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Fan Fiction/Fan Art/Fan Girl:StevenUniverse⭐️SonictheHedgehog💎Animaniacs🎞BigHero6🌉TangledtheSeries☀️etc.
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midnight-drawing77 · 3 years ago
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Finally done with a RE-Draw of Urchin from The Little Mermaid TV Series.
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midnight-drawing77 · 3 years ago
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“With my slight of hand and magic cards. Oh! Lucky you!….I’m Master of Your Fate.” - Jackle the Mantle
Finally got done with my own style of this Nightmaren. My inspiration is two songs: Master of Your Fate from Teen Titans and Floop’s Song from Spy Kids.
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midnight-drawing77 · 4 years ago
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Not the best of the bunch that I drew for these duo, but still worth sharing since it’s just sitting inside my old phone where I keep my fanart. These are back a year ago?
I still need to make updated drawings of them.
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midnight-drawing77 · 4 years ago
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I did a redraw of NiGHTS on one of their game poses. They’re just too adorable and I love the music in the games. Maybe later I’ll try Reala and Jackie.
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midnight-drawing77 · 4 years ago
Simple Joys of Life: [2] Auburn Cycle
(Spinel x Reader)
Spinel joyfully shouted out with her bubbly laughter following behind. Her twin pigtails ruffled wildly in the forced wind and her noodle like arms falling behind as well.
“Spinel! Slow down!” Your voice called to gem who is also more than a few yards away after descending the mountain roads. Luckily, this road was made for people to bike or hike for fun. “Bicycles can only go a certain speed!”
The handlebar shook at the lack of contact from Spinel’s hands, but she grabbed it before it could get more violent. “You worry too much!!! I’ve got it!” She winks back at you.
That caused you to roll your eyes and you began watching as Spinel stood up to move her bicycle side to side. You couldn’t see, but you can tell her smile was one of full happiness. Freedom.
Until she gets careless....
The gem opened her eyes and panicked at the very sharp turn coming up. Her fingers reach for the brakes.
“Don’t pull the breaks!!!”
It is more dangerous if she were to pull the brakes at the speed she held on the bicycle. You had told her that before, but it’s reasonable that anyone would automatically reach for it in panic. Now, the action caused the bike to flip and launched Spinel through a thick group of trees.
You were glad you had held your speed to a minimum as you skid your bike to a stop with ease. Parting the leaves, you notice there’s a big pond and a small part of the surface was bubbling.
Suddenly, Spinel popped up and spouts out a stream of water from her mouth. A tiny fish had also fell out of her mouth. Her expression turned to comical shame, a faint blush dusting her cheeks.
“Oh, thank the heavens you’re a gem.” You say with relief.
It didn’t take long for her to phase the water off her form and the two of you are now back on the road. Although, this time your strolling with your bicycles to your sides.
“That was so embarrassing.” Spinel complained.
You snickered, “I told you to be careful.”
Spinel puffs her cheeks and became defensive, “No, you didn’t! You said slow down! There’s a difference, (Y/n).”
With a gentle and playful nudge, you just smile it off, “Either way. I’m just so glad you didn’t get hurt.”
Her magenta eyes caught sight of your close eyed smile which made her gem swell with happiness. “It’s gonna take a lot more than small bicycle crash to take me down.” She boasts.
You hum in response and stop to mount your bike, “Yeah. I bet that poor fish was so thankful that you saved it from drowning.” With that said, you immediately pedal away in laughter.
“HOW DARE YOU!” Spinel began to pedal behind with a bright embarrassed face.
“You can’t stay mad at me for long!” You grin at her as she catches up and you’re riding beside each other. A thought crossed your mind at how a gem like herself had been complaining earlier that day and she said that riding a bicycle is boring. Maybe it’s because there had been a tiny bit of adventure while heading up the mountain.
Why was it a tiny adventure?
Well, it had been funny and worrisome when teaching the gem how to ride a bicycle, but she handled it faster than you thought. Plus when you two stopped at an old campsite to rest, a bear had been roaming around. Of course, you panicked and ran, this also made Spinel run with you.
“You’re a gem!!! Why are you running?!” You shout.
Spinel realized and giggled sheepishly, “Oh yeah!” She wrapped her arm around you while swinging amongst the trees and the along the way she grabbed your bicycles. Spinel lands on a ledge where nothing can reach you two and it so happens to overlook the entire tree land.
That was the only breathtaking response from the pink hearted gem. She sits down as a gentle breeze rustled all the leaves of each tree, seeming like the sound of far ocean waves. “I didn’t realize that trees have their own waves.”
You pull out a small packed lunch from the basket of your bicycle. “There’s tons of surprises Earth has to offer. Unfortunately, most of the population can’t see the most prized and precious thing they’re given.”
From this view and somewhere between those trees, the small town that you and Spinel are staying at had a reason to call their town, ‘Auburn Well’. The trees are a mix of fall and spring colors, mostly autumn colors.
“I’m lucky then. Especially when the first surprise was you.” Spinel slowly tips to the side to lay her heading on your shoulder. Her eyes lock into a stare with your own before they close into a close eyed grin.
You feel your face heat up.
“Wanna know why?~” She sings and boops your nose. “Because I WHEELIE like you.”
Your eyes twitch and you fall back, laughing hysterically. She laughs with you and her cheeks flush brightly, seeming embarrassed. You start to snort and try to slow your laugh, “Almost... You almost had me.”
Spinel shrugs with a smile, “I tried. Give me some credit.”
You mount your bike and roll your eyes with amusement, “Nah, I’m just TWO-TIRED for this.”
“Oh-ho-ho!” Spinel laughs and springs up to hug your head. “That was bad. Leave the puns to the professional, Sweetie.”
That’s when it all lead up to both of you wrestling and nearly rolling off the edge to your rooms, if Spinel hadn’t sprung back up to the top with you. The lunch had been forgotten and the sun was nearing the late afternoon, so back to the present;
The sun is slowly disappearing and Spinel brought out the small lanterns to hook onto the bikes. A few cars pass by while heading onto the main road and you began to watch as Spinel started doing tricks with the bicycle. Bouncing it on one wheel, turning in midair in a 180, until she bounced the front wheel.
Spinel backflipped hard onto the leaf covered ground and a broken wheel rolling off somewhere into the forest.
At this, you face palm and let her ride on your bike. Her arms are now around your middle and you can feel your squeeze you gently like a long lasting hug as you start pedaling back toward town. Recalling all of Spinel’s fails today, you couldn’t help but snicker.
“Ah, nothing. I just realized how much embarrassing fails you did today.” You muse playfully.
Spinel buried her face against your shoulder with a pout, “Oh quiet you.”
You giggle and take one of your hands off the handle to pat her hand that’s resting on her coil of arms. She softly squeezes you to show that she understood your playful manner.
Riding more slowly through town, the two of you stop at the bed and breakfast place that Steven’s dad rented for you and Spinel. Well, Connie and Steven were here too for Connie’s break from college. By now, it’s dark, but there’s still people out and about to enjoy this town’s historic buildings.
“There you two are! Do you realize how late it is? Seriously, how far did you guys take our bikes out riding?” Steven scold softly.
You park the bicycle as Connie waves from the top window while you wave back happily.
“Wait.....Spinel....where’s my bike?”
Spinel freezes as her pigtails stood straight up before they droop. She laughs nervously, “Well, you see, Steven. Your bike got TWO-TIRED and decided to take a stroll to find a new ATTIRE.” She jazzy hands and cringes at her joke. “Oh, that didn’t turn out too well. I’m gettin’ rusty. AH!”
Steven began chasing her around the block as Spinel just springs around with loony laughter at his lack of capture.
You watch them and take an auburn leaf from your hair. It laid there on your palm before a breeze swept it off toward the sky. It wasn’t long before Steven walks up to the door, giving Spinel a noogie to her head and she snickered.
“And you’re not getting of it either, (Y/n)!” Steven grinned playfully and pulled you into a headlock with his other arm. “You two took off with our bicycles when we had the day planned with them.”
You and Spinel glance at each other and smirk. “You know what they—“
“—The early bird gets the worm.” Spinel finished.
Both of you laugh and quickly hold Steven down to get him a noogie.
An Auburn Cycle through the autumn leaf mountains had been another amazing memory with Spinel.
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midnight-drawing77 · 4 years ago
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Fanart that I’ve done with Varian and Hiro. I always have Varian taller than Hiro. Of course, I see Varian annoying Hiro for fun. These are from a year or two ago, by the way. Most likely I’ll make a recent drawing of them.
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midnight-drawing77 · 4 years ago
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If Spinel went to a rave, I think she would have Vidalia and Amethyst help with her outfit.
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midnight-drawing77 · 4 years ago
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(Spinel x Reader Fluff One-Shot)
Spinel is quite the unpredictable character.
Not the same unpredictable behavior of the fusion, Garnet. No. The heart-shaped Gem has an unpredictable, zany behavior. Which means, when you want have an easygoing evening, Spinel would want to go out and cause lively events. You didn’t mind, though today you wanted to relax.
“(Y/N)!” Spinel shouted and throws her hands up as confetti pops out of nowhere. “Ready for another night out on docks?!” She bounced in place and shouts again, “Come on! What do you say?!”
Well, this behavior is normal, especially when she had an energy drink.
“Amethyst gave you an energy drink.” You state.
Spinel grins widely and boops your nose, “You’re so smart.”
You hum with a gentle flick to her nose, “Sometimes. Now, my answer is no. I want to relax today and it would be so much better if you can join me.” Before the gem could answer, you drag her inside your home.
Her pigtails fall to her shoulders as she slumps over with a whine, “We’re staying inside all evenin’?” Spinel feels you grab her hand and smiles at the fuzzy warmth spreading throughout her glove.
“I’m sure you’ll enjoy it too.” You take her to your bedroom and set up your game console. “You can play video games until I’m done taking a (bath/shower), then you can try it next.”
Spinel shrugs and agrees while starting the game on the tv, while she waited for you to get done. It didn’t take long as you come out in your pajamas and damp hair. A bubble bath seemed more suitable for the gem after you helped her with the steps of taking a bath. Unfortunately, you had to keep watch after she literally canon balled into the tub after gazing away her clothing.
“Sit still. I’m going to wash your hair.” You began scrubbing her raspberry hair between your fingers and chuckle as Spinel popped the random floating bubbles.
The gem held a handful of bubbles and took a bite. “ACK!” Spinel cough and stuck out her tongue in distaste.
You laugh out loud while rinsing out her hair, “S-Spinel! You don’t eat bubbles.”
She puffs her cheeks, “Well, it smelt edible and it was tempting.” She tilts her head back to look up at you, then sticks out her tongue playfully.
In your hand, you held a scoop of bubble and blow it at her face.
“AH!” Spinel covers her face and sinks under the water, seeming to stay there.
You giggled and stood up, “Well, when you’re done, just pull that plug and dry yourself with the towels. I’ll grab you some night clothes.” You know very well that she can hear you, so you head out to warm up pajamas in the dryer for her.
Spinel sits up and stares at the water. The bubble bath did wonders and it even got rid of the energetic rush she had earlier. The scent of the herbal bubbles you put in the tub eased her senses and relaxed back against the tub. ‘No wonder, Blue enjoys bathing so much.’ Spinel thought. Her arm stretched to pull the plug and she grabbed the towel to wrap around her body.
There was a knock and you placed a pair of clothes on the counter, “You can wear these for tonight.” You give a thumbs up before closing the door.
A long yawn escapes Spinel and she rubs her eyes, “Boy, do I feel exhausted....and didn’t do anything productive.” It felt like a good tired to her and she stares at reflection in the mirror. Her hair down instead of it in pigtails, it seemed a little weird, but comfortable.
You flick through many titles of shows on the tv, until you stopped on your favorite cartoon show. “Yes! Another marathon, here I come baby!” You punch the air like a dork until your attention was brought to the gem who walk into the room.
To be honest, you couldn’t help it as a blush makes it’s way to your cheeks. Your heart picking up speed at Spinel’s appearance.
The oversized tie-dye shirt hung comfortably from her shoulders along with the gym shorts that looked better on her than you. Her hair still damp, flowed behind her and the strands would most likely be fluffy, possibly a wild mess once it dries.
“What?” Spinel giggles and hops onto your bed with one leap, settling herself to face the tv. “Oooo!” Her eyes followed the goofy characters on the show and you can tell she is easily entertained.
“I’m going to brush your hair. Don’t want it tangling once it dries.” You take out a new brush for Spinel and maneuvered her to sit between your legs.
“Mhm...” Spinel hums in acknowledgment.
The brush is softly running through the raspberry strands with ease, only catching a few knots which Spinel dramatically cries out. A few minutes goes by and the gem feels her eyes drooping. The tingling sensation upon her scalp felt amazing and it increased as you now switch to playing with her hair.
Your focus had been braiding her hair then undoing it so that her hair curled slightly. It began to feel really soft once it dried. You snicker quietly when you notice Spinel leaning back onto you and her eyes are closed.
Spinel yawns tiredly and snuggled up with her head on your chest, making her soft hair cushion your head. Her arms wrap around your middle and she smiled happily when you kiss your forehead.
Your fingers continue to run through her hair and eventually you lay back to hug her close. This time, you faintly cup the side of her face with your thumb caressing her cheek tenderly.
“I had fun...—”
You stop to glance down at Spinel with her tired expression.
She relaxes more onto you, “—...Just being beside you doing nothing. And the hardest part about this is I won’t be able to let you go.”
Your heart swells at her sweet words to you and you pull the blankets over you two, “Well, once tomorrow comes and you wake up, I’ll still be right here beside you.” You kiss Spinel’s cheek, “Get some rest now. I know you’ll want to go out tomorrow.”
“Mmm...I guess. Depends.”
“On what?”
Spinel looks at you with one eye half open, “You. Night-night, (Y/n).”
So, that could mean many things. It did depend on you, if you wanted to go out or not, but Spinel wouldn’t mind cuddle more with you. The Simple Joys of Life weren’t so bad. The gem will want to learn more if it meant you were there to enjoy it.
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midnight-drawing77 · 4 years ago
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One of my drawings of Cassandra and Gogo. They would be friends, but not right away.
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midnight-drawing77 · 4 years ago
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Just another random drawing of Spinel. I don’t know why but I kept getting a CEO or businesswoman feeling. Or just Spinel in a suit.
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