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34 posts
This is the Art Blog for Michael Miller! I hope you guys enjoy what you see~
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michaels-mill · 7 years ago
Behind the scene’s: 5 more minuets dream like soundscape
This was how I did the sound effects for the piece! it may have damaged the record, but it sounds pretty slick ;)
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michaels-mill · 7 years ago
5 More Minuets- Michael Miller 2017
This is the video for the my final project for my Studio Foundations 4D class. The theme was Time, and I used that quite literally in this sense. The figure is composed of about 19 different destroyed clocks, laying in bed and reaching for his alarm, all the while the song Sound and Color by Alabama Shakes plays on the background, being warped and distorted live via turntable manipulation of the track, which you can see in another video I just posted. In an ideal setting, or if I were to set this show up at a gallery or something, the end of the song would sync up to the alarm clock going off, unfortunately this was a little trickier said than done, so I’m left with this. However, I’m still proud of this piece! A great way to end the semester!
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michaels-mill · 7 years ago
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Stills from the production of “Five more Minuets”, my final project for Studio 4D, really happy with how this came out, will be uploading more stuff later such as videos and a quick behind he scenes.
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michaels-mill · 7 years ago
This is a quick little bit from my latest installment, titled “The Doer”. the video doesn't’ quite capture the piece as a whole as there is a performance aspect to it where I am the one who preforms, but I’m also the one who is filming. The installation allowed only 3 people in at a time and they were able to actually unravel the pages that are laid out in the video from crumpled papers to show the story of what happens. I’m really proud of this piece, and will have scans of all of the pages soon.
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michaels-mill · 7 years ago
Room observation
For this space that I observed, I went to the central Hub of th eCherry Creek building, aka, the CDC main building which I ave made a layout of. The room itself is about 94 steps around the parameter, and has several intersecting areas where the room is separated by tables, chairs, and sofas. The sofas are soft, warm, a deep blue, where as the chairs are tall, cold and hard metallic gray. on some of the tables were flyers for various events regarding events for CDC. The room was sparsely populated, only a few people using it full time, which filled the room with the sound of clacks fro laptop keyboards. Other than that, people were often coming in and out, mainly using it as a place to meet up before leaving for somewhere else. Aside from the tacks and clicks from laptops, the hum of an AC often clicked on an doff, about once every few minuets. There wasn’t much of a “Sky”, so to say, but the ceiling had multiple panels and three distinct rows of lights. Single florescent light width, but the three rows stretched the entire length of the room, which were interesting design to say the least. 
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michaels-mill · 7 years ago
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michaels-mill · 7 years ago
Memory Lists
10 powerful memories
1. When I was tripped by my sister and fell on a stone, cracking open my head, first major injury that I had to go to the ER for
2. Going to meet my boyfriend in person or the first time
3. Traveling on my own for the first time to a place I’ve never even been. 
4. First car accident
5. Coming out to my Dad: The space it happened in was in his car. We had just gotten done with dinner out and we were heading home, and I was in the passenger seat. the air was warm, mostly cause it was mid summer, but I had been wanting to tell him all day, and I feel like if you looked at me you could tell by the look on my face that I had something I needed to get off my chest. The tension could be cut with a knife. The leather was cool, and despite the warmth from outside we still had the Heater on for some reason, but thats just my dad being my dad. anyway, we were driving, and I had finally decided to just blurt it out without any fanfare. Once I did it was like the outdoors went silent, it was just me and him in the space and that was it.
6. The embarrassment of having to take a swim class at age 14
7. My dad moving out of the house
8. going to live with my dad for a small amount of time
9. going to the first board game night with an entirely new group of people
10. getting my acceptance letter from college
Memories form the past 24 hours 
1. eating sushi for breakfast in my car
2. getting yelled at by kitchen staff at work
3. having to take care of a mess that was left behind by the day crew: cold walk in fringe that smelt like chicken. There was a box of burnt chicken breasts that were just left in the fridge, uncovered, uncounted, and unlabeled, so I had to handle it. the space was small, cramped, and cold, while the chicken was hard, dry, and greasy. we hadn’t taken out the trash yet so it was piling on top of the scraps and old food. It was late in the day, so everyone had already left, which just made the room quite as I counted to myself and just got upset. 
4. the satisfaction of completing all the challenges in SkullGirls 
5. having KFC for the first time in like, 10 years???
This room is open, large, moderately high ceilings with a monochromatic color scheme of grays and blues, 3 rows of computers with 8 computers per row and 12 people in it currently. the music playing is funk, upbeat and cheerful.on the projector is a slideshow of all these different pieces of art. the light is shining in from the left side of the room, with trees filtering it in thorough the one un-shuttered window. 
These lists seem to have a similar aspects in them, but where as the current moment seems to list more details of the environment, the memories list more details about my emotional state at the time. it is easier to simply look around and list the things, simply because I am terrible at recalling things. However, I do feel like the more “artistic” details of the environment come out better in the memories instead of just the bare bones environment. Like i could recall the feelings the environment had rather than just the environment itself. 
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michaels-mill · 7 years ago
Response to “Wake up and Smell Your City”
First of all, I feel this could be a little weird and not pass for a lot of people who drive. Tolaas says that you could find your way home y smell, but for those who drive almost everywhere, the only scent they’re getting most of the time is whatever is in the car. However, I do feel that this is a truly unique concept that little have thought of, and I’d be very intrigued to find out what “scent-scape” would make up Denver. I definitely would want to get a perspective from people who live in the cities to see if they are accurate, but I still really enjoy the concept on display here. 
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michaels-mill · 7 years ago
So, this piece was really interesting. I'd never really seen sound like that used in an art piece. I feel that the subject of the piece is to bring attention to the way things react, that all things have a reaction and can cause waves in the pool of life. I really like the industrial appearance that this comes off with as well, because it gives it an almost dream like feel, you have this pool that reflects the world in an aluminum tub, it almost seems surreal. The context really involves the audience, taking their sound and turning it in to the piece, which really gets the audience involved in a unique way. The way that Phillips used sound as well is one that I really enjoy, as it not only makes sound the audio element but a visual as well to what's going on.
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michaels-mill · 7 years ago
So for the site specific installation, I’d be utilizing a desk at one of the computer labs on campus (or utilizing a desk with a laptop, anything that works honestly) and be passed out dead, or on the verge of it at least, and I’d be typing on a word document the word “DO” over and over again with uneven spacing for a while until I pass out. THEN, Ronin will come to me in a suit with a cup for coffee and hit me in the back of the head and slam the cup down, basically telling me to get back to work and to keep “Doing”. Meanwhile, the desk will be covered in discarded cups and crumpled up pieces of paper that I will be inviting people to unfurl the pages and find that they are crumpled up Project Pitches to start, but as they look through each piece, more and more of the page is replaced with the words “DO” of varying size, some being tiny and covering the entire sheet, others just One massive instance of the word. I feel like there’ll be between 15 to 20 pages on the desk, with the first 4 being pure cut off papers, 5-9 being transiting to the “Do” pages, and then 10-15/20 being just pure “Do Pages”. 
I feel really good about this idea, and I and really want this to go over well without me saying anything at all while its happening, so I’ll need to convey a way to show that people are more than welcome to unfurl the pages and interact with the piece. Another issue is that I will more than likely have to do this piece either in our Lab classroom if I want to use a lab, as to avoid an awkward conversation about why I’m leaving papers all over a desk. Or I sacrifice the office image and use a table with a laptop. Not ideal, but it is what it is. 
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michaels-mill · 7 years ago
Proposal 1 for Site Specific Installation
So, this idea just came into my head as something that I’d like to do, so I figure I’d write it down just in case. The idea I have for this is something that would involve 5 hanging pieces in a room that would make up a face, and if it would be possible, they’d only make the face appear from a certain angle. I really like those installations that play with shadow to create an image out of something completely different, and if I can figure out HOW to do that I feel it’d be a lot of fun to design. 
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michaels-mill · 7 years ago
I'm finə
this was the short film that I did for my art class, i think it turned out really well!
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michaels-mill · 7 years ago
Twin Peaks - Man from another Place teaches how to speak in the Red Room
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michaels-mill · 7 years ago
Proposition for project 3
So, for this project I want to do somethibg a littl more personal, talking about anxiety and other mental stuff that goes on in day to day life. Specifically, I want it to be a normal shot of me, but my head is covered up in this image of scribbled lines constantly moving and waving around. I talk buy without aound, only subtitles. The camera will make constant cuts to a super-close up shot of my mannequin that will have a face of cut out images to make a face from a magazine, it too will talk things that constantly run through my mind, but the speech will be in the style of David Lynch in the red room, reverse phonics so that when played in rewind it sounds like normal speech, but still uncanny. The comments will cut back to me and with each cut the image over me will cover more and more of my body until it fully engulfs me, at which someone new will enter the frame and ask "hey! You okay?" Unaltered and normal.
To which I'll answer, speaking this time in a similar way to the mannequin, "I'm fine."
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michaels-mill · 7 years ago
5 6 7 0 9 
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michaels-mill · 7 years ago
Sound Art project ideas
1. recording audio where people are talking backwards, then playing it forward so it sounds normal, but with that strange air to it as well. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BL57-9171pk)
2. having thoughts be clear spoken in the mind, but actual dialogue be broken and distorted, if even words at all. 
3. setting a baking sheet on top of an amp, and covering the sheet in paint, and atop of the sheet or hanging just barely above it a canvas and then using the amps vibrations to bounce the paint from the sheet to the canvas.
4. overlaying audio from another setting on what is actually happening
5. placing a speaker in a tree and talking from it to the people passing by. 
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michaels-mill · 7 years ago
How can the Gallery space be used rather than to put art objects in it?
When you think of the gallery or the museum, you simply go to the plain white room that holds paintings or houses sculptures, ect. However, the gallery can be used as so much more than just that.  In fact it can be used as an art piece itself if composed correctly. There’s little that cant be done to a gallery to make it an immersive experience for people to take part in.
The gallery can be used as a canvas, having the walls be the medium for which you work. It can also be used to tell a story, having the positioning of the pieces and the overall layout tell a cohesive narrative that unifies the works together as a whole. You can transform the perspective, meaning, or context by setting something within a gallery, so you really can control a whole lot just by utilizing a gallery. you can use a gallery as a part of your art as well, integrating it into the creation or the installation. 
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