The Archives are cold and dusty and quiet.
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(in regards to my last ask, youll now find me at @showmanofthevast :]) - showman of the vast (Lace)
ah, follwoing and promo time i see.
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buddy, pal, friendo, my good guy. you seem like. the kind of person who knows things about the spiral.
help me settle a bet.
do doors automatically mean spiral, or can the also be of the Vast if they, say, lead to a cliff harmless ledge
-Showman of The Vast (im getting a blog soon i swear)
I don鈥檛 think they would be. I mean, plenty of fears overlap all the time and i think doors can be a verry versitile way of self fear-expresion. Like doors made of meat or doors with eyes or empty black voids where a door should be.
just as long as you stay within your lane, we do have a brand to uphold i鈥檒l have you know and i can and will sue you >:(
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Oh my dear friend
Im not invoking anything
Im already claimed by the spiral
Have been for a while
Honestly the name is mostly just to settle the deal!
Oh, my apologies then, fellow creture of the twisting decent! It has been quite a while since I have seen another one of us outside from The Distortion.
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Michael, you're back!!!!!!! I missed you!!!!!! :D
Yes yes! Thank you! I've been a wee bit active here and there but haven't been getting many asks...or finding any any good posts to reblog >:[
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Michael, how does it make you feel that you are my biggest comfort blorbo?
I even named myself in your honor
Hmmm I think I am starting to like this blorbo term, it's quite surprising how many of you find me to be comforting.
And I think that's a quite nice name. Do be careful of what you may invoke with it, but it is nice :]
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Gah!!! Terrible!!! Tricked again by you fiendish servants of the eye! Agh!
Well no, actually, I made the blog beacuse everyone was making them and I need to be included >:[ but everyone had been so silent lately, it's boring. I did not start this with the intentions of gathering fear, though it has been a nice side effect every now and again. I do not feed the spiral I feed myself. Which yes, feeds the spiral but my intentions are not to do so. And I'm a tad bit disconnected from the spiral at the moment so it's a sensitive subject.
These are such simple questions. You could have asked without having the assistance of the watcher >:[ it's weird and tingly when you do that, you know.
heyyyy michael why dont you come a little closer? *puts my hands behind my back* haha what tape recorder? theres no tape recorder! now just come a little closer, i promise i just wanna talk.
I do not trust this what is going on >:[ what is that behind your back-
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hello micheal! i have very recently found a new door in my basement and im not sure if i should open it or not, its not yellow and there seems to be dirt spilling out of the cracks, is this one of yours? or someone elses?
Dirt???? Dirt????? Dirt????
I'm sorry we don't do dirt????
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Michael, could I braid your hair? I think it would be very nice to play with :3
Why of corse! I would be happy to let you. Just ah- don't get lost in there!
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hey there mikey-d how many joints do you have in your hands? or does it fluctuate
- Carnival Anon
Well, I've never bothered to count! Let me see, ah- onetwothreeforfivesixseveneight-..........what were we talking about again?
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Alright, but only beacuse I am curious.
heyyyy michael why dont you come a little closer? *puts my hands behind my back* haha what tape recorder? theres no tape recorder! now just come a little closer, i promise i just wanna talk.
I do not trust this what is going on >:[ what is that behind your back-
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heyyyy michael why dont you come a little closer? *puts my hands behind my back* haha what tape recorder? theres no tape recorder! now just come a little closer, i promise i just wanna talk.
I do not trust this what is going on >:[ what is that behind your back-
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Yes, Updog!
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Mx. Distortion, would you mind if I give you a big hug?
Well there was that big post about how thats a terrible idea, but! I suppose you did not see that.
So do bring it in if you so choose! :]
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micheal this is a very important question please respond do you listen to abba
Late but absolutely :]
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Hello Michael, how's the world treating you so far?
Terribly. I am hungry and bored and I wish to not be here.
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Not the og writing desk anon and if you'd rather hear from them just delete this, but the "Raven/Writing desk" thing is from Alice in Wonderland. It is an answer-less riddle she is posed.
How could I
have not known of this
That's like
My whole thing
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