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mikul17 · 10 years ago
“Let you go”
Do you know how much I love you?
Do you know how much I care for you?
Do you even know how much you appeal to me?
Or how much I want you to be with me?
Unfortunately, I don’t think you do?
Or, not unless I will tell you, will ever do?
Cause you always avoid me.
You even told me that you hated me.
I don’t know what to do anymore.
I’m not sure if I should tell you or not? Not sure if I’m strong enough,
strong enough to hear what you would say.
I know I’m being a coward by doing this.
But it’s better than to hear you say ‘no’.
Hiding my feelings, I let time slipped by.
Cause I can’t let it go, in the end I let you go.
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mikul17 · 10 years ago
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🌛Lost souls🌜
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mikul17 · 10 years ago
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Thinking out loud - Ed Sheeran
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mikul17 · 10 years ago
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∞ Stay Strong ∞
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mikul17 · 10 years ago
One last risk to make, one last chance to take...
though i know that you would not be able to see this... well here goes...
dear you,
First, just wanted to say, YOU ARE BETTER THAN THAT! I KNOW YOU ARE, JUST HAVE A LITTLE FAITH ON YOURSELF. I know you think that its all over, but it's not, it never was. He gave up, yeah i know, but does that mean that YOU should too? No, of course not. He's tired, yeah I know, but aren't you too? You're tired, exhausted even, more than you could ever imagine, but I know you still want to continue, you still want to fight. He lost his confidence in you, I know, but does that mean that you should too? No, definitely not. Aren't this supposed to be the time that you should help him boost his confidence with yours? He thinks that it isn't worth the fight anymore, is it? NO, absolutely NOT! Why do you think those things happened to you and him? Just for the fate to play with you two, of course not, it is to test the both of you, if you really are the one for each other, if how long will you stay beside each other. (hanggang dito na lang kayo?)
Well, would you blame us for thinking that we overestimated the both of you, we thought your relationship would last, didn't think that both of you would be easily defeated by fate, we didn't that just because of some petty reason, you would call it a 'quits', didn't think that you both got easily affected by other people's words that you actually let it ruin your system, not to mention that those people doesn't even know the real deal or story between the two of you. We didn't think that distance would have a great effect on both of you, especially to him. (Distance should NEVER matter if two people love each other.)
But even with all this being said, I'm still hoping (and them also) that the two of you will work this out, that the two of you would be able to realize that this isn't the end, that there is no love that is not worth fighting for, the end-result may or may not be successful at least you won't regret something that you didn't do. Its not over yet.
So I'm asking you right now, would you rather sit on one side of the room and endure the pain alone, hoping that it would go away or make one last risk and take one last chance?
from someone who knew you so well.
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mikul17 · 10 years ago
times when...
There are times when I feel sad and wanted to just be alone and cry myself to sleep. Times when I just want to stop thinking about other people, what they say about me, think about me and feel about me, I want to have some time with just me and no one else. Times when I just want to shut all my senses, to not hear anyone, to see anyone, to touch nor feel anyone, I want to be numb to any kinds of feelings.
Times when I just want to call your name, to touch your hand, to look into your eyes, to kiss your lips and to tell you how much I love you. Times when I just want to feel your arms around me again, to feel the soft caress of your hand on my cheeks, to hear your sweet voice calling my name and telling me you love me to infinity and beyond. Times when I just want us to be together again and forget everything, forget everything but us. Times when I just want to go back to the way we are before, time when we still have a love that lasts to infinity and beyond.
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mikul17 · 10 years ago
Would losing me even be a loss?
(All I wonder)
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mikul17 · 10 years ago
I just miss you and it hurts like hell.
(via regenverblasst)
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mikul17 · 11 years ago
i'm so f*cking tired...
All my life I've always done all the things that you asked me to. All my life I've always been trying to become the perfect daughter, with no flaws, always polite, always understanding, always under the palm of your hands, always submitted to your rules. All my life all I've ever felt was I'm like a bird in a cage or an animal in zoo, free to roam around but never free to leave and explore the world, free to do whatever I want but limited to do things outside,free but at the same time imprisoned. All my life I've always try to live up to your expectations but whatever I do, I just can't, there's always something missing, I tried to find that gap but in the end I can not. All my life I’ve been hiding the real me, the me that you should have known if you just let me be free.
All this years I’ve been trying you to see that side of 'me' but nothing happened, you're so busy looking at my flaws as if I’m your slave, that you've forgotten the things I’ve done for this family to not break apart, you forgot that what you have isn't a slave but your own daughter. When will you open your eyes and realize that? When will you see that I’m not perfect and I never will be? When will you accept me, for me?
I'm willing to wait but I have my limitations too, I’m losing patience, I’m getting tired and the thought of giving up is so appealing that I badly want to do it, but for you I’ll wait just don't let it comes down to nothing cause I don't think I will have the strength to continue any longer.
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mikul17 · 11 years ago
never thought....
Never thought this day would come, that you and I would be torn apart from each other, never thought that our story would end this way, never thought that the day would come that I can never to be able to hear your voice, never to be able to touch you, never to be able to feel your presence and never to be able to tell how much I love you. Never thought that our promise to each other can now never be fulfilled. Never thought that you'd be able to hurt me this much, never thought that you'd leave me behind, never thought that you'd be so damn coward as to not fight for our love that you said would never last. Never thought I’d be this stupid to fall for all your lies, to not see the outcome of this situation that we're in, to not be able to stop even though I know it will not be worth it to still continue. I never thought that I’d fall this much to you.
I was an idiot for letting myself say “yes” to that silly deal you propose to me 3 years ago. I was more of an idiot for letting myself fall for you, hard, during the deal. I was the most idiot when I let you and myself turn that deal into reality.
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mikul17 · 11 years ago
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just chilling.. :)
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mikul17 · 11 years ago
i can't take this anymore...
i give up, i'm all worn out, i can no longer take any more pain after this.please lets just end this shit and get on with our own lives, lets try to forget all that happened or just accept the fact that we really aren't meant to be together no matter how much we wanted to.
i love you, yes i do, very much, but the pain i'm feeling right now is much stronger. i love you, but i guess its not worth the fight anymore. i know this will make me a loser but i don't really have a choice, do i? so, now i'm finally letting you go, completely. i know it will be very difficult to do, that by just the thought of you drifting away from me can hurt me so much, but there's nothing really i can do anymore, right?
Luke, i love you but i'm afraid our love story has now faced its end.
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mikul17 · 11 years ago
one and only rule; only play to win, no more no less.. and by that i meant to say by all means.
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mikul17 · 11 years ago
you're really beyond my imagination.
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mikul17 · 11 years ago
let the games begin.. :)
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mikul17 · 11 years ago
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mikul17 · 11 years ago
Our story turned into tragedy
            It all started in that faithful day, 17th of February year 2011, a Thursday. We made a deal that we never thought that will leave a very big mark on our lives, that will greatly affect the change on our principles in life, and lastly we never thought that it will ruin our whole lives and will make us not believe in love anymore, at least for me that is.
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