mikaelalai-ardn632 · 2 days
The next step I need to do to advance my project is to get a better understanding of what my concept is before I can fully continue taking photographs. I did like the idea of journey to another world but when I was considering how I would continue my work, I wasn't really able to think of anything. I kind of like the idea of like the ghost of ones identity or like lingering but I think I would need to do some more exploration about that.
I know for my next photoshoot that I want to work with a model. I really want to attempt to create the same visual language of Chiron Duong's work and how his portraits are full of movement and life. I had thought of different ways of achieving this. The first was just using slow shutter speed or a long exposure to achieve this effect from the camera. My other idea was to take a bunch of normal shots of my model and then in the post production to turn the opacity down and to layer them over each other.
My third step I need to do is create like a mood board of the sort of images and compositions that I want following my theme. After seeing what other people did over the break, I noticed how the people who had a vision board had like a better understanding of how they wanted their images to come out or the tone/vibes that their project is going to be like.
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mikaelalai-ardn632 · 2 days
Looking at the artists that I have referenced, their works almost look like paintings and so I could try make it seem like the other world is like a painting that is trying to spill out to the real world.
life imitates art
Could put a more industrial or urban area into the painting to give some contrast
Where would I find my purpose
Work on context
Loan a tripod
long exposure
ICM Photography
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mikaelalai-ardn632 · 3 days
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following the idea of journey into other worlds, i photoshopped this picture frame that i thought looked cool over the landscape image. I wanted to use the portrait almost like a portal but i didn’t exactly know what to put in the middle so i left it empty for now. I wanted to include a figure similarly to Christopher McKenney’s work but i haven’t been able to do so yet.
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mikaelalai-ardn632 · 3 days
Contact sheet from break experiments
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For my experimentation, I had the idea of "journey into another world" in mind while shooting. I already had a location in mind already so I went there and just walked around taking a lot of different compositions. Inspired by Christopher McKenney, I wanna use these landscape images as the background.
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These three images above are some of the shots that I think have the most potential for my project.
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mikaelalai-ardn632 · 3 days
Christopher McKenney
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Christopher McKenney is a conceptual photographer who specialises in surrealism and avant-garde art. His work has been inspired by other photographers such as Annie Leibovitz and Gregory Crewdson. A lot of McKenney’s work lean towards an unsettling or horror element. In the images I have chosen, the composition is quite similar as a figure with a cloth over them is the main subject of the image. All these images feel unsettling and creepy as these faceless figures appear almost unhuman especially the one with the invisible body. What I like about a lot of his work is that the setting of his images is outdoors/in the wilderness which is what I had in mind for my potential shoots. McKenney has stated that the use of faceless figures is a deliberate creative choice as he creates images to express himself and that viewers can interpret his work in any way they want, as long as they feel something. I thought this was an interesting perspective especially in the context of manipulation because having different views on a piece of work can impact the work especially when it is being published. The third image consists of a figure standing in between the trees while two rabbit figures stand on either side. The rabbits make this image feel more fantastical and whimsical, almost childlike. I can feel a sense of curiosity from this image. The pose the faceless figure has for some reason reminds me of Jesus.  
Christopher McKenney. ‘About’. Accessed 10 September 2024. https://www.christophermckenneyart.com/untitled-text-page.
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mikaelalai-ardn632 · 12 days
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some of the ideas i was brainstorming in class. I quite liked the idea of garden of eden as I already know a location I could shoot at for this idea. I also thought it could be interesting to explore the emotions related to the story about the garden of eden as well. Another idea I thought was interesting was a window to another world. I thought this could be a good idea as it would be interesting to see how could use the things around me to frame other environments and edit them together.
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mikaelalai-ardn632 · 14 days
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Activity in class where we got chatgpt to help us start planning the concept for our assignment. I thought it was interesting the different ideas generated by the AI and how when I compared them with a classmate, how the answers given were quite similar but also different. Of the generated answers, the only ones that I thought could be interesting to continue exploring is the urban metamorphosis or human-element interaction. As i plan to include models in my photoshoots, I don't think urban metamorphosis is the type of concept I am trying to portray. I like the human-element interaction concept because in my own work I wanted to maybe do something about emotions. I definitely do not want to do anything about architecture just because I don't know what the concept of those images would be.
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mikaelalai-ardn632 · 14 days
Chiron Duong
Chiron Duong is a Vietnamese architect and fashion photographer. Duong’s work explores personal ideas relating to Vietnamese culture and his personal life.
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The composition of this image consists of three women as they move around creating a motion blur. This effect could have been achieved my layering images which were taken with a slow shutter speed which already shows a lot of motion. The colour grading is neutral and dark which helps the red ribbons tied to the women’s hands to stand out highlighting the significance of them tying each of them together. What I love about Duong’s work is how his photographs feel almost psychedelic but they are so beautiful to look at. I think the concept behind this image could be about how sometimes your hands can feel tied and you can’t do anything when it comes to culture. As we grow up, we learn to be respectful to our elders and we’re not allowed to talk back to them which can diminish our sense of self. As I continue to do more research, I am not too sure if i want to completely go down the horror route for my context or if I want to just do something more odd and eccentric.
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This image consists of a woman surrounded by a flurry of books. This motion blur/slow shutter speed effect is a constant in Duong's work and is a key part of his artistic style. His visual approach is one of my favourites and give me inspiration for my own work. The background of Duong's work is quite simple as a solid colour background which allows for the viewers attention to solely be on the subject.
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Another image of Duong's which has the same visual approach to his other work.
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mikaelalai-ardn632 · 24 days
Trini Schultz (trini61)
Trini Schultz is a self-taught photographer whose photographs mainly feature this painting like texture/quality. In some of her work, she combines old photographs with her new digital images to create new images. 
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I liked this image in particular as I thought it showcased the type of images that I wanted to create. It has an eerie feeling and makes the viewer want to know more about what the story is behind the image. The composition of the image consists of a girl sitting in the middle with a mirror. Her back is turned away from the mirror as she looks off to the side. The reflection in the mirror is of herself except instead of reflecting the back of her head, instead it shows another version of herself reaching out at her. Composition wise the image is quite simple, however what makes the image feel creepy and eerie is the background, it is designed to look like the setting is an abandoned or unkept place. The colour grading is warm, reminiscent of the old photographs from the early 1900s. The vignette around the image also makes the image feel older. I think the concept behind this image has something to do with horror. The subject's facial expression shows that they are most likely unaware of what is happening behind them in the mirror. The person in the mirror has a look of like they want to hurt the person sitting in front. Of the three images I have selected of Schultz’s work, I think this image demonstrates the concept I would like to try accomplishing in my own work.  
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This image titled “Manifestation of Lost Souls” features a masked figure standing in the middle of a dark hallway in what appears to be a hospital. Around the man there are these circular balls which I can’t seem to figure out if these were added in during the postproduction or were just photographed like that. This image also feels unsettling and eery as masked figure stands alone. I think the colour grading also makes this image feel unsettling as the colours are very dull and it almost feels like it enhances the shadows making it feel more dramatic. I think the concept of this image is about how “lost souls’ might not have their own sense of identity anymore hence the mask and they are just left to wander around alone. Maybe the green circles surrounding the figure are the lost souls instead of the figure?
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The composition of this image is a woman standing outdoors in an open field as her dress is blown in the wind it is turning into a sort of smoke. There is a lot of sky in this image which I think helps to show that this photograph is situated outside. The dark colours of the sky also helps to imagine that this was photographed during maybe a windy or stormy day which would make the smoke seem more believable that it would disperse in that way. The rest of the colours in this image are neutral and moody which makes the image feel more majestic and dramatic.  I think that the concept of this image could be read as freedom. How the person is able to let themselves be blown away into smoke because they are free.
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mikaelalai-ardn632 · 1 month
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In contemporary times, the manipulation of images is an on-going conversation discussing how changing technologies are affecting the medium of photography. In the essay, “post-photography, or are we past photography?” written by Andreia Alves De Oliveira, it is debated whether the term photography can no longer describe the current medium of photography due to the quickly evolving technologies used in the process of image creation. There is no denying that in all facets of photography there is a semblance of photo manipulation whether it be the staging of the image, post-production editing, or the published context reenforcing the photographers bias’. These are all forms of photo manipulation that have existed since the invention of photography and will continue to change as the technology evolves.  
Photographer Dzung Yoko uses image manipulation to create visual stories about the real world as well as dream like environments. Yoko’s series “Ghost Story” features a variety of stage photographs that are both unusual and beautiful which have inspired my own work. As part of the “Ghost Story” series, he never hides that some of these images were created using archive photographs and stock of his own. Yoko describes this as a way to give these old photographs a new life. 
Through the stages of compositing different images, I have developed an interest in more of the fantasy and surreal images rather than realism. My final image is comprised of three images, one taken by myself and the other two being from the shared library. Using the image of a tree photographed from a low angle, I situated the image as the background. Using the branches of the tree to frame around the main subject, attention is diverted to the winged figure. An image of a butterfly decoration has been masked out and placed behind the statue to give it wings. I used different blend modes and curves to change the colour of the wings and give it the appearance that it is glowing. Adding a lens flare and the blend modes helped the wings to feel almost psychedelic. To appear as though the wings are truly glowing and illuminating the statue and trees from behind, I used multiple inverse curves to paint highlights and add texture to the image. The blend if tool was used to mesh the dark colours of the tree background with the statue giving a slight distortion of the colours. Influenced by the music video “Birth” by ARTMS[1] and the ominous glowing figure that is featured in it, the dark colours combined with the bright glowing light of the wings of my own composited image makes it feel unsettling and creepy to look at. 
This composited image attempts to explore conceptual ideas of fear and anxiety. Creating a heaven-like figure that when you look at it you cannot discern what you are actually looking at. It represents the fears that people have of the unknown or other-worldly beings. Inspired by the “Cottingley Fairies”[2] (1917) by Elsies Wright and Frances Griffiths, a well-known manipulated photographic series, I wanted to create an image that was surreal but still could be almost believable that it existed. Adding to our anxieties, imagining the state of fear if one was to look up into the trees and see that looming over you. Similar to how people during the early 1900’s wanted to believe in fairies existing due to the depression, in our current times where we are experiencing a cost-of-living crisis, some people may want something else to believe in to take their minds of the real world. 
[1] ‘- YouTube’. Accessed 16 August 2024. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DsCd9tUdUS8.
[2] Historic UK. ‘The Cottingley Fairies’. Accessed 21 August 2024. https://www.historic-uk.com/CultureUK/The-Fairies-of-Cottingley/. 
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mikaelalai-ardn632 · 1 month
other iterations
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these were some more experimentations I tried before settling on my final image. I quite liked the first one but i thought it might've been too distracting compared to my chosen image.
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mikaelalai-ardn632 · 1 month
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mikaelalai-ardn632 · 1 month
RESEARCH | aespa - armageddon m/v
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While researching and looking for media that would help to push my work further, I remembered another music video which has depictions of a winged figure. When looking at these images the figure feels majestic but also unsettling to look at from their dynamic poses and the ominous lighting. i want to keep working on my image so I can attempt to give mine the same feeling. Taking inspiration from the third image, I wanted to try do a sort of glare on the wings in my own image. What I liked about these shots is how the figure is backlit and so it is difficult to see their face which is similar to how my current composition is. I am struggling a little bit using the inverse curve tool to brighten the statue as it I feel like those shadows are just being over powered by the glowing wings.
‘- YouTube’. Accessed 22 August 2024. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nFYwcndNuOY.
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mikaelalai-ardn632 · 1 month
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the image on the left is the one that David did as an example on how I could elevate my composition. the image on the right is my attempt at doing that. I learnt how to use the curves tool to do inverse lighting to make the wings glow onto the tree branches. as I look at the image on a different screen, the image looks really dark so I think I might brighten it slightly and I still want to make it look more unsettling and creepy.
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mikaelalai-ardn632 · 1 month
RESEARCH | ARTMS - Birth m/v
For my images, I think I am leaning towards the image with the statue in the tree. In class, it was suggested to me that I could make the wings glow more by David. I really liked this idea and while looking at work that my friend did, I thought of this music video that I liked and thought that it would be a good reference for my work.
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I really liked how creepy and unsettling the glowing figure is. It feels other worldly and also scary. For my image, instead of just editing the wings to make them glow, I want to try make the whole figure glow. I think this would allow for me to keep the dark vignette that I put around my figure in the trees. Obviously as the glowing figure is very attention grabbing, the rest of the background is quite normal, basic and dark so that the glowing figure is the only thing that you look at which I want to achieve with my own image.
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These illustrations are by Mareykrap on instagram which are also included in the same music video. The drawings depict the same glowing figure. These illustrations are beautifully strange and unsettling giving the same vibe as the music video. In a lot of the illustrations, the background and the ground are two contrasting colours which is something I could test in my own work as it is currently very monotone.
‘- YouTube’. Accessed 16 August 2024. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DsCd9tUdUS8.
notefolio.net. ‘[Modhaus] ARTMS 아르테미스 - Birth [Official m/v] illustration by mareykrap 포트폴리오 - 노트폴리오’. Accessed 16 August 2024. https://notefolio.net/mareykrap/387044.
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mikaelalai-ardn632 · 1 month
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The image we had to analyse in our group tables. Luckily 3/4 of us already knew of this image so we were aware of the context that surrounds this image. It is interesting how this image is spread around the internet which has a positive context but when you know the real context the image is actually terrifying. This is a clear example of photo manipulation because although the actual image wasn't manipulated, the context was changed to something positive and lots of people believed this is what happened in the picture.
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mikaelalai-ardn632 · 1 month
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I continued editing this composition that I came up with last week. I played with the gradient map and tried to make it look more creepy by adding some red. now that I look at it on another screen the colour actually looks pink. I also wanted to add a vignette but i wasnt sure how to add it so I just used the brush tool. I quite like the idea of leaning into the creepiness and the feeling of like you're not sure what you're looking at.
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This composition was my attempt at trying to be more realistic, so it is supposed to be ducks in the water. I used an image that someone had taken of the sky and actually used that as the water. I then found other images which had like textures to try recreate the ripples in water. I wanted to add some sort of foliage around the ducks to make it more realistic but I was struggling with this. I think I will just need to spend some more time working on that. With this composition of the ducks, I had the image by Dzung Yoko in mind where the koi fish are edited over a person.
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for this image i tried to do another sort of creepy or unsettling feeling but in a more realistic way compared to my first image. I think I do really like creating like surreal images(?). Trying to get better at using the curves tool so that it can help to make the images feel a bit more believable even if they are strange.
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