milannfertility · 2 years
IVF or not? We deliver what is best for you.
The IVF process
The In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF) is a process of fertilizing the egg in a laboratory with external help. Here, the egg is infused with the sperm in laboratory setup known as the ‘in-vitro’, precisely in a glass dish or test tube. The IVF treatment in Bangalore follows the same process that involves close monitoring and simulation of a women’s womb and her ovulatory process, to achieve conception. The fertilised egg (zygote) is then kept under observation for about 2-6 days in a highly simulated medium that is much similar to the womb. The egg is then transferred into the woman’s uterus. The overall process focuses on successfully initiating a pregnancy. In about 2 weeks after the IVF procedure, a blood test is performed to test the patient for a successful conception. If this test is positive, then the patient is considered four weeks pregnant!
For whom is it?
IVF treatment in Bangalore initially was an option to patients with bilateral tubal block. But lately, its indications have covered mild to moderate male factor infertility as well. For couples who are unable to conceive even after first and second line procedures such as the ovulation induction (OI) and intra-uterine insemination (IUI), endometriosis and patients with Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome… IVF stands their best chance to solve the unexplained infertility. IVF is also a considerable treatment for couples seeking donor oocytes or surrogacy.
Where to go for treatment?
Milann’s expert team of leading gynaecologists, andrologists, embryologists, counsellors and Lab Technicians are highly skilled and qualified to understand the root cause leading to infertility. With a proven record of high success rate, our state-of-the-art technology and clinical protocols helps us assure guaranteed conception to all couple seeking help. IVF treatment in Bangalore has grown so much into the future that we also possess specialized investigative procedures to identify the cause of infertility in both men and women to improve their chances of getting pregnant with Milann fertility clinics.
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milannfertility · 2 years
Understanding Infertility
Fertility Treatment is defined as the inability to get pregnant even after 1 year of unprotected intercourse for women below the age of 30 years and 6 months for women above the age of 35 years. Fairly in about 10 to 15% of couples in India infertility is being a serious problem. You are not alone, so don’t worry! Moreover, 65% of these couples seek Fertility Treatment from various options available. Fertility Treatment is on high demand in India and all across the globe and the causes are completely diverse. Primarily the causes for Fertility problems can be labelled due to genetics and lifestyle related issues. However, most of the problems relating to infertility need not be a major hindrance for couples to conceive and enjoy parenthood.
Types of Infertility
Infertility are of two types
Primary infertility is when a couple have never conceived
Secondary infertility occurs after a previous pregnancy regardless of its outcome
Causes for Infertility
Female factors also account for 30% of cases, age, poor egg quality
Male factors account for 30% of cases, low sperm count or poor sperm quality
The remaining 30% are attributed to combined factors, environment, stress, genetics
Only 10% of infertility results from unexplained factors
To determine the cause of infertility, one may have to undergo many screening and tests;these tests may range from simple blood tests to scanning of organs. At Milann, every test and investigation is conducted in utmost care and precision by our highly experiences doctors and lab technicians. Visit us today and help us help you!
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milannfertility · 2 years
Inspired by science, driven by technology
Bangalore houses many of the highly established fertility doctors who have gained expertise through years of experience and intense research. The Best fertility doctor in Bangalore, Dr. Kamini Rao runs the most reputed and highly decorated chain of hospitals “Milann”! The name is nothing less than an acronym to success and hope, the specialists at Milann always promise to deliver best treatment to its patients and fulfil their dreams of parenthood.
If you are a couple who have faced repeated miscarriages or were unable to conceive even after a year’s time of unprotected intercourse then walk into Milann and we will just find you the best treatment course. Reaching out to the Best fertility doctor in Bangalore can be your best choice of getting pregnant.
Dr. Kamini A Rao, a leading obstetrician and infertility specialist and recipient of the Padma Sri Award is the face of Milann hospitals. Milann offers the best healthcare services to infertile couples, ranging from pre-pregnancy planning, pregnancy and even the post-delivery. Here is a small walkthrough of Dr. Kamini Rao’s early contributions to the field of reproductive medicine…to start with, it is the establishment of South India‘s first Semen Bank, Country’s First SIFT Baby and South India’s first ICSI babies (Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection) and also the Laser Assisted Hatching. Being the Best fertility doctor in Bangalore, Dr. Kamini Rao has been a mentor to a large number of fertility specialists across a clinical and research career spanning three decades. Meanwhile serving as a beacon of hope to thousands of infertile couples!
The doctors at Milann have all obtained their post-doctoral Fellowship and are extensively trained in assisted reproduction including reproductive endocrinology, reproductive immunology, ovarian biology and also the genetics of fertility… Milann has a technological edge over its competitors and is undoubtedly delivering happiness to couples in need!
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milannfertility · 2 years
How to choose a best IVF clinic?
Choosing good IVF clinics in Bangalore is difficult with the kind of competition being aired out. Most often couples hear about particular clinics via word of mouth. They also get recommendations from their gynecologist or from family friends and relatives. Some couples also gain insights about specific clinics via the news articles or advertisements or even from random internet searches. No matter where the recommendation comes from, it is always best to run your own research before opting for a clinic, this will give you a sense of satisfaction of knowing where you’re headed to seek treatment.
The hunt for the best IVF clinics in Bangalore brings in a lot of checkpoints that one would like to be aware of, right from the doctors, treatment time periods, cost of treatment and the hospitality and travel convenience. Lately, doctors have mentioned that most IVF patients these days are well-informed and knowledgeable regarding the subject matter prior to visiting a clinic for the first time. Being an educated consumer is always beneficial!
Best IVF clinics in Bangalore!
If you would have run your first round of research, you would know that there are a number of factors to measure when selecting a fertility clinic that best suits you. Milann is one such promising clinic that has proven track record and a celebrated success rate! After being ranked as the best IVF clinics in Bangalore in a row for 3 consecutive years, Milann is every couple’s destiny to find happiness. All you have to do is, be prepared…fertility treatments can often be an emotional and stressful experience, we understand you the best and will provide utmost comfort and support throughout your journey into parenthood!
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milannfertility · 2 years
Treatment For PCOS?
Depending on the initial testing, a fertility specialist may recommend a patient to start ovulation induction medications with timed intercourse or intrauterine insemination (IUI) that can be scheduled around the time of ovulation.
For these treatments, it is important that the fallopian tubes are open and your partner’s sperm counts are normal. The typical success rates with IUI is about 15 to 25 percent per cycle; a woman’s individual success rate with IUI is largely dependent upon her age.
If ovulation induction with timed intercourse or IUI fail, the doctor might recommend in vitro fertilization (IVF). Women with PCOS have a very good chance of conceiving. However, patience and dedication will be necessary. Allow an adequate amount of time for lifestyle modifications to enhance fertility naturally followed by a successful pregnancy.
Experience indicates that PCOS can be managed for the long-term and patients can live a relatively symptom-free life.
We hope this gives you a clearer picture of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. If you have any concerns or want to get yourself checked, then please click on the following link which will show you the nearest Milann Fertility Clinic. Or call 7097299470 to reach a Milann specialist.
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milannfertility · 2 years
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A high-risk pregnancy is one that threatens the health or life of the mother or her fetus. It often requires specialized care from specially trained providers. At Milann Fertility Hospitals, we offer Highly specialized Maternity Care intending to achieve the safe delivery of healthy babies. Book your appointment now!
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milannfertility · 2 years
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Milann Fertility Hospitals comes with great IVF success rates, which means that you have the best chance to conceive with our specialist taking complete care of it. Book your appointment now!
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milannfertility · 2 years
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The arrival of every baby is a fresh beginning. Believe us and take the first step in faith as our top fertility team and facilities work for you to overcome the hurdle of INFERTILITY. Schedule your appointment With Milann Fertility Hospitals now!
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milannfertility · 2 years
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The arrival of every baby is a fresh beginning. Believe us and take the first step in faith as our top fertility team and facilities work for you to overcome the hurdle of INFERTILITY. Schedule your appointment With Milann Fertility Hospitals now!
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milannfertility · 2 years
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Male infertility can be a massive issue for you and your partner. At Milann Fertility Hospitals, we are here to solve your infertility issue. Feel free to visit us for a consultation.
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milannfertility · 2 years
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Thinking about why IUI treatment is recommended? IUI helps many infertile couples step in the world of parenthood heedless of their age. Book your appointment now at Milann Fertility Hospitals now to know more!
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milannfertility · 2 years
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Sometimes it becomes difficult to determine the cause of infertility, however, it doesn't mean that you have no options. There is still a reason for hope. Get yourself checked at Milann Fertility Hospital.
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milannfertility · 2 years
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If you're trying for a second baby and having difficulty conceiving, you're not alone. Secondary infertility is an issue that our team at Milann Fertility Hospitals can help you with. Book Your appointment now!
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milannfertility · 2 years
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Keeping abreast of advancements to bring the best practices in the field of Obstetrics & Gynaecology. Don't miss the Opportunity @ Milann Fertility Hospitals!!!
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milannfertility · 2 years
Check out the below video where Dr. Nilofer Yasmin, Bangladesh, shares her experience of pursuing an Advanced Art Course For Clinicians at Milann Academy. Please reach out to us now to know more and be part of this extensive learning journey!
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milannfertility · 2 years
Mr. Dileep Kumar Video: Curious to know what embryo transfer is all about? Embryo Transfer is one of the most critical steps of IVF. To help you, Mr. Dileep Kumar, HOD Embryologist at Milann Fertility Hospitals, discusses about the process of embryo transfer in this video.
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milannfertility · 2 years
Social Egg Freezing is not just a medical necessity or a "luxury" that few can afford, but a way to empower women by giving them the right to choose both Careers and Motherhood and not sacrifice one for the other. Ms. Vidyashree MC, Jr. Embryologist, and Mrs. Hemalatha Ravikumar, Sr. Embryologist, Milann Fertility Hospitals, share all the information related to it.
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