midlifeprogress · 4 years
Don’t fall of the fitness cliff!
I found out about the “fitness cliff”. It is February 9th and it is when most people who started a new year fitness journey quit.
Use this as fire to fuel you. Don’t let this statistic be you!
Beat the fitness cliff!
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midlifeprogress · 4 years
"Harmony comes gradually to a pilot and his plane. The wing does not want so much to fly true as to tug at the hands that guide it; the ship would rather hunt the wind than lay her nose to the horizon far ahead. She has a derelict quality in her character; she toys with freedom and hints at liberation, but yields her own desires gently." ~ Beryl Markham, West With The Night, 1942. Aviatrix, adventurer, racehorse trainer and author. She was the first woman to fly solo, non-stop across the Atlantic from Britain to North America.
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midlifeprogress · 4 years
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midlifeprogress · 4 years
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midlifeprogress · 4 years
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midlifeprogress · 4 years
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You read that motivation only gets you so far, then discipline needs to pick up the slack.
Today was one of those days.
I did NOT want to workout today. I wanted to sit on my ass and do nothing.
But I got up and started.
Halfway through I wanted to stop.
I didn't.
I wasn't motivated.
I was disciplined.
And that made all the difference.
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midlifeprogress · 4 years
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midlifeprogress · 4 years
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midlifeprogress · 4 years
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Meditation 🧘‍♂️ streak day 85
C25K W2D1
Feeling really good this morning. I had scheduled this run for yesterday, but legs just weren't feeling it. Basically, they felt like lead. The extra day of rest was 1000% worth it.
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midlifeprogress · 4 years
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midlifeprogress · 4 years
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Yesterday was a great day.
I'm getting my private pilot's license and because of weird winter weather, I haven't been able to fly for the last month. I've had 4 flights cancelled due to weather and 1 due to a mechanical issue with the plane.
Yesterday was looking good. Beautiful sun, a few broken clouds at 10,000 feet, nice cold, heavy air (perfect for flying).
I got to the airfield and my instructor sent me out to the plane to do the pre-flight. Right as I was completing the walk-around, the wind shifted 60 degrees and started gusting over 24kts. That's a lot for student work.
So no flying.
I was initially very disappointed, but my instructor said, "let's get you ready for the pre-solo test". We went through the knowledge portion and guess what? I passed! First time through.
Just a few more hours of flight time and I'll be ready for my first solo flight.
I didn't start this journey until I was 51 years old. Don't ever think it's too late to chase a dream.
Oh ... and shout out to my school for their intense COVID precautions. They've always got the health and safety of their students and staff in mind.
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midlifeprogress · 4 years
my blog is great but have u seen my ass
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midlifeprogress · 4 years
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midlifeprogress · 4 years
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Christen Eagle - photo by Scott Selzer
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midlifeprogress · 4 years
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My new Netflix obsession:  Lupin.
It’s a French language limited run series (5 episodes) about a gentleman thief trying to right a wrong from 25 years ago.
So good.
Very well done, well acted by a great diverse cast.
10/10 recommend.
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midlifeprogress · 4 years
This is the first week in a long time that I've hit my plan every day. I had some planned rest/stretch/yoga days, but everything was planned and I didn't miss a day.
Feeling great about that for sure.
Trying not to worry about weight right now as I'm just focusing on building the habits of mindfulness and regular exercise.
Weight loss will happen when it happens. I'm just pleased with this small bit of progress.
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midlifeprogress · 4 years
i just discovered this wilkinson sword ad, and it is basically #myaesthetic 😘
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