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angelic; the kind whose blood is silver and black because he is not pure enough to bleed gold
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micahiavellian · 8 years ago
this conversation was quickly becoming much heavier than micah had anticipated -- “well, we do everything together,” he laughed, looking for an excuse to not seem so pathetic. “i want to...i don’t know, have fun? join a frat?”
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“oh” cara replied, amusement dripping from her smile and her raised eyebrows as she remembered their previous conversation. “harper wants you to go to an ivy league, of course.” she shrugged. “i don’t give a fuck about what harper wants, though. i asked you what you want.” she undestood it was a terribly difficult question, but knew that micah needed that answer.
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micahiavellian · 9 years ago
“hm. i’m trying to decide how adopting a dog would work while doing the whole porn thing,” he laughed. “or, you know, the joining the military. i feel like porn is kind of...the opposite of what the military is looking for. i don’t know though - i’m no expert.”
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This seemed like some kind of trick question. Ian was 99% sure that anything he guessed would be considered wrong when it came guy, so attempting to do so seemed like a pointless endeavor. “Why limit yourself to just one? Be a boss and try to do all of them simultaneously.”
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micahiavellian · 9 years ago
“but they still mean something,” he sighed, not truly knowing if there was any truth to what he’d just said. micah knew very little about the college application process - honestly, he’d planned on letting lorelei and harper split the work for him. “yeah, but it’s not like they can write the entire thing. plagiarism, or whatever. besides, i don’t even know what i’m doing or where i want to go.”
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“there’s essays you don’t even get graded on,” peyton said, not particularly committing to how she felt about it. she’d looked vaguely at a few schools, but nothing really stuck. she knew she wanted to go somewhere, but she also didn’t really know anything at all. “but you do have both lorelei and harper in your back pocket, so…”
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micahiavellian · 9 years ago
he sighed, knowing that this proposition was fair, yet still utter bullshit. of course he couldn’t tell her the real reason his parents were so awful (c’mon, you can’t tell your own sons apart enough to tell when one is parading around at the other?), so micah figured he’d have to lie, which he was getting pretty good at. “they’re just never home,” not entirely untrue. “they don’t involve themselves in my life, and i don’t think they really care about me, you know? i know my nannies better than my own parents. i’ve eaten more dinners with our staff than with my mom and dad.”
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There was too much history behind her reasons, and Jessie wasn’t sure she wanted Micah to know the answer to his question. Instead she chose to answer the question with one of her own. “Would you tell me why you hate yours?” she asked, eyebrows raised.
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micahiavellian · 9 years ago
“no,” micah answered honestly. it was true - micah had no idea what he wanted to do. well, technically, he wanted to travel the world and pick up women and get high on top of mountains, but that wasn’t a major at any accredited four year university. matt, on the other hand, had a clear path in mind for himself, which was now obligated to be forgotten. “harper wants me to go to an ivy league.”
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There. The college talk. It was a topic of extreme discomfort for Cara, because — well, she had absolutely no idea what the fuck she was going to do with her life. Luckily, she still had time to figure it out. The same couldn’t be said for Micah. “Do you even know what you wanna do? Where you wanna go? I don’t know, it seems like such a fucking huge commitment…you’re signing up to spend four or five years of your life in the same place doing the same thing.”
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micahiavellian · 9 years ago
“harvard and yale,” micah scoffed. he was so tired of hearing about ivy leagues. of course, lorelei was much more subtle about it, while harper was very open with how badly he wanted micah to attend the same school as him. realistically, micah knew he had neither the grades nor dedication to make an ivy. “the longer it is, the more likely i am to procrastinate. i’m gonna go to some school in utah or idaho or hell, wyoming, because no where else will want to take me.”
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“Yeah, applications can take a long time. It feels like I’ve been working on my ones for Harvard and Yale basically my entire life. But you might feel super accomplished when you submit a long one. Because clearly the longer they are, the more likely you are to do it, right?”
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micahiavellian · 9 years ago
“so, i started applying for colleges today. and by started, i mean i logged on to my laptop and googled ‘how to apply for college’. turns out, shit’s a lengthy process. the amount of time the application takes is honestly a deal breaker for the school.”
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micahiavellian · 9 years ago
with half the mind to kill whoever was at the door, micah rolled out of his bed with a certain air of ‘why the fuck am i up’. sure, it was two pm, but he wasn’t aware of this. honestly, even if he did know, micah still wouldn’t care -- or, he didn’t, until a look through the peephole revealed an innocent delivery boy. had his mother ordered pizza? she didn’t like any kind of grease, but maybe she’d sucked up and played nice, considering the current situation. it didn’t matter; when life hands you free pizza, you say thank you. micah opened the door, still half naked from sleep, expecting pizza. “what’s up dude? how much i owe you?”
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Garret stood outside the house door, two hot pepperoni pizzas in his hands, eyes just a tad glassy and red. He knocked on the door in the familiar way pizza delivery boys do, and bit the inside of his cheeks. This may or may not be the house he was assigned to deliver to, but in his fairly obvious ‘under the influence’ state, he wasn’t sure if he was that bothered by it.
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micahiavellian · 9 years ago
hey friends!!! i’m here to tell u that i’m on hiatus, bc i’m visiting my sister in the literal ass crack of louisiana. i’m so far south that i am cooking. humidity is real. i’m breathing my own sweat. it’s gross.
i’ll see you monday!! sadie pls treat them well
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micahiavellian · 9 years ago
the look on kieran’s face worried micah; was that too much? suddenly worried that an increased price would tip the other off, micah forced himself to remain calm, keeping a straight face. “yes,” he answered, almost too stoically. “don’t worry. i’m not looking to copy my brother,” dark humor, good. that should keep kieran distracted, right? “i’ll make sure to flush the baggies just in case - get rid of your fingerprints, you know.”
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Kieran’s surprise was b a r e l y restrained.  Double the coke? Jesus Christ.  I mean, he wasn’t about to argue with twice the money, but that was a serious amount of cocaine. Shrugging, he nodded, typing the updated order onto his phone.  “You still want the Molly?” Kieran asked without looking up from his phone.  “Don’t kill yourself with this shit, man.  You’re good for business,” he stated, half-joking, half-serious.  
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micahiavellian · 9 years ago
“i would, but that’s so tame,” he laughed, only half-joke. he’d had a fake i.d. since he was fifteen - living in nevada, casinos were child’s play. “oh, you shouldn’t have,” micah said, a genuine smile coming to his face. this was one of the few actual birthday presents he’d gotten, even if it was late. “what is it?”
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“What, you’re not going to a casino?” Alyssa grinned, handing off a yellow envelope with MICAH written across it in her chirpy, girlish handwriting. “I’m so sorry I couldn’t make it–happy birthday, though!”
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micahiavellian · 9 years ago
“funny. seems like we grew up in the same neighborhood,” he chided, smile awry in the comparison of hell to home. every rich kid hated their parents; micah struggled to decide if he was just a bit more justified than the others. “then where else can it be? i’m running out of body parts.” a much more mischievous grin followed, his mind conjuring up clandestine images. the mention of cars got an eyeroll. sure, his parents had bought him a jeep for his first car -- but that didn’t mean anything. it now sat in the guest house’s garage, ultimately untouched. “my first car was a jeep. wrangler, white, rubicon and everything,” he sighed, “but on my seventeenth, my parents got me the audi r8. which, obviously, i just had to have.” micah was waiting to hear the rise that got out of cara, but shrugged at her next comment. “nope, not his bitch. we’re in a fully commital, loving relationship. i also happen to be in one with lorelei, though...but i’m sure she’s only jealous because of their vicious gpa contest, not because of me.”
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“Nah, I’m from the local hell hole. Two blocks from god-knows-why.” She answered, eyes rolling like it was most obvious. Cara felt tempted to ask Micah if his brother too had ‘Matthew’ somewhere, but she felt like it was still too soon to talk about him. She shook her head, resigned. “Not a tramp stamp. Not pornstar either.” Cara protested, slapping his arm playfully. So, my dad didn’t want me to get a tattoo before I turned 18 and ‘was my own problem’, so I had to get somewhere he would never see.” She explained. “I like cars. Dad would’ve bought me a mainstream one but this baby was beautiful, vintage and way cheaper. I saved the change for weed and art supplies. You drive either a jeep, a Porsche or a Range Rover, right?” The question was pure irony, like she expected him to prove her point for her without having to throw in much effort. “Oh, so you’re not a baby, but you’re Harper’s bitch. Well, no wonder your girlfriend is jealous.”
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micahiavellian · 9 years ago
the sigh that followed was more sympathetic than pitiful; micah could relate to ‘extreme dislike’ since his parents knew nothing about him other than his name. and his trust fund account information, so he kept their interactions civil... mostly. “can i ask why, or is it too personal?”
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The distaste in Micah’s voice was clear, and Jessie wondered what had made him hate his parents that much. Now that she didn’t feel as if Micah was attacking her she relaxed slightly and took another drag of her cigarette. “I’m undecided,” she told him and bit on the nail of her thumb. “Most days it definitely strays toward extreme dislike.”
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micahiavellian · 9 years ago
he laughed, reminded of spin the bottle - it had been a spur of the moment decision, but it turned out well, despite the fact that micah could hardly remembered who or what he’d kissed. apparently, derek wasn’t on the list. “lorelei wasn’t too happy. when it was my turn to kiss her, she actually refused me,” micah admitted, though he was immediately embarrased. why did he say that?
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“Yeah, I’m sure. I just didn’t know,” he replied with a small shrug, thinking nothing more of it. “I saw your spin the bottle game and ran for the fucking hills, man. Ellery would’ve killed me no matter who I ended up kissing,” he laughed, though he lying as well. “Right? I don’t think I could do it.”
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micahiavellian · 9 years ago
“yeah, you’re definitely not from the south. or anywhere relatively close,” he laughed, mostly at her accent, but a little at the ‘all american’ bit. “no. i feel like i have a super cool tattoo that no one else in the whole world has. and if they do have it - then, damn. they have nice taste.” he rolled his eyes at her sudden need to feel embarrassed, of all things. “what, a tramp stamp? or are we talking like...pornstar level ink?” micah laughed again, imagining how she’d come about getting a tattoo in an ‘unmentionable place’. “oh, i’m coming. especially because i have to give you shit for driving a red mustang. how predictable of you,” he teased. “hey. i am an adult. i have no curfew. but harper gets upset if i don’t show up on time.”
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“Why? Don’t I look like an all-american girl to you, hon?” Cara protested, her question spoken in what was probably the worst southern accent in the whole history. “Come on, don’t you feel like you have a tag on you or something?” She asked, her breathing labored in between laughs. “I can’t.” She actually had the decency to sound embarrassed. It’s on an unmentionable place.” She looked up at him, a pout on her lips. “Hey, you don’t have to come. We can spend the entire afternoon frying inside my car and doing absolutely nothing. Lola digs it.” Cara offered, like it was absolutely normal for people to name their cars. Her red mustang did feel like a Lola, though. “If the baby has a curfew, who am I to make him break the rules, right?”
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micahiavellian · 9 years ago
ollie’s enthusiasm reached micah, his face spreading into a massive grin. “i had one as a kid. but we had to give him away - mom said the only blond hair she could stand to find on the couches was mine and matt’s, even though she was never the one cleaning.” he hadn’t meant to bring up so much of his past in one sitting; micah was unsure how much oliver actually knew about him, other than the superficial. “i love old english sheepdogs!! can we go get one together? i mean - if we can find a puppy. i bet there’s one somewhere. we can make it a stop on our roadtrip.”
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“Golden Retrievers!” He followed up, very enthusiastically, almost too quickly. “They are very, very good dogs– very loyal,” he said, very seriously for the topic of their conversation. “I know I’ll be visiting your pup a lot if you did actually do adopt a dog. And hey, I’m moving in if you get an Old English Sheepdog.” Ollie missed his best friend. Hell, Olaf was his only friend for a very long time, growing up.
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micahiavellian · 9 years ago
he laughed at his friend’s childlike enthusiasm for all things dog. “i’ve been considering it for awhile,” micah admitted, figuring that there was no way his mom could say no to a fog, not after what happened. “what about a lab? or a golden retriever....or a german shepard? i’m not sure. weimaraners are like, the prettiest dogs ever.”
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“Adopt a dog without parental consent !” Or that was rather what Ollie would do. He wasn’t so sure about Micah, though. The tattoo would have been more likely, but a dog still had to have the greatest probability. “I’ve heard Weimaraners are quite low maintenance. And very adorable.”
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