mikeymike-chang · 6 years
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It’s okay, love bug. I know you’ve been busy and all. These things are bound to happen sadly, it’s what I get for working around teenagers. Well, I wouldn’t say no to some alone time with you.
Then about you, me, and a certain upscale pizza place that one of us happens to love?
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mikeymike-chang · 6 years
Is that a thing?
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When you’re so good at your classes, that teachers actually let you go home early, don’t mind if I do.
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mikeymike-chang · 6 years
Mike finished setting everything up despite the complaints he listened to patiently. “You’re doing fine with most of your work, that’s true. Math, not so much though. A lot of people struggle with math,” he said. “It’s not as if anyone thinks less of you for needing a little help. Most people do. Besides, it won’t take long at all. You’ll be back to your regularly scheduled evening before you know it.”
He had just rolled his eyes while watching the older man get his stuff out, “I don’t want to even be here, don’t see the point I’m doing fine with my school work”. He said with attitude as he got his maths book out of his back pack and slammed it on the table, “My evening wasn’t planned liked this”
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mikeymike-chang · 6 years
Mike had to remind himself that he was doing something good here. Kurt and Sebastian were friends so it was least he could do to help out when he heard their son was having some trouble with math. Of course, he could do without the attitude.
“It’s not going to be that bad, Xavier,” he commented while pulling out some supplies from his bag.
Xavier was late for his tutoring session, but of course he didnt care much he didnt even want to come to these seasions. He finally showed up and wakes in classroom sighing as his tutor was waiting for him, “in here can we now get this over with?” He asked with a lot of sass and sat down in one of the empty chairs as he put his feet on the table.
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mikeymike-chang · 6 years
It’s been a few days but I think it’s finally leaving my system. Um, if you swing by, you can get me some orange juice.I forgot to grab that when I went to the store earlier. 
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Well, that’s good at least. I’m sorry I’ve been so caught up in this project. I should have noticed before. Let me make it up to you? With more than just some orange juice.
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mikeymike-chang · 6 years
Only bad thing is, if I get in trouble with a teacher, then they know that my dad works in the school…
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Just to go out and do some social things, like grabbing food, going to the movies, stuff like that. I see all the people in my class always bragging about going out and getting food and stuff…
So just don’t get in trouble, Kiddo.
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Yeah, alright. Just make sure all your homework is done before you go out.
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mikeymike-chang · 6 years
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I had to take some Nyquil last night because I was sick and you know that stuff knocks me out.
When did you get sick? Do you need me to get anything from the store for you?
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mikeymike-chang · 6 years
Yeah… I suppose so, it’s just always odd seeing him around school too, I’m just glad he isn’t on my back.
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I was gonna ask if I could borrow some money….?
You know he tries not to be the embarrassing dad at school.
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I guess that would be fine. What do you need it for?
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mikeymike-chang · 6 years
I… Guess… I don’t know..
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I know.. Dad says that a lot too, but I’m never sure when he’s being ‘dad’ or when he’s doing his job, you know…?
He’s always dad first with you three, Jack. 
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mikeymike-chang · 6 years
Uh…. It doesn’t matter any more… Never mind.
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You sure, Kiddo?
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You know you can talk to me about anything.
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mikeymike-chang · 6 years
Definitely past time to be in bed still.
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Shit…What time is it?
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mikeymike-chang · 6 years
Will do, don’t worry. I actually wanted to talk to you about something…
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What’s up?
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mikeymike-chang · 6 years
That’s how I feel whenever Dallas comes home to find me watching Footloose. 
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This has to be the sixth month in a row that I find myself home on a weekday night, ice cream in lap, and The Office playing on the television. As Sebastian isn’t home, I don’t feel as judged – but I keep looking over towards the door, just ready to watch something else. I’m an adult, so this is just sad.
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mikeymike-chang · 6 years
That’s some good work ethic you got there, but get some sleep too, Kiddo.
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People always send me weird texts at weird times of the morning… Then again, they’re probably up all night doing a school project too… Only have a week to finish it off.
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mikeymike-chang · 6 years
They would probably hate you a lot. 
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Exactly. And now that we’re back in our own place we don’t have to worry about it.
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mikeymike-chang · 6 years
I had an idea…if you were cool with being gone all weekend.
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I am cool with that. I’d just have to let my studio know.
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What are you thinking?
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mikeymike-chang · 6 years
At least we are adorable.
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Alright, Dr. Phil. Probably but Mickey is the best with his twisted self. That or maybe we should go do something this weekend.
That we are, babe.
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I’d be fine going to do something.
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