midnightssecondhand · 10 years
You note his evasion of your question with little interest. You wouldnt want to bring it up with the boss either, and as far as you know you're the favorite. "Same." You say through a cloud of smoke. Its not exactly paradise, but a quiet room and a steady supply of money is all you really need. 
"Its not seclusion, I just prefer to be alone. Away from grubby cigarette swipers."   
He takes one of the thrown cigarettes and lights it up, he might not buy his own, ever, but what self-respecting bomb “expert” doesn’t carry a source of fire around with them? Not him, that’s for sure, and that was probably dumb!
"Ah, yer the best Droog, might’ve even missed ya! Wouldn’t tell ya if ‘a had though~"
Sitting up he searches for Droog’s nearest ash tray, still firmly seated on the bed, bouncing a little trying to judge if it was better than his or not. A difficult decision, and one he’d likely lose nights of sleep over, he should steal this bed too for a night, just to test.
"How’ve ya been? Secludin’ ya self in ya little hidey hole ya got here like usual?"
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midnightssecondhand · 10 years
Deuce was lucky you'd been online when you were. Most of the time you just sit in your room and skulk. Still, you turn around when he invites himself into the room and toss a few of your special ordered cigs his way. 
"If you're so hard up for cash, ask the boss for a raise." With your cigarettes already out, you take one for yourself as well. 
Ohh, gimme!
I’m comin’!
>Ten seconds after he’d sent the message he was through the door, fuck knocking.
"Throw th’ cancer stick’s m’ way Droog, ‘a miss yer fancy ass brand ‘a whatever it is."
>He strode unflinchingly towards Droog’s bed and just flopped on the thing.
"Hit me!"
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midnightssecondhand · 10 years
'ey Droogie, got any spare smokes? {priv'et} 'm dead broke :D
Sure, I've got some. 
I know. You only ask me for smokes when you're out. I'm in my room, come get one.
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midnightssecondhand · 10 years
When did I become your wife. 
#god remember the mess
Don’t act like you had to deal with the mess. You practically locked yourself in your room until the cleaning was done. 
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midnightssecondhand · 10 years
We cleaned for days. If theres another accident, you're in charge of cleanup.
#god remember the mess
Don’t act like you had to deal with the mess. You practically locked yourself in your room until the cleaning was done. 
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midnightssecondhand · 10 years
#god remember the mess
Don't act like you had to deal with the mess. You practically locked yourself in your room until the cleaning was done. 
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midnightssecondhand · 10 years
Now, for the most part you consider yourself a patient man. Anyone would need a small about of it being in the business you're in, but the smug look on the Mayor's face, along with Die's irritating timidness, its making you angry. Not just that, but you can feel jealousy swell in your chest. Why was the mayor so important that Die invited him, who was he to Die. 
You squint hard, and decide not to play their game. You're not in the mood to be passive aggressive. "Fine, Die." You grip your hands into fists and stand, snarling as you speak. "You want to make a scene out of this? We'll make a scene." 
Stepping sharply around the table, you place a hand at the bottom of Die's jacket and one under his upper arm and wrench him from his place onto your shoulder. Being about Die's height (a few inches under), its a bit awkward at first, but you've got more overall strength, and he's so light its like lifting a child. 
You ignore the onlookers as you walk like this out of the cafe. You are so done with snarky mayors. So done. 
Coffee Date + 1
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midnightssecondhand · 10 years
Big words for just a small man. Hope you're ready to put your money where your mouth is. 
pissypinstripes started following you
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midnightssecondhand · 10 years
Glad to hear it. I think. 
So you'll be up for some sparring later on, then. 
pissypinstripes started following you
Hey kid, glad to see your old man hasnt bumped you off yet. 
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midnightssecondhand · 10 years
You can feel your deeply rooted hate for authority swelling with every word the intruder utters, but you hold yourself back, instead pulling out your cigarette case to keep your hands busy. The last thing you need right now is to get tossed in jail for choking the mayor to death.
 "Hush, I don't have a tone." You absolutely have a tone, and you're no Sherlock, but you'd say that its not just by coincidence that the Mayor is here. Especially considering the fact that, were he to be seen with an obvious gang member (Die moreso than you), it could be bad for his reputation. Keeping that in mind, you try to speak again with less venom in your voice. 
"Well, I've actually invited Die here today, so if you could give us some privacy, I would very much appreciate it." You all but spit out the last words, slipping despite yourself. Whatever contented mood you were in before you got here has completely vanished. 
Coffee Date + 1
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midnightssecondhand · 10 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
(( fite me))
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midnightssecondhand · 10 years
[pvt] I am very much aware that my first impression on you was magically altered to be one of the worst ones I have ever made. I wanted to formally apologize for that as well as formally welcome you back to Headquarters and introduce myself properly. I am Molly Paint and I am looking forward to working under you. I am very serious about my duties here, and I hope you will not hesitate to give me orders should you need anything.
> You take a while to read over the message a few times, mulling it over along with the events from the other day. You'd heard from Slick about her in more detail than you'd probably prefer, but, if anything, you can appreciate the apology for what it is. 
Apology accepted. Call me Droog. It'll be nice to have another calm head on the team. Also try not to give the boss too much trouble, he has high blood pressure. 
> You're not entirely sure how you feel about Molly Paint, but for now you'll just keep an eye on her. 
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midnightssecondhand · 10 years
I've still got half a pack, and cigarettes taste better.
gapingstabwound started following you
Oh joy. Afternoon, Slick. 
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midnightssecondhand · 10 years
> You rub your forehead. Why yelling already. 
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midnightssecondhand · 10 years
You shouldnt judge yourself. Its bad for your confidence. 
Sure it does.
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midnightssecondhand · 10 years
Its only noon. Too early for sunshine. 
gapingstabwound started following you
Oh joy. Afternoon, Slick. 
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midnightssecondhand · 10 years
Why cant we be friends. 
We are. We’re making this happen. 
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