miku-vs-the-nasty · 6 years
Hey Everyone!! I gots my old acc back so yay!! I’m moving back so follow me
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miku-vs-the-nasty · 6 years
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this is hetero culture
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miku-vs-the-nasty · 6 years
Transphobes on Twitter have started the tag #TransMenAreNotWomen.
No, that’s not a typo.
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miku-vs-the-nasty · 6 years
truscum really be like “its a 14 year old’s fault that my doctor is transphobic and hormones are expensive :((” get over urself you daft bitch
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miku-vs-the-nasty · 6 years
Theres a new update?? I checked up on the app store n nothing is there,,
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miku-vs-the-nasty · 6 years
discourse predictions for 2019
the term “mogaiphobia” will be pre-emptively coined by an exclusionist tryhard troll, becoming one of the biggest buzzwords of the year
“slurself” pronouns will be created by truscum to mock nonbinary people, accusing them of reclaiming slurs they have no right to via neopronouns such as (but not limited to) “fag/fags/fagself” “dyke/dykes/dykeself” and “queer/queers/queerself”
“drop the plus” will be the next 4chan/reddit-derived movement to tear apart the LGBT+ community
ariana grande writes the gayest song the world has ever seen, and everyone scrambles to force their own orientation label onto her, starting “comphet” discourse back up again
in an effort to prevent cis women from coming into contact with literally anyone else, TERFs advocate for mandatory sex-segregated spaces in every public place possible
“aces are raped because of (misdirected) misogyny” discourse evolves into “is it really rape if it doesn’t happen to a woman?” discourse
people continue to censor “genderqueer”, claiming the term started out as a slur and not an identity because of the “queer” part; “genderqueer” is henceforth tagged as #gq slur
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miku-vs-the-nasty · 6 years
Someone: *draws a woman with realistic features and not Le plastic perfect body*
32 yo male: wtf is that sjw bullshit lmao
(Bonus: the ableist slur)
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miku-vs-the-nasty · 6 years
The jokes write themselves
@ heteros™
I’m sorry but,,,,,,, you can’t have straight people in a story without a reason????? I mean, it has to make sense and add on to the plot or it may as well not be there, what’s the point of the character being straight if there isn’t a whole ass explination as to why????????
Also,,,,, don’t add so many straight people,,,,, it wont make sense if in a group of five friends four are staight I mean,,,,,,,,,,, we all know gay is the default so,,,,,, maybe you should stop forcing your straightness on us??????? Also,,,,,, maybe you shouldnt add straight people to kids shows?????I mean, I’m not heterophobic or anything, nor do I care I just,,,,,,, don’t think the children should be exposed to it,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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miku-vs-the-nasty · 6 years
friendly reminder to stop obsessing over a literal 12 year old’s genitals, i see yall degenerates making “the dick makes it better” comments about lily
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miku-vs-the-nasty · 6 years
I mean,,,,,,,,, this goes for cis ppl as well tbh,,,,,, theres really no reason to add a cis person to your plot unless u have a reason,,,,,,,,, im not cisphobic i just hate it when diversity is shoved down my throat 😫😔
@ heteros™
I’m sorry but,,,,,,, you can’t have straight people in a story without a reason????? I mean, it has to make sense and add on to the plot or it may as well not be there, what’s the point of the character being straight if there isn’t a whole ass explination as to why????????
Also,,,,, don’t add so many straight people,,,,, it wont make sense if in a group of five friends four are staight I mean,,,,,,,,,,, we all know gay is the default so,,,,,, maybe you should stop forcing your straightness on us??????? Also,,,,,, maybe you shouldnt add straight people to kids shows?????I mean, I’m not heterophobic or anything, nor do I care I just,,,,,,, don’t think the children should be exposed to it,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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miku-vs-the-nasty · 6 years
Its a good day its 2018 and its a good time to remind yall incest is nasty ya freaks
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miku-vs-the-nasty · 6 years
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Welp first one re-uploaded!
character’s name (full name, if given): Hana Matsui
apparent age: 16
gender: Cis Girl
source material(and why it’s bad, this part is optional): b/aka n/a i/mouto is a misogynistic incest hentai and it can suck toes  
pictures of character: og design. just check a look of this 
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sexuality: questioning/queer
personality: Hana appears to be a bit of an airhead and lacking common sense, however she always mysteriously gets good grades. She is bubbly and kind, and always lends help to those who needs it. She is also very protective of those she cares about 
likes: pancakes with strawberry sauce, decora kei, j-fashion in general, sanrio (my melody and keroppi are her faves), osomatsu-san (totes a jyushi girl) 
dislikes: bts (lol)
fears or triggers: heights are a minor fear, claustrophobia due to trauma, triggered by incest 
relationship status: single
friends: rinbee (kid she baby sits), haruka, airi, ayana
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miku-vs-the-nasty · 6 years
Hey. I need to prove a point to an asshole. Reblog if you think its not okay to deadname someone, like if you think it is.
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miku-vs-the-nasty · 6 years
Hey guys!! To join in with the cool kids I made a blog for my ocs :3 
I’m gonna repost the bios n stuff that was deleted when my og account went down
feel to ask them stuff!! 
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miku-vs-the-nasty · 6 years
The lady herself didn’t say, but i looked it up and the author of the one (1) study ‘proving’ it is called Lisa Littman
idk if she is a terf herself (although it seems like it) but she does have a lot of supporters who are
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This is Cam and Trevor. They are both transgender. They are both boys. They both use he/him pronouns. And, most importantly, they’re both valid.
Cam doesn’t bind because he feels comfortable not binding. He takes a lot of pride in being trans, and is very open about his gender. He doesn’t have dysphoria, but that’s okay, he’s still trans and he’s still a boy. He might not start hrt  or undergo surgery, because he’s fine presenting the way he does currently. Even if he does, he’s not “stealing trans resources”. Cam is not a girl.
Trevor binds, and has dysphoria when he doesn’t. Trevor is usually pretty quiet about his gender, and feels pride when he passes. He plans on starting hrt and plans on getting top surgery some day, so he can present the way he wants to. And hey, guess what, Trevor isn’t a girl either.
Trevor and Cam are friends, and enjoy talking to each other at school. They respect each other’s pronouns and hang out a lot. Cam comforts Trevor when his dysphoria is really bad, and Trevor reminds Cam that he’s valid when gross truscum harass him online.
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miku-vs-the-nasty · 6 years
what do you mean?
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This is Cam and Trevor. They are both transgender. They are both boys. They both use he/him pronouns. And, most importantly, they’re both valid.
Cam doesn’t bind because he feels comfortable not binding. He takes a lot of pride in being trans, and is very open about his gender. He doesn’t have dysphoria, but that’s okay, he’s still trans and he’s still a boy. He might not start hrt  or undergo surgery, because he’s fine presenting the way he does currently. Even if he does, he’s not “stealing trans resources”. Cam is not a girl.
Trevor binds, and has dysphoria when he doesn’t. Trevor is usually pretty quiet about his gender, and feels pride when he passes. He plans on starting hrt and plans on getting top surgery some day, so he can present the way he wants to. And hey, guess what, Trevor isn’t a girl either.
Trevor and Cam are friends, and enjoy talking to each other at school. They respect each other’s pronouns and hang out a lot. Cam comforts Trevor when his dysphoria is really bad, and Trevor reminds Cam that he’s valid when gross truscum harass him online.
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miku-vs-the-nasty · 6 years
Umm is no one gonna talk about the fact the transmed said they think cam was affected by rogd which literally something that was made up
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This is Cam and Trevor. They are both transgender. They are both boys. They both use he/him pronouns. And, most importantly, they’re both valid.
Cam doesn’t bind because he feels comfortable not binding. He takes a lot of pride in being trans, and is very open about his gender. He doesn’t have dysphoria, but that’s okay, he’s still trans and he’s still a boy. He might not start hrt  or undergo surgery, because he’s fine presenting the way he does currently. Even if he does, he’s not “stealing trans resources”. Cam is not a girl.
Trevor binds, and has dysphoria when he doesn’t. Trevor is usually pretty quiet about his gender, and feels pride when he passes. He plans on starting hrt and plans on getting top surgery some day, so he can present the way he wants to. And hey, guess what, Trevor isn’t a girl either.
Trevor and Cam are friends, and enjoy talking to each other at school. They respect each other’s pronouns and hang out a lot. Cam comforts Trevor when his dysphoria is really bad, and Trevor reminds Cam that he’s valid when gross truscum harass him online.
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