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How I found Jesus Christ
My name is Michael Schonborn and this is my story on how I came to be Christian.
I was born into a catholic family and as a child pretty much absorbed everything. I was a good catholic and learned everything about Jesus Christ and became familiar with catholic traditions. I got very much absorbed within the catholic church system. Over time I understood that what I read in the Gospels and the way the church was run didn't tally up. The clergy reminded me more of the Pharisees than the disciples of Christ.
As I hit my teenage years I lost my vision and trust for the Church but was still a great fan of Jesus. In my quest for live and finding my identity I tried to embrace the culture of the 80s with all it's excesses but instead of finding happiness fell into depression. Eventually I ended up in a political fringe party.
Despite my rotten lifestyle I still believed in Christ and never let loose of my faith in Him even though I did not understand the essential message of the Gospel or anything about real Christianity.
When I was 16 I met some Christians who had come to town and started preaching the Gospel message. They had tent meetings in the middle of town. I began attending those meetings and I felt the presence of God among them. I didn't really understand the message but just knew that God was there.
One evening someone talked to me and asked me to make a decision to follow Jesus. Somehow I knew that this was serious and I tried to make excuses to leave but he told me that it would only take a few minutes to give my life to Jesus and it would make a difference for the rest of my life.
In that moment it was like God was talking to me and I could see my future life in front of my inner eyes if I said “NO” and what would happen if I said “YES”. I did like my future life with the “NO” response but I didn't like at all what my life would become if I said “YES”.
Saying “NO” would allow me to carry on my rebellious life with all it's excesses but saying “YES” would mean to be a good boy just doing the right stuff and being inherently boring. I didn't like that at all.
Then I thought if I reject this offer God is giving me I would deceive myself for the rest of my life and just follow a lie. If I said “YES” I would embrace the truth for the rest of my life.
So I did say YES and I didn't like it one bit but I knew I had to do it.
A bunch of people came together and prayed for me and something happened. It felt like a big burden had lifted from me and I felt what is described in the Gospel of John in chapter 3 which is something like a rebirth. I was new. Within seconds I turned from a depressed person to a person that was happy with a big smile.
I didn't tell anybody what had happened and people started to worry. Some suggested that I had gone onto heavy drugs.
With hindsight I know what happened. The burden of sin was lifted off of me and my depression left me. I found salvation as I called on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. I became a new creature, the old was gone but everything is new.
On that day my walk with the Lord began in earnest. This day is now 37 years ago and I have never regretted it. On the contrary I came to Christ thinking that I would loose my youth and say good bye to fun but God has given me many times over to what I thought I would have lost. I have seen the world and visited many countries and did things in my youth I could have just dreamt of otherwise.
Looking back my life has been very different to the normal and I am grateful to the way the Lord has lead me these last 37 years and I am looking forward to however many years are left.
The core of the Gospel message is that we all are sinners and do not meet the standard God is expecting of us. In God we have someone who is absolutely Holy and Righteous but also Loving.
To make a way for us He became flesh in Jesus Christ and suffered the penalty which we deserve so that if we put our trust in Jesus Christ and that the blood he shed on the cross is for our salvation and forgiveness of sins we will find salvation.
Receiving this will reconcile us to God and the barrier created through our own sin is pulled down and we can become children of God.
“God so much loved this world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life” John 3:16
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The Carbon Cafaffel
I recently heard a young lady on Christian Radio saying that she would carefully think about the carbon she generates and would try to reduce it as part of her lent pledges. She would also buy less new clothing and perhaps buy more second hand instead. Now she was a allegedly a committed Christian. Now the first question I had to ask myself was what has happened to the old type of fasting? You deny yourself the pleasures of life not to be miserable but to focus on your relationship with God. Knowing that Jesus Christ has paid for your sins and paved the way into an intimate relationship with the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth. One of the greatest things any man could experience here on earth.
What happened to attempt to live a better life during lent? To focus on kindness and goodness towards your fellow man.
Or what happened to follow the great commission the Lord Jesus has given us to preach the message of the Gospel to the ends of the earth?
No - instead Christians are so immersed in worldly propaganda that they see the biggest problem to be addressed during lent as the carbon footprint they leave and their consumer habits.
I am not sure what church the young lady attends and about the message that is preached there but if I had a chance to reach out to this lady and to other young people like her I would cry out: wake up - this is not the major issue!
Without wanting to dig into the facts about carbon in the atmosphere there are strong arguments that we are actually dealing with a carbon lie and here a few points: - carbon is essential for life, our bodies are made up partly of carbon as is every vegetation. - the amount of carbon in the atmosphere is tiny some scientists belief that it is insignificant in changing the climate. - some theories are out there that burning up all the fossil fuels we have would barely double the amount of carbon in the atmosphere and is unlikely to affect the atmospheric conditions to any major extent - there is a school of thought which suggests that the amount of carbon in the atmosphere until the industrial revolution was diminishing so much that it was about to hit a low below which life on this planet would not be possible. - the levels have come up since - we know from historical data that the earth was a lot warmer 700 years ago and has cooled down since. - since the late 90s although extreme weather phenomena have increased the earth has stopped warming A lot of scientists are not supporting the theory of global warming linked to carbon emission. Despite the big propaganda machines telling us that he science is settled it actually isn’t. But here we go and we have Christians buying into this lie and believing that following it is something to please God. My last point on this issue is that it is a great deception. The carbon lie is used to propagate globalism and the need for one great leader to sort it all. The Bible actually talks about this great leader to come but this man is not from God but from his enemy.
Let me take this one step further. We should be looking forward to our Lord’s return. In Acts we read that angels were talking to the people who saw Jesus ascending to heaven and they told the people who were standing around that he will come back in the same way as he went up. The Christian promise is that the Lord will return to take home his own. We need to focus on that. Perhaps we should use the time of lent to let people know that the Lord will return. Let people within and without the Church know about this promise. When the Lord returns He will restore this earth and bring about peace. But before His return the great globalist leader will rise up and the wrath of God will be poured out on this guy and the people who will follow him. Most or the earth will be destroyed during this process. It is time to turn to God and to not be taken in by lies of the propaganda machine.
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The New Morality
Morality defines what is good and what bad or simply what is acceptable is society and what isn’t .
One thing I have seen during my short lifetime is a strong shift of morality. I recently listened to an interview of a young teenager and when asked what she thinks what is wrong with the world she simply said:
“ Humans......I wish we wouldn’t be here!”
She wasn’t depressed or mentally ill, just a happy go lucky probably 12 year old girl and that is what she came up with. My first question is who has been feeding her this poison so at young tender age she comes up with this disturbing statement.
It reminded me of Prince Phillip the British Monarch’s husband who stated that he wished to be incarnated as a deadly virus to do something about over population.
So the elite seems to think there are too many of us and we need a culling exercise to reduce the worlds population and instead of revolting people drink the cool aid and teach their kids that it were better for them not to be here.
It seems that Nature is the new God and we need to pay homage to “mother nature”. If there are too many of us we need to pay homage to nature and start killing ourselves???? A very strange concept indeed.
This game goes further. We used to have Global Warming and since it didn’t really happen and on the contrary we have had a global cooling down in the middle of the time when everything was supposed to heat up. We had the carbon emission game where CO2 was suddenly evil and CO2 emissions have become a cause to feel guilty about. Now it is called climate change and people are measured by how much CO2 they produce. And we start taxing them, controlling them all based on the global warming or climate change lie. Again a big shift in morality has taken place. On a cold day I kept my engine running as I was waiting in the car to keep warm and people got visibly upset about it. Within minutes I became a culprit. On one hand real criminals are excused due to environmental factors and yet on the other actions which from a Biblical point of view are neither good or evil are considered to be very evil.
Again it reminded me of an old man I met in some steelworks I used to work who on finding out that I was Christian proclaimed to me proudly that he has never thrown any food away all his life. He made it out to be a big deed so that one day God would say to him: Well done good and faithful servant!
Eventually I understood. He grew up during the war when food was scarce and discarding food was a big problem and seen to be very bad as there wasn’t enough of it going round. Suddenly something which Biblical is neither here nor there became a moral standard. A lot of people from that generation had similar attitudes. My grandfather almost killed himself accidentally by eating fish that was spoiled. Again in his world throwing food away was really bad. Now the Bible doesn’t really talk about this issue. For sure it is better to throw away spoiled food then to risk falling sick.
So our media, society and many other factors impose some moral code on us. Sometimes it is good and in line with what God wants us to do and sometimes it isn’t. As Christians we need to differentiate between the moral code society seems to dictate to us and the moral code we find revealed in the Bible and through divine revelation by the Holy Spirit in our hearts. We need to be careful not to call sin what isn’t sin and vice versa.
Society today tells us that we need to celebrate sexual perversion and hail the advent unnatural relationships as perfectly acceptable. The Bible says: NO!
In future it will be interesting to see on this single point how many of our brothers and sisters take the word of Obama and Cameroon over and above the Word of God.
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Deception in the World
Looking at the previous article I have to make a correction - the photo is actually a Photoshop creation. Somebody pointed my attention to some evidence suggesting that the image is doctored. Still massively oversized skeletons and skulls have been found all over the planet and yet the scientific community is ignoring the evidence.
Deception is all over the place and here I want to present my very subjective chart list of deception in the world - blatantly obvious and deviously placed to lead people astray.
Before we look at deception we need to establish the premise I am talking from.
1. God longs to live with his creation 2. Jesus has come to bring us back into relationship with God 3. In returning to God we can find peace and fulfilment 4. Jesus claims of himself to be the only way back to God 5. The last command Jesus has given us before he left is to tell all creation about this great news
Now Deception in the World goes against this full force! Let’s look at Deception Chart countdown:
If it is Supernatural it must be the truth and it must be from God For years we have been programmed to only think in materialistic terms. If you can’t see it you can’t proof it. That was often the big argument for atheists to excuse themselves from the burden of religion. The whole argument falls of course down as soon as you mention electricity. You can’t see the electrons moving but you can see the effect they have on a bulb! Suddenly people make experiences which are literally out of this world. A acquaintance learning that I was a Christian couldn’t wait to tell me about his weekend experience in some sort of seance. Apparently one of the spiritual entities told him about a shirt he was wearing a long time ago claiming to be a dead relative of his. His conclusion it must all be real. My conclusion you fell victim to deception. Some demonic entity spoke to you knowing an awful lot about you. Once you are lured in advise will be given to you and finally they will try their best to destroy your life.
Another friend of mine got into the New Age philosophy and tried to tap into love kindness etc. the hyper consciousness. There were real spiritual experiences involved. His view of myself was that I was a victim of dead religion. Needless to say that I find my relationship with God real, invigorating, fascinating and absolutely amazing. I am no stranger to supernatural intervention, to miracles and to answered prayers. Still Jesus said that blessed are those who are poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of God. My friend was rich in his spirit. Filled to the brim with New Age philosophy and ideas and there was no space for Jesus anymore. I have lost track of them. One I have never seen again the other fell victim to alcoholism and died a few years ago. My hope is that some words stuck and that he could reconcile with God before he died.
11. All Religion is the Cause of War - better to stay away from religion
That is a tough one. It is hard to explain to people that there are two types of Christianity - religious and political christianity based on rules, regulations and institutions and real Christianity based on a vivid relationship with God. Real Christianity embraces, love, righteousness, forgiveness, divine peace absence of strife. Fake christianity uses religion to exert control over people. Now real Christianity is rather peaceful - you don’t want to accept Christ? It is ok but we will still pray that God will reach out to you! That is all you get from real christianity!
Historically this claim is not quite true either. Most wars are politically motivated but often religion is used as a reason. The again if look at Islam I would challenge everyone to read it and you can see the violent streak going through the book. Christianity has been about persecution!
Islam has been about conquest!
The liberals in Western societies who teach us political correctness and are telling us day and night that Islam is a peaceful religion whilst the news gives us more pictures of people getting beheaded and children executing traitors to the prophet. Still those liberals will be the first who will suffer the wrath of this religion once they have gained the upper hand. 10. God is all Love - we don’t need to fear a loving God?!
True - but it is not the full story. The conclusion people draw from this statement is that they don’t need to worry about God. They will be able to get away with anything since he is so good and loving. As long as they try to be ok He will be ok with them and give them a free pass to heaven.
This is deception! They miss out one tiny detail!
God is infinitely righteous and holy and cannot tolerate unrighteousness and unholiness.
Fail God head for Hell!
But still in his love God has provided for us a free pass to heaven buy paying the price himself. He has taken up our punishment in Jesus Christ and provided redemption for us. We need to accept Jesus, call on him for our salvation and in repentance turn to him. Pursue God with all our hearts and rely on His salvation from our unrighteousness.
9. There is no Hell Living in England I once had a TV set. One button on the TV had the inscription “Hell” Needless to say that my Christian friends were intrigued about the Hell button on my little TV set. At the same time their persuasion that watching TV was bit iffy found it’s full justification. I had to explain that the German word “Hell” means “Brightness”
Still ask the average person on the street and ask them about Hell and people will say that it was just an invention from medieval days to scare people into submission. But today we know better that there isn’t anything like hell. Many theologians seem to agree and they should know the Bible shouldn’t they.
Now the New Testament mentions Hell over 20 times in contrast to heaven which is only mentioned about a dozen times. Jesus spoke more about Hell and escaping Hell than about Heaven and getting into it. This is serious stuff. There used to be a program called “scared straight” - it was about kids embarking on a live of crime who get to spend a weekend in prison with all the heavies. Many come out as good as gold. It would be good if could get a sense of hell and the hereafter and I guarantee that we all be as good as Gold. Personally I am aware of Hell, I know pain and I know deep darkness and the memory of it scares me. Now Hell is real!
How do I know? I know Jesus as my Lord and Saviour and He told me about Hell in his Word the Bible. Equally we should not discard it. The big deception is that there is no Hell - nothing to fear, no need for salvation, no need for seeking God - you can be your own God!
Live life to the max since there is nothing to come, neither good nor bad or maybe heaven is real after all and the loving God you never cared about will receive you and give you a good time?????? He will not - ignore God’s offer of reconciliation at your own peril. His grace only lasts as long as you are on this planet. Today could be your last day before you start you eternity in Hell or Heaven if you turn to God and accept his free gift of salvation in Jesus Christ.
8. There is no Devil
A very big mistake. There is a real entity who is opposing God with all his might. Jesus calls him the prince of this world. Still often a wrong understanding is leading people to rejecting the concept of a devil. Still there is an evil empire that is trying to control mankind. The ultimate aim is to draw mankind away from God into hell.
Don’t be fooled evil is real. It is all around us. Unfortunately many of our fellow men get fooled by the other side in their effort to lead mankind to destruction.
7. All ways lead to Rome - as long as you believe in a god it is ok. It is important to believe!
I wonder what Jesus would say to this? There seems to be some weird idea to equalise all religions. If you are a Muslim or a Buddhist or a Hindu it is fine. All religions lead to God! It is wrong. Jesus said clearly that no one comes to the father except through him!!!! Either Jesus or no way - Christian leaders endorsing other religions is the same as saying to Jesus “I know better”
Sadly - no! Jesus knows better and we need to listen closely to what he has said. If you accept Christianity, then you better accept the very words of Jesus and stop talking nonsense. Not even Christianity will lead you to God - only Jesus Christ can bring you into a real relationship with God.
6. There is no God! A lot of people like Richard Dawkins spent their lives trying to convince people of the non existence of something they don’t believe is there! Why?
I am not sure and I can’t fathom it. Still big words pretending to be scientific ridiculing people who don’t share their ideas. These guys are driven by an incredible amount of arrogance and a superiority complex.
Dawkins is dead now. The bad news is that he is still conscious and that now he will have realised that his soul is immortal even though his body is rotting away. If he did not repent in the final hours of his life he will see the entities who have inspired him for his great and mighty words.
With all knowledge we have today we know that order doesn’t come out of chaos and it is obvious that someone has induced order into our kosmos and it wasn’t “nature” unless nature is synonymous with God.
The most bizarre thing I have seen in recent days is an atheist church. If I had stumbled into the meeting by chance I might have been forgiven to mistake the gathering as a church event. They run something like a church service. A giveaway might have been the lack of prayers. Anyway people got together sang some songs, a bit of weird sermon and then went home.
You may as well say there is no electricity. There is a God and his character, his genius, his creativity can be seen in creation and in systems which are here to sustain our lives. We need to recognise this.
Atheism is a big deception with no foothold. As time moves more and more people realise that there is more to this universe than chance!
5. Jesus was a good moral teacher and that’s all
No if this is all - he was actually rather immoral, deluded or downright evil.
Somebody who claims of himself to be the only access to God, someone who says of himself that he is the way the truth and the life, some one makes himself out to be God?
He either is all these things he said - which in turn requires of us worship, recognition and reverence
Or it isn’t which means we should ignore everything he has said.
Now Jesus was much more than just a good teacher. He was God come into the flesh and dying for our sins.
4. Entertainment to death Living in the 21 century there seems to be no end to entertainment. TV and Radio are quite to what is on offer. I grew up with 3 TV channels who were only active after 6 pm and a few radio channels. We made our own entertainments. Met with friends, talked had hobbys. Today a different ball game. Laptops, smartphones, Social networking, computer games, virtual worlds have changed the way we interact and keep ourselves entertained for good. Today there is information overflow, entertainment overflow and much more. I am probably as guilty as many others. When I am on the train or really anywhere I see people looking down on their phones to do something. The problem is that often we forget to think about the essential things in live like who is God and what about us and God?
There are some extreme stories that people died gaming as they forgot to eat and some parents forget to feed their child due to gaming who died as a result. Totally crazy but true.
We are born and then entertained all the way to hell. One day we wake up in a place or torment only to realise that we missed it all.
3. Gender fluidity
In the past we used to be born male or female. Sometimes we didn’t like the lot we were allocated but we learned to make the best of it and to simply enjoy life a bit with the things we were given i.e. a definitive sex. Some clever people came along and decided that if we feel that we are the other sex than the one our chromosomes seem to suggest, instead of sorting the head we need to readjust the body and fed it with chemicals. So a man becomes a woman and a woman a man.
The whole things fails at the point where a few trillion cells in that persons body cry out loud a clear XX or XY. Doctors may be able to snip off certain things but they can’t change a few trillion cells despite high doses of hormones to force the body in one direction or the other. What do we have today - just a lot of confusion where a lot of people don’t know anymore what they are. As non-conformists we are silenced with the threat of the law if we talk about the obvious. The liberals have all the answers. There are a lot of case studies where people in the gender transition game are led up the garden path and after their mutilation where they have effectively been de-sexed the suicide rates are incredibly high. It is a big deception driven by an industry who gets rich out gender re-alignment ops. As Christians we need to oppose this flow and encourage people to accept themselves in the way they have been created.
2. The Bible is a Fairy Tale book A lot of people may believe in God but reject the Bible and dismiss it as just an allegory or a bunch of fairy tales.
When talking about Christianity to secular people and also often to muslims they always attack the book as not being authentic. The muslims contend that scriptures were changed since stories in the quran and the Bible about the same people do not tie up. Hence their logic is that the Bible is corrupted. Interestingly at the time the quran was written up no-one contested the authenticity of the Bible.
Secular people refer to other books discrediting Jesus they believe should be in the Bible and then refer to various church councils. At that Jesus is irrelevant to them and they can just carry on with life as have so far. Away and ignorant of God.
The on the other spectrum we have theologians who often crave notoriety who make claims to that effect Bible = Fairy Tale
Therefore it cannot be taken seriously.
No as an information system the Bible is quite remarkable. There is something like an error correction system contained in the book. More so there are hundreds of prophecies which have been fulfilled 100%. No other religious book can make claim to that.
Personally I think that the Bible is cryptic. It contains treasures which can only be unlocked through the Holy Spirit. Most certainly a fascinating book.
1. The Theory of evolution
A failed theologian slightly embittered embarks on a world journey on a ship and sails to the galapagos islands which constitutes some of the remotest places on earth. Young Charles Darwin observes changes in some species to adapt to life on the Galapagos islands and suddenly a new idea for the origin of species and possibly the world is born.
People fed up with overbearing religion lap it up and develop it into a full blown theory. God is dead long live man was the result. We look at the theory of evolution today. It is taught all over the western world and yet there is not a single shred of evidence confirming the transition from one species to another. Still it is considered scientific and yet it can not be substantiated. If evolution is true then we are just a product of chance. We may as well forget about God as a figment of our imagination and get on with life as a carefully designed pile of dirt.
Many Christian kids fail i their faith as they are confronted with this theory and brainwashed into accepting it as fact and as scientific.
A big deception
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Nephilim - Bible or Evolution
We all grow up with ideas which are instilled into our thinking. By the time we reach adulthood we have ideas in our mind formed and shaped by the society we live in.
In the West a typical young adult will believe in democracy, in pluralism and in science as the way to explain the world around us. Younger people will believe and fear the threat of global warming despite vast evidence against it.
More so people believe that world is really old, that dinosaurs lived millions of years ago and then suddenly man the product of many mutations appeared and began this era.
What if blatant evidence appears to the contrary? Like a skull of mega proportions which doesn’t fit into the modern scientific context?
What shouldn’t be cannot be! the slogan of the scientific community. Instead of looking at evidence to then rethink and revise models of understanding our origins, we find that the academic elite of our generation loves to fit the evidence around their ideas. And with that the objectivity of tax payer funded scientists populating our universities has gone out of the window.
We need to open our eyes and our understanding of the world around us. As time moves on and is speeding up there seems to be more and more evidence suggesting that the Bible is not that much of a fairy tale book after all. On the contrary there are hard scientific facts around us suggesting that the Bible is very precise in the understanding of our origins.
The Bible talks about the giants in the days of Noah. It seems that they are popping up all around us. Thanks to the anarchic internet it is now a lot harder for the establishment to hide and convenienantly make those artifacts to silently go away and to disappear for good.
In the end whatever should not be, cannot be!
3 And the Lord said, “My Spirit shall not strive[a] with man forever, for he isindeed flesh; yet his days shall be one hundred and twenty years.” 4 There were giants on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of men and they bore children to them. Thosewere the mighty men who were of old, men of renown.
Genesis 6
Let’s open our eyes, look around and see the world for real!
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Spreading the Gospel - HiTech
“Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature!”
Going hitech is one way of getting the message out there but even yesteryears hitech technology is now within reach and can let you get the message out there.
In the USA and Canada low powered radio transmitters are legal and can be used for free and without a licence. The only requirement is that you use a frequency which is not used by a licenced radio station.
The range is limited with about 150 to 300 feet, some modern car radios will be able to pick it up even further.
So what is the point?
Just imagine going to a car park with the odd person waiting to pick up his family, wife or husband. People being bored might just turn the radio dial for an interesting radio station. Keep the transmitter running with a little MP3 player pumping out a few Gospel messages or testimonies of people finding their way to Christ.
All you have to do is to wait for the right person to listen at the right time. The cost for the system is less than $150.
If you happen to live in Europe. The score is slightly different. The type of transmitters you can legally operate only have a designed range of less than 10 meters. Actually the range is supposed to be about 3 meters but many low powered devices on the market will offer a slightly bigger range.
Nevertheless you can attach one of these units to your smart phone or MP3 player and carry them with you. People in a train compartment or nearby can “accidently” tune into it!
Why not go for it. Some of the FM transmitters you can buy for the European market are less than 10 Euros and are very effective.
Let the people have a chance to hear the Gospel. HiTech is one way of many!
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The Meteorite and the Blood Moons
There seems to be some panic in Youtube world!
This year we will have the completion of a very special Tetrach!
What is Tetrad? Every year we have lunar eclipses in spring time and fall time. A lunar eclipse is when the moon moves either fully or partially in the earth’s shadow. Due to less light hitting the moon from the sun the colour of the moon will turn reddish and therefore it is called a bloodmoon. See the picture sequence below as the moon moves into the earth’s shadow.
Now sometimes there are 4 full lunar eclipses in a row. This phenomenon happens very rarely and is called a “tetrad”
In the 20th century we tetrads in 1948 and 1967. Both years coincide with great events in Israel. 1948 - the founding of the state of Israel 1967 - the temple mount returns to Jewish state
When we read the book of Romans Paul talks in chapter 11 that God will return his attention to Israel when the fullness of the gentiles has come in! When God turned to the Gentiles after the Jews rejected Christ as their Messiah there was still an overlap of about 40 years until the Jewish state was destroyed not to be returned for almost 1900 years.
The question remains as Israel strengthens what is happening to the gentile believers. Is the Lord coming back for his church as prophesied in the NT?
Now we have many prophecies Jesus made about his return literally being fulfilled and as Christians we should live more than ever in expectation of our Lord’s imminent return.
Now what about the completion of the current tetrad?
The world of prophecy is going a bit into overdrive. We don’t know what next great event will happen in Israel. At the time of writing it is May and we are only months away from the ominous September date.
Could it be the beginning of the Temple?
We don’t know!
There are a lot of prophecies suggesting that a big cosmic event is going to take place. A meteorite is about to hit the Atlantic causing a tidal wave destroying the east coast of America.
Now the dates for this event range from mid September 2015, to February 2015 all the way to September 2016.
Suggestions are made that the event in manufactured and fake. That the people responsible for other catastrophic events will manufacture this event to push through their political agenda of depopulation and total control.
Now what should we think and expect!
1. God does not do or allow any event of magnitude without revealing it to his prophets first. Many prophets are predicting this event. Before we storm out in October to denounce the prophets of doom as fake we should remember Jonah and Niniveh. There is always hope with God as he will relent if we repent and seek his mercy!
2. The dark figures in the political abyss have planned the event and are set on pushing it through. Now they can only go as far as they have permission from above. God can and will thwart their purposes.
3. We never now about the timing. Serious disasters can happen tomorrow, today or the day after tomorrow.
4. Like many times before this prediction is just a hype and we will all see 2017 unscathed.
What can we do?
Primarlly we have to make sure that we are ok with God. Should return of Christ for his church happen it is highly recommended to be part of HIS church and to go with him. The world after will be tough and seriously hostile towards anything good and godly.
The world is suffering birthpains. As birthpains come in intervals the state of the earth is going from bad to worse in intervals, too. We can pretty much observe this for the last two decades and it is getting worse as time moves on.
My personal suggestion is to be prepared as this disintegration carries on. Have a food store in addition to supplies for essentials. Prepare for disintegration of society and ensure that you have adequate means to protect yourself.
Let’s look forward to 2015 whilst seeking God, petitioning his Throne for mercy on mankind! Things have gone badly wrong and to avoid divine judgement we need to return to our creator with a broken heart and a contrite spirit!
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Obama likens Christians to ISIS
“Remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, lots of bad things were done in the name of Christ.” President Obama took time at the
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What's wrong with Christianity?
In short I think it is people!
Christianity without people would be perfect. No issues, no trouble, no disagreement, no strife but unfortunately no life either.
Recently I was doing a study on the seven churches in the Book of revelation:
Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamon, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea.
Now all of these churches really existed in the 1 century and they were based in Turkey. All of the towns were quite peculiar, some were rich others were rather poor and small, some were tradings posts others were centres of a pagan religion. A really interesting and diverse mix of places. There are some remnants still visible for most of those places mentioned in the Book of Revelation.
Some scholars see a footprint of church history in these churches and there isn't any doubt walking through church history we can identify different traces in each period which correlates with the corresponding church in Revelation. There is also a personal application in the message to each church.
Ephesus was accused to have left the first love for Christ but they commended for staying faithful to the Word of God and for identifying false teachers.
Smyrna was comforted for having to suffer persecution.
Pergamon was told off for allowing pagan doctrines to enter the church and for mixing idolatry with Christianity.
Thyatira commended for their works but told off for the rotten doctrine and false ideas they had fostered.
Sardis is all ok in name but it is dead. A dead church without any real life. And then we have got Philadelphia a small, weak church but they are faithful to the Word of God and they try their best with what they have.
Then finally we have Laodicea - they think they have got it all. All is sorted, all is well but Jesus is on the outside asking to come in. The totally missed it.
It can be said that God knew the problems he would have throughout the ages and with Christians in every generation. I am sure that each reader professing to be a Christian would fit it into some of these categories indicated by the seven churches. I suspect that most of us would self assess ourselves to be the Philadelphia type - ie. we weak but faithful.
Are we though - it is time to sober up and to look at ourselves critically and then and to make a good judgement.
Do we believe as the Bible says?
Are we following pagan doctrines?
Is lifestyle ok?
Have we left the first love and all is just tradition?
Are we spiritually alive?
Just some questions we should ask ourselves. The good news is as the Lord tells the Laodiceans - that he chastises those he loves!
The way of repentance of turning around, of turning towards something better, of turning towards Christ is always open to us!
Then on the other side if we don't turn, possibly choose self delusion over the truth there is consequence and we also learn this from the 7 churches.
The final appeal is: Focus on Jesus, be good, be faithful and keep your nose in his word!
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Georgia Guidestones - Roadmap to Global Fascism
Half way between Charlotte and Atlanta about 15 miles South of the Interstate 85 in an isolated field in the middle of nowhere the Goergia Guidestones grace a lonely meadow. A strange message scripted on the stones in Hebrew, Classical Greek, Swahili, Chinese, Arabic, Sanskrit, Hindi, Hieroglyphics, Babylonian, Russian, Spanish and English. Four rectangular stone slabs stand upright in an X formation.
The stones tower close to 20 feet and are impressive. Some astronomical markers are built into the stone configuration.
The story so far is impressive but the message engraved on the stones, the remoteness of the structure and the languages chosen to communicate the message make this object quite mysterious.
The secret conception of this structure took it’s beginnings in June 1979 when allegedly a man using the pseudonym R.C. Christian entered the office of Joe Fendley of Elbert Granite Finishing Company and placed the order for the ominous structure. A year later the structure was in place.
America now has it’s own Stonehenge, paid for supposedly by unknown people who chose to stay anonymous. So the story goes. A lot of people in and around of Elbert suspect good old Joe Fendley to be the author of this ploy.
He had the motive: The memorial now makes his company known worldwide!
And the evidence: On further research no-one saw the mysterious stranger even though at the time when he was supposed to be there the office was still full with people. Naturally the story changed to a later time for the meeting between secret stranger and Fendley.
What about the message:
There are 10 commandments engraved in the stones. A message to all mankind – seemingly benevolent – but is it?
Let’s have a look at the message:
Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.
Unite humanity with a living new language.
Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.
Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
Balance personal rights with social duties.
Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.
Be not a cancer on the earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.
At the first look it might almost be a statement of refreshing common sense, since what is wrong with “tempered reason” a common “living new language”, resolving disputes between nations in a courtroom and not on the battlefield, abolishing petty laws and useless officials, accepting your social duties? Then we have got those terms “Truth”, “Beauty” and “Love”. Who doesn’t want love? Leaving room for nature? That sounds ok too doesn’t it?
But let’s have a second look. On closer examination it becomes obvious that we have a document chiseled into stone which is outright blasphemous and could have been designed by Adolf Hitler himself. All the concepts portrayed in the Goergia Guidestones represent the ideals of fascism. The only difference between the 1930s version of fascism and this declaration is that Hitler only had national aspirations but these guys have global aspirations instead.
The Georgia Guidestones are a direct attack on individual freedom and democracy.
Let’s dissect the main issues:
1. Ten commandments chiseled into stone? The first time this happened was on Mount Sinai when God wrote the ten commandments into stone with his finger. The Guidestone cronies decided to play god by having their own version of the 10 commandments chiseled into stone! The blasphemy might start at this very point to scorn God’s commandments by replacing them with their own version.
2. What underlying message is communicated with the Guidestones? The first and the last commandment declares “NATURE” as the entity to be accountable to. Note: it is nature NOT creation. At this point we have got the second blasphemy since it is implied that we need to look after nature in the first instance and not seek after God.
Nature is the king and master we need to serve and look after!?
Now the Bible has a different view. God should be the most important person in our lives. Our actions, desires and aspirations should be focused on God as it is clearly defined in the first commandment. Then we should look after the people around us and love them as we love ourselves. Looking after creation is placed somewhat after these priorities.
What about Nature though?
The Guidestone people suggest that it is more important than God or your neighbor! As a matter of fact population should be kept down to half a billion. The implication here is that eugenics are used to make sure your neighbor never sees the light of day, other than for a short moment in the abortion clinic or when he is euthanized for being disabled or not quite as fit as planned.
The Bible has a different view. We are part of creation and something which was perfect in the beginning is now cursed and imperfect after the fall. A redeeming factor in all this imperfection we deal with on a daily basis is Love. First of all God’s love for us and then of course the love we give and receive in an otherwise cruel world. Nature is poised to kill us and destroy us unless we protect ourselves against it with shelter, fire, clothing, medicine, weapons, clever agriculture to grow our food and many other systems to protect us from the onslaught of nature. Without them our life expectancy would shrink dramatically. Then again this is probably a good thing in the eyes of the globalist. In the end an old man or woman just uses up resources and disturbs the balance of nature.
3. Now it gets scary. The Guidestone people want to keep the world’s population down to half a billion. At the moment we have 7 billion people on the planet. What shall we do? Kill 92% of the world’s population to achieve this number. A little bit of ethnic engineering to cut down the population to Utopian numbers? May be we can use some of the modern foundations who aim to vaccinate everyone in the third world with mysterious chemicals? We could try and generate mass infertility through those vaccines?
It is a scary thought!
Now we have to ask ourselves the question: Is world really over populated? Did God not get his figures wrong in allowing the current population levels?
Now there is plenty of food grown worldwide to feed everyone. In my travels I have noticed vast areas of land in Eastern Europe which are simply not used for food production, possibly due to political decisions. Spending some time on Google Earth you will find that the majority of our the World’s landmass is not populated. It looks there still is a lot of space available for a few more billion inhabitants to populate this planet without a problem.
Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity
The Nazi’s used to call this eugenics. Today we may call it genetic engineering, designer babies or selection through abortion. Other terms may be trans-humanism or genetic enhancement. Partly this is already happening. If prenatal screening shows that a baby is disabled parents are sometimes advised to abort!
The big question of the brave new world is:
Who decides who mates with whom?
Love will now be dictated by or “guided” so that you reproduce wisely? If you are disabled or genetically not up to standard, will you be sterilized? The Nazi’s did this for real. Stories from the Third Reich are going round were less able kids in school were selected and forced to visit the doctor. A small incision and the chances of thee boy ever starting a family were gone. The other extreme in Nazi land was that something like baby factories were created. Tall blond women and well grown men were made to have sex and women were fertilised organised by the state. The aim of course was to breed a pure race. Love between a man and a woman wasn’t an issue but blond babies for the Fuhrer was! Guidestone philosophy doesn’t spell this out but it goes into this direction. “Guiding reproduction wisely” tends to rule out the possibility of two people falling in love and deciding to build a family out of passion for one another.
Unite Humanity with a new living language!!??
At the tower of Babel God confused the languages to make people scatter across the earth and to populate it. These guys want to reverse the process deliberately. Now this is outright rebellion against God! Now culture and language are tightly connected with one another. Wiping out a language often wipes out the culture too and creates something new in place. It makes sense from a government point of view. To rule a people it is important that they all speak one language. We have seen this in Europe that rulers tried to impose one language throughout their domain. We have examples with the greeks and the romans and later in Europe as well where governments tried to eradicate different languages in favour of one from their nation. Guidestone tells us to just have one language. Ultimately this will serve as an easy tool for one source to rule over the planet and to manipulate people using the “universal” language.
Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason?
It sounds good on the surface but who is doing the ruling? The world court, the government? This stands against everything our forefathers have fought and died for. In the latter part of 20th century possibly for just a short time we have had freedom of speech, thought, religion and freedom in the pursuit of our passions and of happiness. Then in the 21st century most of these “freedoms” got restricted by the noose of political correctness. Now we have the modern global world Nazis telling us to temper our faith, tradition and passion by reason? Most likely we should do this by the reason defined by modern secularists! How dare they suggest temperance in your most intimate parts of your life which are your faith, your passion, your tradition and your culture.
Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
Again this sounds really good and pleasant on the surface but who runs the world court? Who decides and mediates? What if the judgement is not fair but wrong?
We have a prophetic view in the Bible that ultimately Christ will rule the world’s affairs in the last millennium. Isaiah talks about swords being beaten into plowshares. We know it will happen but it will not be by human but by divine appointment instead. These guys are aiming for a Utopia which has the explosive potential for becoming the worst form of despotism this world has ever seen if they get their way. In the 30s we had just some nation states embracing fascism. Now Guidestone is looking towards global fascism. Once the globe is ruled by a super despot it is going to be difficult to escape. Still we know God is in control.
Balance personal rights with social duties
This sounds very benevolent. Using the Biblical version we have all this contained in the single command “Love your neighbour as yourself!” The Guidestone command suggests a restriction of your personal rights and freedom in favour of social duties. Using this rule you can easily turn free citizens into slaves. I am sure the Israelites when they resided in Egypt under Joseph’s rule had a good time and enjoyed reasonable freedom. Still this freedom was turned into outright slavery a few generations down the line. At the moment we are seeing that free democracies in the West are slowly turning into top heavy states where individual freedoms are kicked and abused by the politicians in charge controlled by their invisible puppeteers. The American constitution guarantees individual freedom which has been under attack for some decades. Once it is decided to balance personal freedom it inevitably means to introduce restrictions to your freedom and eventually to abolish your freedom altogether in favor of your “duties” to society. In the end who will decide on the social duties which are required of you?
Using God’s laws social duties are taken care of without any enforcement. The Bible teaches us to care for the less fortunate and to look after the people within our families first and foremost. There are checks and balances given to us in the Bible. The Georgia Guidestones suggest and justify the dictate of “reason” reason can be defined by the few powerful on behalf of the ignorant masses.
Seeking harmony with the infinite?
And another blasphemy kicks in. Is the infinite another term for God or has God now being separated from his personality? The Bible is clear we have an all loving, all righteous, all holy and an almighty God. A God who is very personal and who is not just some indescribable abstract force but has personality. The reality of God is so fearsome that one day he will judge each individual who has ever walked this planet including the nature lovers of the Goergia Guidestones. He is so personal that He knows the number of hairs on your head at any one time. He is not just the “infinite” to seek harmony with!
Be not the cancer on the earth?
Doesn’t this sound reasonable? A cancer uses up the resources of his host without contributing anything good. Eventually it will kill his host. Everything can be interpreted using this phrase. So who is the cancer in society? You? The old and vulnerable, the weak and disabled? A scary aspect of this phrase is the following notion: What do you do with cancer? You cut it out!
Using similar if not the same terminology Hitler identified Jewish people to be the cancer in his little world and he tried his best to cut it out from society.
Who will the Guidestone people identify to be the cancer?
The unteachable Christians? The faithful Jews? The Dissenters? People living in disharmony with nature? People who don’t share the Guidestone philosophy?
It is not spelled out but it could be interpreted as a declaration of war against all who don’t share the rotten ideals of secularism.
The last call is to leave room for nature and it is even repeated. Guidestone philosophy has rejected God and embraced some bizarre concept of pantheism. Nature is god and god is nature.
For almost 20 years the monument to atheism and fascist rule has been standing unmolested as an American Stonehenge. In 2008 the first desecrations of the temple to atheism has been committed.
The article though fully understanding the frustration of the perpetrators doesn’t encourage these acts but through words it does desecrate this godless structure with deep “unreasonable” passion. My prayers are that God will use nature this monument worships to destroy the same. May be you will join me is seeking God to make a divine statement on this structure without any human intervention.
Finally may I rewrite one of the rules:
Instead of: “Leave room for nature”
Leave room for Jesus! Leave room for Jesus!
The monument stands to mock God and what the Bible stands for. It is an expression of homage to modern Globalism and Atheism. These groups aim to remove God out of the equation. Will it succeed?
Let’s have a look at Psalm 2:
Psalm 2
1 Why do the nations conspire[a] and the peoples plot in vain? 2 The kings of the earth rise up and the rulers band together against the Lord and against his anointed, saying, 3 “Let us break their chains and throw off their shackles.”
4 The One enthroned in heaven laughs; the Lord scoffs at them. 5 He rebukes them in his anger and terrifies them in his wrath, saying, 6 “I have installed my king on Zion, my holy mountain.”
7 I will proclaim the Lord’s decree:
He said to me, “You are my son; today I have become your father. 8 Ask me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession. 9 You will break them with a rod of iron[b]; you will dash them to pieces like pottery.”
10 Therefore, you kings, be wise; be warned, you rulers of the earth. 11 Serve the Lord with fear and celebrate his rule with trembling
12 Kiss his son, or he will be angry and your way will lead to your destruction, for his wrath can flare up in a moment. Blessed are all who take refuge in him.
The answer is clear: God laughs at them but we can take refuge in him and we do not need to fear them!
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A visit to Heaven - or a Charlatan reaching into your pocket? The world of Kat Kerr!
Have you ever wondered what heaven looks like?
What about Hell? Is it real?
What do we really know about life after death?
In the end one thing is certain in life. As certain as you were born so it will be that you are going to die but what then?
Now the world of Youtube gives us some answers. Before I go any further being a Bible believing Christian I would of course say that the Bible gives us some definitive answers. Still if you do not accept the Bible you may discount those answers. It may be more of a challenge to discount reports from people who have died, were considered without brain activity and report from having been on the other side of death.
Now there are a lot of reports both of heaven and hell. Some reports differ and some bear remarkable resemblance.
Naturally the interest in this in our "science" dominated world which suggests that we die like a dog and nothing is happening after death is high! People want to know and more so people want to know that everything will be alright after death.
I have read and heard some reports about Hell such as from Bill Wiese and B. Melvin and his story of " A Land Uknown"
Both reports agree mostly with one another and fit in with what the Bible tells us about Hell.
On the other side we do get reports from Heaven too. Some people claim to have seen it from afar but were not allowed to enter since they had to return to earth. Again some reports are fit in and agree with one another but others are almost fantastical.
Obviously we love to know a bit more to what our future is like providing we make it by the grace of Jesus Christ and by trusting in his ultimate sacrifice on the cross.
And it is here where it gets interesting. We have some people who are on the way to their first million if they havn't already arrived there by selling Heaven dreams.
Some may be genuine others or just telling lies or are dreaming up some stuff.
One example we have is Kat Kerr. Researching this subject I was quite intrigues to what she had to say. Everything seemed ok to start with but then listening to her talk in more detail the fanciful stuff came up!
In her description Heaven is just a more upstyle amusement park where you spent your time being amused. It is very bizarre indeed. It gets even more so when you look at some of the things she suggests.
First of all she makes predictions with regards to the return of Christ still taking a long time and the church growing in strength and power. The doctrine is called "Dominionism" and is pushed by some mega church pastors. Reality is that the Bible paints a different picture. On the contrary the Bible talks about the great falling away from the faith in the last days. I suspect Kat is part of the great falling away by leading believers astray into some extra biblical revelations which supersede and contradict the Bible.
The next big heresy is the pre-existance of souls before they were born. Again a doctrine closer to mormonism and hinduism than Christianity. She rips some verses out of context to try and justify her heresies. Anyway since she claims this revelation comes from god directly we have to believe her.
Now my suggestion is to stay well clear of this woman and to sever fellowship and support from her in any way.
So far I mention only three things:
1. Carnal Heaven
2. Teaching against the imminent return of Christ
3. Pre-existence of souls
All of these cast serious doubt on this woman and her visions or physical visits to heaven. So what is the harm in her stories?
Actually quite a lot. Once you accept what she says as truth you find yourself in a dilemma of having to listen to her version of god and accept whatever he says.
With that Kat will have control over your life and your beliefs. This becomes an issue once her god contradicts the God of the Bible.
The Bible teaches us to live with the expectation of Christ's imminent return. Kat says we have to wait until after the year 2025 since so many wonderful things will occur.
So what should we do. Expect our Lord to return now or live like he would not come back until at least 2025?
it is a rhetorical question and the answer is obvious. Let's live every day like it is our last day. Let's live it as good holy people loving our Lord and always eager to do the right thing only to please our God.
About Kat Kerr - I would suggest at these points to forget about this woman. If she turns up at a church near you, do a bit more research on her on the outrageous things she is saying blatantly contradicting the Bible and warn Christians against her influence.
In the best case scenario Kat is confused and deceived somehow. Her visions may just be her imagination. May be she has had some revelation but somehow has lost the plot and gone to far. At worst she is planted by the enemy to have a negative impact on Bible believing Christians. In the end through he speaking tours and her book sales there are hard core financial interests keeping the heaven story going.
The Bible talks little about Heaven and actually more about Hell and how to avoid it. I would suggest to the reader to make your salvation and your calling certain and to seek God with all your heart. Be critical when people come to you with all sorts of stories and compare them against what the Bible has to say. Any contradiction to the Bible discard the story as a fable!
"By covetousness they will exploit you with deceptive words;" 2. Peter 2v.3
"But reject profane and old wives’ fables, and exercise yourself toward godliness" 1.Tim.4v.7 The Apostle Paul writing to Timothy
"Let no one cheat you of your reward, taking delight in falsehumility and worship of angels, intruding into those things which he has not[d]seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind" Colossians 2v.17
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How much time is left?
Having worked for Radio Eden and working Seismic Radio it is important to keep the finger on the pulse to see what stirs people and what doesn't. In the end the programming on the station should be relevant and mean something to the audience. One thing I noticed is that the biggest response could be seen with anything related to the "Endtimes"
There is something in the air that people are living in expectation of the "Endtimes". I am not sure whether this response is exclusively from the Christian spectrum or there is some sort of anticipation in the secular world too. It would be interesting to take this analysis and little bit further if it were possible to see the percentage of non-christians living in some sort of fear or expectation of what is likely to be around the corner.
Personally I believe in the so-called pre-tribulation rapture and being a Calvinist I naturally assume that all Christians whether their walk is good and upright or somewhat affected by weakness and waywardness will be taken up to be united with the Lord when the moment comes. Still as I get older, understand the Bible a bit better (hopefully) I am increasingly less convinced of my understanding. A bit like Socrates I realise with age how little I really know and understand. The hopefully healthy self doubt makes me look up the news every morning to see whether the rapture has taken place and I somehow missed it. I also feel strongly encouraged to try and seek God on an ongoing basis that means I try to pray and reach out to God whenever I can. Still it sounds good and holy but it is far from it and I do fall short of my ideal - hence the worry.
So where do we stand for real?
Let me just cover a few points and you should realise that Christ could call his people home at any moment!
1. The Gospel has to be preached to all nations One criteria is that the Gospel has to be preached to all nations before it is over. First of all we have to define what the word nation entails. Is it a political entity, a people group, a distinct language group. Regardless how we look at it. With the missionary efforts in the past and in the present it is about to happen if it hasn't already happened.
2. Earthquakes & Rumours of War The frequency of earthquakes has been increasing at alarming rates. It is interesting to just observe statistical data for the last couple of decades and the results are staggering. Have a look at the first page of
You can find data indicating an exponential rise of earth quakes since the 90ies.
3. Apostasy Now this means a great falling away from God. In Europe just one to two generations away we had a good 80 to 90% of the population considering themselves to be Christian. Most would attend church and engage in religious life to some extent. Within one generation the majority of people in Germany for example even though they consider themselves Christian would hold strange beliefs which are foreign to the Bible. Church attendance has fallen by 80% or more within one to two generations. Real Christianity expressed by people who love Jesus Christ and try to follow him wholeheartedly where their faith is the dominating factor in their lives has shrunk to single digits as it may be expressed in a percentage points. Now this you can see throughout Europe, the cradle of Christianity.
4. Global Politics We find that some strange things are happening in Global politics. It is hard to point the finger on it. In the past there was a sense of integrity with politicians. It seems that this has disappeared. Politicians seem to be in it for what they can get out of it. I find it shocking that a former prime minister of Germany has turned into a vassal of the Russian energy industry. Behaviour like that borders treason yet no-one bats an eyelid. Political correctness has all but eroded freedom of speech and democracies in the West spill out legislation equipping free states with despotic powers which is of course done in the name of freedom to fight imaginary terrorism. Add up everything, it seems to aim at a one world government.
5. Anti Christians The Bible warns of antichrists (plural) before the coming of the ultimate antichrist. It can be seen that antichristian sentiments in society are raising their ugly head like it hasn't for many centuries.
There are a lot of strange things happening around the world. Weather phenomena unheard of before, crazy wars in the Middle East showing a revival of bloody islamic conquest. Christian persecution worldwide heating up yet at the same time thousands of people just in those areas turning to Christ. We can carry on to look at false prophets and false Christs turning up all over the place. Some research I did a year ago showed up near enough 2 dozen false Christs in the last century. Whereas before there was an average of one false Christ per century. Then we have occult phenomena all over the world. Occult miracles and signs visible all over the planet and weird manifestations.
One thing can be said for certain things are heating up and the earth is reeling like a drunkard and more so as time moves on!
I think one thing can be said for certain - Jesus is coming back!
If the idea the rapture happens before the tribulation time is correct then it is time to get ready to expect the return of our Lord for his people. Let's stick close to Jesus, reach out to him and do His works before he comes back!
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Another Christian Radio Station - just about praying!
I am just about to finish working on a project to set up a radio station just about one thing - Prayer!
So the station is about a pastor by the name of Dale Gentry who invites people to pray with him about the nation, personal needs, society and many more things.
I wonder how many people today place an emphasis on simply just praying and more so how many people would invite their friends or even total strangers to pray with them.
What do people think about the effectiveness of prayer?
Does God listen? Does He care? Does it make a difference if we pray?
I would tend to think that the answer to all of these questions is a definitive "Yes"!
The effort this old preacher went through to just pray and to get others to join them was most remarkable. I am sure that in the great scheme of things the old man at the microphone encouraging people to join him to pray about the nation will make more impact on the USA than the President, Rockefeller and many other people in America.
If nothing else I would like to share this experience with whoever reads this and also challenge you about your prayerlife:
What do you pray for?
For your own needs or for those of the people around you?
Do you spend more time criticizing your government than praying for it?
How often do you pray?
Have you tried to change this world by seeking the one who has created it?
I am writing these words and know very well that I am just as guilty as you may be and even more so. I know that I need to spend more time praying for people around me who are often facing more serious situations than myself. Sure enough I am very good at talking politics but less so at praying politics and I most certainly could pray more, a lot more!
The last challenge is one which I could affirm as I am sure I often seek God to make a difference in particular situations in this world but I sometimes do despair. Not so much at God but at the people to whom God has given the freedom to totally ignore him and to live their lives away from him with disasterous results.
Finally why not check out the prayer radio station!
If you can why not check out the station and join in prayer with Dale?
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A World going crazy!
I was spending some time looking at the news and the state of affairs. It seems that the world we are living is getting crazier by the day. Sometimes it is good just to think what life was like in our parents generation. In the 60ies or 70ies or even as close as the 80ies.
I remember that people in my father's generation learned a trade and pretty much worked in the same job or a related job for the rest of their lives. Life in general was straight forward. People had a concept of what was good and right and what wasn't. You did certain things and other things you did not under no circumstances.
Today it is a different world. I still find it shocking that throughout the Western World marriage has been redefined. An institution which has stood the test of time for as long as write history has now been redefined. Taking religion aside a simple lesson in nature and biology defines what is normal and what is exceptional.
How dare politicians redefine this element of society which has been engraved for as long as mankind is around. I am sure that the majority of people in Europe would not welcome this legislation to allow same sex couples to marry.
It is not just in this area. I get the impression that people have become less helpful, more critical of the person they are dealing with and a lot more selfish.
I am looking in the Ukraine where there is a war of brothers killing brothers. Over time it seems to look like a war which is no longer about the people but about individuals in power to keep their face. More so everything is fuelled by a despot aiming to become a new Zsar and financial interests in the West which override justice and simply needing to do what is right!
The Middle East is filled with wars and the West is just looking on and reluctant to get involved.
A crazy world indeed!
Looking at Bible prophecy every day it seems more certain that the return of Christ to call home his people is imminent. If He calls I am more than ready to go. Looking at this World I can see the shadow of God's perfect creation which is now marred by defective people and without doubt under a curse. Still it is a fascinating place as you open your eyes and you look at the hidden treasures in nature. Then again as people are surrendering more and more of what has been given to them to the master of this realm - to whom Jesus ascribes the title Prince of this World and who is the devil, this place becomes more and more unattractive. Naturally I do feel for my fellow humans and I wished they could see what I see in Jesus Christ - the glory of God, the love, truth, care and comfort.
But alas the majority of Britons have bought in the deception of the devil that religion does more harm than good!
Before I close I just want to point out what "religion" in specific Christianity has done for Britain: - equal rights for women - abolition of slavery - orphanages - Sunday School movement teaching people to read and write - disaster recovery - feeding people in times of trouble - hospitals
Most great inventors in this country and throughout Europe were Christians. If it were not for people driven by the love of Christ, and being inspired by the living God, many of the things listed above would not exist. We would still be a third world country.
Anyway it is just a sign of the time. People hate God and they hate what he has offered them in Christ which is free access to him and forgiveness of sins paving an exciting relationship with the creator of the universe. All that has been done for them. Yet this generation has abandoned the God of their forefathers and simply doesn't want to know!
The next generation which will grow up without a moral compass will show us the true extent of this neglect! May I encourage you the reader to embrace Christ and to reach out to him. In the end it is not just a question of society but a question of your death or life!
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UK Car Tax Disc - Replace it with the Gospel Message!
The good old tax disc proving good citizenship is on it's way out. I just taxed my car and there is no more disc. The law enforcers now rely on the watchful eye of little robots to catch tax evaders rather than the alertness of police officers.
The tax disc is gone. Still you will be left with your tax disc holder which now is just empty or it carries the old tax disc. In my case you can find there the tax discs for the last 5 years.
Now all you need is a computer, a printer and a pair of scissors. Go to go to the resources page and right there at the bottom you will find a tax disc replacement quoting good old John 3.16. It has been printed on a nice round disc which will fit snuggly in your old tax disc holder.
Other than that why not create your own "Gospel Tax Disc Design" and share it with others?
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