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mid-80s · 5 days ago
Off Limits | Steddie x Reader
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Nonbinary (she / they) reader x fratboy!Steve x Drugdealer!Eddie
Where Steve was told to take care of you since your brother left, and has been a huge cockblock ever since. So, when Eddie comes along to challenge what it means to “take care” of you, things take an unexpected turn
CW | smut! 18+, 7.3k words, nonbinary reader using she / they pronouns, AFAB, drinking, drug use, modern!college!AU, MMF, gender fluidity, sexual fluidity, light dom!eddie/steve and sub!reader bc it’s me and always lol, “baby” “angel” “sweetheart”, piv, oral f/m , and a little lovey lovey stuff too
AN | I missed writing about my Steddie boys in this way hehe. I hope y'all like I and, as always, comment and rb makes me a happy writer. - Vi
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“Chug chug chug chug” the chants are loud as you stare in amazement at the way people can take down alcohol like it’s absolutely nothing. You were never one to handle liquor well, which is why your red cup is filled with water, but no one has to know that. 
There’s something about house parties that intrigue you. The frat boys being loud, girls giggling and dancing, kissing and grinding and God knows what drugs floating around the premises. It doesn’t even matter that you’ve all been at this for a few years now, it almost makes it more fun now that you know the crowd and the history that comes with partying in the same circle of University students. 
You would’ve never been indoctrinated into this crowd if it wasn’t for Steve.
He’s had your back since you were young. Your older brother, his best friend, Jeremiah made sure of it when he left for the military - a choice you both despised greatly. 
Choices are a privilege though, and unless you had good grades for a scholarship like yourself, or rich parents like Steve, college wasn’t always the direct option. Jeremiah was a bit of a burnout in school, taking on the pressure of protecting and taking care of you while forgetting to put himself first. So, the year you were able to move out and go to college, he made Steve swear to look after you in his place. 
It was an agreement you were made plenty aware of as Steve consistently made his presence known in your life. He constantly checked in about your grades, making sure you didn’t lose your scholarship, and always made sure you got home safe after these obnoxious parties. Safe, and alone. 
That was the annoying part.
It didn’t matter how often you reminded Steve that you were grown now, that you were an adult and smart enough to use protection, he always tried to get in the way of  you going home with anyone - especially a guy.  He was slightly more lenient with girls, not having the fear of pregnancy halt your education, but he still gave you and them a hard time. 
And it’s only gotten worse this year. 
Your landlord randomly decided to increase your rent with only a 30 day notice, and it was much more than your scholarship and bookstore job allotted for. Thus, Steve took you into the frat house. 
It wasn’t as bad as it may seem. Steve was head of the house and everyone knew you were off limits. It felt like you were living with brothers again…
Really hot, stupid, constantly shirtless, flirtatious brothers. 
It was torture. 
Your constantly fluctuating gender identity also made for fun conversations with the seemingly heteronormative boys of the house. You had explained many times that you don’t care what pronouns or gender they see you as, and it really confused them when they were attracted to someone they would call “little bro” but had tits. 
It was fun. 
Steve was defensive and supportive of your exploration. In fact, it made him proud to watch you pull girls almost as well as he could. 
He’d never admit it, but you were Steve’s sexual awakening in terms of fluidity. He’d always found you attractive, as much as it plagued him, because he knew you were Jeremiah’s little sibling and there was no fucking way he could cross that line. 
But as time has passed, the line has gotten more and more blurry. 
Every single time he saw you flirting with someone his blood turned hot. Girls, guys, whoever, he had to get in the middle of it. Literally. Sometimes he wished you’d invite him to get in the middle of it. 
That time he heard you and that stupid fuckboy down the hall moaning and groaning he lost it. He was supposed to be writing an essay and instead ended up with his dick in his hand picturing you with your mouth around him under the desk. 
When he saw the idiot downstairs later he told him if he ever sees him around the house again he’ll knock his teeth out. 
And when you asked where he went, Steve told you to stay away from guys like that. When you rolled your eyes and said “Okay Dad,”, he almost bent you over and spanked you right there. 
But that would be wrong. 
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Anyone with eyes knows that Steve is attractive. It’s no secret why he hailed the title of King. You’ve long ignored the desire every time he walks through the house shirtless, his hair all messed up, his basketball shorts hanging low as he drinks his morning coffee. You’ve also ignored the overperformative whines and moans of the sorority girls he brings back to his room after a night of chaos. You’ve second-guessed if he’s that good or if the girls are just doing the most, but your suspicions are wrong because they always seem to want to come back for more. 
It was a dance you both played at constantly on nights like this. Steve would watch you grind with someone as you watched him throw an arm around a girl’s shoulder and whisper shit into her ear. 
Tonight, though, you were annoyed. Steve looked too fucking good and it pissed you off that he had the audacity to look your way while his arm was around someone else. 
You were on a mission to be an absolute demon. You couldn’t help it - Steve just awakens that in you. 
So, as he watched you sip your drink, you purposely spilled some down your front, your white shirt doing nothing to prevent your nipples from peaking out. Braless, of course. 
You see the way his eyes dilate and you smirk, turning to the tall boy next to you. “Aw, fuck,” you whine in fake discontent. 
“Can you get me a paper towel or something?” You ask the boy next to you, batting your eyelashes as you make eye contact with him.
Your heart skips slightly as you look up at him. He has long curly hair, and the most devious smirk on his face that you’ve ever seen. 
He chuckles. “I doubt there’s a paper towel in sight around here sweetheart. Do you want my shirt instead to cover up?”
You falter. You didn’t expect him to be so attractive. Your eyebrows furrow as you scan his face. Eyebrow pierced, tattoos littering his arms, a joint behind one ear and a cigarette behind the other - you recognize him. 
“You look so familiar,” you murmur. 
He smiles and sticks his hands in his pockets. “I’ve definitely sold you drugs before,” he says.
You laugh. “Eddie! Oh my God yes - hi,” you laugh, embarrassed you didn’t recognize him immediately. Has he always been this attractive?
“Hi,” he laughs back, then he takes your hand. “C‘mon let’s go get you cleaned up.” 
You let him pull you toward the stairs as you look over your shoulder at Steve, his eyes narrowing in on you. Your cheeks heat up as Eddie pulls you upstairs and down a hallway crowded with people. 
He easily navigates the crowd, his grip on you strong as you admire the tattoos that climb up his neck, barely showing above his collar, visible only where his hair isn’t covering from being in a bun. 
He opens a door at the left end of the hall and pulls you in quickly, locking the door behind you.
It’s quieter here, but not by much, the bass can be heard through the walls. Eddie immediately makes his way to a dresser, small figurines of some sort and books littered on top that shake as he hurriedly pulls open the top drawer and grabs a shirt. 
“Do you have a preference for a Black Sabbath or…a Run DMC shirt?” He laughs, holding up two giant black shirts in front of him.
You look around and spot the half made bed, an electric and acoustic guitar in the corner with a bass and speaker. A small desk with records of all sorts littered next to an old record player, some posters you don’t recognize on the wall by the small blue light next to it. And, of course, a giant bong. 
“Wait, this is your room?” You ask the obvious. “I didn’t think you’d be in a frat.”
Eddie rolls his eyes. “I’m not - they let me stay here in exchange for drugs,” he explains. “Now put on a shirt,” he says, throwing one of the shirts at you. 
You stare at him incredulously, surprised he’s not trying to hit on you literally at all. Honestly, you’re offended. 
He’s hot. Like really hot. And you’re in his room, tits poking through your shirt, and rather than hit on you he’s…making you cover up? You make a split decision as Eddie’s eyes stay on you, quickly ripping off your shirt, exposing yourself in front of him. 
“Jesus fucking -“ he huffs, turning eyes up toward the ceiling. 
“What?” You laugh, slowly putting his shirt on over your head. “You told me to put on your shirt,” you challenge.
His tongue pokes the side of his cheek as he crosses his arms. His eyes roam you up and down. His shirt is way too big, falling past your shorts and landing just above your knees. 
You stare back at him, unwavering. 
“You’re trouble,” he says, shaking his head. 
You raise an eyebrow at him. “You’re the one who brought me up here,” you retort, then decide to lock your place in and sit on the side of his bed. 
He keeps his distance. 
You’re confused. “Do you not want to…mess around some?” You ask, starting to actually feel hurt by his rejection. He groans and takes a few steps toward you, slotting himself between your legs. You look up at him wide-eyed, tummy churning as he looks down at you with dark eyes. 
“I can’t,” he mutters, his hand coming to touch the side of your face gently. 
Your eyebrows furrow in confusion. “Why? Do you have a girlfriend or boyfriend or something? I’m sorry I didn’t -“ you start to feel embarrassed, taking his kindness for some sort of innuendo and begin to get off the bed.
But he stops you, his hand finding your shoulder and gently keeping you in your place in the bed. 
“No no not like that,” he chuckles nervously. 
You pout. “Then why?” 
He pets your head. You can see the turmoil he’s fighting in his eyes. He sighs and takes a step back, making you whine. “I promised Harrington I wouldn’t when I found out you were his girl,” he admits.
Your mouth falls open in shock. “His girl???” You laugh incredulously. Of course Steve would still find his way to cockblock you without even being in the room. 
You stand up quickly, your blood boiling. “I’m not ‘his girl’,” you declare. 
Eddie tries to recover. “Well not ‘his girl’ but you know what I mean,” he replies. You cross your arms over your chest. “No Eddie, I don’t know what you mean. Please enlighten me on what the fuck that could possibly mean.”
There’s a loud banging on the door. 
You and Eddie both look toward the door, your heart hammering out of your chest. 
“Munson open this fucking door right now I swear to God,” Steve’s voice booms through the barrier. 
You’re seething. Absolutely seething. Not only has he tried to stop Eddie from pursuing you, he has the audacity to follow you upstairs???  
Eddie groans, his hands running down his face as he faces the door. The door shakes as Steve angrily pounds on it, but you’re not giving in that easily. 
You start fake moaning, staring directly at Eddie. “Ungh yeah Eddie, harder Eddie!” You moan loudly, a devilish glint in your eyes as his face glows bright red. 
Eddie runs to you, throwing his hand over your mouth. “Shut the fuck up,” he hushes you, and you giggle, trying to moan through his hand, while also trying not to get turned on by the harsh way he grabs you. 
”You’re fucking dead Munson,” Steve yells. 
“Steve it’s not-“ Eddie tries to cover, but you keep moaning. 
“Then open the FUCKING DOOR,” Steve yells so loudly that you actually get scared for a second. You’ve never heard him yell like that. You freeze in your place as Eddie glares at you and walks to open the door. 
Steve bursts in and stares at you, his gaze hot. He eyes you up and down. His blood boils seeing you wear Eddie’s shirt. 
“We’re leaving. Now,” Steve commands. 
You glare at him and shake your head. 
Steve shoots his eyes back at Eddie who slowly shuts the door and locks it again, afraid of anyone else trying to burst in to whatever the fuck is happening. “Did you touch her?” Steve growls at Eddie. 
“I swear I was just getting her a shirt,” Eddie explains. 
“And instead of getting me and telling me to take them home you bring them UP TO YOUR ROOM?” Steve shouts. 
But Eddie’s not having it. “You’re not their fucking keeper,” Eddie spits back. 
Steve gets in Eddie’s face. “You don’t know shit about what I am to her,” Steve says, his nose nearly touching Eddie’s. 
Adrenaline rushes through you as you know someone is about to throw a punch. You’ve seen Steve fight before but you don’t doubt that Eddie is much scrappier than he is. And there's absolutely no reason they should be fighting over you. 
You don’t realize that they have had this conversation in depth before. The first time Eddie sold drugs to you and Steve he was going to hit on you, but Steve made it clear afterwards that you were off limits. Despite every time he ended up at the frat house, hoping he could get a chance with you, Steve’s threats rang clear, and Eddie had too much to lose to get into another pointless fight. But that all starts to dissipate the closer Steve pushes his limits. 
“Or maybe I’m my own fucking person,” you say from behind them. 
Their heads immediately swivel toward you,  both of their stares hot. 
“Maybe I wanted Eddie to take me to his room - maybe I wanted him to take care of me,��� you challenge.
”Take care of you?” Steve scoffs. “I take care of you.”
You bite your lip as silence fills the space between you three. 
Eddie steps toward you, a smirk painting his pink lips as he understands what you meant by your statement. “No Steve,” he says lowly.
”You don’t really take care of them,” Eddie says, his teeth between his lips as he comes to stand in front of you, his height making your head tilt back as your breath gets caught in your throat. Steve’s jaw clenches. 
Eddie’s hand finds your jaw, holding your face as your big eyes look up at him, but his attention goes to Steve. “You could, but you don’t,” Eddie challenges.
Steve is silenced as he watches you fall under Eddie’s spell, realizing exactly what he means. 
“Isn’t that right angel? Harrington could take care of you but he doesn’t, and then he gets mad when someone like me wants to do it instead,” Eddie murmurs. You take your bottom lip between your teeth, holding back a whine. Your heart rate picks up rapidly and you nod your head at Eddie, the truth never being more apparent. You hate how Steve always finds a way to get in the middle of you and someone else, but then doesn’t do anything to stop the ache in between your legs himself. 
Eddie leans down to your ear and whispers, “Tell him angel. Tell him that you want him to take care of you and he doesn’t.”
You turn your head to look at Steve, Eddie’s hand still cupping your cheek. “It’s true Stevie,” you murmur, your voice soft under the intensity. 
Steve steps toward you, his face hot as he takes in what you’re saying. Eddie guides you to sit back on his bed. Steve hurriedly sits next to you on the bed while Eddie stays standing. 
“I -“ Steve stutters, his body facing you as he scans your face. “I can’t do that, you know that,” he argues, but his voice is weak and the way his body leans toward you tells you something else.
”Then let Eddie,” you counter. 
The curly haired boy chuckles as Steve’s hand curls into a fist on his jeans. “That’s not that I meant baby you know that,” Steve argues. He never calls you “baby”. He’s only done it a handful of times when he’s drunk. You realize the term of endearment may actually show his weakness for you. 
“Why Harrington?” Eddie challenges. “Think I can’t do a good job? Because I think you and I both know that’s not true-”
“Eddie - don’t” Steve threatens
”What do you mean?” You ask, suddenly even more confused than before. 
Eddie smirks as he stands tall in front of both you and Steve. “You gonna tell her or do you want me to, big boy?” 
Your eyes go wide as you look between the two of them. Steve’s jaw clenches as Eddie smirks down at him like a physical embodiment of the devil himself. 
“You guys have…?” You ask, surprise and excitement lacing your voice. You didn’t think Eddie could smile any wider, but his ego just keeps it going. 
“Mmhhmm,” Eddie mumbles. “Many times,” he confirms.
You look at Steve in shock and hit him on the shoulder. “Why did you never tell me??” You ask as he groans. 
“It’s not really your business who I’m fucking,” he argues.
“But apparently it’s your business who IM fucking???” You yell back. 
“He’s just jealous because he knows what you’d be getting into,” Eddie laughs.
“This is so not fair,” you say angrily. Not only are you mad that Steve never told you he was bisexual, or heteroflexible or whatever he identifies as, but you’re honestly really fucking turned on by the idea of Eddie and him fucking. 
More than once.
Holy shit. 
Your face gets hot. 
“If anything, Steve, you should trust me more with them because you know from experience that it’ll be good,” Eddie shrugs, his sly smile not leaving his face.
You’re definitely soaking your panties at this point. 
“I’m not concerned if it’ll be good you dumbass,” Steve says, shoving Eddie slightly. “I don’t want you to hurt her,” he admits. Your heart swells at his level of protection and care - as annoying as it is, you’ve always appreciated how much he cares about you.  
Your pussy, on the other hand, now desperately wants to know just how good Eddie could be. 
“I can take it Steve,” you mumble petulantly, your gaze on your lap. 
“What was that angel?” Eddie taunts you, his finger coming under your chin to lift your gaze up. 
“I said I can take it,”  you sigh. “I’m not some delicate flower or a virgin or something.” Your fingers twiddle with one another, feeling more and more shy under the gaze of the two attractive men in front of you. 
“You are to me” Steve admits, his brown eyes soft as he looks at you. He’s always seen you as someone he has to protect and care for, whether Jeremiah told him to or not, he was always going to look out for you. He was always going to protect you from guys like himself - and Eddie. 
And then you have an idea. Maybe it’s insane - but this whole situation is already insane so before you can think too much about it you decide to just blurt it out. 
“What if you watch?” You say quickly, so quickly your heart feels like it’s going to beat out of your chest and fall onto the floor in front of you. 
Both boys still. 
Eddie’s eyebrows raise. 
“What?” Steve asks, stunned by your suggestion. 
“I mean,” you stutter. “If you’re so worried about me getting hurt or whatever, and you’ve obviously already been with Eddie so you’ve seen him naked and everything. What if you were here…while it happened?” 
Eddie tries to hide his chuckle and Steve shoots him a glare of death. Steve stands up from the bed and keeps his back to you, obviously struggling with your proposed plan. 
When silence falls for too long Eddie breaks in, a hand coming to Steve’s shoulder. “You know I’ll take care of her, Harrington,” he reassures him. 
Your legs rub together and both boys look at you as a small whine escapes past your lips. This is getting too unbearable, either someone needs to touch you or you need to leave and spend some very important alone time with yourself. 
“Look how bad she needs it,” Eddie says to Steve, talking as if you can’t hear.
Steve stares at you. He’s only seen you like this a handful of times, like when sex scenes come on in movies when you’re together, or he sees you flirting with someone else, and he’s always had to excuse himself. 
But not this time. 
“Desperate for it huh?” Steve asks, his eyes not leaving your body. 
You and Eddie both nod. “It would be really mean of you to not let me take care of that for her,” Eddie taunts, making his way to stand just mere steps in front of you. He reaches his hand out and you grab it, pulling so he steps another step forward. 
You both look at Steve with pleading eyes. 
“Please Stevie,” you beg, your voice barely above a whisper, dripping with need almost as much as your pussy drips with arousal. 
And Steve can fucking sense it. Fuck, he can practically taste it with how your needy voice sounds. 
“Okay,” he says through gritted teeth. 
Your eyes light up as you look up at Eddie, a cheshire smile on his perfect face. Eddie immediately moves to stand in front of you, his crotch in front of your face as he holds your sweet face in his big hands. 
“Don’t make me regret this,” Steve sighs, sitting on the desk chair in the corner of the room as his eyes stay transfixed to the sight in front of him. 
“Never,” Eddie chuckles, his eyes not leaving yours. You try to move your head up slightly, desperate to kiss those pink lips he’s been licking this whole time. 
“Aw,” Eddie teases. “Does somebody want a kiss?”
You whine. “Munson,” Steve warns. 
Eddie ignores him. “Say please,” Eddie instructs, his voice teasing. 
“Please,” you whisper and, before you have time to comprehend it, Eddie’s connecting his lips with yours, an immediate moan escaping your throat. Eddie’s hands guide your face to move with him, his tongue expertly swiping across your lips before gently finding your own tongue. Your hands reach up to grab Eddie’s wrists, desperate for more contact. 
You barely hear it a few feet from you as you continue making out - “Fuck,” Steve exhales. 
Eddie chuckles as his hand slips to your throat, grabbing it firmly as you continue to lose yourself in his perfect kissing. He easily pushes you down on the bed, disconnecting your lips much to your dismay. 
Eddie slowly sinks to his knees in between your legs. You feel like you must be about to hyperventilate with the way your chest is rising and falling so rapidly. It doesn’t help that just over Eddie’s shoulder you see Steve, seated with his legs wide apart, his mouth gnawing on his fist as his blown out eyes stare at you and Eddie in front of him. 
Eddie starts kissing up your bare legs slowly, bringing your attention back to the man in between your legs. He kisses higher and higher, goosebumps raising on your legs as he gets closer to your aching cunt. You instinctively start to lose your legs, but his hands immediately hold them open as he shakes his head. 
“I’ve been dying to taste your cunt,” Eddie murmurs against your thighs, making you shiver. 
You hear a grunt behind him. “Goddamit Ed,” Steve huffs, his hand palming himself through his jeans, making your head spin at the sight. 
“It’s true,” Eddie quips. His hand comes up to your little shorts, his finger pressing right on your clothed center. “Can I take these off angel?” Eddie asks.
“Please,” you whine, your own resolve gone as you long for relief. 
Eddie smirks and quickly pulls the little shorts down, smiling at your glistening pussy in front of him. “So pretty,” he mutters before landing a kiss directly onto your clit, immediately making you gasp. 
Eddie hums, slowly licking a stripe up your pussy, making your eyes roll back and your head fall onto the bed with a thump. Eddie doesn’t rush, and it’s bliss - the way his tongue circles your clit with just enough pressure to drive you crazy. He circles, then licks, then sucks. Circles, licks, sucks, over and over as you mewl above him, your back arching as obscene sounds flow past your lips. 
“Does it feel good baby?” Steve asks, his voice laced both with lust and genuine curiosity. He’s worried about his girl. 
You gasp as Eddie hits that one spot again and again. “S-so fucking good oh my god,” you moan, your hips bucking to meet Eddie’s pace as you feel an orgasm start to build low in your tummy. 
Small groans come from across the room to accompany your moans and Eddie’s wet slurping. It’s a mess, a heavenly mess. “You’re getting close huh baby? I can tell - fuck you look so fucking sexy,” Steve groans. 
You can’t see him at this point but just the sound of his voice gets you closer . That mixed with Eddie’s unholy ability to find and hit that sensitive spot over and over and over, you feel like your senses are tingling all over.
“Eddie please don’t stop please,” you beg. He, of course, had no intention to, but your hands in his hair just confirm the exact spot he needs to continue adding pressure to get you to over the edge.
“Don’t fucking stop Ed, make her cum,” Steve demands and Eddie groans into your cunt. The vibration mixed with the dominance in Steve’s voice sends you over the edge. The ball in your stomach comes undone, exploding with the best electricity all up your spine, your back arching off the bed. 
You spew a mix of profanities and praise as you ride out your high, your body floating as Eddie slowly comes away from your cunt. 
You didn’t even realize your eyes had been closed until you open them because you feel a hand petting your head. “Did so so good baby - fuck,” Steve says from beside you. You look up at him, absolutely blissed out, no thoughts in your head other than how gorgeous he looks beside you. 
“Thank you,” you mutter - though to who you’re not sure.
Steve smiles and kisses the top of your head. “Thank Eddie baby, not me,” Steve says, nodding toward the boy wiping his mouth with his own shirt, a wicked grin on his face. 
“Thank you Eddie,” you repeat. 
Eddie crawls above you on the bed, forcing you and Steve to inch backwards to accommodate for his body. “Anytime, beautiful,” the tattooed boy smiles. 
You stare up at him in disbelief - how is he so good with his mouth? 
“Wanna taste pretty boy?” Eddie asks, his head turning to Steve’s next to you. 
Your eyes widen in shock, but before you can process it, Eddie’s mouth is on Steve’s, the two of them groaning as they taste both you and each other. Watching the boys kiss is both erotic and primal. Their biceps flexing, hard jaws moving quickly as if they can’t get enough of one another. It’s better than you could have ever imagined. 
Eddie breaks the kiss, panting as he takes Steve’s jaw in his hand and points his face toward you. He looks beyond perfect, swollen lips and messy hair, his shirt out of place. 
But neither of you move as you hold eye contact - it’s too intense, a line you never thought you would be able to cross with him. 
“Kiss her, Steve,” Eddie whispers in the other boy’s ear. 
Steve starts to lean closer to you as Eddie sits back on his knees, giving you two space. 
You’ve never been so close to STeve in your life. You’re practically exchanging breaths, chests touching as he leans toward you. 
His hand comes to the side of your face, so gently you can barely feel it. 
“Are you sure baby?” he asks. 
Your heart melts - you’ve never been more sure of something in your life. “Kiss me Stevie,” you smile, and pull his lips in to meet yours. 
It’s better than you could’ve imagined. You taste him and Eddie, and maybe a little bit of yourself as his tongue slides into your mouth. He’s so gentle it’s surprising. There’s no rough force, no intense grabbing, just kissing and holding as if you’re glass he doesn’t want to break. 
The kiss only breaks because you gasp as you feel Eddie’s fingers dancing up your thighs again, only to press one digit slowly into your soaked entrance. He curls the tip of it skillfully, making you whine into Steve’s mouth, your grip on his hair tightening. Steve can’t help but look at the way your eyebrows knit together. 
“Can you take another sweetheart?” Eddie asks from between your legs, looking at your pussy like it’s art. 
Your breath is shaking. “She can take more, I know she can - she’s a good girl, aren’t you baby?” Steve talks you through as Eddie adds another large finger into you, stretching you out as he starts to pump his fingers in and out of you. 
You lose yourself completely, your eyes struggling to stay open as Eddie hits that spot inside of you over nand over. “H-holy fuck,” you gasp, your eyes screwing shut. 
Steve immediately grabs your face, holding the back of your head up so you don’t throw it backwards. “Uh uh, no baby, eyes on me or Eddie,” Steve demands. You do your best to relax into his hold, one of his hands holding your head while the other finds it’s way under your shirt to grab at your tits. 
“So fucking wet,” Eddie grunts as he continues his rhythm, laying gentle kisses on your clit as he continues. 
“Please can i - can,” you stutter, eyes meeting Steve’s. 
“What baby, can you what?” Steve half taunts, making you use words that are escaping you completely. 
You reach your hand toward Steve’s clothed bulge, pressing against it to elicit a small groan from him. But he immediately grabs your wrist to stop you. “Ask for what you want,” he instructs and you groan. 
Then Eddie stops his movements in your pussy. “WHat?WHat no,” you plead at the loss of sensation.
“Follow instructions and you get what you want,” Eddie teases. 
You groan again and whimper, struggling to find the words you need to touch Steve while also being so close to cumming again already. Eddie begins to move away from your legs, making you squirm. 
“Ccan I please touch you Steve please,” you beg. 
Eddie immediately sinks back between your legs and pushes his fingers back inside of you as Steve smiles. 
“Of course honey, see that wasn’t so hard,” Steve mocks you. He takes off his shirt and discards of it somewhere in a corner of the room, then his jeans are quick to follow, leaving him bare to you. 
Your mouth gapes at the sight of him. “Now you know why they call him King Steve,” Eddie laughs at your expression. 
And it’s true. He’s huge. 
And thick.
Steve rolls his eyes, but guides your hand to wrap around his cock, your fingers not full enclosing around the girth. The simplest touch makes Steve throw his head back as he stays on his knees by your head, your smaller hand taking over stroking him. 
Eddie continues his work on your cunt, and every time he kisses your clit while pumping in and out of you, you get closer to the edge again. 
That mixed with the sight of Steve’s dick mere inches from your face has you absolutely wrecked. 
You open your mouth, panting like a dog wanting to taste Steve. He chuckles above you and slowly guides his pink tip past your lips, immediately groaning as you lick and suck on it while our hand holds the rest of him. 
Eddie adds in to the moans between your legs as he strokes his own dick at the sight in front of him. Quite literally the two hottest people he’s ever seen at each other’s disposal. It’s incredible and he wants it every fucking day. 
You continue like this as best as you can, but it doesnt last long because Eddie is just too fucking good at what he’s doing. You pull off of Steve to whine. 
“Eddie I’m - I’m close again oh fuck,” you groan. 
Eddie just hums in response, but Steve’s hand comes to your throat. “Did I say to stop?” Steve asks, his eyes dark as he guides his cock back into your mouth. 
You whine around the girth, your orgasm building as Steve starts to slowly thrust in and out of your mouth, spit pooling down the side of your face. “You wanted my cock so you get it, you understand?” Steve asks. 
You mumble a gargled “mmhmhm” as you get closer to the edge. 
“You’re gonna cum with my cock in your throat like my good little whore,” Steve instructs, and that does it. 
Immediately your second orgasm floods you, a wave of pleasure overriding your system as you keep your mouth open for Steve to fuck. He’s gentle, aware of your state, and has to refrain from cumming himself at the sight of your eyes in the back of your head with his cock in your mouth. 
“Come here,” you hear Eddie say, and in your blissed out state you see Steve move so Eddie has his cock in his mouth. It’s so beautiful. 
Steve is not nearly as gentle with Eddie as he was with you, he has the other boy’s hair in his fist, tugging as he guides his head roughly up and down the length of his cock. 
“Good fucking boy,” Steve grunts and it makes your pussy continue throbbing.  Eddie gags and Steve pulls him up by his hair, bringing their mouths to meet once again.
You quickly remove your shirt as you watch Eddie stroke Steve’s dick, their tongues battling in a mirage of moans and grunts. 
“Eddie you have too many clothes on,” you complain. 
It makes them both chuckle. 
“You heard the little one, take your clothes off,” Steve laughs, already undoing Eddie’s belt for him. It only takes a few seconds before Eddie’s dick springs free - also big and thick and looking like it’s absolutely aching. 
You crawl toward the two boys, eyes wide as you eye both of their throbbing lengths, leaking with pre-cum. You gently touch their shoulders, bringing their attention to you as Steve buries his face in your neck, kissing and biting. 
Eddie smashes his lips with your own and you revel in the contrast between his roughness and Steve’s softness with you. 
“I want-wanna taste you Eddie,” you breathe between kisses. 
Eddie smiles and gives you another quick peck on the lips before moving so he’s off the bed, standing so his cock hits his stomach. You turn to Steve, looking for approval you didn’t realize you needed. 
“Get on all fours baby,” Steve instructs.
You nod, getting on your elbows facing Eddie, his cock in front of your face, as Steve positions himself behind you. 
Something in the air shifts as Steve moves behind you. You can feel his eyes staring at your pussy as it’s presented to him, your back arched, our ass in the air just begging for him to spank it. 
“Go ‘head and taste Eddie,” Steve says, making you face the boy in front of  you again. 
Eddie looks down at you, his hand coming under your chin. “Open your mouth,” Eddie says, and you do so, sticking your tongue out so it’s barely touching the tip of his cock. Then, he leans over and spits, his saliva landing on your tongue and his cock. You smile with your tongue out, happy to be free to be absolutely fucking filthy. 
You slowly take Eddie’s cock, now coated in both of your spit, into your mouth, and moan at the taste. 
“Fuuuck yes,” Eddie groans, his hand gripping your hair tightly. 
Steve’s been watching, stroking himself as he eyes your drippy pussy, just begging to be stretched. You feel him poking at your entrance and your heart pounds, waiting in anticipation. 
“Wait,” Steve says, stopping both you and Eddie. 
“You okay?” Eddie asks the other boy, concern laced in his features. Steve’s hands find your hips as he slightly leans over your back, his cock pressing against you from the back. “I’m okay,” he responds.
“I just,” he starts, hesitating. 
Your mind floods with worry. Is he regretting this? 
“I want to see your face when I fill you up baby,” Steve admits. 
If you weren’t blushing before, you are now. You smile and nod, leaning up to give Steve a quick kiss to the lips. 
“Loverboy Steve,” Eddie teases. 
“You’ll get a good view too Munson,” Steve responds, giving your ass a playful slap. 
You giggle at the idiots you’re in between. “On your back baby,” Steve instructs, flipping you so your head was almost hanging off the bed near Eddie now, your hips aligned with Steves. 
“God your tits are perfect,” Eddie says his hands immediately grabbing at them and pinching your nipples. 
You giggle again, giddy with all of the attention you’re getting, but your breathing immediately shortens as you feel Steve prod at your entrance. Eddie moves so he’s to the side of your head, one of his hands on your tits while the other guides your hand to stroke him. 
“You ready baby?” Steve asks, his brown eyes set on yours as he lines himself up with your entrance. 
Your heart races. All those times you’ve envied the girls Steve has been with, all those times you’ve tried to make him jealous, get his attention - and now you have it all. 
“I’m ready Stevie,” you smile. A smile lights up his face as well as he begins to push himself inside of you, making your face immediately twist as you adjust to his size. 
You whine as your breathing picks up, his hands tight on your hips, his own eyebrows knitting together in concern. “I know baby I know,” he grunts, obviously holding himself back from pounding into you right away.
“So big,” you whine. 
“You can take it angel,” Eddie coos from next to you, his brown eyes transfixed on you both. 
You gasp as he inches in further. “Breathe baby,” Steve encourages. “Feel so fuckin’ good -fuck,” he grunts, filling you to the hilt. You both groan at the feeling, him being fully inside of you, so deep and thick and perfect. 
He leans down to kiss your forehead and cheek before coming back up and starting to move his hips against yours. Your moans start to fill the room loudly as he handles your body expertly. Eddie palms your tits, adding to the sensation. 
“This cunt was made for me I swear,” Steve curses, his pace quickening as you whine. “C’mere,” he grunts, pulling Eddie’s face to his own, smashing their lips together as you become a moaning mess beneath them. 
“Baby can you take Eddie in your mouth? Can you do that for me sweet thing?” Steve asks, his thrusts puncturing his words. 
“Yes, yes yes want Eddie,” you whine. Eddie doesn’t hesitate, immediately moving so he can hold your head as you bounce on Steve’s cock and therefore Eddie’s cock down your throat. 
You love it. You absolutely love feeling filled on both ends - the groans of the two men above you mixed with your own garbled moans and groans. 
You feel Steve start to pick up his pace, landing a slap to your thigh that makes you squeak but keep Eddie in your mouth. “Perfect perfect perfect,” Steve mutters, almost incoherently as he gets closer to his edge.
“You look fucking perfect taking cock, you know that angel? All fuck- all filled up by us,” Eddie adds. 
They’re both just talking nonsense, words flowing in and out of your ears as you’re all overtaken with bliss.
“Our girl huh?” Eddie grunts. 
“No one else ever gets to touch you like this” Steve adds, his thrusts getting sloppy. 
“Oh God,” Steve grunts, his eyes screwing shut. 
“You close big boy?” Eddie asks, sweat beading down his own forehead. “Fuck - fuck you’re gonna make me cum looking like that,” Eddie admits. 
You whine, wanting to taste it, and it sends Eddie over the edge. He attempts to pull out of your mouth, but you keep it open, getting hot spurts of cum in your mouth and on your throat and tits, a perfect fucking picture that leaves Eddie gasping, and Steve absolutely reeling from the sight. 
You can barely comprehend Steve’s words as you take in the mess Eddie made of you. “Where do you want it baby?” Steve asks. 
“Fill me up Steve,” you reply without thinking. 
You don’t even hesitate, of course you want his cum in you, claiming you. “Wanna feel you cum in me please,” you whine. 
Steve groans, his thrusts choppy as he falls over you, his face burying in your shoulder as he bites down, definitely leaving a mark that you dont mind. “Gonna fill you up baby, make you mine,” he grunts into your ear.
And then you feel him spill inside you, his groans like music to your ears as his hips falter. He breathes heavy, his  weight collapsing on you fully, not even caring about Eddie’s mess as he comes down from his high. 
You both lay like that for a minute, catching  your breath as you take in what the fuck just happened. 
Your hand finds Steve’s hair, rubbing gently as he separates himself from you and kisses your lips softly. 
“Here babe,” Eddie says from the dresser, throwing a shirt Steve’s way to wipe you both up. Steve chuckles as he wipes Eddie’s spend off of you both, mixed with sweat as well. “Christ,” Steve sighs. 
“Are you okay?” he asks you, all concern flooding his eyes as he looks down at the girl he loves. 
He loves you. He always has. But this just made it even more obvious. 
“I’m fucking great,” you laugh in your loopy haze. 
Both boys laugh with you as Steve pulls out, making you wince from the loss. “I know I know,” he says, pulling you to lay on his chest. “Eds get over here,” he says over you. 
Your eyes can barely stay open, but you feel the weight of the other boy come lay behind you, wrapping his arms around your middle and nuzzling his face into your back. You twist to kiss Eddie’s head before turning back to Steve and kissing him quickly on his swollen lips. 
A serene silence falls between the three of you, only interrupted by the continued buzzing of the long forgotten party downstairs. 
“Can we stay here tonight Ed?” Steve asks over you. 
Eddie smiles. “You two pretty people can stay in my bed forever,” he replies.
You giggle. “I actually wouldn’t mind that,” you smile. 
“We do need to shower eventually,” Steve quips, always the realist. 
“After round two,” Eddie mumbles into your back. 
“Or three, or four,” Steve adds.
You blush and hide your face into Steve’s chest. You don’t know what you’ve gotten yourself into, but you don’t think you mind at all.
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Tags! @acollectionofcells1 @lilaclazer @addyfrlll @munsonbee
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mid-80s · 5 days ago
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𝑇𝑜 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑝𝑒𝑜𝑝𝑙𝑒 𝑤ℎ𝑜 𝑙𝑜𝑜𝑘 𝑎𝑡 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑟𝑠 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑤𝑖𝑠ℎ ⋆.˚
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mid-80s · 5 days ago
steddies child on tiktok doing the “my dad was the original teenage dirtbag” trend and all the comments are thirsting over him ofc but then there’s steve. this kids literally dad. going fucking insane and embarrassing his kid bc he’s just thirsting over his husband like “oooooh mygodddd i forgot holy shit he was so hot how did i bag him oh my god that’s my husband dude fuuuuck oh my god” and steddies kid just replies liek “dad if you don’t gET OUT IF MY COMMENTS” and it makes the tiktok go viral and everyone’s like “other dad reveal IMMEDIATELY” and so the kid posts pics of them together from the 80s and 90s and. the crowd goes wild. everyone and their moms are thirsting over this kids parents and they regret every decision they’ve ever made.
*also in the comments of the tiktok with pics of both of them. eddie is there freaking the fuck out over old pics of steve and he DOES cry seeing the pictures of them from when they were kids. he cries so much. he gets so emotional.
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mid-80s · 5 days ago
Give me O!Steve in his freshman year fooling around with A!Eddie. Maybe they both thought it was a summer fling or Steve was looking for it to turn into a relationship but Eddie wasn't. Give me Eddie 'oh shit I'm catching feelings' Munson start to pull away from this amazing and funny and lovely omega he's seeing.
Give me heartbroken Steve who, after skipping a heat, finds out he's pregnant with his the alpha's pup(s). Give me steve freaking out cause holy shit he's too young to be a dame and his alpha doesn't even want him.
Give me steve crying and making a decision that's too heavy for a young mom- or person- to make. He makes the difficult decision to terminate the pregnancy. He's just too young. He wants kids but not at this point in his life.
Give me 4 years of steve avoiding Eddie and Eddie forever regretting leaving the omega. Both because he's still afraid of the love he saw and steve always scents so sad around him.
Give me steve borderline depressed and wanting kids, having to live with the what-ifs of his life. Of how big their kids would be now. Of how they'd be talking and probably have Eddie's eyes and hair. Of trying to brush and tame the wild frizzy locks while they tell him about their day. Give me steve in mourning because of a difficult decision he was forced to make. Give me reserved steve because of how, regardless of what decision he made, he still marred his youth and had to grow up too fast.
Give me him being a surrogate mom for dustin, and when Ms Henderson comments on what a lovely parent he'd be, he cries himself to sleep alone in his bed.
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mid-80s · 6 days ago
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✰ Coming Soon ✰
(This is based off a novel I read recently called “Knot All Is Forgiven” by Holly Monroe)
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mid-80s · 9 days ago
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cw : fingering, coming untouched (18+)
art donaldson is an empathetic lover.
he feels what you feel, regardless of how much stimulation his own body is getting. just watching you melt and sink into a milky bath of pleasure is enough to have his head swimming and his cock swelling. it’s more than enough.
so he’s perfectly content with laying you down in bed every night after he’s stripped you bare, your skin a canvas for his lips and teeth and tongue, and hovering above you while he begins thumbing your bundle of nerves. when your brow pinches up and you let out a soft squeal, his brow pinches too. he mimics your body involuntarily—reflexively. his jaw slacks when your lips part, and he starts to moan with you. his breathing syncing with yours as he rocks into the inside of his zipper.
he slides two of his fingers into you soon after and begins curling them upwards to play with that warm, spongy spot nestled in your walls. he keens when your back arches up and he leans forward to press his face into your neck. his free hand cups the back of your head.
“are you gonna come for me?” he whimpers, “i want you to come, baby.. you’re so wet f’me..”
and a nod from you is all that it takes for him to start properly abusing your g-spot, pushing his digits in to their knuckles as he feels your hole convulse around his touch. gushes of your essence fill his palm and he wants nothing more than to pause and drink it, slurping and lapping it from the bowl of his touch like a man dying of thirst, but he knows you’re close. he can wait.
your trembling hips begin to stutter and grind against his movements as he uses his thumb to resume playing with your sensitive bud, circling it under his fingerprint. his gut is brimming with thrums of heat just from smelling and hearing and touching you like this.
fuck, it’s always enough.
he nips at your neck, and then he hears your strangled cry echo out into the room just before he feels you clamp down on him. your hands scramble for the back of his tee shirt and fist it as you find your release; hot, exhausting, overwhelming, almost too much. he’s hit with his own not a moment later.
“oh god—“ he whines, his pelvis jumping as his dick twitches and gushes in his clothing, his fingers relentlessly working you through your climax.
art keeps it up until you’re boneless and shaky on the sheets, your body only moving to jerk with overstimulation when his touch swipes over your spent clit. he loves pulling back to watch you revel in the afterglow. you’re something straight out of a poem. an ocean after a hurricane. a field after the first kiss of rain in months. a volcano after eruption; suffocating smoke and impossible heat.
he moves his free hand from your head to your stomach, caressing down it as he pulls back from your core. shushes you tenderly when you whimper from the emptiness.
he’s fine with doing this every night, and he never asks for anything in return.
because it’s all he wants.
and you give him everything he needs.
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mid-80s · 10 days ago
awkward! sakusa accidentally jizzing his pants when he makes out with someone
— awkward / virgin! sakusa + fluff + embarrassment + gn! reader
he tells himself its the intimacy- that must be why hes shaking so bad, how close you are to him- how good you smell. its something hes never experienced before with anyone else. he didn’t know it’d feel this /good/ to have someone on his lap, the heat of their body so close to his own- huffing shared breaths between your mouths when you pull away.
his hands shake, plopped down on the couch- on either side of you two. they form tight balls of pure want and longing. it doesnt take him long to shakily move them up towards your body, dropping them once before he tries again.
you can tell there’s something bubbling beneath his careful exterior, his clammy hands hover over your hips, not really knowing if its okay to touch you.
“its okay kiyoomi.” you whisper- taking his heated hands in yours, soothing them down onto your waist.
sakusa swallows hard, blinking away the stars that dance along his vision when he feels you. he cant help but squeeze out a low moan when you lean back down and kiss him again.
he doesnt know what to say anymore, doesnt know why the added feeling of his hands against you does him in. he feels like he cant breathe, you detach from him, alerted by his squirming.
“omi?” your voice is soft, sweet- wondering whats wrong.
but he cant look at you, cant stave off the orgasm that hits him, hisses at the swell of his cock in his pants, all before he arches his back- bucking up into you, the force of it makes you squeak and he chokes back a sob.
it doesnt take long for you to realize exactly whats going on, all you can really do is stare at his face, watching his mouth hang open slightly, puffing out choked noises. he thrusts up two times more, dizzy with the weight of you settling right over his twitching cock.
he falls back onto the couch in a heap, hands still holding onto your waist, just a touch tighter, head falling forward to hide himself from your gaze.
theres embarrassment, shame that comes once hes came- hard- in his pants. he cant look at you, cant move you- because the slick and sticky heat makes him wince.
you sit on top of him in complete silence, looking at the blush that crawls up his neck and paints his cheeks and the tip of his ears red.
“omi- its okay.” you whisper, “- it happens.”
curling your fingers up into the short parts of his wavy hair, tilting his head up so that he looks at you.
“its okay, and frankly, really hot.” you breathe, he looks at you- mouth still parted, still recovering from his orgasm, still dazed with heavy eyes and for the twentieth time that night, you steal all words from him.
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mid-80s · 10 days ago
back in my haikyuu ff era
virgin f!reader and bokuto are hanging out at his apartment watching a movie and then y’all start making out and he does everything he can to make you comfortable and then he fucks you slowly
bokuto is a flurry of jittery nerves and blushy cheeks.
waiting for you to come to him, he’s spent hours fluffing up pillows on his couch, vacuuming (actually vacuuming!) to make sure everything is perfect for tonight.
when he hears your knocks, sees you standing there with a shy expression, tugging at the hem of your shirt in nervousness, it all but nearly makes him combust.
the night progresses and the nerves are gone, you’re sitting beside him, his arm is slung around your shoulders, hand gripping your upper arm while tracing little hearts with his thumb, basking and enjoying your warmth.
you don’t know how starts it, all you know is that you’re suddenly on his lap, you can feel him hard and throbbing beneath you,
you’re not nervous, scared, or anxious. he’s made an environment so pleasing there’s not a doubt in your mind how much you want him.
he finally fucks you slow, shaky breath fanning over your face with how close he is, he’s exhaling your name into the shared breaths mingling between that tiny space.
there’s no resistance when he first slides in, you’re so aroused from him, so ready for him that it doesn’t hurt at all. you just feel the dying need to unravel the knot forming in your tummy when you see him naked for the first time.
he chokes out your name when he’s fully seated, your head is spinning, getting just a taste of what it feels like to truly have bokuto all to you.
each drag of his dick is so delicious, you feel like you’re vibrating with the pleasure.
it makes tiny tears form at your eyelashes, watching him look down at you with nothing but lust and want and a tender love you can feel it in your toes.
you breath your first, “i love you.” when you’re shaking as he pulls an orgasm from you, hands interlocking to meet at the base of his neck.
he breathes one right back at you, thumbs digging into your hips as his own stutters, rutting down into you, filing you with his creamy cum.
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mid-80s · 12 days ago
I just read your best friends brother Steve Harrington and just wanted to say: brother’s best friend Steve Harrington. Love love the trope of having a crush on your brothers friends and it just fits so well with Steve
this !! this is golden :') i will admit, they're both lovesick for each other here, but i couldn't resist that :3
"Seriously?" Steve scoffs, grabbing the back of Dustin's shirt so that the boy doesn't face-plant onto the sidewalk, "You don't have to run, y'know. The store'll still be there if you walk like a normal person."
"I'm just excited to see my sister," Dustin defends, brushing Steve's hand off of the back of his collar, "And I'm not a baby, you don't need to hold my hand while we cross the street."
"Well maybe if you didn't trip over your own feet every ten seconds, I wouldn't have to!" Steve flicks the back of his head, rolling his eyes at Dustin's exaggerated ow!
They finally reach the doors to the convenience store, the smell of gasoline burning the air. It makes Steve's nose itch, and while Dustin yanks the door open eagerly to rush inside, Steve rubs at it incessantly. He knows it stains his skin red with irritation, and feels a little bit like rudolph when he finally crosses the threshold into the store.
"Dustin!" He hears a voice from behind the counter to his left, his eyes widening as it fills his ears. It's passionate, clearly affectionate towards his friend, and it's accompanied by the blur of a blue shirt, black pants on your hips as you launch yourself over the counter.
"Hi," Dustin gushes as you nearly tackle him, wrapping him up in a bear hug so tight his cheeks squish against your uniform, "We came to visit you!"
At the word we, your head snaps to the side, finding Steve very frozen and very red. Your grin doesn't falter a bit, your eyes lighting up even more, if possible, "Oh, you're Steve, right?"
Steve isn't sure where you've heard his name before, but he hopes it wasn't around school from his King Steve era. He shudders at the thought that your impression of him might be just that, and decides to remedy it as best as possible.
"Yeah, that's me." He grins sweetly at you, leaning back on the door casually, though forgetting it swings open to the outside. He stumbles backwards when he puts his weight against it, the door moving with him to nearly land him flat on his ass. He catches himself, though not without embarrassing himself first, and straightens up while you giggle.
Dustin seems less amused, "And you call me the clumsy one?"
"Shut up," Steve grumbles, avoiding your eyes as you study him, hiding in the puffy comfort his vest offers, "Do you want a slurpee or not, Dustin?"
"Oh yeah!" Dustin rushes over to the slurpee machine, grabbing the biggest cup available and beginning to layer in flavor after flavor of frozen treat, "Are you getting one too, Steve?"
Steve wrinkles his nose at Dustin's choice of pineapple on coke on blue raspberry, "No, I think your tankard is gonna cost me everything I've got."
"Don't worry about it," You wave him off, leaning back against the counter that (thankfully) doesn't move with you, "It's on the house! You're welcome to grab one, if you'd like."
You move towards the slurpee machine yourself, choosing one singular flavor, that just so happens to be Steve's favorite: cherry.
"Good choice." He compliments you, reaching for a smaller cup, "That's my favorite."
"Mine too," You hum, "So why get blue raspberry?"
Steve is far too polite to admit just yet that he filled his cup with the blue slushy so that, by some god-given miracle, if you kissed, he'd be stained purple as a reminder. He just shrugs instead, "'Dunno, felt like something different today."
You study him with a soft, confused smile, your head cocked to the side. He doesn't know what to make of it, though he feels his stomach twist pleasantly at the look in your eyes, his smile growing.
It takes your brother, as discerning as always, approximately two seconds to figure out what's going on, nearly spitting out a mouthful of his gut-churning drink, "No way! Off limits," He glares menacingly at Steve, though the boy is anything but, "You're not becoming my brother-in-law."
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mid-80s · 12 days ago
pornstar steve harrington giving the reader the best sex of their life
this post is 18+, minors dni.
"I know, sweetheart." Steve's crooning is sweet, caring, and altogether far too sexy for you to be able to handle at the moment, "That feels good, huh?”
The best you can do is nod, because the words coming out of your mouth aren’t words at all, just rambled moans and lewd gasps.
Steve has a vibrator pressed to your clit, his own much-less-silicon dick pistoning slowly in and out of your gaping hole. There's not much resistance there, not since he's coaxed two orgasms out of your quivering core.
Steve's dick is huge. You've come to have a scale in your mind, an amalgamation of porn and real life experiences that tell you Steve is massive. You're sure you've never seen a dick quite this thick before, nor quite this long, and you're afraid you never will again; that dick is ruined for you now if it's not Steve's.
He knows it, too. He's jackhammering into your sopping cunt, grunting in rhythm with his thrusts, and every uptick in your heart rate that he can feel where his teeth nip at your pulse point makes a sick smirk curl over his face.
The camera doesn't catch his expression, he's far too deep in your neck for that, but he pulls away to trail the tip of his tongue up your chin, and straight into your mouth. That the camera sees, as well as the way he pries your thighs even further apart with only one hand, nearly ripping your muscles.
"You can do it," Steve speaks into your open mouth, your silent scream all you can manage while he tries kissing at your lips, "You're gonna squirt, angel. I can feel it, hnngh, you're squeezing me so tight, I- I know you're gonna cream all over my cock, huh?"
"Mhm," You squeeze your lips shut to whimper as your jaw clenches, no longer open wide. It means that Steve's mostly kissing the skin around your mouth while you bite your lips, but with a gentle hand on your cheek, he's prying your mouth open again and catching it in his own.
His tongue smooths over your own, licking eager and desperate over your mouth. You're sure he can taste the remnants of his seed on your tongue, and you feel a ghostly ache at your jaw as you remember how stuffed your mouth had been with his giant cock.
"Come on," Steve croons, flicking the vibrator's setting up a notch until you feel a scream bubbling in your throat, "Come on, angel. You can do it," He's practically fucking you into the mattress now, hips chasing his own release egged on by the far-away look in your eyes, "I know you can, do it with me. Okay? Do it with me, angel."
"That's it," He kisses at your top lip as your bottom one closes limply around his own, "Cum, baby, come on."
'Come on, come on," He can feel it starting, the spasming of your cunt around his twitching cock, "There you go, there you- Agh! There," He pants, mouth falling open and breath slicking your shoulder with dewy heat as he huffs into your skin.
"Oh, fuck," He groans, hips hitting your own at record speed as he chases down his own high, basking in the white hot pleasure that shoots through him. It's doing the same to you, traveling through your core as his leaking dick slams into your oversensitive cunt over and over and over again.
"Steve!" You wail, gripping his broad shoulders, relishing the way that his chest hair tickles your breasts, "Ah, Steve, more, more- I need-! Don't stop!"
He rides you through your orgasm just as well as he'd created it. By the time his hips slow to a stop you're a quivering mess, sweat at your hairline and tears on your cheeks.
"Good," He hums, leaning up to kiss the silvery drops away. His lips are stained with the salty water when he kisses you, this time soft and slow and sweet.
"Want me to stay?" Steve asks, vibrator set aside as he thumbs at the creases of your thighs.
"Yeah," You nod, the sound a pathetic whimper as you cling to him, "Yeah, just- don't move, Steve."
"Okay," He hums, keeping his hips flush to yours so that his cock stays pressed into your sex, "Alright, let's just relax."
He grabs for the camera as your eyes drift shut, and you send it a bleary wave. Steve's chuckle is deep and fond as he leans in to kiss you one last time, tucking your sweat-covered face into his neck for a rest.
"You'll be a fan favorite," He murmurs against your hairline, stroking the back of your neck with his thumb, keeping the camera rolling, "Maybe we can do a sequel, sweetheart. I'll be the pizza guy next time, extra sausage."
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mid-80s · 12 days ago
steve finding out you are a virgin
this post is 18+, minors dni.
"Steve," You speak through a break in a kiss, "Steve I-"
"Yeah?" He cuts in, lips still glistening with saliva as he presses them to yours again, "What do you want, angel? More?"
"I- yes," You breathe, "But- but there's something I gotta tell you."
"Oh? Talk, baby." He leans back, eyes fixed on you intently. He's pretty like this, kissed-stupid and ready to fuck.
"I.." Your fingers twist together as they lay on his chest, "I'm a virgin."
"Oh." Steve's eyes hold the same passion as they did before your admission, but it's guarded now, "Are you.." He licks his lips, "Are you sure you want this, then? Now? With me?"
"Yes," You nod, though your bottom lip quivers, "Is that.. okay?"
"Of course it's okay," Steve croons, surging forwards to nudge your nose with his own in a sickeningly intimate gesture, "I just don't want you to regret anything. But you're sure?"
Your hands toy with a tuft of hair on the broad expanse of his chest, fingers brushing his flushed skin. You're sheepish as you respond, nodding eagerly still, "I'm sure, Stevie."
"Okay," He gives in, still nudging at you with his nose. He bumps it against your forehead and lifts your head up, pecking gently at your lips, "I'm gonna make this perfect for you, okay sweetheart? I'll do anything you want," He promises, shifting a kiss down to your jaw and leaving a sticky mark there, "Just say the word and it's yours."
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mid-80s · 12 days ago
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pairing: steve harrington x reader x eddie munson
requested (except i fucking deleTED IT-): Hiii, I was wondering if I could request something with steddie x reader where Steve, Eddie, and reader are all roommates and one day steddie accidentally finds a box full of reader’s “special” toys, which leads to smut?
*sighs dreamily* steddie x reader <333
this post is 18+, minors dni.
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You can pinpoint the exact second that your heart drops to your stomach, then plunges all of your intestines to your feet. It's right about when you realize what the baby blue plastic is in Steve's hand, Eddie's voice drawling from behind the door.
"-nd I bet it fuckin' stretches 'er."
"It vibrates, too." Steve peers down at the controls, looking quite like a technologically inept old man, "Didn't know she was- oh," He catches sight of you, his grip tightening around your dildo, "She's back."
Before you can react, Eddie's frizzy mop of hair pops out from behind your door. He's clutching a bullet vibe, looking more smug than you've ever seen him, "Well, well, well, have we interrupted playtime, sweetheart?"
"You guys!" You blubber, rushing forward to snatch your sex toys out of their hands. Your fingers curl around them both, but your roommates seem hellbent on playing keepaway, and your grip slides off when they tug your toys away.
"No," Eddie hums, "We're not makin' it that easy, sweetheart. C'mon, you have three pink dildos?"
"These are private!" Your cheeks flush, tears burning humiliatingly at your eyes, though your stomach bottoms out at the sight of the toy in Eddie's lithe fingers, "C'mon, please don't tease me!"
"I just think if they were private you'd've hid them," Steve's lips protrude in a meaningful pout, "We were staring to think that maybe you left 'em here for us to find. 'Cause there's no way we weren't gonna notice that one on the floor in the doorway," Steve points to the glittery green plug that had gotten scooped up in your sheets and must have tumbled out in your rush to get ready in the morning, "It's, like, begging for attention."
"I swear I didn't mean to leave it there," You plead with Steve, playing to the emotions you know he gives into more easily than Eddie does, "Please you guys? Give 'em back."
"Not until we make sure they work." Eddie bargains, pulling your attention away from Steve, "I mean, what kind of roommates would we be if we didn't make sure your electronics have good batteries in 'em?"
"I'm the designated Battery Checker," Steve nods, referring to his job of changing the remote's batteries, "'Kinda feels like we should do a little quality control."
"Quality control," You scoff, gathering up the toys on the floor and shoving them back into the bin you keep them in, "What, you're gonna flick 'em on and off 'till you decide they're good enough?"
You turn back from where you've shoved the box into the closet, finding your roommates suddenly a lot closer than they had been before.
"No," Eddie corrects you, voice deep and husky, "If they can't make you cum, then there's no reason to have 'em. Call it spring cleaning."
You glance at Steve, lust peeking out from behind the wariness displayed in your gaze, "You're gonna.. use 'em on me?"
"Why not?" Steve shrugs, but you know the question is genuine, "Got other plans?"
"No!" You shake your head, though you're sure that even if you were otherwise engaged, the thought of your roommates double teaming you with various sex toys would have canceled just about any plan you could have had, "No, um, I'm free."
Steve's fingers tighten around the dildo in his grip, and Eddie grins like a madman. They each start with the toys in their hands, Eddie's nimble fingers flicking the switch on your bullet, "'Knew it. C'mon, baby, lay down, we've got a lotta work ahead of us."
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mid-80s · 12 days ago
hi bestie, could i please request either steve or eddie, whoever you're feeling more, smoking weed with their good friend f!reader and learning that she gets a major oral fixation when she's high? love your writing the absolute most!
author's note: look, i couldn't choose so you get both. i also don't write steve often so if this is horrible i'm sorry lol
cw: 18+ (minors dni), established friendship, steve is a little clueless, smoking/getting high, threesomes, oral fixation (sorta, i lost focus pretty quick lol), oral (f & m receiving), mentions of steddie, lots of kissing and teasing each other, if i missed anything lmk!
word count: 5k
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Steve wasn’t supposed to be here—not that you cared, but it was a surprise when you walked through the door that night and he was settled on Eddie’s living room couch, shoes left by the door and his sock covered feet plopped up on the cushion that separated him and Eddie. You can’t even imagine the conversation you interrupted when they both stare at you wide-eyes, like Eddie forget to mention to Steve that you were coming over—or that possibly, he forgot about you coming over at all.
It wasn’t a weekly thing, but Eddie would pick a few random nights out of the month to smoke with you and watch a couple movies—you’d knew each other since grade school, when Eddie had much less of a mane than he did now and wasn’t nearly as intimidating to people. Not that he could ever seem that way to you, it was impossible.
“Oh, hey—” Eddie breathes, fingers tapping absently against the arm of the couch where his arm was slung over, knee tucked up under his forearm, his foot planted firmly against the cushion. He was dressed down, a plain black shirt and similarly colored sweatpants. Steve still had on his work uniform, pinned name tag stuck to his vest, “Steve’s here.”
You smile slightly, closing the door shut behind you and tossing the small bag on snacks on his cluttered kitchen counter. “I see that.” You nod, making eye contact with the culprit, Steve looked severely out of place, “Steve.”
“I should go, right?” Steve asks wearily, finger pointing toward the front door. “I feel like I’m interrupting something—“
“No, it’s fine.” You assure him, “I just—“ A small laugh bubbles from your chest, “since when does Steve Harrington smoke weed?”
“Hey—I’ve smoked before,” Steve defends, “I mean, my parents would kill me if they found out about it, but I have a few times.”
You glance over at Eddie, his face riddled with amusement.
“He’s a crowd smoker, isn’t he?”
“A what?”
“You only smoke around groups because everyone else is doing it—but to answer that question,” Eddie looks at you with a narrowed gaze, “he’s not.”
You’re intrigued, you couldn’t help it—hanging out with Steve had never been on your agenda, but it wasn’t the worst possible scenario.
“We’ve smoked a few times before,” Eddie explains, “like, once or twice.”
“So, you’re cheating on me with Harrington?” You feign the shot to your ego, hand pressed against your chest as you leaned against the counter, still a large distance from the two boys.
They looked comfortable, at ease—despite your steady friendship with Eddie, you didn’t realize just how close him and Steve had become. You’ve only tagged alone to Family Video a few times with Eddie, figuring most of it was just polite small talk, but it all makes a lot more sense now.
“I could never,” Eddie smiles, reaching for the blunt tucked securely behind his ear, flipping it through his fingers, “anyways, are we gonna start a game of twenty one questions or—“
“Wayne’s gonna kill you if he finds out you smoked on his couch.” You remind him.
“Obviously—“ Eddie retorts, “that’s why we’re moving this to the bedroom.”
You grimace in subtle disgust, “God, why do you say it like that?”
“It’s a special place,” Eddie replies dramatically, “where all the magic happens.”
Steve looks up at you, eyes wide but soft, lips down-turned in a slight frown, “Is he always like this?”
“With me?” You ask redundantly, “Yes.”
Not that you minded any of it, Eddie was probably the only person that could get away with talking to you in such a manor that didn’t make you immediately want to vomit.
Eddie always called it the Munson charm, whatever that was.
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Steve coughs through the first couple of drags, not allowing the smoke to reach his lungs properly. It was like watching a baby try to stand on it’s own for the first time and Steve was severely out of his element.
“Have you been letting him smoke like this?” You ask Eddie, eyes widened in shock. Eddie shrugs, pressing the joint to his lips. “You’re a terrible friend.”
“I could shotgun him,” Eddie jokes lightheartedly, “but I don’t need him falling in love with me.”
“Like, when you shotgun a beer?” Steve asks curiously, eyes watching your movements carefully, lips closing around the joint and breathing in deep, chest heaving at the action. His look lingers down the valley of your chest before quickly averting back to your eyes, “I’ve done that before.”
You and Eddie both share a similar laugh, glancing over at Steve with amusement, Eddie offers a soft, “Uh—close, but not really.”
“Not close at all.” You shake your head, looking at Eddie with bemusement. “Steve, have you actually been able to get high? I mean, do you ever feel anything?”
“Well, there was that one time—“ Steve doesn’t elaborate, eyes turned up toward the ceiling as he thought, head tilted slightly, “but that wasn’t weed.”
Your mouth hung open slightly, watching Steve chew at his bottom lip, “I’m not even gonna ask,” You respond, glancing over at Eddie, “—wanna demonstrate?”
Eddie smiles widely, “My pleasure, sweetheart.” Eddie rests his hand on the side of your face, joint shoved between his lips as he breathed in the smoke before carefully holding it off to the side, using the leverage he had on your face to squeeze your mouth open, blowing the smoke into your own mouth, laughing airily as his tongue grazed your own.
Steve couldn’t do anything but stare, eyes glazed over in astonishment as he watched the exchange, both of you pulling back with a satiated smile.
“How have we never done that before?” Eddie asks curiously, pulling back with a subtle pout.
“Because, you disgust me.” You smile, lying through your teeth. You couldn’t openly admit how quickly your mind drifted elsewhere when you got this high, how easily a simple touch could drive you crazy.
Eddie was handsy like this, always finding a reason to cuddle up against you or kiss you lazily—and you didn’t try to stop him, but it was very few and far between that you actually allowed it. You were good at burying it away, offering a small peck or closed-mouth kiss in return, but even that was maddening. If it went further, Eddie would call it out immediately—he had no problem teasing you about it.
“Here, do Harrington.” Eddie suggests with a snide smirk, watching as you rolled your eyes annoyance.
You turned to a curious Steve with a small, comforting smile and mirrored Eddie’s actions, pressing the joint to your lips and grabbing at Steve’s face, which he welcomed easily, tilting his neck slightly as your palm curved around the underside of his firm jaw. You could feel the prickle of stubble against your fingertips, something that sent a surge of excitement through your body despite how hard you tried to ignore it.
“Do I just—“ Steve stammers, quickly interrupted by a head shake from you, pressing your lips to his fully, blowing the smoke into his mouth, a small noise escaping his throat in response, tongue grazing against your top lip accidentally as he pulled away, “—fuck, sorry.”
Eddie can see it on your face when you pull away, swallowing hard as you watched Steve lick his chapped lips, blurting out a, “No fuckin’ way.”
“What?” Both you and Steve respond in unison.
“That’s why you don’t want me kissing you?” Eddie asks, a snide smirk pulling at his face.
“Eddie,” You warn, “shut up.”
Steve eyebrows scrunch together in confusion, watching the exchange between you two.
“Let’s do it again.” Eddie urges, knowing exactly the type of reaction he would get if you let him, “One more time.”
“No.” You grumble, ignoring the immediate interest your body has in the matter.
It wasn’t that you didn’t find Eddie attractive, that wasn’t the case at all—but you and Eddie had always been careful about crossing that line. However, Eddie wasn’t the one who wanted that, it was you. He’d pounce on you in a heartbeat if you allowed it, and frankly, your judgement was skewed at the moment.
“Just the one,” He begs, “and I’ll leave it alone.”
It was a dangerous move to make and you blamed your lack of hesitancy on the high that was creeping in, huffing out a long sigh before waving him forward.
“Fine.” You grumble, an eager Eddie already poised to lean forward. Steve doesn’t know where to look, feeling like he might be intruding, but he watches on anyways.
Eddie presses his lips against yours fully, with all the confidence he can muster, tongue dragging along yours slowly, smoke forgotten about as it seeps through the cracks, bellowing out of his nose as he initiates the kiss. You moan brokenly, eyes falling shut as you played into his game, unable to help yourself. It was just too good.
“Sweetheart,” Eddie says lovingly, pulling back for a brief moment, “you’ve been keeping secrets.”
“Am I missing something?” Steve asks, breaking through the tense silence that had developed between you and Eddie, your eyes glaring pensively into his own.
Eddie chuckles deeply, passing the joint to Steve, “I never really noticed until just now—“ He points at you sparingly, “It’s only ever when we smoke that she acts that way and I didn’t think anything of it until I watched you two. I assumed you were just playing it up to mess with me—“
“I like being kissed when I’m high,” You offer bluntly, “or just like—my mouth gets really sensitive, I can’t explain it.”
“I think you just did.” Eddie remarks, offering a sickeningly sweet smile your way.
“Is that bad?” Steve asks, still partially confused. “I don’t see how that’s a problem?”
Eddie makes a noise of triumph, “See, Steve gets it.”
“I get it.” Steve agrees, hands motioning toward himself.
“Great—you’re both geniuses. Now, can we move on?”
Eddie was resilient though—and apparently, so was Steve. They both share a look, similar to what you walked in on earlier. Your eyebrows furrow slightly, glancing between the two of them.
“Hey—no, what was that?” You ask, finger wagging back and forth between the two of them briefly. You’re almost embarrassed to ask, afraid you might be overthinking things. “Wait, are you both, like—“
“No!” Steve responds quickly, clearing his throat to better compose himself, “No, uh—we’ve kissed before but that’s it.”
Something tells you that's a lie.
“Steve was asking if I’ve ever had a threesome.” Eddie interrupts, “I told him no—unfortunately, Steve forced himself into a tricky predicament and now he’s completely in over his head, aren’t you pretty boy?”
“Was I supposed to say no?” Steve asks, like the idea seemed ridiculous. “Who says no to that?”
“Lots of people,” You tell him, “—you don’t need to feel obligated because it’s some, like, rite of fuckin’ passage. That’s all bullshit.”
“I mean, I wanted to.” Steve assures you, “I still want to.”
You press further, “But?”
“I might’ve played it up,” Steve admits, “They’ve both never done it before and I told them I had some experience with it.”
“Steve,” You groan, covering your face with your hands in frustration, “oh my god—you know what, it actually makes total sense.”
“What?” Eddie asks.
“Why you two are friends,” You tell him, holding up your fingers to emphasize your point, “Clueless, full of yourself, and way too horny.”
“So, we’re just drifting over your whole oral fixation thing?” Eddie laughs, “Like that wasn’t just a few minutes ago?”
You clench your jaw, snatching the joint from Steve’s hands angrily and taking a long, deep drag. You weren’t high enough to deal with this, not yet.
“Then what the fuck was that look?” You ask, “Or are we keeping secrets now, Eddie?”
And there’s nothing he hates more than his own words being used against him, a saccharine smile spreading across your face.
“I told Steve I’d be down to help him practice, but that we’d need to find another participant,” Eddie shrugs, “kinda defeats the purpose of a threesome if you can’t find a third.”
“I might’ve brought your name up earlier,” Steve admits shyly, “I was just joking initially—but you walked in right after that.”
It all makes sense then, the weird look and tension that lingered when you stepped foot inside Eddie’s trailer. You could feel it now, but less uncomfortable—and you almost, almost propositioned them yourself. But no, you weren’t nearly as bold as either of them. Plus, with the high kicking in, you couldn’t help yourself.
“I’m not having sex with either of you,” You tell them firmly, and Eddie has the courage to laugh, plucking the joint from your fingers and snuffing it out in the ashtray at his bedside, “not in a million fuckin’ years.”
“Hey, woah—woah,” Eddie chides, “slow your roll, sweetheart.”
Eddie was wounded, but he didn’t show it.
Steve blinks heavily and you can see it on his face, the switch in his demeanor as the weed settles in.
“I just wanted to—I don’t know, test it out?” Steve shrugs, “Some kissing and stuff.”
“Unless you’re afraid to watch us kiss,” Eddie presses, “is that it? Is it too much for you?”
He’s only teasing, but it’s enough to make you retort in annoyance.
“Oh, like when you nearly busted in your pants after I made out with Chrissy Cunningham in front of you at that party last year?” You ask with a snark to your tone, “I can handle myself a lot better than you can, Eddie.”
Steve eyes you wearily, still looking ridiculous in his work uniform, the vest bunching up around his stomach where his shirt had ridden up from him laying out on his side against Eddie’s bed.
“So, is that a yes?” Steve asks hopefully.
“On one condition,” You tell him, “we never speak of this again.”
“Deal.” They both respond in unison, far too eager.
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It feels like a fever dream, Steve leaning over you to reach for Eddie, meeting him in the middle of your lap. He’d finally took the vest off after some persuasion from you, striped cotton shirt riding up in his stomach, the few buttons it did have were completely unbuttoned and failing to hide that patch of chest hair hidden underneath. Eddie smiled into the kiss, the dimple in his cheek deepening at the emotion he showed, the familiar sense of giddiness spreading throughout his body.
You’re not sure what to do, where to look, until Eddie’s hand is squeezing at your thigh, over the material of your jeans, a reassuring pressure that reminded him that you were still a part of this—he wanted you to watch, as taboo as it was for you.
“It’s alright, sweetheart.” Eddie assures you, mouth still very much involved with Steve, both of there eyes shut in pure bliss as their mouths met at an unhurried pace, all tongue and sloppy cadence. “You can stare all you want.”
And you do it, falling back on your palms as Steve’s hands fell in front of himself, just between the space in your legs, your chest rising and falling with every slow breath you took, afraid to move, afraid to interrupt the moment—until Steve separates from Eddie without hesitation and pulls you to him, the heat of his palm spreading out across your cheek as he kissed you gently, less forced that with Eddie.
This was new to him, and you; he didn’t want to come on too strong and you appreciated that, but it wasn’t nearly what you were hoping for. You needed the intensity, all of it—if this was following you all to the grave, it was going to be worth it.
Eddie makes a noise, noting the frustration on your face.
He tuts, running his fingers gingerly through the back of Steve’s hair, “More, Harrington.”
You laugh softly against his lips, “Really, it’s okay—I don’t need you to hold back.”
“You sure?” Steve asks quietly, noses bumping together gently in the process, leaving slow, lingering kisses against your lips, the kind that had you chasing after him for another. “I can get a little, uh—“
“Intense?” You finish for him, “Even better.”
Steve chuckles at that, slipping his hands around your backside until they’re resting just underneath the curve of your ass, adjusting you gently until you’re laid out against the mattress, Eddie following along too as he sprawls out on his side, fingers drifting along the skin of your exposed stomach, shirt pulled up slightly in the process.
Steve follows through on his words, hand pulling at your thigh until it bracketed against his hip, tongue delving into your mouth without hesitation, alighting every nerve-ending possible, an audible moan slipping from your throat and into Steve’s mouth. He bucks his hips involuntarily through his movements, pulling at your hands until they’re locked above your head in his grip, freeing one of his hands to tip your chin up, kissing you until you can’t breathe, pulling away briefly to allow yourself the luxury, catching glimpse of Eddie’s relaxed state, palm rubbing at the front of his sweatpants lazily. Steve notices it too, glancing down with a soft laugh.
“You did say ‘and stuff’,” Eddie defends weakly, his idle hand still resting comfortably against the expanse of your stomach, a constant reminder of his presence—not that you could forget it, “don’t worry, I’ll keep it in my pants.”
“Don’t,” You tell him honestly, and Steve pulls back slightly, startled by your words, “—what? I said no sex, that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy all the other stuff.”
“Are you sure?” Steve asks for reassurance.
You nod, “I mean, I would be doing the same thing to you, but uh—“ You looked up to your joined hands and back down at him, “there seems to be a problem.”
“O-oh,” Steve responds quickly, releases your hands gently. You smile devilishly, hands fisted into the front of Eddie’s shirt to pull him closer, “can I touch you?” Steve asks, neither pleading nor begging, rather just checking in.
“I’d be offended if you didn’t,” You say admittedly, shifting your legs until Steve can shove his knee in the apex, Eddie’s lips becoming curious as they latch into your neck, “—hey, no marks.”
Eddie makes a small noise of disapproval, the flurry of his hair near your face smelling of cheap weed and old spice, “Touch her, Steve.” Eddie instructs, his wandering hands following the line of your body until they reach the button on your jeans, deft fingers working away to pop it open.
Your hands feel empty, jittery with anticipation and the only thing you can think to do is busy them, rubbing your open palm over the front of Eddie’s sweats, a noise of approval leaving his throat as his lips latch onto your neck. He ruts slowly, savoring the friction as his hand finds its way toward Steve’s thigh and over the front of his own jeans—Eddie knows exactly what Steve’s packing, unbeknownst to you and the smug grin on his face is obvious as his hands search and squeeze gently, a rough, throaty chuckle leaving Steve’s mouth as he kisses you once more. It’s deep and needy, teeth dragging against your bottom lip as his hands move in time, slipping over the front of your underwear, his fingers rubbing over the soft patch of wetness.
Steve eyes connect with yours in a look of knowing, mumbling a soft, “Yeah?” at the obvious state of your arousal.
“I told you it was a problem,” You say through a weak laugh that quickly turns into a gasp as Steve moves the fabric to the side and runs a finger through your folds, gauging your response, “I really can’t help it.”
“And thank god for that,” Eddie remarks, shoving Steve out of the way gently to pull your mouth to his, kissing you hungrily, tongue darting out towards yours in a challenge, begging you to chase him, “right, Harrington?”
You roll your eyes in annoyance, looking up at an amused Steve, his fingers working slowly against your cunt, careful touches until your face scrunches up in pleasure, finding just the spot he was looking for, “He talks too much, doesn’t he?” Steve asks with a flippant tone, glancing over at his friend who can’t be bothered to care, mouth dragging against yours as you pull away to speak, a soft moan slipping from your lips.
“Absolutely.” You nod slowly, gripping the front of Eddie’s jeans a little tighter, his cock throbbing underneath your touch.
“I know something that’ll keep my mouth busy,” Eddie hints, earning a skeptical look from you.
But, lines were already being crossed and you couldn’t be bothered to stop him, offering another nod his way.
“Fuck—go ahead,” You breath and Eddie pulls away swiftly, you glance up at Steve, watching as he tried to process what was happening, his own cock straining behind the zipper of his jeans, “come here.”
Steve shifts hesitantly on his knees, your fingers slipping past his waistband, pulling him the rest of the way.
“Oh, you don’t have to,” Steve interrupts, your fingers trailing over the bulge in his jeans, “I don’t really—“
“Steve,” You drag out, “I want to.”
“Are you sure?” Steve asks.
It’s endearing, how often he tried to check in with you—and maybe it’s his own nervousness doing the talking, but it’s comforting knowing that you weren’t the only one feeling as if you were losing your mind.
“It’s either your mouth, your fingers, or your dick—” You list off, shifting slightly as Eddie pulled at your jeans, interjecting with a snide, “I know what I’d chose.” You smile up at Steve, “You heard him, Harrington.”
And to be fair, you had a sense of Steve’s size, but it’s much more intimidating when he yanks at his jeans, underwear following suit until his cock was standing stiff in front of your face—and suddenly you’re jealous that you’ve shit on Steve’s flirting tactics for so long, because the confidence was absolutely justified. Eddie’s fingers squeeze at your thighs, bring you back to reality and to the realization of your bare cunt positioned in front of Eddie’s face—all weird and awkward tension completely dismissed when he smiles up at you, offering a teasing, “Go easy on her, big boy.”
Steve is just as unfiltered as Eddie in his actions and words, but while Eddie is the type to offer you constant praise and sweet remarks, Steve is nothing but a mess in his own mind, murmuring out a soft, repetitive, “Fuck, fuck,” as you mouth at the tip of his cock, tongue running along the slit to taste at the rivulet of precome resting there, the weight of his cock against your tongue driving you wild, a tinge of excitement running through your body as Eddie’s tongue flattens out over your sensitive clit, moaning from the over-stimulation.
You can’t help but stare up at Steve’s parted lips, plump and wet from how often he licked them, eyes solely focused on you as his hesitant hands came up to cup your face, fingers gliding into the hair at the base of your neck, giving him an unobstructed view as your cheeks hollowed out, mouth sinking down on him in languid strokes, leaning heavily on your elbow as you free hand reached up to cover what your mouth couldn’t reach. It only seems to spur Steve further, pleading eyes boring into his own—you’re not sure what you’re asking for, but Steve nods, using the leverage he had to push his cool deeper until your eyes water from the force of it, pulling back with a strained gasp, wiping at your spit covered lips.
“Fuck, I’ve never—“ Steve sighs, “People always say it’s too much,” He’s not sure what he’s trying to say, but he’s staring down with intrigue, the gears turning in his head, “can you take more?”
Eddie’s working you up quickly, tongue flicking over your clit in hurried movements, using his hands to keep your thighs spread to the point of strain, muscles protesting the stretch. Your hand leaves Steve’s cock briefly, burying into the curls at the top of Eddie’s head, hips bucking up into his face selfishly.
Eddie shakes his head slightly, pulling away in punishment.
“Answer him, sweetheart.” He orders, “Don’t let me distract you.”
You give him an incredulous look, filling with a sense of rage at his stubborn, only interrupted when Steve’s fingers tapping at the underside of your chin, urging you to look up at him.
His eyebrows raise in question, earning a jerky nod in return, letting him guide his cock against your lips, his own hand gripped firmly at his shaft like he’s struggling to stave off his own orgasm, a small pout forming in his lips as he watched his cock slowly disappearing into your mouth until it’s just as deep again. You breath through your nose, a slow, deep intake as he pushes even further and holds you there, his head falls back, “Fuck—that’s so,” Steve lingers on the words, interrupted by Eddie’s never-ending comments.
“She likes the praise, Steve.” Eddie supplies, “No reason to hold back now.”
Steve nods absently, groaning out a broken, “Good girl,” and you swallow around him at that, pulling an even needy groan from his chest, “Oh, good fuckin’ girl.”
He pulls back suddenly, allowing you some relief before slipping back in, his hips moving eagerly into your mouth, hands still gripped firmly at the back of your neck as he fucks into your mouth just as you hoped for, taking as much as him as you could—even if it still wasn’t enough.
You can feel the deep pit of pleasure in your belly, thighs struggling against Eddie’s hold as you tip over the edge unexpectedly, moaning against Steve’s cock—and he’s not expecting it either, gasping out a desperate, “Where? Where can I—“
Steve’s never gone so far to come inside someone’s mouth without asking, but you don’t need to hear it, urging him along with your mouth, lips closing around him tightly as you work him over until he’s coming with a rough groan, pulling gently at your hair from the sheer force that his orgasm hits him, hips thrusting slightly as he rides it out, coming down your throat in long, thick spurts. It’s an afterthought to swallow as he pulls his dick out slowly, resting back on his calves and closing his eyes in exhaustion, letting go of your hair to rest his palms against the mattress.
Eddie looks up with a satisfied grin, having witnessed the exchange with a heated gaze, mouth still shining with your wetness and making him look insane as he laughed, “She’s a keeper, right?” Eddie compliments.
Steve nods dumbly, taking a deep breath as he speaks, “I’ve never came in anyone’s mouth before—that was…”
“Really?” You ask with a lilt to your voice, “Never?”
Steve shakes his head, staring at you openly until Eddie’s forcing his way back up and connecting his mouth with yours sloppily, chuckling through the motions as he pulls Steve down clumsily—he can taste Steve on your tongue, the headiness of it and you can taste yourself just as well, an intense exchange as Eddie sighs into your mouth, “Wanna taste her?” He asks to Steve, tilting his head to the side as Steve hovered over, face just a few inches away from both of you. He smile slightly, connecting his lips to Eddie’s with practiced ease, allowing the dirty exchange of Eddie’s tongue licking into his mouth, pulling on the metalhead's hair in response that has Eddie groaning playfully, teeth showing through his grin.
“I might have to give up that other threesome.” Steve jokes, loose hair bouncing against his forehead as he pulls away, both you and Eddie looking up at him curiously.
“You heard the lady—it’s a one and done deal.” Eddie explains with a hint of sadness, playing up the emotion.
But, Eddie knows far too well, eyeing you until you finally give in with an exasperated sigh.
“We tell no one,” You emphasize, “got it?”
Steve nods eagerly.
“Told you,” Eddie teases, tongue poking out at the corner of his mouth as he smiles, glaring up at Steve, “didn’t I?”
“Told him what?”
“Steve’s a little irresistible to the ladies and gents,” Eddie says knowingly, “even the stubbornest ones.”
You roll your eyes dramatically, “We can forget him next time.” You tell Steve, which he shrugs in response too, seemingly agreeing.
“Hey,” Eddie responds with offense, voice cracking slightly, “what—that’s not fair.”
“She’s the boss.” Steve defends, finding the time to pull his pants back up and shift to lay beside you on the bed.
“Oh wait,” The thought dawns on you suddenly, staring down at Eddie’s noticeably less prominent bulge, “—you didn’t—“
“I did,” Eddie laughs uncomfortably, shifting to reveal noticeable wet spot at the front of his sweats, “speaking of, I need to go change.”
“I’ll keep her company.” Steve grins devilishly, letting Eddie flick his vest back in his direction, the material hitting him directly in the chest as Eddie disappears down the hall.
Eddie’s only slightly offended when he returns to Steve pressing you down into the mattress again, teasing you with the slowest kisses possible. But you pull him in without question, letting him fall into a lazy rhythm of trading kisses—and maybe when the high wore of you’d regret all of it, but you can’t be bothered to care.
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mid-80s · 12 days ago
bestie honey sweetie —
so if u remember i’m a massage therapist and i just had a horny thought of the day—
best friend!steve (or eddie) always begging for a massage but you always say no bc u know that if you were to massage him it would wreck you and your self control but one day you give in,,, 😵‍💫
today is multiverse monday! send me any au you can think of :)
"Come on," Steve pleads, tugging at your arm, "It hurts so bad! Just five minutes," He bargains, puffing his lower lip out as his eyes adopt a glossy sheen, "For me?"
"That's not gonna work on me," You wave him off, turning back to the book in your hands.
"You're so mean," Steve huffs, lifting your feet off of his lap and sending them falling to the floor, your weight shifting because of it, "Put your stinky feet somewhere else then."
"Hey!" You nearly tumble off the couch, your hands coming to brace themselves against the cushions.
Steve realizes his mistake a little too late, his own hands flying around your waist and interlocking at your stomach. He hauls you up against the back of the couch, his breathing erratic, "Shit, Y/N, you okay?"
His eyes search yours frantically, his hands warm on the skin of your belly that's exposed by your ridden-up shirt.
"I swear I didn't mean to do it that hard," He adds when you don't answer, "I just wanted to tease you!"
"Steve," You let a soft smile curve over your face, "'S okay. You didn't hurt me or anything."
"Shit," He repeats, his eyes fluttering shut as a relieved sigh left his lips, "You scared me there, honey. Now my back really hurts."
He says it while intentionally slumping over, his face nearly in your lap. You groan at his terrible attempt at being casual, hauling him upright with a finger hooked beneath his chin.
"Five minutes." You begrudgingly scold him, "Shirt off, do you have lotion?"
It's a command you'd find brazen under any other circumstances. And honestly, it feels a bit brazen now, as Steve peels his shirt off like it's nothing more than a spiderweb he's clearing from a path. Like it doesn't mean anything to discard it. Like his chest isn't on display now, full and broad and decorated with hair.
"It's on my nightstand." He gestures to his room, "Don't, uh.. don't touch the pump."
"Steve!" Your stomach churns, "That's so fucking gross! How am I supposed to use it?"
"I'll pump it for you," He snaps, cheeks flaming red, "Just go get it!"
You handle the lotion bottle with great care, coming back out of his room only seconds later. You're thankful that the bottle itself isn't sticky, but you let Steve handle the pump so that a fair amount of product pools in your palm.
You grumble something that he can't quite catch, suspiciously sounding like 'fap lotion' as you set the bottle down on the floor beside the couch.
Steve stretches out at your command, but instead of draping himself over the couch, he drapes himself over you. He rests his head in your lap, your thighs pillowing his cheek as his lips squish against your jeans.
His back is now fully exposed, and though it may not be the cover of a fitness magazine, lathered in oil and overaccentuated, but it's a sight you can't look away from. His skin is smooth, freckled though. There's notches by his shoulders and down his spine, shifting and changing shape as he settles himself in your lap. His muscles tense and relax depending on where his arms are, and each one surges beneath his skin like the volts of electricity thrumming through your veins.
"This good?" He speaks softly, gruffly against your leg. It's not, it's everything you've ever feared when Steve has badgered you about getting a massage, but you don't have the power to say that.
All you do is nod, swallowing what little saliva is in your mouth.
He catches the movement from the corner of his eye, letting them drift shut as your hands spread lotion over his back. You're hesitant to touch him at first, your slick fingers ghosting over his flesh, but as soon as you've got a taste for the warmth of his skin, you're losing control. Your palm smooths over his back naturally, your fingers kneading firmly into his tense muscles. It draws an insanely guttural, raw groan from his throat, and you instantly decide it's the most pornographic sound that you've ever heard. It makes your stomach tense, and he feels the movement against his head, peering up at you concernedly.
"Y'okay, bug?" He brings his arms up from his sides, curling them around your back and squeezing himself tighter against you. You feel his head press against your thighs, nearly between them, and you shudder.
"Mhm," Is all you can muster, your eyes glued to the slick skin of Steve's back that's warm to the touch as your hands make easy work of his knots and cramps.
"Thanks for this, sweetheart." Steve breathes, his voice raspy and low, "Feels really fuckin' good."
"I'm glad," Your voice is barely there, lust barely contained in your tone, "Just relax, Stevie, 'gonna make you feel better."
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mid-80s · 15 days ago
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— s1!jayvik headcanons (>×<)
synopsis: viktor and jayce need the help of a new investor to keep up with their research and fall in love with his daughter <3
tw: suggestive, reader is an spoiled brat, established!jayvik, not canon obv, jayce’s lowk pathetic, reader calls her father “daddy”, viktor takes the lead, choking mention if u squint, etc.
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s1!jayvik who, with sky’s help, managed to find an aristocrat in piltover who was willing to meet with them and talk about hextech.
s1!jayvik who attend to your maybe-too-big mansion to discuss terms with your father while having dinner, and you were there too (๑╹ᆺ╹)
s1!jayvik who were known all over topside for being a pair of handsome inventors and curiosity peeked trough you, fixated on meeting them.
s1!jayvik who expected your father and your father alone, jayce shy at your presence and viktor already staging ways to approach you later.
s1!jayvik who, while dinner occurs, don’t fail to notice your cute curls and your lipstick a beautiful shade of crimson, you just playing a fool even though you knew you caught their eye the first second they stepped inside your house.
s1!jayce who’s mesmerized in the way your lips wrap around the fork to take a bite, on how you push your long hair aside while drinking, maybe even how your necklace decorated your throat, thinking his hand would look better (ʃᵕ̩̩ ᵕ̩̩⑅)
s1!jayce who feels the real shame every time he has to excuse himself to your father because he didn’t really paid attention to what he said. such a silly boy :(
s1!viktor who’s a lot better at hiding his lustful gazes, having the investment a priority; after getting the accord, he can worry about how he’ll get under your garments.
s1!viktor who actually listens and actually eats something at the dinner.
s1!viktor who notices deeper details about you, the moles all over your skin, the number of little diamonds your ring had, the way one of your eyebrows was thinner than the other (how your breast almost spilled out of your white dress), you know, deeper details ♡→ܫ←♡
“so, I need to make sure my money is sent to smart hands, gentlemen, can you show me anything about this hextech thing?” your dad spoke in a deep voice that echoed the grand dining room, contrasting with the soft violin playing on the background.
“of course! we brought tons of sketches and studies and analysis and—” jayce implied excited, always happy to talk about the project of his life, being interrupted by viktor’s skinny hand on his shoulder while the other one passed a notebook to your father.
“that’s all you’re actually interested in, sir.” he declared with a thick accent, it made you curious to know where it belonged to.
s1!jayce who anxiously plays with viktor’s brace under the table, tracing its shape while shaking his leg, looking adorably concerned.
s1!viktor who caresses the big hand that toyed with the metal around his calf and knee, circling motions over his knuckles to calm his partner down.
your father didn’t seem to really trust the idea brought to the table, the implication of magic clashing with his ideals. therefore you leaned closer to him, head against his shoulder as you read the notebook as well, noticing viktor’s neat handwriting.
“oh, daddy, isn’t this just so so so interesting?” you voiced with a honey sweet tone, locking his arm with your own.
“look, portals to quickly travel between regions? imagine all the money piltover would make, all thanks to you investing in ‘em.” you murmured now, locking eyes with viktor, who was smirking at you subtly, jayce too nervous to even hear what you said (◕︿◕✿)
“hmm, still, darling, magic?” your father questioned with a slight disgust in his voice, putting the papers down and sighing while massaging his mustache.
“wasn’t piltover the city of progress? this really seems like progress to me…” you looked at him with a pout plastered on your juicy lips. “i think leaving old stigmas and taboos behind is really… progressy.”
s1!jayvik who watch you leave towards the gardens after making your father deal with them a crazy amount of money with just some puppy eyes and sultry voice.
s1!jayvik who catch a glimpse of your white nightgown covering the grass of said garden while you sat down, playing around with a stray cat, it almost seemed like you were waiting for them.
s1!jayvik who approach you after viktor insisted, to thank you, and maybe have an intimate conversation with you, too.
“thank you for interfering, my lady, if it wasn’t for you we would’ve left empty handed.” viktor confessed while siting down on the stone bench under the white pergola where you sat, the moonlight highlighting your angel-like features, leaving his cane on top of said surface.
jayce sat down in front of you in the floor with some distance, legs crossed and arms propped behind him, tilting his head to the side when he noticed how you scooted closer to him and blushing to this right after.
“well, it wasn’t charity, you know.” you murmur in a sweet tone, curling your hair around your manicured finger as you stood on your knees, taking support from jayce’s thick thigh to end up facing viktor from above, as if you were worshipping him.
the skinnier man scoffed at this, noticing how your cheek rested now against his inner thigh, how your hair fell down your exposed back as jayce held your hand to take place in the empty space next to you, mimicking how you rested your head to stare at you, viktor caressing his now not so put together hair in a way he seemed to be accustomed already.
“then, what is it that you desire from us in exchange, little angel?” he questioned with that accent that you started to fall in love with, his thin fingers coming down to hold your chin, making you look up to him.
“mmm, i dunno…” you feigned hesitation, reaching jayce’s handsome face to scratch behind his ear slowly, noticing how he didn’t comply, such a puppy. “maybe take me to your laboratory and show me your advances from time to time.” you pouted when you felt his thumb smudge some of your expensive lipstick away.
“wouldn’t want you two forgetting about me.” you confessed before taking said thumb between your lips, looking up to him. jayce took your smaller hand between his, inhaling your cherry scented hand cream before peppering kisses all over it.
“we would never forget about you, bunny.” he said softly against your skin, caressing your cheek while you kept on sucking viktor’s finger, adverting your gaze to him now. “you can come over anytime, maybe we can make you find science more interesting.”
viktor chuckled before emptying your mouth and leaving jayce’s hair be, gaining a whine from both of you. “so it is settled, we’ll see you tomorrow at the academy, correct?” he asked while taking his cane to stand up from where he sat, motioning his hand to order jayce to do the same.
you imitate their actions, tidying your hair before grabbing their holding hands with yours, standing on your tippy toes to leave a noisy smooch against their cheeks, decorating them with the granate of your lips. “you most definitely will, gentlemen.”
s1!jayvik who don’t notice how your father stared at the whole play from the beginning, shaking his head on disappointment at you; always playing around with men.
s1!jayvik who walk towards their ride in silence, jayce still inhaling your lingering scent and the soft of you lips against his cheeks, viktor trying to not think too much about the growing boner you gave him (*_ _)
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a/n: i’m obsessed with this setting, part 2 maybe? (*^ω^)
— masterlist.
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mid-80s · 15 days ago
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nsfw. gn!reader, sub top jayce, missionary, first times, oral (jayce giving). as promised a continuation of this post
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Jayce sits on your bed, silently observing as you shift through your notes. There’s a pillow on his lap since his mind seems to wander in your presence.
“I can’t find my questionnaire,” you sighed, sitting beside him. Your close proximity didn’t help the situation. The bed was already small, and you’ve made it your mission to sit right next to him, your thigh brushing against his.
“Would you mind if we did an interview instead? I think I remembered most of the questions.”
Jayce wasn’t sure why an anatomy class would require an interview. Still, he wanted to help a friend in need, even if he had dreamt about the said friend in various positions that would put the reproduction chapter of an anatomy textbook to shame.
“Yeah. Interviews are more reliable anyway,” Jayce replies. More personal.
“Great! My topic focuses on various lifestyles and their effects on differing body types,” you explained, but Jayce’s hazel eyes focused on your lips as you described your research project. You loved talking about anything and everything, your latest midterm or your favourite book. Would you talk him through it?
Fuck, Jayce shouldn’t think about these things with you, not even centimetres away from him, but he can’t help it. He’d be lying if he said he didn’t take a nap before visiting your dorm, hoping to experience that dream again. It was wrong. He should not be thinking of his friend like that, but fuck. He even considered stopping by the library to check out a book on lucid dreams on his way to your room.
The questions were straightforward and distracted him from your body pressing against his side. Most questions centred on his diet, workout routine, and mental health. However, there were a few he didn’t anticipate.
“Are you sexually active?” you inquired, glancing up from your notepad to gauge his reaction. Jayce contemplates being honest with you, yet he fears you would take him for some virgin loser who was too preoccupied with his studies to have sex. It wouldn’t be an incorrect assumption, but you didn’t need to know that. So, he chose the most logical option and lied instead.
“Yes,” he says nervously, meeting your curious gaze. He hoped you didn’t notice his increased anxious demeanor.
“Makes sense,” you mumble, noting it down. What did you mean by that? Did he seem like the kind of guy to fuck? Did you think he was some player? The most play he had managed to get was in his dreams. He was strangely flattered and hurt by your offhanded comment.
Unspoken words were lingering in the placid atmosphere. You wanted to ask more questions that didn’t pertain to your interview.
“So, you’ve had sex before?” you asked. Jayce doubts that was a question you had on your questionnaire that you seemingly lost.
“Yes,” he confirms, attempting to sound casual. He’s digging himself a hole, but there’s no way you could call him out on his bullshit, right?
“What’s it like?” You questioned. Jayce was surprised. You were gorgeous. He couldn’t believe you’d never had sex before. Maybe you valued a connection and were waiting for the right person. Or maybe you were like him. He would relate with you, but he’s already burying himself in the hole he’s dug.
“You’ve never…?”
“No. Since you’ve done it before, would you mind showing me?” His heart thuds rapidly at your offer. You wanted him to take your virginity. You didn’t even know he wanted you to take his the moment he saw you in that light. You also weren’t aware he was a virgin and was lying to you to appear cooler.
“Oh, yeah, I can show you,” he chuckles, but he’s beyond nervous, and his words come out weakly. Jayce is shaking — from nerves or excitement, he’s not sure. You smile at him, and he thinks he’s dreaming.
This was another wet dream. It had to be because you were taking off your shirt, exposing your bare flesh to his hungry eyes. You toss the pillow off his lap and settle onto him. Jayce’s hands grab your hips like they did in his dream. His erection presses onto your clothed thigh, but Jayce is too busy feasting on your naked torso to care.
You were more beautiful than he conjured in his subconscious. Jayce squeezes your hips, your soft flesh filling his palms. He can feel you, yet it’s not enough to convince him he’s not still dreaming.
Leaning forward, you capture his lips with your own. Your hand cups his cheeks, your thumb subtly caressing his cheekbones. Jayce doesn’t consider the time a girl was dared to kiss him when he was 10 years old as his first kiss — no, his first kiss was right now, with you on his lap, holding his face like he was the most precious thing in the world.
Jayce whimpers into your parted mouth. That was a mistake. He wasn’t a virgin, well, he was, but he wasn’t supposed to be acting like one. You shift on his lap, getting closer to him. The sudden movement puts pressure on his cock through the layers of fabric, and he moans into you once again. You don’t mind swallowing each noise he made.
His lips move to your neck, kissing your sensitive flesh. Jayce mimics the words he’s read in those classic erotica novels he’s spent way too much time reading. His hand grips your thighs, squeezing them. Then his hand trails to your naked waist, holding you closer to him. Satisfaction fills him when you moan under his ministrations.
Finally, Jayce has you on your back, and nerves fill him. You’re both out of your uniform, left in your underwear. Then reality came crashing down. He was about to take your virginity — he was going to lose his virginity to you. It’s different from his dream, somehow more intimate than he prepared for.
“Look, I’m sorry I lied to you, but I’m actually a virgin,” Jayce whispers. “I understand if you don’t want to—”
“Jayce, I don’t care,” you huffed. Your fingers raked through his dark hair and tugged at his roots, forcing him to face you. He moans softly, and his big doe eyes are wide with shock.
“You don’t?”
“It was kind of obvious. You were grinding on my thigh for the past 10 minutes—” Jayce’s face burns with embarrassment, and he buried his face in your neck, sparing him from further humiliation.
Sure, he might’ve lost track of his thoughts, rutting his aching arousal onto your soft thigh, whining into the needy kisses you’ve shared, but he didn’t think he was that obvious. At most, he came across as inexperienced. Or so he thought. Jayce didn’t think he came across so desperate that you, a virgin yourself, noticed.
“Don’t worry, Jayce, I liked it. C’mon now, finish what you started,” you teased.
He nods at your words, and you remove the rest of the clothing from your body. Jayce is entranced by the sight of you bare, beneath him. His eyes lingered on your exposed skin, mapping out each blemish or beauty mark. You peer up at him with those eyes of yours, your chest rising and falling, matching the rhythm of his own. Jayce swears he’s about to come from the sight of you alone.
Jayce pushes his boxers down, his cock slipping down, and he winces at the cool air kissing the sensitive flesh. You moan when he enters you, your nails digging into his shoulders as he stretches you open. He halts when he’s fully sheathed inside you, and his eyes are snapped shut. Jayce allows you to adjust to him, but he’s silently praying to the Gods that he doesn’t come inside you too quickly.
“You feel so fucking good,” you moan. Your words do little to qualm the burning ache in him. He’s finally in you, and it’s better than his dream — this must be heaven. You squeezed around him like you were trying to become one with him. You wrap your arms around his neck and pull him closer to you.
“Be a good boy and fuck me, Jayce,” you whined, writhing beneath him. His eyes rolled to the back of his head. If he moved, he might finish in you before making you orgasm, but he wanted to listen to you, so he thrusts into you. Each one is weaker than the last. His entire body trembled. The pleasure coursing throughout him was too much, and he climaxed with a high-pitched moan.
Jayce collapses onto you, and shame fills his entire body. What kind of man was he? Finishing before his lover could even amount to the same pleasure. You weren’t irritated as you ran your fingers through his tousled hair, but you deserved more than a few weak thrusts.
“I’m not mad—” Jayce cuts your words off with a kiss, trailing his lips down the column of your throat and chest to between your legs. His goal was to ease the ache in your core, and Jayce was a quick learner, picking up the sweet spots that left you squeezing your quivering thighs around his head. It didn’t take long until he was hard again. 
Jayce was going to redeem himself in the second round and make you come around his cock like he did in his dreams.
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mid-80s · 16 days ago
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The sounds of moans filled the room, along with the sound of skin smacking against skin. Its symphony sounding so passionate and raw, like a siren calling out to you with their alluring voice that sent shivers down you spine. You couldn’t help but be captivated at the scene playing out in front of your eyes.
JAYCE gripped onto to your shoulders for support, his fingers tangling your hair tightly. He gazed up to you with half-lidded eyes, fighting not to close them shut from the pleasure as best as he could, his head resting back against the pillows while he moaned and whimpered into your ear. You thrusted your hips slow and gentle, feeling his hole clenching around your cock. Your tip hitting his prostate, abusing it repeatedly that made him struggle to form the slightest bit of coherent thoughts.
You didn’t mind it a bit, you listened to his moans and whimpers as if it was the only form of communication he had left. You chuckled a bit, smiling slightly. “Too much?” You asked softly, slowly down your pace. JAYCE whined in frustration, he shook his head and looked up to you with those beautiful eyes he had. “No, keep going- Please…” JAYCE managed to gasp out between moans, his nails grazing on your back lightly and left faint marks on your skin that made you groan in pleasure.
You increased your pace again hearing his pleas, your cockhead hitting his prostate again. JAYCE’S breath caught in his throat, his body quivering with pleasure with each powerful thrust deep inside him. “Y-yes, just like that…” JAYCE moaned out, his eyes rolling back from pleasure. His breaths coming in ragged gasps, his walls being stretched out at the sensation of your cock deep inside him. “You want more?” You teased, gazing down at the man below you. JAYCE whimpered and moaned loudly before he nodded his head desperately.
JAYCE held onto your body, keeping you close to him. As if he was desperate and starved for your touch, something you find so sweet and pretty. “I’m close…” JAYCE gasped, his body arching and quivering. You nodded and kept up with your relentless pace, your cock twitching inside him. You both moaned, you released your warm flow of cum inside him. JAYCE let out a soft whimper as his body shook and cum shot of his cock, landing on his abdomen.
All that was left in the room was the smell of sex and sweat, you were both panting and your forehead pressed against his. You brushed a gentle kiss against his forehead, JAYCE let out a soft, contented sigh. You tilted head in curiosity when you heard him letting out a breathy laugh, you couldn’t help but crack a smile and chuckled. “What’s so funny?” You asked him, JAYCE looked up and had a grin on his face.
You gasped in surprise and arousal when he pinned you down and had you beneath him, your breath hitched when JAYCE slowly began to slide your cock inside of him and let out a soft moan. His gaze never leaving yours as his hands found their way to your bare chest. JAYCE began to ride you slowly, making your cock twitch inside him as you felt yourself get aroused again at the sight of him like this, so needy and pathetic all for you. “I want more…” JAYCE whispered, his hands caressing your chest.
Well, this is gonna be a long night.
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ʚ all works belong to eatingoutmen — do NOT steal, copy or repost anywhere without my permission from ME personally. ɞ
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