scolds Sanemi and they find the attitude he had towards Oyakata is rude, because they don’t know him well. But only Kanae feels disappointed and it’s because she knows how he really is and she knows that deep down he is a good and gentle person, that’s why his rude behavior towards Oyakata hurts her.
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In gakuen Kanae is supposed to be one of the most beautiful and loved girls in school, that’s why Sanemi generates so much jealousy in the boys.
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Kanae and Sanemi in new official KnY Databook / FanBook 
there are some pages of what each pillar thinks of the other pillars and it becomes clearer that after Sanemi became a pillar, they possibly did become more united:
Because Himejima noticed that Sanemi liked Kanae (Himejima’s opinion is important because he saved the Koucho sisters from the deminio who killed their parents, took care of them and recommended ex-pillars to train them so he has been one of the most important people in the lives of Kanae and Shinobu)
The reason that Sanemi talks to Shinobu is because she is Kanae’s sister (Sanemi knew Shinobu in the light novel but they never interacted, and the fact that Kanae let Shinobu become a demon slayer was something Sanemi never understood and that was what made Sanemi feel that he was different from Kanae because he would never let Genya become a demon Slayer. I think a part of him also wants to take care of Shinobu as a memory to the friendship he had with Kanae but at the same time he wanted to respect Shinobu as a pillar and demon slayer like her sister did, that’s why he stayed distant)  
I’m excluding the furiganas in my writing but not in my reading to translate what they say.
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What Sanemi says about Shinobu is: 
ちょいちょい 声 を かける (カナエ の 妹 な ので ) 。
that it can be translated as:
I talk to her sometimes (Because she’s Kane’s sister)
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What Himejima says about Sanemi is:
せい精神の持ち主 。 根は素直 。恥ずかし がり。 カナエ が 好きらしい 。
that it can be translated as:
The owner of a strong spirit. The roots are straightforward. shy . He seems to like Kanae.
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milkiewie · 3 years ago
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Tanjiro + being part goat 🐐
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milkiewie · 3 years ago
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Please just let yoriichi be loved, cared and comforted I beg you gotouge
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milkiewie · 3 years ago
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tbh i don’t even know myself if that’s how yoriichi flirts on purpose or wholly accidentally
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