a flash of stars
151 posts
— heaven is a place on earth with youaalie | she/her | writer | 18
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
midnightmusings-et-moi · 4 years ago
Hello everyone!
I’ve decided to take a lil break from tumblr - in the sense that I won’t be as active as before. I’ll still be dropping in to respond to moots but I won’t be posting or answering messages in my inbox just for a bit.
I’m not leaving the app permanently I’m still very much here it’s just that I need a break that’ll perhaps last a few weeks :)
My navigation and masterlists are still up for anyone to check out so dw
Ily and I’ll see you guys soon!
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midnightmusings-et-moi · 4 years ago
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I’ve seen a lot of posts on my dash tonight about users who are threatening suicide, with other Tumblr members posting in effort to try to get ahold of them. I think you all should see this:
1. Scroll to the top of your dashboard.
2. See the circular question mark icon at the top? It’s the third one over from your home symbol. Click on that, and a screen similar to the one in the picture will come up.
3. Where you can type in questions, the box with the magnifying glass at the top, type in the word “suicide.”
4. Click on the first link that shows up. It should say, “Pass the URL of the blog on to us.”
5. Type in the user’s URL and tell Tumblr admin that the user is contemplating suicide and has posted a message indicating that they are going through with it or will be attempting. Hit send! Tumblr administration will perform a number of actions to contact the user and take the necessary steps to prevent the suicide.
Reblog this to keep other users aware. Suicide isn’t a joke, and neither is someone’s life. If you didn’t know this, someone else may not, either. Pass it on.
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midnightmusings-et-moi · 4 years ago
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Marauder’s Era Detention Slips: ( 1 / ∞ )
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midnightmusings-et-moi · 4 years ago
Hey Sof, congratulations on 2k bby🎉🎉
Can I please have a 💫 for a comfy kinda restaurant/ cafe date with Sirius black
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every time you and sirius walk into your favourite coffeeshop it’s like coming home. you wave at the barista who instantly instantly starts making sirius’ order while asking you what you want to try today. that’s how it always goes, every day is a different drink, and sirius stares judgementally as you order the most ridiculous concoctions you can think of (he’s a bit of a purist when it comes to coffee). sometimes you tell the barista to surprise you, which he always takes as a challenge. and once you both have your drinks and a couple pastries to share, you make your way to your regular table towards the back, hidden away by tall bookshelves and low-hanging plants. and you stay there for hours, reading, talking, doing work, making out and you try to convince sirius to try your matcha raspberry latte with white chocolate drizzle and he always says no (and then he always gives in). and then you kiss the foam moustaches off each other’s faces and sit in comfortable silence until it’s time to go home.
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midnightmusings-et-moi · 4 years ago
i hope it’s clear that all the characters in any sexual context i write are 18. i as an adult do not and will not write about children.
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midnightmusings-et-moi · 4 years ago
Blurbs and thoughts
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Riding George Weasley’s thigh during a common room party (smut)
Draco fucks you while you’re tied to the bed (smut)
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midnightmusings-et-moi · 4 years ago
holy fuck. coming back to find you with tears streaming down your face, trembling and crying on the chair, and remus just smirks and says “reckon she’s learned her lesson”
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midnightmusings-et-moi · 4 years ago
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BEN BARNES Dorian Gray (2009, Oliver Parker)
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midnightmusings-et-moi · 4 years ago
Hi! I really like your work
can I request a fic/blurb from reader x sirius where he has been having a really hard time falling asleep for the couple of days and when he manages to it’s for a short time cause he’s awoken by either a nightmare or an other disturbance/noise. he tries to cover his exhaustion, but fails and reader helps him fall asleep. at first he doesn’t want her help, tries to convince her he is fine, but eventually agrees. she tries to relax and comfort him, plays with his hair, makes sure he knows he is safe with her. he falls asleep in her arms, listening to her heartbeat.
and maybe at some point the marauders walks into the dormitory, but as soon as they see him finally sleeping they are relieved but also moved cause they have never seen Sirius being this vulnerable with anyone
they are just happy for him
idk if this makes sense, it’s pretty chaotic
I’m gonna be posting this very very soon
Fluffy angsty fics own my entire soul
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midnightmusings-et-moi · 4 years ago
right here
Sirius Black x femReader angst
a/n: I wrote this fic based on this request (I changed it up just a tad to be more angsty) sorry this took so long anon but I hope you like it!
warnings: sad siri :( and I think that’s all
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The quill in your hand had a loose grip on it, threatening to topple over and stain the unused piece of parchment on your desk. You couldn’t care less though because you only had one thing on your mind: Sirius. But not in a swoony, school girl crush sort of way - even though you definitely had started to catch feelings after three years of friendship - rather in concern. He had been barely showing up to classes lately and it almost seemed as if he was avoiding you.
Once class had finally ended, you stuffed your books into your bag and caught up to James and Remus. “Hey guys wait up!” They turned around and you were met with their expressions, caught off guard with how worried and bothered they looked. You don’t think you had ever seen the bespectacled boy dead serious before which immediately indicated that they noticed that something was off about their friend too and possibly even knew the reason why. 
“I haven’t seen Sirius around for three days, what’s up with him? Is he alright?” You questioned. The sandy haired boy shook his head and shrugged his shoulders, “I have no clue. We’ve barely seen him lately, let alone have had a conversation with him. And when we do its only ever a ‘hmm’ before he heads to bed” 
“Yeah, but he doesn’t actually sleep at night ,at least I don’t think so with the way he’s constantly tossing and turning in his bloody bed” James added, distress clear in his tone. A lump formed in your throat at his words.
What had happened? This was not like Sirius at all. Did something happen at home? His parents treated him like dirt ever since he was a child but that didn’t effect him anymore - at least it didn’t seem like it did with his ever charming and joyful presence.
You were so caught up in your thoughts that you hadn’t noticed the entire stair case had emptied as the next class had started. So there you stood on that one marble stair, not moving an inch, completely drained of energy from the way your heart was being wrenched and your mind being tainted with unbridled worry. 
Later that evening, you were seated at your usual place in the common room, eyes never leaving the staircase that lead to the boy’s dormitory. Minutes turned to hours as you waited and waited until the chimes of the clock sounded midnight. Lethargy weighed down on your eyelids, but you forced them open because right then you saw a familiar tall silhouette, making its way up the stairs. 
You pushed yourself off the couch, racing to where he was, the muffled thudding of your shoes against the carpet alerting Sirius. He turned around languidly, and what you saw made your heart ache unbearably : exhaustion wrote itself off on every inch of his paper white skin, his cheeks were sallow, and under his eye were deep purple marks. He hadn’t slept in days. But what concerned you the most was the pain searing in his grey irises, as if something inside of him were eating him alive and tormenting his soul until it slowly died.
You had never seen him like this before. Ever. 
“Sirius...” what could you say? It didn’t help that your voice was but a mere whisper of shock. His jaw clenched as you took in everything. “what happened?” 
The raven haired boy shook his head in a dismissive manner, not allowing you to meet him eyes, not wanting you to read his emotions. “please tell me, I want to help I ca-” 
“No you can’t” his voice was low and hoarse yet it was sharp, cutting through the night breeze flowing in from the windows. “yes I can just tell m-” he cut you off yet again, his words louder and clearer than ever before, “I don’t want your help”. Sirius’ expression was hard and there was a sense of finality in his voice which silenced you. He met your eyes for a split second before turning back towards the staircase. “Just let it be. Please.”
You watched as he made his way up until you could only hear his footsteps, and then a door closing, leaving a dead silence in his wake. 
Sleep was out of the question that night. You had been staring out the window of your dorm for two hours now, mindlessly following the trails of moonlight spilling in and listening to the light snores of your room mates. Laying in your bed wasn’t helping so you pushed yourself off the covers and made your way down to the common room, hoping to sit by the fire and mull over your thoughts. 
You realized you weren’t alone when you saw someone sitting on the scarlet red couch. You could recognize those long raven locks from a mile away. He was awake, staring idly at the blazing fire, head slack against the cushions. Sirius glanced at you but didn’t make any notion that suggested he wanted you gone, rather slid his hand closer to himself as if he were making room for you to sit. So you did.
The fire crackling in the hearth was the only sound breaking the silence. You don’t know what overcame you but you felt the sudden need to hold Sirius’ hand. To let him know that you were here for him even when everything in his life was falling apart. You carefully slid your hand into his, memorizing the feeling of his large palm against yours, memorizing the crevices of his fate lines, memorizing his callouses from quidditch and pranks, memorizing the way it felt like home.
Your eyes were glued to the fire, not daring to look at him, anticipating his reaction and a smile fell upon your lips when he gripped your hand tighter, entwining his fingers with yours. There the two of you sat, in comfortable silence, for what seemed like hours, hand in hand, breathing in the slumberous spell of the night.
Upon hearing rhythmos breaths, a sense of relief flooded you. Sirius was asleep. You didn’t dare move your hand an inch from his grasp, rather you turned your head to the right, admiring how ethereal he looked. His hair messily framed his oval face, that was chiselled so perfectly ; as if years were spent carving out everything from his cheek bones to his lips.
You were broken from your reverie as Sirius suddenly awoke, startled. He looked at you momentarily before murmuring, “the chiming of the clock”. It was then that you noticed the slow cadences of the clock indicating that yet another hour had passed ; though it was a distant, very light noise as the clock was far from the gryffindor tower - too low to wake a person up.
He gently untangled his fingers from yours, withdrawing his hand as he stood up. Sirius’ grey eyes met yours for longer than a second for the first time that day, “I should go back up. You should get some rest” You nodded at his words replying with a “you too” even though you knew that he wouldn’t.
You refused to let the fact that he didn’t want to stay with you longer hurt you because you knew why. Sirius hated being vulnerable in front of others, it was one of his fears that stemmed from the way his parents treated him as a child. He never had someone to confide in growing up thus, vulnerability was unchartered territory to him and he refused to tread on it. You wanted to be his source of comfort, somebody who he could bury his soul into, someone he could trust enough to be vulnerable in front.
What happened tonight was a huge step towards that. Even though the both of you were silent, that tiny bit of physical contact meant a million words. At least that’s what you hoped.
The next night played out much like the last : you had set an alarm for 1 AM, so you could meet Sirius down in the common room and provide him the comfort he needed to rest. You quietly settled down on the plush of the couch, causing it to dip in, a signal to Sirius that you were here. This time you searched for his hand less hesitantly and held it tight. A few minutes of silence were exchanged before you opened your mouth to say something - something you felt had to be said. 
“I’ll be here till the very end. I don’t know what you’re going through and that’s alright. Because whatever it is I’m right here.” Turning to face him, you found that he was too, looking at you with an emotion you never seen within him before ; you recognized it immediately because its exactly how you felt. “That means a lot. Thank you” Sirius finally said, his eyes lingering on yours with wonder. 
You had outstretched your hands, hoping for him to find a home in your embrace and he did. His body was tense at first, this position unfamiliar to him but as you tightened your hold around him and pressed his head to rest against your chest, he relaxed, the tempo of your heart beating soothing him and the warmth of your body radiating onto his. Your cheek found a place on top of his head and in that moment everything felt right. 
The lull of fatigue rocked the both of you to sleep. The clock had chimed numerous times during the late hours of the night, but Sirius didn’t even stir once, your embrace serving as a blanket of unbridled comfort. 
The silver moon surrendered to the violent blaze of the morning sun, the night a distant memory. James and Remus had come down to the common room in search of Sirius after seeing his bed empty. Surprise washed over them at the sight of the two of you peacefully laying in each other’s arms, sleeping soundly as the golden rays of sun light glowed on your figures. “Padfoot finally lowered his guard for her” James whispered to Remus, a smile of awe on his face. “I’ve always known they were made for each other” he replied, a glint of knowing in his eye. 
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midnightmusings-et-moi · 4 years ago
✨dating Fred Weasley aesthetic✨
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midnightmusings-et-moi · 4 years ago
I just finished writing this fic and I’m so happy with how it turned out hehehe 
I might post at night though cause no one is active in the morning :/ butttt let me know when I should post it 
I’m so excited for you guys to read it heheh
Excuse my lack of emojis I’m on my laptop 
okay bye
Hi! I really like your work
can I request a fic/blurb from reader x sirius where he has been having a really hard time falling asleep for the couple of days and when he manages to it’s for a short time cause he’s awoken by either a nightmare or an other disturbance/noise. he tries to cover his exhaustion, but fails and reader helps him fall asleep. at first he doesn’t want her help, tries to convince her he is fine, but eventually agrees. she tries to relax and comfort him, plays with his hair, makes sure he knows he is safe with her. he falls asleep in her arms, listening to her heartbeat.
and maybe at some point the marauders walks into the dormitory, but as soon as they see him finally sleeping they are relieved but also moved cause they have never seen Sirius being this vulnerable with anyone
they are just happy for him
idk if this makes sense, it’s pretty chaotic
I’m gonna be posting this very very soon
Fluffy angsty fics own my entire soul
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midnightmusings-et-moi · 4 years ago
Sitting on the bathroom counter, Harry hovering over you as you attempt to shave his little stubble
and his heart is just melting as your tongue pokes out slightly, meaning you were fully concentrated
and he’s praising you through it too🧎‍♀️ “good job, angel!” or “that’s a good girl”
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midnightmusings-et-moi · 4 years ago
When do you plan to opening your requests next time? I don't mean to stress you, I'm just curious. I hope you have a lovely time wherever you are! 💜
Hi anon! I was thinking of opening them soon (probably around next week) because I’ll be done today with the last request I got from the last time I opened my requests
And I’m not travelling anywhere lol I closed requests cause I was focusing on academics but thank you regardless 💕💕💕
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midnightmusings-et-moi · 4 years ago
Hi! I really like your work
can I request a fic/blurb from reader x sirius where he has been having a really hard time falling asleep for the couple of days and when he manages to it’s for a short time cause he’s awoken by either a nightmare or an other disturbance/noise. he tries to cover his exhaustion, but fails and reader helps him fall asleep. at first he doesn’t want her help, tries to convince her he is fine, but eventually agrees. she tries to relax and comfort him, plays with his hair, makes sure he knows he is safe with her. he falls asleep in her arms, listening to her heartbeat.
and maybe at some point the marauders walks into the dormitory, but as soon as they see him finally sleeping they are relieved but also moved cause they have never seen Sirius being this vulnerable with anyone
they are just happy for him
idk if this makes sense, it’s pretty chaotic
I’m gonna be posting this very very soon
Fluffy angsty fics own my entire soul
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midnightmusings-et-moi · 4 years ago
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I went for Y2K cause that’s more my vibe 🥰
npt: @wonderfilworld @weasleyacademia @hellounicorn
found this doll divine 🥀
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@cheribrose @barbarella @dazedstevie @nikki-sexx and like idk all yall 👀
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midnightmusings-et-moi · 4 years ago
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tom hiddleston in crimson peak
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