mikibits · 3 years
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https://mikibits.com/blog/2021/03/30/failure-is-our-friend/ ... Me writing about how failure is awesomes, while our comfort zone is a lying little turd.
Because sometimes I forget and stuff.
()()     ~grrrr~ (~.~)  / c(”)(”)
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mikibits · 3 years
That moment when...
you realize--for such a hardwired monogamist romantically--you sure have poly-amorous tendencies when it comes to work.
I mean me.
I seem to have fallen in love with so many projects (3 screenplays, an animated short script, drawing storyboards for same, rewriting a novel, writing a new novel, 3 blogs, and an app I’m doing in Python) ... it’s obvious I’m not getting terribly close to finishing any of them at this rate.
As in my romantic life: I need to pick one and be faithful, else I will never see the relationship through!
The trouble is ... which one? 
(\./) (>.<)  ....bleh c(”)(”)
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mikibits · 3 years
(\(\         ()() ( ^_^)__,( o.o)   -- eep! c(”)(”)    c(”)(”)
Nothing happening here (yet).
But if you’re curious . . . boop me at mikibits.com.
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