Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.

When you are reeling initially from the loss of your loved one, you may find great comfort in some familiar traditions and ceremonies that are associated with death and dying. That is one of the reasons that the settings of the cemetery and the Funeral Home, which would seem to be areas to cause sadness, can actually bring comfort when you’re grieving.
For many people, visiting your loved one after they’ve been buried at the cemetery provides comfort and peace that they don’t experience elsewhere.
You might think a cemetery would make you feel sadder because it is a very stark reminder of the reality of your loss. For some, this stark reminder is a necessary step toward closure. Yes, the sadness is pronounced, but accepting the truth can help move you closer to healing.
For many people, there is a certain connectedness that can only be experienced at the burial site. People often visit a gravesite and chat with the one they’ve lost, sharing news, events and the emotions of their grief. While the response from your loved one is silent, you’ll feel that they are there. It’s not uncommon for people to say that they miss their loved one more when they aren’t at the cemetery, especially in the early days of grief. Often, cemeteries are quiet, peaceful and offer lots of green space and trees- which can provide a good backdrop for quiet reflection. Many people specially visit a loved one’s gravesite on the anniversary of their death, birthdays and other special days. They also take great pains to tend to their gravesites, taking pride and pleasure in keeping the gravesite looking fresh with pretty flowers. Sticking to these kinds of rituals can be enormously comforting when you are dealing with loss.

Organising a birthday celebration takes a lot of planning at the best of times, let alone in the middle of a pandemic. With lockdowns, travel restrictions and social distancing, it’s basically impossible to throw a traditional birthday party with friends, and even family. More than ever, now is the time to appreciate the little things and birthdays provide the perfect time to show our loved ones just how special they are.The bottom line? A birthday in 2021 is certainly one to remember and that doesn’t have to be a bad thing.

The Lights of Christmas presents… A Drive-Thru Christmas is off and running! While the event happens at night, why not make a day out of it? There are lots of fun things to do. Christmas is suddenly just around the corner (is it just me, or has this year flown by?) and I’m in the process of putting together lots of festive posts for the coming weeks, all based around the theme of ‘A Simple Christmas’.
For me, this time of year is about slowing down and enjoying little pleasures: frosty morning walks and laughter-filled feasts with family and friends,
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It might be hard to count our blessings in 2020, the year that may rank as the worst in history. The pandemic has imposed some new restrictions on our holiday rituals, but it can’t take away what's best about the season: the experience of gratitude, love, and connection.
COVID-conscious ideas for savoring the season safely, and spreading comfort and joy to our families, friends and community.
The holidays can be a stressful time for many of us. With the cloud of coronavirus hanging overhead, this year may be even harder.
give yourself permission to feel whatever emotion you’re feeling. Disappointment, sadness, worry, anger, or even grief -- any of those emotions may be natural or normal this year. Don’t beat yourself up if you’re not feeling jolly all the time. and, try to adjust your expectations. The holidays might not look like what we’re used to, but that can be OK. With a little flexibility and creativity, you can still find ways to show love and spread joy. Begin by asking yourself, “What is most meaningful and fulfilling to me?”. TO BE WITH MY LOVE ONES..

Christmas is, probably the most widely held celebration in the world. The day of the birth of Jesus Christ – actually, it probably wasn’t, but we’ll let that pass. The sharing of Christmas greetings is found at Christmas around the world.
Some people follow a traditional Christian approach to the festival. Others like to dip into some of the most wonderful aspects of the Christian element of the event, such as attending a Carol Service or going to Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve. For some, it’s just an excuse to be merry and share time (and gifts) with family and friends

I'm not suggesting that religious worshippers shouldn't use caution. And I think there are times when it's best not to have services. However, for some physicians and even policy-makers, religion is viewed as something akin to a hobby. It is a thing that can be done, or not done, with no real consequence. I have seen physicians assert that churches only stay open to get offerings, or that they simply "sing, hold hands, and sway." And yet, the reality is far more nuanced than that. And far more essential to the lives of millions; no, billions of human beings.
Let me say by way of credential that my church stopped meeting for about three months in the spring. We had virtual church, worshipping from home. (And since we actually understand technology, we sent our offering electronically or by check, unimpeded.)
A couple of months ago services resumed but with distancing and with three services on Sunday instead of two. Members were extremely respectful of safety measures taken during the lockdown in terms of seating arrangements, an end to children's church classes, and how we were to enter and exit the church. We even stopped having coffee and donuts! That's dedication. Then, during a recent increase in regional cases, we stopped services once more.

In order to conform with federal and state mandates for families to stay at home to diminish the spread of the corona virus, the families are in the midst of a new phenomenon: social distancing by sheltering in our homes to avoid social contact for national health and wellbeing. Regardless of the makeup of your family, this is a challenging and stressful time. For families with younger children in the home, these early experiences may have a long-lasting impact on their mental health and sense of wellbeing. In this blog, you will find some suggestions for establishing a healthy home environment that will help to sustain you throughout this difficult time.

Friendship is a simple word but carries a deep meaning. It cannot be defined by a single phrase or even a sentence. To me friendship means simply just being there for each other. It means sharing each other’s joys and well as sorrow.
One of the many rhetorical questions that I have found many asking me on the pool side is how can I be best friends with my competitor? Well, it was only then I began to reflect on my friendship with one of the many ace swimmers that I have.Swimming has always been my jam. Swimming is like a warm and comforting old friend that I can always turn to and rely on. Until now.

The relationship between cousins can be very close and deep. Maybe you were very close but have grown apart because of physical distance, a misunderstanding, or even problems within your family. No matter what circumstance, you can get your cousin to like you and turn the relationship into something that is meaningful for both of you.
Find things you both like to do. A good way to build your friendship with your cousin and get them to truly like you is to find your commonalities. These will give you a starting point for your interactions.
On the surface it might seem as though you and your cousin do not have much in common. But if you keep your contact consistent and ask them questions about their life, you are likely to find things that both of you have in common, from something as simple as personality traits to similar hobbies. For example, maybe you both like to play online games or enjoy Pinterest. You could set up a match against one another or follow their Pinterest boards.
You can use not having many commonalities to benefit both of you. This may give each of you a different way to look at the world or introduce you to new activities that you enjoy. For example, if your cousin loves hiking and you have never really been hiking, consider a hike together. You might enjoy it and even if you do not, it will still help them like you more because you’re open to new experiences.

Is it just us, or does every day during this pandemic feel like entering unchartered territory? At the end of the day, we’re all ready to go back to “normal,” but the reality isn’t quite that simple. At the end of the day, we’re all ready to go back to “normal,” but the reality isn’t quite that simple. At Go Ape, we’ve taken great steps, sometimes going further than what’s recommended by the CDC, or state/local mandates.
Is it safe to meet friends in the park, as long as they stay six feet away, on the other side of a blanket? What about a burger and beer at an outdoor restaurant?We know that being outdoors is lower risk for coronavirus transmission than being indoors. On a sunny, beautiful weekend, I think going outside is indicated, but I also think there are things to do to reduce our risk.”

I’m sending my warmest greetings to all my teachers and love ones , wishing you blessings from God.
I wish to express to each and every one of you my deepest and honest gratitude for the support you gave me to be able to study. I feel grateful that God and life put people like you in my path. Wonderful people who supported me unconditionally to move forward and fulfill my dream of graduation.
Now that I have fulfilled another dream of mine, I wish to share with you my triumph and joy that I feel realizing that my effort, my dedication, my persistence, my constancy and not being defeated by any obstacle made this possible.
I wish to offer this diploma to God, to my family, to Common Hope and to a very special person in my life.. God bless you for all the support you gave to me. I love you so much and you will always be in my heart. You won a very special place in heaven for being such a noble and extraordinary person that helped me unconditionally.
In the name of my family and myself, I am thankful for all the people that God put on my path, angels that I had the chance to meet and also the people that make it possible that Common Hope is operating. With your cooperative spirit and your good hearts you help families of our beloved . God bless you.

A stops and goes in slow motion day to remember, an unforgettable experience. A time in your life when your worldso that you can grasp all that life has.
The relationship between cousins is often a powerful cross between that of family and friends.
Growing up, they make special visits just like friends, bringing with them excitement and joy. I always loved visits from my cousins, as they bounded in with new games and tricks. They brought an outside world with them, full of new ideas from their own childhood experiences.Cousins provide support and friendship. Above all, you know they will always be there, and that your relationship will last a lifetime.
In modern times, it has become easier than ever before to stay in touch with extended family, and to make sure that you both know what is happening in each other’s lives. Share family stories on a joint family site, and keep updated on birthdays and life events.
Cousins are also a great resource for family history research. They may have new information – that you didn’t know – about family members, or may have heirlooms passed down to them. It’s a great bonding experience to work together to share and preserve your common heritage.

If you’ve already furnished and decorated your living space to your liking you might be looking for the best tips and tricks for organization and cleaning. Let me introduce you to Clean Nanay. Nanay Denden will help you with keeping your house clean and organized while having enough time for family life and fun. She can also provide you with free downloads of printable checklists, schedules, to do lists and cleaning challenges. And if you’re thinking about staying away from store-bought cleaning products and making your own instead – look no further! Nanay has DIY recipes for disinfecting spray cleaner and natural hand sanitizer spray & gel as well as summer diffuser blends.
She also gives very good advice on healthy living in general for example how to manage seasonal allergies in children and how to clean up vomit naturally, which are important things to know if you have children!
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