mighty-toshi-stan · 2 months
Hey, I know I haven't posted here in 70 years, but pls DM me if you're interested in a commission bc ya girl is brokkkeee
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mighty-toshi-stan · 2 years
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Happy ace day!!! 💜🤍🖤
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mighty-toshi-stan · 2 years
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Apparently I passed the vibe check
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mighty-toshi-stan · 2 years
this genuinely made my night, thanks for the juice :)
This drawing was inspired by a Toshinori×reader written by @mighty-toshi-stan
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Please go read their writing!
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mighty-toshi-stan · 2 years
Hello could I please have some headcanons for all might with a short and chubby s/o? Like they are barely chest height to him. Thank you for you time ☺️
Toshinori x Reader Who Is Short and Chubby (GN)
Pairing type: romantic
Reader pronouns: they/them
Warnings: (Angst) Toshi is very anxious that something bad will happen to you because of your connection to him.
He thinks you are the cutest thing ever
Can and will pick you up while he's in either form
He really likes to pick you up, usually wedding style
It especially makes him feel better after he retires. Part of it is kinda like a "haha, I am still Strong enough for my lovely partner, I can keep them safe, at least I can still do this, etc" and part of it is the security he feels from having you in his arms in the moment, like you're not going anywhere. He's not going to lose you.
Sometimes you like to pick him up, too! It's pretty rare, but when you do it, it always flusters him.
*ANGST WARNING* He gets paranoid that you're going to hurt yourself any time you do something physically demanding (like the first time you picked him up). It begins to irritate you because he's acting like you're helpless, and you find that a bit insulting. But you talk to him about it, and he understands and apologizes. After all, you know your own strength and body better than anyone else possibly could. He explains that he doesn't necessarily view you as being weak, he is generally just anxious that bad things will happen to you because you're close to him. The few people he's been close to in his life have been taken from him. This is just that anxiety manifesting itself in a weird way
He loves it when you're hugging him and you kinda just tilt your head back, resting your chin over his heart, and look into his eyes. Homeboy m e l t s
Forehead kisses
Cannot decide if he prefers laying on top of you or you laying on top of him
Because on one hand
You're like a weighted blanket, and you always lay your head over his heart. He finds it soothing when you lay on him
On the other hand
When he lays on you, he can bury his face in the crook of your neck and feel your arms around him, rubbing circles on his back. That is also very nice
Either way he is unconscious in like 8 seconds
So if you ask, he will probably just say that it depends on how you're both feeling
Also, he likes to pick you up, we've established this
He has done the Lion King thing with you at least once
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Thank you for the request, I tried to tag you but it wouldn't let me :( anyway, I have a good day/night yall!
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mighty-toshi-stan · 2 years
I've got three requests right now, I'll be finishing them in the order they came in. Sorry that it's taking so long, I'm a college student and lots of other stuff is also happening. I just wanted to let you guys know that I didn't forget :)
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mighty-toshi-stan · 2 years
Pssst hey my asks are empty, so now would be a good time to make a request, I would probably be able to get the first one or two done tomorrow night 👀
I will happily take more All Might requests because he is unashamedly my favorite, but I'll write for pretty much any MHA character. I haven't decided if there are any characters I won't do yet, it will probably depend on the situation and nature of the request.
*be sure to check out the pinned post for rules first though*
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mighty-toshi-stan · 2 years
Toshi x asexual reader? 👀
Toshinori Yagi x Asexual!Reader (GN, they/them)
Pairing: romantic
Warnings: reader frets that Toshi may be upset with them for not wanting to Do The Sex. He is not. There's also a couple brief mentions in the beginning about Toshi being insecure with himself. There is also a brief mention of the reader eating steak (no description, literally just says that Toshi bought them a steak)
You’d started dating Toshi about a month ago, but the feelings between the two of you had developed much earlier than that. You’d come to work at UA at the start of term, your hero license and your secondary profession drawing you there because its principal thought your niche background would be valuable. It was, and you drew the former number one hero’s attention quickly. Your drive, your desire to help people, your intelligence- he was smitten with all of it early on. You knew who he was- how couldn’t you? He was quite literally the most famous celebrity in the country, but like most people, you were unfamiliar with his true form. The whole world knew about it now, as it had watched him in that final fight with All For One. You treated him differently in his true form, but not in the same way as the rest of the world did. Whereas they tended to look at him with something akin to pity or disappointment, you looked at him with the same respect and admiration as you had when you first came to UA. The difference came in the form of an emotional closeness that hadn’t been there before. It was as if his hero persona had been a wall between the two of you, and now that it was gone, you were free to get to know each other. Instead of a mob of fans crowding around him, there was the occasional coworker, or a couple of students, but just when he thought they had all left him, you’d quietly appear in his peripheral vision. Every time. God, he could not put into words how much that meant to him, especially since all you wanted was to be around him, to learn more about who he truly was. Not about All Might, but about Toshinori Yagi. Truth be told, he’d had a crush on you since your first week at UA, but he could never really interact with you. But now, not only could he interact with you, you were actively seeking him out. He found it a bit peculiar; he didn’t understand why you’d want to be around him now of all times, but he was glad for it. Before either of you knew it, you’d gone from enjoying each other’s presence to finding comfort in it. Eventually, you started spending more time together; watching movies, talking, baking in the middle of the night. Once, on a particularly bad day for him, he’d confided in you about some of his insecurities. You laced one hand through his fingers on one of his hands and placed your other hand on top of the same hand. Without thinking, he lifted his occupied hand up to his face and pressed a chaste kiss to one of your knuckles. As soon as he made eye contact with you, he confessed how he felt on the spot and was delighted when you reciprocated them. He then asked you out on the first of many official dates. 
The date the two of you were on now was not the first, but it was the most formal thus far. He’d taken you to an upscale restaurant in the city with gorgeous decorations and some of the best food you’d ever tasted. He had paid for all of it in advance, which you greatly appreciated. Even so, as you stared at his face across the table with the snow-white tablecloth, the two of you separated by nothing but a ruby red rose in a crystalline vase, you couldn’t help the uncomfortable dread growing in your stomach. You couldn’t help but to ask yourself, “What does he expect in return for all of this?” You genuinely did not think that one of the kindest, most selfless people on the planet would be the type to expect certain, erm,  favors from you after a fancy date, but you’d thought so before, with other people. It did not turn out well. Your anxiety spiked when you noticed him fidgeting, tugging a bit at his collar or twiddling his thumbs, as if he were getting eager to leave. You knew Toshi would never do anything to hurt you, but you did not want to disappoint him. You left together eventually, him driving the two of you back to the staff dorms at UA. You were both uncharacteristically quiet. When you arrived and parked, neither of you moved. You heard Toshi inhale softly and begin to speak:
“Um, hey, (Y/N)-”
“I’m asexual,” you blurted out. 
He was silent for a moment. You could not see the expression on his face, as it was late in the evening now. He laughed softly, and you held your breath and tensed, expecting the worst. 
“Thank God!” he laughed. 
“Um…what?” you asked, confused and still anxious, and you were also trying to decide if he was insulting you or not. 
“(Y/N), just look here,” he said, rolling up his sleeve and pointing his impromptu flashlight (his cell phone), at the inside of his forearm. When you saw what he wanted you to look at, you immediately relaxed and started giggling along with him. 
It was a tattoo of the asexual pride flag. 
“Thank fuck,” you sighed. “In the past, when I’ve gone on nice dates like this with other people, they had always expected something else out of me afterward. I could tell you were getting nervous, and I thought it had something to do with that. Now I understand that it was actually quite the opposite!” you finished, with another laugh. 
“Yeah, that was totally it! I was worried about what you wanted. I thought I was going to disappoint you,” he replied, the last sentence a bit quieter than the rest. 
“Toshi, you bought me a whole ass steak. A steak, Toshi,” you deadpanned. “How the hell could I possibly be disappointed?”
“I dunno, maybe if it was overdone or something?” 
“I’m joking, I’m joking!” he said, his hands up in a feigned surrender position. 
You smiled up at him and gently grabbed each hand, lacing your fingers together as best as you could. The two of you sat like that for a while, just enjoying each other’s company. 
Eventually, you both decided to go inside. You separated for a bit, going to your respective rooms to change into casual clothes, shower, or do whatever else you needed to do. Next, you reconvened and decided to watch a movie together, eventually settling on Spirited Away, a familiar one that you’d watched together many times before. Neither of you intended to stay awake through the end of it. You both felt a sense of lightness now that everything was out in the open. Neither of you had to worry about it anymore. Toshi gently pulled you on top of him on the recliner so that your head was on his chest. He had one arm draped over you, and the hand of the other arm was lazily tracing patterns onto your back. He smelled faintly of citrus. The warm weight of your body was like an electric weighted blanket to him. You could feel his heart rate slowing down beneath your cheek. When it steadied, you knew he was asleep, and you followed soon after. 
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mighty-toshi-stan · 2 years
Will be finishing a request later probably if the cough syrup doesn't knock my ass out first
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mighty-toshi-stan · 2 years
This blog has existed for less than two days I should not be relating to this already
One upside to being a writer is you can write your own comfort fic. The downside is you still have to actually write it.
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mighty-toshi-stan · 2 years
Hi may I request headcanons for Toshi's reaction to the reader complimenting him a lot even before they're dating? Like, how would he feel and react when being called handsome in his true form and reader tells him they're looking forward to seeing him every time etc.? He deserves so much love 🥺💕
Headcanons For Toshi's Reaction to A Reader Who Compliments His True Form
Pairing: romantic, Toshinori Yagi x Reader (GN)
Warnings: mention of body image/self esteem issues
He honestly would have no idea what to do the first few times
"Are...are you talking about me?"
"Well, duh! Do you see anyone else here who looks like the personification of a lovely sunflower?"
Toshi.exe has crashed
Blushing mess
He genuinely does not understand why you find him attractive, but he does understand that when you talk to him like that his belly gets all warm and tingly and he feels a tiny bit more confident in himself after every interaction
He's used to people being excited to see him as All Might, but no one has ever reacted that way to his true form
You just keep on surprising him
But it takes him a long time to be able to respond to you on the spot as he's usually too flustered to think
But eventually he manages to look you in the eye and thank you
And he gradually just finds himself gravitating toward you
Eventually he gets the nerve to ask: "How? How do you not think I look like an ugly drowned rat?"
And you gently take his face in both hands, even if you've gotta stand on a chair to do it, and stare intently into his eyes and say, "UGLY WHERE?!"
And he's just like 0_0
And you tell him all about how he has eyes that could freeze the hottest anger in its tracks or melt the coldest heart
And how his figure reminds you of a graceful weeping willow, all steady and beautiful and resiliant
And how sunflowers are your favorite flower now because they remind you of him
And how his smile quite literally lights up the room -no, really, it is suddenly so much brighter in here!
Yep, that's the smile you were talking about!
He's redder than a tomato now
But he can't stop smiling
And he's finally relaxed a bit and is truly accepting the compliment, allowing himself to believe it for the first time instead of sheepishly batting it away because he feels like he doesn't deserve it
You remind him constantly that he DOES deserve it
And he's very grateful
AAAAAAH thanks for my first request!!! This was v cute and I had a lot of fun doing it ❤ and I agree with you anon, he deserves so much love 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
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mighty-toshi-stan · 2 years
Hey, Quazzy here, peep the new MHA blog. Yis I will take requests. This blog is a safe space for those who are asexual, ace-spec, aromantic, aro-spec, aroace, or aroace-spec. Obviously, everyone else is welcome as long as they can respect that. Things will be tagged as platonic, romantic, etc. I am personally asexual and aro-spec.
I'm a college student, so have patience pls
Mod's pronouns are she/it/they, I use neos also but I'm not gonna put them here
Stuff I'll do
Canon x Canon
Canon x OC
Canon × reader (if there is no specification I will default to GN reader with they/them pronouns)
use neopronouns
Pure, unadulterated fluff
I will happily accept anything involving Toshinori Yagi
Please send me requests for Toshi
Angst (to an extent)
Stuff I won't do
Minor x Adult (unless it's platonic/parental or something of that nature)
Anything that's not MHA related
Domestic abuse
Huge age gaps
Generally just anything that makes me uncomfortable
I'm a sex-repulsed asexual, keep that in mind please
DNI if you are: a MAP, a TERF, anti-LGBTQIA+ in any way, xenophobic
You can send me an ask or DM me if you have questions. I'll turn on anon asks asap
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