miindframe · 6 months
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The Brainrot has set in for Mag Protocol
Frothing at the mouth to see where this all goes
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miindframe · 8 months
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miindframe · 1 year
its so weird to me the way parts of the fandom talk about 160. like jon “accidentally” ended the world, or was “manipulated” into it. like. bruh he was literally being mind controlled and wasnt able to move any of his limbs even tho he was audibly straining. he wasn’t “tricked,” as if he chose to do it out of misinformation (like say, gertrude was tricked into her binding with agnes). he was only “tricked” into picking up the wrong piece of paper which stripped him of his free will, in a very unsettling mirror of his first mark. everything after that was completely without any input from him, informed or no. jonah ended the world. jon was just forced to be present for it.
its like if i offered u a handshake, then when u got close picked u up and threw you at someone and then said you were “tricked” into hitting them. like no there were actually a few more steps there between the deception and the violence.
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miindframe · 1 year
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A bit of an old Magnus archives art dump ✨
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miindframe · 1 year
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John is not Yellow. He's gold, Arthur. A gift. You see that.
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miindframe · 1 year
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If a fella makes a nebula right in front of you, how are you not gonna pine after him for 6000 years?
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miindframe · 1 year
hey girl we took your boyfriend to mount cithareon. we convinced him to cross-dress & infiltrate the bacchae. the maenads got him. yeah they tore him to shreds. im so sorry
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miindframe · 1 year
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office mug
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miindframe · 1 year
so if jon woke up from his little 6 month coma and georgie was pissed at him and basira was pissed at him and melanie was pissed at him and martin was turning into the personification of a raincloud how long do you think it took for someone to hug the guy. was it daisy after he saved her from the buried? was it martin after he saved him from the lonely? obviously the lonely made a play for martin’s soul in season 4 but i think it really took its own specific toll on jon too i cant believe this man fuckin died and woke up and nobody hugged him im feeling unbearable in this chilis tonight i
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miindframe · 1 year
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miindframe · 2 years
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Tumblr Sexyrematch info
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miindframe · 2 years
// going to try to be more active over here. I miss Tumblr lmao.
So, while I've been gone I have:
Been bedridden for a year due to health issues
Recovered enough to not be bedridden
Moved to California with my partner
Started graduate school (PhD this time!)
Brought in a friend as a roommate for me and Maddie
Working on all that health issue stuff
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miindframe · 2 years
// ooc
icb i’m getting back into rp tumblr and tumblr in general. it has been so long
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miindframe · 3 years
I've been gone for a long time, but I sort of miss the mess that is Tumblr.
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miindframe · 3 years
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Comic on having long-COVID as a young person. Sending love to others who may be similarly suffering.
(ID under the cut)
Keep reading
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miindframe · 4 years
What’s up my guys?
You’re probably sick to death of me reblogging my GoFundMe post, trust me I’m sick of reblogging it too. So I’m making this one, which is an updated one, because a lot of thing have happened since I was admitted into the hospital with a mystery lung infection, the most important being I was discharged with a cancer diagnosis.
I have Stage IV Hodgkin’s Lymphoma.
It’s spread to my lungs for sure, and I have a bone marrow biopsy next week as well as a PET scan to see where else it’s spread. It’s not looking super great for me, though I haven’t been given an expiration date and even if I do I’m going to ignore it because I refuse to be taken out by something called lymphoma. I have an expected chemo start date of 4/27, if not 4/20, in order to aggressively fight this. I’ve already shaved my head ahead of chemo because it’s important to me that I take charge and be active in my treatment and my recovery so I don’t just give up.
“Stage IV” is a scary phrase, and I’ll admit I had a bit of a breakdown after my oncology appointment because for all my nihilistic “just let me die lol” humor, being confronted with my own mortality is a heavy and hard thing to handle. I had another breakdown after taking the scissors to my hair to make shaving it easier, and yet another in the shower. It’s good to cry and scream and let it all out because this sucks! This sucks so much! I’m only 30, goddamn! Hodgkin’s Lymphoma is one of the most treatable cancers with a five year prognosis that’s at least above 50% so statistics are in my favor right now. Even knowing this, sometimes I think about what’s happening and I feel like I’m going to start screaming and never stop.
I’m not working; my funeral home made me redundant as the newest mortician on the seniority ladder, though I haven’t been officially laid off or let go. At least then I could collect unemployment, so being stuck in this “having a job but not having a job limbo” sucks. I still have health insurance, which I’m sure is a major contributing factor to why I haven’t been officially laid off, but it’s still $200 every two weeks and without an income, obviously this sucks. Even when the shelter-in-place orders end and businesses are able to reopen like they were before the pandemic, I’ll be in the full swing of aggressive chemotherapy and unable to work so the shittiness continues.
I’m asking for help, because I want to survive this.
Here’s how you can help:
I have a GoFundMe here. So many people have already generously given and all the money is going to bills, bills, groceries, bills, rent, and medications.
If you would rather send something physical, I have an Amazon wishlist specifically for dealing with this here. I didn’t actually know what to put on there so the first thing was cat food.
I also have a paypal.me
If you want to help but are broke as shit like me, reblogs are appreciated just as much.
If you made it this far, thank you for reading. It’s a super crazy world out there right now so please stay safe and try to stay healthy.
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miindframe · 4 years
Here’s a link to a google sheet of ALL BAIL FUNDS around the country. You can also add missing bail funds here by messaging me!
Please spread this link around!
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