mikaneedscoffee · 1 year
NOTION TUTORIAL୭ 🧷 ✧ ˚. ᵎᵎ 🎀
this is to serve as some little notion tips that i use to make my notion the way that it is. cute and efficient. this is very surface level and i'll get more in depth the more the post goes on. im working on dropping a notion template soon <3
first off pick a color scheme, for me, my color scheme is pastel pinks and whites and soft shades of green as an accent.
u can import photos from pinterest by copying the photo (not the link address, the actual photo) and pasting it into ur notion
take advantage of the columns, when u make a new space click "turn into" and use columns, it'll neatly divide the page
experiment with fonts, i use serif. u can also do large or small text, AND full width pages
making toggle lists saves space and keeps ur page looking super neat and organized
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calendars and tables will keep u organized
to add a page ur gonna wanna go to the top left corner and click "new page"
u can import custom icons by going on pinterest and looking up app icons with the color scheme that u want, download that and add it for cute icons, u can also do the same with GIFS
for links and things of the sort embedding the video and adding the link are two different things, embedding the video means that u can access it on ur page (i do this for youtube videos/spotify etc) and when its a link i'll do this for documents and things of the sort
to add titles to ur columns click the "+" button, i use heading 3 bcuz that's the size i prefer but there are other sizes to choose from
a cool feature that notion has is that u can change the background color OR the text color, when u change the background color its more pastel-like if that's what ur going for
to make section dividers click (-) three times to create a divider
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mikaneedscoffee · 1 year
little update bc why not : we surprisingly don’t have that much work to do right now (shocking??) so i’ve had time to go back to the movietheater! i’m really into cinema rn, so here are a few recommandations from yours truly :
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• Sofia, Meryem Benm’barek (w/ Maha Alemi)
a young girl is illegally pregnant, outside of marriage, her family struggles to salvage their honour. a wonderful study about money, power, and misogyny
• Carol, Todd Haynes (w/ Cate Blanchett and Rooney Mara) ♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎
a classic! two women falling in love in the 50s, except it’s even better than it already sounds because it’s filmed so elegantly and subtely (screenplay by Nagy, directed by Haynes)
• Tàr, Todd Field (still w/Cate Blanchett, see a recurring theme here?) ♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎
blanchett as a lesbian orchestra conductor, need i say more? go watch it please, its the best movie of 2022 i swear it’s so good
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mikaneedscoffee · 1 year
guess who tf forgot abt this blog
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mikaneedscoffee · 2 years
Some things I wish everyone in the studyblr community would know:
If an anon asks you what university you go to, what city you live in, for a face reveal ect- you are NOT obliged to answer.
In fact, you're not obliged to answer any ask. At all. Especially when anons are being rude to you, you owe them nothing.
Please, please, pleaaaase if the studyblr pictures you're posting is not your own- ask for permission from the owner! If they do let you post it, credit them!!
On that note, if you're a minor and somebody is being invasive in your inbox/asks - there is no shame in blocking them without giving a reason.
You can ask, but don't demand anyone to post about anything. Having a safe space on the internet is valid and you don't know what trauma and triggers some people are carrying. This is an umbrella statement for asks about going to university at an older age, finances, anything that requires a trigger warning etc.
If you got a 'bad' grade, if you're dropping out of uni, if you're changing course or anything, you literally do not need to share that info if you don't want to/aren't comfortable with that. It's completely OK to run a studyblr and keep that info private.
Tag food posts with #food and #foodtw (I've only learned this recently and have since tagged all of my food posts!)
If someone leaves a nasty comment about you, it reflects more about them than about you.
You don't have to apologise to anyone for taking a break from tumblr. That's a completely valid and healthy thing to do.
Don't assume you know somebody based on their tumblr. You don't know their struggles, living situation and mental state. Be kind to everybody.
Know that you can study just as well without expensive stationary.
I've had my boundaries heavily crossed before and it breaks my heart when I see people here have been getting nasty messages. I hope this helps, stay safe everyone ♡
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mikaneedscoffee · 2 years
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Won't stop until i get what i deserve
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mikaneedscoffee · 2 years
its me, my coffee, and ibuprofen against this 4h final huh
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mikaneedscoffee · 2 years
i actually nailed this one,
i am third of my class,
i got 31/35 (!!!)
um yea so go study, kids, it does pay off >:)
well i have a maths final at 8:30 and the worst cold you’ve ever seen, so hum things are looking good yea :’)
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mikaneedscoffee · 2 years
well i have a maths final at 8:30 and the worst cold you’ve ever seen, so hum things are looking good yea :’)
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mikaneedscoffee · 2 years
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mikaneedscoffee · 2 years
I think I might be succeeding in brainwashing myself into liking real analysis. I look at the problems and try to say “this is neat. All math is good. I will happily do this problem” instead of “this is so fucking stupid and tedious why is it ugly.” And it’s working, my automatic impulse to go :D at any math is working in my favor.
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mikaneedscoffee · 2 years
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academic validation >>>>>
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mikaneedscoffee · 2 years
well well well
Everytime you choose to study what you love instead of what you have to, know Henry Winter is proud of you.
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mikaneedscoffee · 2 years
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my filofax = the backbone of any self discipline i may have
i’m currently organising my week (i’m finally on holiday!) i plan a lot of studying bc i want to incorporate some extra things in my schedule (a lot of reading + some extra languages) the school system in france is pretty fucked up and basically if i want a v nice school i have to take some initiative and do more than just having good grades
btw i spoke to my older sister and she says its v v normal that my grades dropped comparing to last year, it hurts but its common to almost everybody sooo i guess i was a bit of a drama queen lol
good studying everybody! (or resting, thats also nice)
emika ♥︎
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mikaneedscoffee · 2 years
girl help i thought i had good normal study motivation but its actually just the niche (self) study (of smthg absolutely not useful for school) motivation flavor :’)
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mikaneedscoffee · 2 years
nothing is more fun than roleplaying being an organized student and watching it crumble to pieces in less than a week
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mikaneedscoffee · 2 years
another day, another fucked up studying thing :
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my gd app thinks its an achievement to pull an all-nighter and that you should get a trophy for it (nuit blanche = all-nighter, révise en pleine nuit = study at night)
please, studysmarter, get a grip
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mikaneedscoffee · 2 years
really needed to see this today :’)
lately i’ve been really pushing myself and all the self-discipline is great but i need to acknowledge that it can also not be the healthiest, sometimes i just use the studying as punishment when i’m not satisfied with my grades (that are not catastrophic but i rlly want more) its toxic and not even productive bc i just end up stressing over everything ; i’m so so so tired and i’ve been pushing myself far too much these days, plus i’m sort of sick (a bad cold?)
yea i just thought it’d be good to make this a reminder, don’t make studying a punishment, there definitely is a fine line btw having the self discipline to study when you’re not so motivated and over working when you should be resting
At one point, I had this era on Pinterest where I would save a lot of those study inspo photos captioned with something like “It’s 3 am, people are sleeping while I’m getting ahead of them”, basically shit like that. I just remember there were a lot of posts like those with similar captions revolving around studying till morning. Yes, being studious is great and all but YOU NEED SLEEP TO FUNCTION. So that era of mine on Pinterest basically reminded me to remind you guys that please don’t treat sleep deprivation as a competition. Now I know it feels like it’s almost impossible to even get 6 or 7 hours of sleep but when you can PLEASE GO SLEEP AND REST. Your brain needs it! When you feel like you’ve studied and covered everything you need to know but it’s still early, PLEASE GO REST! Do not punish yourself by studying more just because you feel like you shouldn’t finish early studying that just means you’re already familiar with the material.
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