Jess Mariano is my son
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migmegjam · 4 months ago
!!when you get this, list 5 songs you like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask to the last 10 people in your notifs (positivity is cool!!)
I'm doing 5 more!
- 99 Luftballons (Nena)
- C'est La Vie (B*Witched)
- If I Could Turn Back Time (Cher)
- I Wanna Dance With Somebody (Whitney Houston)
- Rio (Duran Duran)
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migmegjam · 4 months ago
!!when you get this, list 5 songs you like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask to the last 10 people in your notifs (positivity is cool!!)
Ooh I have so many songs I like! These are the ones I'm listening to a lot at the moment:
- L.I.F.E.G.O.E.S.O.N. (Noah and the Whale)
- We Built This City (Starship)
- I'm Still Standing (Elton John)
- Don't Stop Me Now (Queen)
- Material Girl (Madonna)
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migmegjam · 4 months ago
🦅 B O O P 🐬
🐾 BOOP 🎃👻
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migmegjam · 4 months ago
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migmegjam · 4 months ago
For science!!!!
(Please reblog if you vote! :D )
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migmegjam · 5 months ago
Bonus! Please put in the tags where you are from and if your situation was common where you are from!
Thanks, Anon!
-submit your poll!-
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migmegjam · 5 months ago
One of these is accurate for me, plz tell me I'm not alone
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migmegjam · 8 months ago
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Back in my atonement phase rn and my brain is glitching
am I the only one seeing this???
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migmegjam · 8 months ago
usamericans please stop putting your "congrats uk!! hope this happens to us in november!!" posts in the uk politics tag please please you have no idea
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migmegjam · 8 months ago
alright tumblr, I need to know
Hey uh do me a favor and reblog this! I wanna reach as many users as possible with this one
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migmegjam · 8 months ago
Some of y'all genuinely hate dudes and honestly, that's super cringe
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migmegjam · 9 months ago
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migmegjam · 9 months ago
I get your view on this, but I very much think that you're looking at this from a modern context and not in the context of the 50s.
What is "normal" now and what was "normal" back then are very different.
Back then, the man was the leader of the household. What he says, goes. And it was expected that the woman facilitated that, especially when it came to matters of raising their children. Knox is one of the characters explicitly stated to come from money, and you don't get to that level of rich in those days by being socially liberal and promoting equality. Chances are, he grew up in a household where his mother's opinions weren't really taken into account and were often ignored when she did express them, so I don't wonder that he doesn't really value Chris' input into what he perceives as their relationship.
Of a similar vain, he goes to a highly traditional - even for the time - all-boys boarding school. He won't have interacted with many girls and he won't have seen many relationships to build his perception of how those interactions should go. In an era where "go get your girl" was a common theme in romance movies, chances are that's the only concept of the act of romancing he'd ever seen. We saw his confusion when Charlie said "women swoon". We saw his clearly out-of-touch nature with teenage culture of the time when he arrived at the party in a full suit. This is not someone who is acquainted with "normal".
Now, do I think this means we need to excuse his actions because "he's just a product of his time"? No. We can be critical of the character and understand the effects his actions have on Chris particularly. Does this mean everyone should like his character? No, once again, we should be critical of him and how he is presented.
However, does this mean he's a destined predator who did this all on purpose because he's a malicious stalker? No. He's a tragically misguided teenager whose story is just another reason as to why the system these boys are in doesn't work.
People are WAY too chill about Knox. He is a creep, this is coming from a guy who HAS BEEN STALKED and someone who has been HEAD OVER HEELS for a girl before.
His behaviour isn’t normal, and I don’t know why the fandom pretends it is. Chet was right to punch him.
Chris was a sweet girl, maybe a little flattered by Knox but she (from my memory) never seemed comfortable and like she did not want him around. But he didn’t care? (“But she went to the play with him/showed up to Welton” — Yeah. When you’re being stalked or made uncomfortable you’re not always going to run the other way, she seemed to and he didn’t care. With my own thing, I would hang around the individual because that was easier than trying to hide. Has no one seen Baby Reindeer?)
And I just want to say this is quite similar to when I got stalked the first time. Chris and Knox, maybe they’d be cute. But what is not cute is how much of a creep Knox is?????
I had been head over ASS really, for a girl (who I did date on and off jan2020-jan2024.) and I never did weird shit. Honestly, it could have been down to my anxiety (hello, bisexual Todd Anderson here.). But even then, with anyone I have dated, I’ve never been like that with them.
I like to think I was better, respecting boundaries (Knox fails to.), and I’d just kind of act the same sort of way regardless of my own feelings towards people I was interested in. I never fucking stalked them or showed up to their school? (I’ll admit I’d be caught if I did considering my uniform was that generic private school strict stuff compared to laid back public. I’d had a light blue polo and a maroon blazer(and/or) maroon sweater, and black bottoms compared to the surrounding schools which were all public and entirely different. Public vs private were VERY noticeable difference in my area, you didn’t need to know the school - look at the uniform and know public or private.)
I’ve also never wanted to do that? As a 17 year old boy, I have NEVER had the desire to stalk someone I’m interested in. I’ve not been rejected by anyone I’ve asked out, but if/when that does happen I wouldn’t keep attempting to pursue something.
(No means no, in all contexts. No to sex, to a relationship, to plans, to a hug, anything. No means no regardless who you say it to and your relationship to them.)
Knox and I are definitely very different people, but I’ve never been that weird about someone I’ve been interested in. The weirdest I’ve gotten is literally talking dramatically about marriage or whatever with them to my friends (very privately).
Knox was weird. I don’t like the ‘ship’ with him and Chris because it did genuinely seem more as though she was confused and flattered but also pressured. Do we not see women reject men and wind up dead? Women will literally go out with a man so that they don’t..
Like I don’t intend to make it sound so serious because it’s a 35 year old movie set in the 1950’s. But people downplay it so much in the fandom, like I’m sorry but how are you going to /love/ Knox and hate Cameron?
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migmegjam · 9 months ago
Awww thank you! I don't know what's going on then, that's such a shame :(
if someone still has it or knows where else to find it PLEASE dm or something me and explain to me, i kind of really need it to you know exist? (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)
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migmegjam · 9 months ago
I've just found it by searching it youtube, could it be your internet or location or something?
if someone still has it or knows where else to find it PLEASE dm or something me and explain to me, i kind of really need it to you know exist? (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)
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migmegjam · 9 months ago
i love you im glad you exist im so happy you’re alive
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migmegjam · 9 months ago
this covers the main parties currently in westminster (i think - sorry if i'm wrong, and sorry to the count binface stans). this is basically a tumblr exit poll - i want to see how the demographic of brits on tumblr compares to the general populace. feel free to rant in the tags, but reblog for more people to take part!
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