Miacare™ Contact Lens Blog
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miacareindia · 4 years ago
Contact Lens Guide for Beginners and Advanced Users
The transition from big rimmed glasses to contact lenses is a journey full of new discoveries, novel experiences and exciting encounters. But with great power comes great responsibility and so it’s important that you take good care of your lenses because any impurities can really leave a lasting impression in form of an infection in your eyes. 
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So here are a few tips for contact lens users new and old so they enjoy a hassle-free experience and a clearer vision:
In case you are planning to buy your contact lenses for first time,     make sure you get your eyes tested first from an ophthalmologist, consult     with him/her about what issues you have, what do you want in a lens, the     various types that are available and obviously if your eyes are overly     sensitive to lenses or the solution.
Whenever you are applying or removing lenses, make sure you wash     your hands with soap and water, and dry them with a clean cloth before     touching your lenses. Otherwise, dirty hands can make your lenses dirty     which can cause eye infections later and also hamper the membrane of     your lenses.
In order to keep your lens membrane clean and unscratched, make     sure you always apply lenses with your nails trimmed because otherwise the     membrane is too delicate and soft and can easily tear apart with something     as sharp as a fingernail. 
It’s always advisable to not sleep with your lenses on, obviously     in case you are advised by your eye care professional, then you might but     otherwise, it’s extremely dangerous to sleep with your lenses on as it can     increase the risk of an eye infection by whopping 8 times.
Any kind of water can be a carrier of germs for your lenses so     avoid creating direct contact between your lenses and water. This includes     not using lenses while taking a shower, swimming, or even crying. Water     can harbor microorganisms that can lead to severe infection. Do not store     the lenses or rinse the lens case with water or any non-sterile solution.
Make sure you clean your lenses after prolonged use (full day or     so) with a sterile contact lens care solution recommended by your eye care     professional. In case you are using daily disposable lenses, then you need     not worry, you can simply dispose of them after one time use as they will     no longer be effective. Using those lenses again can also cause an eye     infection.
Never wear your lenses once they have surpassed their expiry date,     in matters of eyes its best not to cheap out and try saving on a few bucks     as it can seriously harm to your eyes.
Besides the lenses that you wear, always make sure that the case     you keep it in is also completely clean, free from water and is filled     with enough sterile solution at all times to prevent drying of the lenses     kept in it.  Regularly empty it, wipe it with a clean tissue, fill it     with contact lens care solution, and then store your lenses in it.     Importantly, you should replace your contact lens case at least once every     three months.
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miacareindia · 4 years ago
Travel Tips for People Who Wear Contact Lenses
After the year that 2020 was, where life took a strange for all of us, now that things are resting towards the normal, people are keen on going out, exploring new cities, travelling to novel terrains. While doing all of this, it’s important that you are well prepared for these getaways and not end up regretting them. In case you are planning to buy new contact lenses just for the trip, make sure you pay a visit to an ophthalmologist first and get your eyes tested to get a new prescription. It’s considered good practice to buy vision wear using a latest prescription only. 
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Now that you have the lenses, following are some pointers that you must keep a track of during the trip and also while packing for it:
Pointers for Packing
In case you are yet to buy new ones according     to your latest prescription, preferably buy the daily disposable ones     because they are the easiest to manage, requires almost no cleaning and     are more durable therefore they are the most comfortable to manage during     a trip.
Make sure you pack your lenses in new lens     case (not older than 3 months). Clean it, dry it, fill it with new sterile     solution and then submerge your lenses in it. Make sure it’s closed     properly and there’s no leakage.
Carry enough sterile contact lens solution and     try to store it in at least two bottles so that if one leaks out, you have     a backup.
Always keep your latest prescription alongside     so in case anything goes down, you have your prescription to get a new     pair made.
Don’t forget to carry your spectacles along     with you. They might come handy in case anything goes wrong.
Keep your lens case in a hard bound box or cover so that it doesn’t     get squeezed under the pressure of anything above or below it. 
Don’t keep any sharp objects like pins or nail cutters near your     case as they can penetrate in to it, breaking the case and leading to     leakage.
Pointers for travelling
 Make sure you carry your lens case and sterile solution with     you on the plane in your carry-on bag and not keep it in the luggage as     they have a tendency to dry out in the recycled air that is present there     in the plane.
In case you are not wearing them, make sure you pack it (including     the sterile solution bottle) in a zip lock bag because in those     high-pressure cabins there’s a high chance of them getting spilled all     over your luggage or carry-on bag.
As they can dry out easily, make sure you never doze off with your     contacts on and also clean in the sterile solution them after a period at     most 8 hours in case it’s a long journey.
Don’t wash your face with your lenses on as the non-sterile     solution i.e. water can get in to your eyes and pollute the membrane.
Use only fresh contact lens solution – never water – to store your     lenses after each use. Never mix fresh solution with old or used solution.
With all these tricks up your sleeve, you are good to go and explore the world. Bon Voyage!
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miacareindia · 4 years ago
What Patients with Diabetes Need to Know about Contact Lenses?
The gift of vision is one of the most precious gifts that we enjoy, the ability to see this beautiful world in all its glory is no doubt a blessing hard to ignore. And so, it becomes our top priority to look after our eyes and try our best to correct and prevent any vision related problems that can be prevented. But a matter of fact is that our body is such a wondrous machinery with all its parts so interconnected and dependent on each other that a problem in any one of them has the potential to affect the other parts as well. And so, our eyes also get affected if there is an imbalance in the body. 
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The problem gets more enhanced if it is a lifelong disease like blood pressure or blood sugar that requires external assistance every day to keep you going. And so, for patients with diabetes, the problems with vision requires extra care and attention. In early times, lenses weren’t preferred for such patients but with changing times, we have come a long way, with improved knowledge of diabetes and advancements in contact lens technology, lenses are available for people with diabetes as well except an extra set of precautions are required to adhered at all times for hassle free usage. Following are the set of reasons for why you should be careful and how high blood sugar levels can affect your eyes:
Corneal Erosions - Cornea is the front part of the eyes that collects and focuses light and helps forming an image which is then comprehended by our brain. Any harm to this cornea can affect your vision, your vision problems might be the result of your corneal erosion only. Patients of diabetes often face the issue of corneal erosion and at the same time having high blood sugar lack’s ability to heal easily from any kind of injury and so wearing contact lenses used to worsen the situation but not anymore because the lenses that we have now are very cornea friendly and hardly affects your corneal thickness. 
Because of this, the doctors often carry out an HbA1c test to check if your corneal thickness is fine and if there are any major abrasions on your cornea. 
And hence for those who report corneal erosion can opt for daily disposal lenses, as the name suggests they offer only one time usage requires least care and cleaning. Wearing glasses is always an option if you have an issue of corneal erosion. 
Dry Eyes –People with diabetes should always be careful about their blood sugar levels as it can leave an irreversible effect on your eyes leading to corneal erosion. The various symptoms of this are irritation, dimness, burring, swelling and dry eyes. So, you better look out for dry eyes because they can be a warning sign of a developing vision problem. For that reason, it’s important to blink regularly, keep your eyes moist and your sugar levels in check at all times. 
Diabetic Retinopathy - Diabetic retinopathy is said to have occurred when high blood sugar causes tiny blood vessel leaks in the retina, the sensitive lining in the back of the eye. If you’re suffering from diabetic retinopathy, unfortunately, contact lenses can’t alleviate the problem. In many other cases, though, contacts aren’t strictly off the table for people with diabetes.
Keeping a check on all these factors, and you are good to use the contact lenses. 
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miacareindia · 4 years ago
Contact Lenses Care Practices
Contact lenses are considered medical devices and are regulated by the US Food and Drug Administration. They are one of the strongest weapons for a healthy eye care practice. Only physicians and other licensed eye care professionals are allowed to prescribe contact lenses. Therefore, it is necessary to meet with such a professional and discuss the different types of contact lenses, as per your comfort and eye routine.
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It is very important to follow the doctor’s advice and the manufacturer’s guide regarding how to care for contact lenses. Inappropriate use and care of contact lenses can have serious consequences like infection or injury to the surface of the eye and may even lead to blindness. You must be religiously committed towards its wear and care practices. This includes proper storage, careful wearing and timely cleaning of your lenses as directed by the eye care professional.
In this article, you will read on to maintain a proper contact lens health
Here, are the following measures that must be taken. Adhered to follow these practices can help you to lead a hassle-free and comfortable vision life.
Let’s get started!
●        Wash and dry your hands - Always wash your hands with soap and water before handling your lenses. Then, before touching your contact lenses, dry your hands well with a clean cloth. Make sure the soap is not scented and contain lanolin and moisturizing lotions, which can harm your lenses. Water on your hands can be a source of germs which can contaminate the lens membrane and eventually cause harm to your eyes. It is strongly, advised by manufactures and opticians.
●        Never sleep in your contact lenses - Unless specifically advised and prescribed by your eye care professional, never sleep in your contact lenses. Sleeping while wearing contact lenses has been shown to cause up to 8 times greater risk of an eye infection.
●        Keep contact lenses away from all water. Water can introduce germs to the eyes through contact lenses. Remove contact lenses before swimming and avoid showering in them. Water can harbour microorganisms that can lead to severe infection. Do not store the lenses or rinse the lens case with water or any non-sterile solution.
●        Talk with your eye care professional. Keep an open dialogue with your eye care professional about your vision, lens care habits and eye health. Get your eyes at regular defined intervals as per your eye care professional. In case you experience any kind of discomfort, redness, or blurred vision between the scheduled visits, remove your lenses immediately. Failing to do so can cause eye infections and other complications. So, keep your eye appointments on. Due to cornea regularly changing shape, visit opticians to take the right prescriptions regularly.
·       Properly clean your lenses and case. Be sure to follow the instructions for use on your eye care professional’s recommended contact lens care solution. Keep your lenses in a lens case immersed in a sterile solution so as to prevent the drying of the lens and keeping it clean. Use a “rub and rinse” cleaning method Rub your contact lenses with clean fingers, then rinse the lenses with solution before soaking them. Always use new solution, to clean and disinfect your contact lenses. Never reuse or top off old solution. In addition, do not pour contact lens solution into a different bottle as it will be no longer a sterile solution.
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miacareindia · 4 years ago
Eye Makeup and Contact Lenses.
It’s been rightly remarked that “Eyes are the tunnel to your heart.” While applying eye makeup in itself requires special skills and patience, the job becomes even tougher when you are donning contact lenses as well. The constant fear of scratching your lenses with the makeup applicator, or contaminating the membrane with the product, or causing harm to your eyes is always there. Eye makeup and lenses is a combination that requires extra effort and care, and so following are some pearls of wisdom to keep your experience hunky-dory:
Contact lens should be touched only with clean and dry hands – Consider it a golden rule that you must wash your hands with soap and water before applying contact lenses, and thereafter they must be dried with a dry towel as any type of water can be harbinger of germs to your eyes and that can result in serious eye infections.
Cosmetics should be applied only after the lenses are put in – In order to avoid any kind of infection that might occur from the product present on your hands, you must apply lenses beforehand only. That way if the lens gets contaminated while applying, it can cause irritation to your eyes.
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Eye makeup must apply sparingly on the outer lid only and not the intricate water line – Never put the eye makeup inside your eyes, it should be applied sparingly on the outer lid only so as to prevent contact with the lenses. When applying eyeliner, only line half of your lower lash lines along the outer corner of your eyes to open them up. The waterline of the eye is where the eye glands (meibomian glands) produce oil. If these glands get clogged with makeup debris, not only will they get infected, but styes will become more frequent.
Never use water or saliva on your makeup applicator – Any non-sterile solution like water or saliva can be a source of germs which if gets in to your eyes can affect your eyes leading to eye infection, swelling and redness, and so your makeup applicator should never come in contact with saliva or water. Keeping your makeup applicator clean is a good practice to keep infection causing germs at an arm’s distance.
Never apply eye makeup to already infected eyes – In case your eyes are already red or swollen or infected, no eye makeup should be applied in that case. If you observe a pattern of infections after using a certain product, stop using it and buy a different product only after due consultation with your ophthalmologist.
Remove your eye makeup only after removing eye lenses – It is considered good practice to remove your lenses before removing your makeup, no matter whether is waterproof or gentle makeup remover, all pose an equal risk to your lenses of contamination and scratching. Chances are if you not do so, you might end up getting makeup onto your hands and then that in contact with your lenses would pollute it.
Use hypoallergenic and fragrance-free makeup products - Products that contain oil, fragrance, dyes or anything that could get stuck or adhere to contact lenses should be avoided.  Presence of preservatives like mineral oil, sodium lauryl sulphate, and diazolidine urea in makeup though are known to remove it effectively but are a constant irritant to your eyes and so they should not be used. On staying there for longer durations, they can cause harm to your eyes. 
With these pointers in hand, now you ready to apply eye makeup with your lenses on. Make sure to adhere these by heart. 
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miacareindia · 4 years ago
Why You Should Try Contact Lenses In 2021
The year gone by was anything but normal. With the whole world crumbling down to its knees, a few hard hitting truths that became very loud and clear to one and all were:
Health is Wealth. Nothing stands important in comparison with yourself and your body.
Life is fickle. Its best lived in the present than past or future.
Technology is the future. No aspect of human life has remained untouched by it.
The yesteryear that we had gave enough time to people to introspect, adapt and evolve with the changing times. The one learning that was common for all was to start living in the moment, to make the most of the present, to seize the day and live life like there’s no tomorrow. Follow you heart and do what you like, and so for all those who were still wondering about the transition to contact lenses, here are the reasons as to why you should not wait and get it ASAP:
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No amount of money, valuable collectables, jewellery etc. stands a chance in comparison to a healthy body and a sound mind. Nothing is as important as a healthy you, and so to do that, it’s important that you not only consume a healthy balanced diet full of essential nutrients but also exercise and do some physical workout to keep you fit and flexible. It can be anything, from playing sports to running to gymming to aerobics to dancing, the list is non exhaustive. But what all of it requires is good vision, spectacles fail to provide you with the comfort, wider vision and hassle-free usage that are given to you by contact lenses. Using silicone hydrogel lenses have the ability to prevent your eyes from getting dried out while playing. Its extra moisture retention capacity keeps eyes oxygenated at all times. Lenses are a real boon when it comes to activities that require excessive commotion.
During these testing times, everyone felt the need for human contact, they realized how important it is to make memories, to take charge of your life. Everyone is so excited to experience the normality in the atmosphere around, after being stuck at home for almost a year in t-shirts and pyjamas, everyone who is looking to explore with his/her looks, lenses are a perfect way to give you that new look. Tinted contact lenses can give you a new look very subtly, so if you think how’d you look like with blue eyes, now is the time to find out. While wearing masks is practice that is here to stay for quite some time now, the struggle one has to go through while wearing both glasses and a mask is unknown to none. And so, shifting from spectacles to lenses can help you beat that issue of yours too.
With technology barging in every aspect of human lives, it’s rather become a common experience for all of us to stare at those rectangular radiative screens at stretch for hours. From studying to office, from teaching to meeting, no frontier is untouched by the kind hands of technology. But the stress that it imparts on our eyes is something that still doesn’t get talked about much, these radiative screens degrade your vision and so what you can do about it wear powered or non-powered lenses as prescribed by your optometrist, with its membrane blocking the radiations from entering your eye. 
All these reasons are pertinent enough to let you make that final leap of faith and order contact lenses for your eyes. Life is beautiful as we see it and so it is a matter of utmost importance that your vision is clear at all times.
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miacareindia · 4 years ago
Eye Vitamins for Vision.
Sitting at the dining table, refusing to eat veggies is something that resonates with everyone. The argument presented by elders thereafter is also one omnipresent phrase “Veggies will make you strong, all superheroes eat veggies you know.”  With time, while very few of us developed liking for veggies and so the statement to persuade us changed to how veggies help you in various ways; Spinach and carrots helps you see better, lentils help you build your memory, so on and so forth. While it’s for a fact that no one became a superhero after eating veggies, we did grow old to later learn how various veggies actually help us in ways more than one. 
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While there are no direct supplements that completely correct your already degraded vision except the corrective wear which includes Glasses and contact lenses, there are foods that contain certain vitamins and minerals is rich amounts that can help you have a good vision or prevents its further deterioration. These vitamins and minerals can be consumed in the form of supplements on recommendation of your optometrist or otherwise you can consume food items that have these vitamins in large quantities present in them. Few of them are as follows along with the sources that contain them in abundant amounts: 
Vitamin A – Vitamin A and vision have a friendship like no other. Carrots which are considered great boon for eyes contain a protein named beta carotene in huge amounts and vitamin A. These two helps in developing a solid vision. Besides carrot, red and yellow peppers, oily fish, green leafy vegetables, apricots and mangoes are some foods that have copious amounts of Vitamin A present in them. Consuming these foods in your diet can be extremely beneficial for your vision, but the question in what amounts. Does it imply that eating carrots 3 times a day all week would give you a vision like Dr. Strange, sadly that’s not true although it has high chance of giving you a red eye. So, eating these foods in adequate amounts in your diet can really accentuate your ocular health.
Vitamin C – Vitamin C is a health powerhouse, present in the tastiest food items, vitamin C helps you with so many things, from immunity to allergies to vision to hair, the list in unending. Basically, present in citrus fruits like Oranges, lemons, kiwi, strawberries and many such delectable fruits and vegetables including crunchy broccoli and peppers. Vitamin C helps in slowing down macular degeneration and sedates the growth of cataract.
Vitamin E – Vitamin E helping its fellow vitamin C in providing anti-oxidants to the body, also serves a great deal in slowing down cataract and macular degeneration. Mainly found in nuts like almonds, sunflower seeds and vegetables like red bell pepper, spinach and pumpkin, it is also present in abundant amounts wheat germ oil, sunflower oil and soybean oil.
Other Nutrients – Other nutrients like rhodopsin, lutein and zeaxanthin present in various vegetables also help a great deal in maintaining a good vision by providing enough anti-oxidants to your body. They help against age related vision problems and decelerate macular degeneration. These carotenoids are present in vegetables like carrot, spinach, kale etc. 
From the above discussion, one thing that we can conclude is that eat a diet that is vibrant in colour, as many experts say “eat your colours!”, make sure your diet looks as delectable as it tastes and your way to do that is eat various veggies, in dishes that you like. Fresh fruits and vegetables are full of such vitamins and minerals, eating them diligently can provide you with enough nutrients required for a healthy body and a perfect vision.
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miacareindia · 4 years ago
Ways to Help Manage End-of-Day Contact Lens Discomfort
God gave us the gift of vision, and doctors gave us the way to correct it in the form of lenses. While the advantages of these lenses are extremely tempting, be it the appealing looks or the better and wider vision or the overall comfort in terms of handling or storage. But this clear vision and comfortable experience doesn’t seem to last for much time for many people. 
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In case you are one of those people, consider these tips of ours to put an all-time end to these moments of discomfort are:
·       Don’t use them after the expiry date – Like all the other things in this world, lenses too come with an expiry date. Some last for a day, some for a week and some for a whole month, obviously the cost varies with time but so does amount of care that it requires in handling. Some people are often tempted to save on a few bucks and try to use the lenses after the expiration date, hence trying the stretch the shelf life of their contact lenses. These practices can often result in soreness, redness or infection in eyes. So, it’s very important to dispose of your lenses after the expiration date as told by your eye care professional and buy a fresh pair of contact lenses in case you need them. This timely replacement can save you from a lot of pain and suffering in the long run.
·       Use the eye care products recommended by your eye care professional - Mostly your lens wearing experience is hampered by deposition of lipids or proteins on the membranes of your lenses. These exist naturally in your tears, but when your eyes get dry due to variety of reasons, they get deposited out on your membrane. Hence, it’s strictly advisable to clean your reusable before and after every use with a sterile contact lens solution. Make sure you buy your lenses and your contact lens solution after recommendation from your eye care professional only. Besides these, any product that you use for your eyes, be it any eye drops, or ointments etc., make sure your doctor knows about them.
·       Don’t ignore your allergies – Many a times what happens is lens discomfort and discontinuation of lens wear is caused by some seasonal allergens leading to allergies like Hay fever etc. The symptoms for eye allergy and eye infection more than often mimic each other which includes watery eyes, itchiness, sensitivity to light, redness, grittiness and eyelid swelling. If you experience any of these, it’s important to tell your eye doctor because he can diagnose the real cause of your suffering. If your doctor confirms that seasonal allergies are the culprit for your discomfort, you’ll likely be given strategies to avoid allergens or one of several available medications. If allergens are accumulating on your contact lenses, your doctor may also suggest switching to a daily disposable lens or trying ocular lubricants and cold compresses to help minimize your symptoms when the allergies are particularly troublesome.
·       Combating eye dryness – Eye dryness is the most common problem that many lens wearers experience. After long exposure to screen or working under high temperature conditions, the pressure on the optical nerve often increases and your eyes becomes dry. This dryness can be caused by many other reasons too. To treat it, it’s often advisable to use artificial tear drops as a preventive measure, but make sure that these are recommended by your eye doctor only. Make sure you don’t self-medicate or use some home remedies to treat the problem by putting any non-sterile solution in your eyes. When it comes to the matter of eyes, every decision taken should be under the guidance of your eye doctor only.
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miacareindia · 4 years ago
The Real Impact of Contact Lens Wear
In the world that we live in today, where there is cut-throat competition, hyper stressful situations, and hustled lifestyle, it’s our body that gets affected the most. With our eyes wide open all day long and even in the later hours of the night, the unprecedented toll that it takes on our vision is undeniable. We end up developing one vision disorder or the other. Hence to correct them, people often wear contact lenses on daily basis as a corrective measure or even as a precautionary one at times.  But besides that, the real impact that contact lenses have on our appearance and our day-to-day lifestyle is not something that is explored much. For starters, obviously, it gives you an overall appearance that is more appealing and helps you to build self-confidence. Around 80% of contact lens wearers feel a spike in their self-confidence because they find themselves more attractive and appealing than before. But that surely is not it, besides good looks and elevated self-esteem there are other things as well that are impacted by the advent of contact lenses.
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People who wear contact lenses enjoy not only a clearer vision but also a wider one with no hindrances. They feel more comfortable with the lenses as they don’t have to keep track of it where they left it the last time or cleaning them that often, or constantly trying to keep them in place in case of physical activity. The benefits of contact lenses are so well experienced that about 90% of its users felt a surge in quality of life after the switch from glasses to contact lenses. They realized how it affected their day-to-day activities, not only were they more confident but also better organized and very much at ease after the advent of contact lenses in their lives. 
Even athletes or people who are in a profession that requires more physical activity also felt a huge relief and considers it a blessing in disguise because of how well it is to manage with all the commotion. With spectacles, it’s extremely tough to retain a hold of them and keep the vision unobstructed for the most part of the time. And so, lenses play a major role in providing them with a corrected vision with little to no obstructions.
It’s rightly said that your first impression is the last impression and so to present your best self, it’s very pertinent for you to put your best step forward and leave no stone unturned in creating a lasting mark, for that no matter if it’s a date or a job interview or any other meeting, it's important you feel confident and look the same. Lenses play a major role in carrying that vibe forward, A good eye contact is something that can be a deal maker in the success of a meeting, and so lenses help you achieve that efficiently.
And therefore, investing in good, comfortable eye care products is always money well spent. 
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miacareindia · 4 years ago
Know Everything About Contact Lens
Glance at the History & Advancements of Contact Lens!
Several people have made a consecutive shift to contact lenses to experience a better vision in future ahead. In 1508, when the great Italian polymath, Leonardo da Vinci, introduced the concept contact lenses, the first contact lenses were manufactured from glass in 1887. They were designed to cover the entire eye. The transition from glass to plastic has proved to be the game changed in the world of eye gadgets. For the first time happened in 1939, they were intended to cover the eye’s corona only. Journey goes on with the introduction of soft contact lenses, disposable lenses, daily disposables and silicone hydrogel contact lenses in 1971, 1987, 1996 and 2002 respectively. With the successive outbreak of new advancements, the number of contact lens wearers have increased by 5% every year. Reasons varied from comfort to aesthetics to work life priorities. Therefore, the history and advancements for contact lenses play a very crucial role in understanding how the contact lens works.
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What are contact lenses?
Contact lenses are nothing but thin layer bulged out silicone membranes.  They are designed as a thin, plastic, cup shaped object, that can be wear on the film of the tears, placed just right at the surface of cornea.
How the contact lens works?
Contact lens are designed, in order to correct the refractive errors and bringing a focused light so that objects appear rightly and clearly. Hence, the contact lenses float on the film layer on the cornea’s surface. They generally do function like ordinary eye glasses. But due to design manufacturing, contact lens stick to the tear film of your corona.
Types of contact Lens:
1.     Soft Contact Lenses
Soft lenses are made from gel-like, water-containing plastics called hydrogels that take up the shape of the eye providing you a wider clear vision. Sportsmen use these lenses more extensively as they need greater peripheral vision. Soft lenses are generally flexible soft plastics that offer an ample space for oxygen to pass through the cornea. With the advancements in technology, they now include membranes like silicone- hydrogel for sufficient and adequate supply of oxygen and moisture to the eyes.
2.     Disposable Contact Lenses
Disposable contact lenses are designed to be worn for a specific period of time, disposed of and replaced with a fresh pair of lenses. These lenses are usually prescribed in multi-packs of dailies and monthlies as per your requirements. While replacing, they help to reduce building and accumulation of bacteria, dirt, and pollen to provide the fresher and clearer vision.
3.     Silicone hydrogel lenses
Silicone hydrogel lenses are made of an advanced type of soft contact lens material that allows more oxygen to pass through the lens and reach the front surface of the eye. Silicone hydrogel contact lenses are now the most popular type of contact lenses. They are very comfortable, very easy to apply and manage, hence are the most suitable for even first-time users.
PMMA lenses
PMMA lenses are rigid contact lenses that look like GP lenses but are made of a plastic material that is not oxygen permeable. PMMA lenses were commonly prescribed years ago, but essentially have been replaced by gas permeable lenses.
Moreover, it’s important that when you start your journey with contact lenses, they should very easily adjust to the size of your eyes and have a membrane that has high oxygen transmissibility, UV protection, and extremely comfortable. Hence with that logic, Silicone hydrogel contact lenses (monthly) by miacare are the best ones to start with.
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miacareindia · 4 years ago
How Your Contact Lens Needs Change Over Time
It’s rightly said that “One must go with the flow”, one has to follow the course of time to live an unobstructed life. Just like our body, our eyes grow with age too. So, with increasing age our requirements in a contact lens changes as well. Following are the features that one must look for in a contact lens with growing age:
·       For a student - The life of a student involves a lot of focused work, long hours of studying, working on your aesthetics so and so forth. One as a student must be really comfortable in his/her lenses all day long and so generally daily wear lenses are considered the most appropriate for them, as they can be disposed of after each use, requires little to no care in storage, can be easily carried and are most convenient to use. As a student, you go through a phase in life where your aesthetics generally mean a lot to you, it is the time in your life where you can experiment with your looks, try out new styles and go all blunt about it. This is the time to try out various tinted contact lenses which gives a unique colour to your iris. Since students of today’s time like to live a pretty hustled life, so they must opt for those lenses which provides least discomfort and are thin and easy to wear. Silicone hydrogel lenses are a perfect choice for this age bracket as it provides an extra 50% moisturization, keeping them hydrated for longer times and thus preventing eye dryness.
·       For a working adult – With advent of technology in almost every facet of life, unequivocally all professions require working in front of screen for hours at a stretch. And so, as a working adult, while one gets accustomed to the practice of wearing lenses overtime, one must go for lenses that block the UV light radiations from entering the eye. With growing age, your vision at times deteriorates so using the powered lenses with UV light blocker membrane can help you keep your vision in check. As adults, with so much already in one’s plate, the person strives for least discomfort.  For such purposes, silicone-hydrogel lenses which can be wore for a complete month provide safe, effective, and comfortable vision correction. Due to their hyper-oxygen permeable and minimal pathogen binding to the lens surface or cornea, the pose the chances of least infections are considered most comfortable in prolonged use as your lens adapts to shape of your eye ball overtime. They can be easily cleaned with a proper sterile lens care solution. This result in healthy corneas and less infections.
·       For older adults – As time passes, our body grow old with it too. And so our eyes have to bear the brunt as well. The changes are not physically visible but our deteriorating vision is a constant reminder of our true numeric age when it comes to eyes. The natural lenses, also called crystalline lenses fitted inside our eyes with time find it tough to variate the focal length with changing distances to form a clear image which results in a condition called ‘Presbyopia’. It can be understood as a combination of far sightedness and near sightedness, where not only the objects situated afar seem unclear but also those which are situated very near look hazy. For such conditions of vision, one can opt for either Monovision, where your one eye is prescribed with a lens for near vision and the other one for distance vision.  So as a combination, you get a corrected vision for both of your issues. Monovision is still prescribed today, but for some contact lens wearers it’s not optimal because it prevents your two eyes from working as well together and may lead to problems such as reduced vision performance and depth perception. Or otherwise, you can opt for multifocal lenses, this is a rather advanced technology to monovision, here the lens has multiple zones of vision correction than just one, hence allowing you to achieve a better, more clear vision, with both of your eyes working together in perfect coordination to treat both the problems of vision together through just one contact lens prescription.
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So, no matter at what stage of life you are in, the contact lens can provide with you a perfect vision and steer clear through all of it. Besides these, any other problem of vision, from astigmatism to colour blindness can be corrected with the right pair of lenses.
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miacareindia · 4 years ago
A Perfect Vision Regardless of Your Age
The role of contact lenses in fixing eyesight problems has hardly been all-encompassing. The kids wearing lenses always thought that they would never have to wear a pair of glasses ever. However, reality turned most down as age set in. With age, a variety of eyesight difficulties arise. From short distance problems to far away visibility, every range of sight gets affected with age.
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The young people prefer to wear the best silicone hydrogel contact lenses, and they always assume that the glasses have become insignificant forever. But for reading and performing fine works like sewing, glasses become a necessity after a certain age. Hence, contact lenses have so far been an age-specific solution for the eyesight issues. 
From reading the newspaper to following the instructions written on a medicine bottle, close vision helps much. With age, the close vision starts to become feeble, and you find the menu, tags, and instruction manuals hard to read. 
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Also, plenty of people struggle to figure out the letters displayed at a distance. The close vision, distant vision and the intermediate vision altogether start to deteriorate after a time. This is when you find contact lenses grossly inappropriate. And you turn to the glasses you once thought would never be required. 
The New Age Hydrophilic Lens
Science and technology have progressed in a never before pace over the last few decades. One of the advancements that have made the world of ophthalmology think twice about the relevance of the contacts is the invention of hydrophilic lenses. While most people still think that lenses are for a young age, the reality is gradually drifting towards an age-neutral vision correction. 
With the latest and advanced lenses, people can now see objects kept at varying distances without any hassle. The fine construction of these lenses ensures a vision correction taking every eyesight range into account. 
One of the primary problems with the lenses remains the dryness at the end of the day. Most of the contacts tend to become dry when worn for a long time. But this is undoubtedly a difficulty for the wearer. If you are on the move or in office, time can be a problem for you to wear lenses. Discomfort and itchiness might generate from wearing dry lenses for a long time. 
Also, this can be a source of considerable cornea damage. Hence, scientists, clinicians, and ophthalmologists have long been searching for a solution that can put the lens wearers out of this risk. After relentless endeavours, the scientists developed an impressive variety of lenses made of silicone hydrogel.   
High level of oxygen permeability is a must to make silicone hydrogel contact lenses superior. The amazing fact about our eyes is that the corneas do not receive oxygen from the blood. The cornea does not have any blood vessels. 
It takes the necessary oxygen directly from the atmosphere. A shortage of oxygen supply can substantially damage the cornea, sometimes even beyond repair. Hence, a lens that allows enough oxygen to the eyes is a must. 
The latest hydrophilic lenses surely offer better hydration than even the best silicone hydrogel contact lenses. However, a low modulus is what a lens must always have. Regardless of advancements in the technologies used to make lenses, the dropout rate for lens wearers remained the same over the last few decades. With this hydrophilic variety taking care of the issues, wearers can now be sure of a comfortable experience for a long time.  
Even though the silicone hydrogels took care of most of the excellent quality lens requirements, it failed to offer optimum oxygen permeability. Hence, the scientists kept on altering the monomer combinations to arrive at a better solution. 
The hydrophilic lenses seem to be the solution the researchers have been looking for so far. Besides maintaining the other requirements, it has also offered a substantial permeability level. The softness of these lenses is another aspect that makes it way more superior. 
The best way to manufacture lenses once seemed to combine silicone polymers and hydrogel material. This would have balanced the permeability factor and the wettability aspect at the same time. 
However, this process of fusing the two very different components together turned out to be very expensive. Hence the commercial viability of these lenses seemed feeble. The introduction of new silicone hydrogel contact lenses is surely a revolutionary thing. One of the best things about these lenses is that it offers the wearers the utmost comfort and hydrated experience. Also, these lenses offer a crystal-clear vision. 
These lenses have liberated the people with visual impairments the freedom to say goodbye to their glasses forever. 
Lenses are evolving as the most popular choice over glasses day by day. With lots of research and innovations happening around the corner, the future has a lot to offer to deal with the common visual challenges. 
Besides the commonly used daily disposable silicone hydrogel lenses, the market is ready to welcome plenty of other varieties as well. Opting for the premium lenses much like the ones available with Miacare would be a smart move at any time. 
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miacareindia · 4 years ago
Tips to Follow to Maintain Contact Lens to Attend Christmas Party
As we are approaching the end of the year, it waits for parties for upcoming Christmas and New Year and entertainment. If you are a lens wearer, you must know how frustrating it can be to wear a lens for a long time as it makes your eyes dry. It can be challenging to be at the party without a lens, and therefore, it is important to have a clean lens. It helps maintain the good health of your eyes without drying it when attending late-night parties. So, if you have already suffered due to a lens problem last year, silicone hydrogel lenses bring you the best lens options for safe and comfortable eyes. 
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Take Care of Lens When Wearing Make-up
So, all set for the Christmas party and ready to deck up for the evening? You need to be extra careful when putting on your makeup, especially eye makeup with your lens. After you wash your hands, do not hold the lens until your hands dry out completely. If you correctly place your lens, it shall help put your eye makeup correctly for the Christmas party. 
Try not to use fibre or old mascara for your eyes as it can make your eyes clumsy, resulting in discomfort and messy situations when wearing the lens. Try avoiding products with oil as it can be problematic for your eyes. 
Moreover, as you have to stay with the lens for long on Christmas Eve, try to use light makeup for your eyes. Even if you are running out of time, try to go slow with your eye makeup. It will prevent messing up and unnecessary drying up of your eyes in the middle of the party. 
Wash Hands before Opening Lens 
This is a must that you should follow amidst the party as it shall help maintain good eye hygiene, without any irritation in your eyes. It is better to carry an antibacterial gel or wet wipes to wash your hands thoroughly and dry them before opening or changing the lens. This helps to scrub dirt from hands and fingertips before you touch the lens. 
Try to Carry EyeLids Wipes 
It is the Christmas Party night, and if you cannot resist putting on your favourite liner and eyeshadow, do not forget to carry eyelids wipes. The wipes prevent eyes from drying and keep them fresh. The wipes are easy to carry along with a spare lens when attending an overnight party on Christmas Eve. 
In this regard, Miacare contact lenses could be a viable option you can look for. Please do not ignore the safety measures even when using this quality lens to protect your eyes. It is worthy of investing in such quality lenses,which will go for a long time. 
How Can Quality Lens Prevent Eye from Irritation?
Having problems with your eyes is common for lens wearers. This may happen when you are constantly looking at bright light without wearing specs, lens or equivalent. It can harm your eyes, causing irritation or discomfort. This is also the case when handling crackers at parties. Before exposure to a powerful light source for a long time, it is better to protect your eyes with the correct lens.
The lens wearer should know about precautions when wearing it the first time and attending any party. It shall help them not to get puzzled when the lens is irritating eyes. 
How Careful Precautions Can Help One Maintain Lens?
People wearing lenses should be careful when attending parties for a long time. This is of great importance when you have given up your glasses and just started to use the best silicone hydrogel contact lenses. When lighting up crackers or staring at powerful highlights, this quality lens will help and be comfortable for one’s eyes. 
Other Benefits to Maintain Your Lens  
·       Do Not Use Water to Wash Lens 
Water from shower water, rainwater, and tap water may contain bacteria and end up in your lens. When you wear this lens for a long time with the bacteria, it can cause your eyes. As you will be wearing the lens for a long time at the Christmas Party, there is a chance of this infection to your eyes. So, it is better to avoid washing your eyes with random water. 
·       Never Make the Mistake of Sleeping Wearing your Lens 
Never sleep with your lens on as you can harm the sensitive layer of your eyes. With the lens, less oxygen can pass through your eyes, and it is not good when sleeping during the night. Take it off before sleeping and then put it on the next day before you step for a day’s long schedule. 
The lens is essential at a Christmas Party when you prefer them over glasses. To avoid seasonal sparkles at the party, it is better to wear coloured contacts. It will be suitable for your eyes. Irrespective of the colour of the lens you get, make sure you care about wearing it and taking it off. Also, you need to be careful when taking it off or changing the lens in the middle of a party or any crowded place. 
Wrapping it up 
Owing to these, it requires carrying a spare and clean pair of lenses and maintaining suitable hygiene when changing them. When going out of your home the first time, it is better to take a doctor’s recommendation and follow suitable tips to maintain proper eye hygiene. Never compromise on the quality of eye lens, and therefore, you can opt for the quality lens from Miacare. Protect your eyes using a quality lens at a party and enjoy to the fullest without any discomfort to your eyes. 
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miacareindia · 4 years ago
Reasons To Remember Your Contacts This Christmas!
Yes, you heard it right, it’s that time of the year again. It's Christmas time, with Santa Claus coming to home and merry all around, everything and everyplace is a sight to behold. No one in their right mind would risk the amazing scenery all around. And our Christmas gift to you will be the golden advice to you to get stocked up with your contact lenses. With snow all around, and buildings lit with lights, there are many other reasons for which you must order your contact lenses before the festive season starts:
1.       Imagine yourself being a part of all the pictures with your glasses on, with light reflecting off it and you not getting a good picture to put up on your social media handles. Don’t worry, we got you covered. Order good quality lenses with silicone hydrogel membrane and slay it all around with your amazing pictures.
2.       The dreadful act opening a wrong present because you failed to read the name correctly is another nightmare no one would want to have. The look of sheer horror on the faces of your relatives realizing how your long sightedness cost them their Christmas cheer is not the most amazing look you’d expect. Keep your gifts close and your eye lenses closer to prevent any kind of confusion.
3.       If there’s one thing I can bet on that everyone looks forward to is without a doubt decoration of the Christmas tree. Not being able to be part of this team activity because you lack vision or find it difficult to see things properly can really be a bummer. Make sure you are all jacked up with your lenses before the festivities begin.
4.       It’s always a fun time when you watch things together like a big happy family no matter whether it’s Home Alone, Elf, The Muppet Christmas Carol or Love Actually, chances are you probably know it off by heart. But that doesn’t make it any less enjoyable to indulge in your familiar favourites at this time of year. Don’t miss out on any of the fun by squinting to see the screen, put your contacts in and enjoy the magic of the movies.
Also, staring at a TV screen for extended periods of time can cause discomfort to your eyes by drying them out. So, remember to blink plenty and to take regular breaks from viewing.
5.       With lights all around, while the scenery is pretty amazing, over exposure to it can cause eye irritation and pain. It’s therefore advised to keep your contacts around, especially those which can provide you with UV protection.
6.       Meeting relatives and going home during the vacation hands down the best experience of this time. With chilling winters all around, don’t let the cold air fog your eyeglasses and obstruct your vision, wear contact lenses instead and sign up for a great time ahead.
7.       No time is as good as the family time. When the whole of the family comes together, there’s lot of chat sessions till late night at a stretch. If you want to be a part of it without anything troubling you and your eyes, it is advisable to keep your eyes moisturized at all times. Having premium quality silicone hydrogel lenses with high hydrophilicity and longer wearing hours can really be a boon for your eyes. 
8.       Many families have a tradition of playing games during these times to have a gala time and invoke a sense of togetherness as a part of their self-made traditions. If you have a family like that, you’d better be ready with lenses by your side because it won’t be easy to play with those large glasses on so buckle up and be prepared in advance to in it and let nothing hinder you in the sweet ride to victory. 
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Besides all these reasons, having good eye health can provide you with many such visuals in years to come. Praise the lord and his creations, take good care of the gift of sight that he has given and protect them from all the possible damage.
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miacareindia · 4 years ago
Is My Contact Lens Inside Out?
While contact lenses are a real boon for people having vision problems such as farsightedness, nearsightedness or astigmatism, the only trial to this journey of a perfect vision using contact lenses is the utmost care and precision that it requires while putting them on. For amateurs, putting on lenses is a herculean task that they find extremely excruciating the first few times, but then after getting accustomed to the whole procedure, the road ahead is nothing but clear.
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This is the one stop shop that answers all your queries and facilitates you with some pro tips here and there that you can use to become an expert in putting on the contact lenses.
Many times, people find it tough to tell if the lens is rightly positioned or is it flipped inside out. To check it, simply place the lens on your finger in such a way that it forms a bowl. If it appears like a hollow sphere cut in half, then kudos to you coz that’s the right side,but in case it looks like a bowl that also has a rim around it, then it’s the wrong side. But then also no worries, just flip it and you got yourself the right side so kudos to you too.
In case you are unable to find the right side,
Look for a laser marking on the edge of the lens, If you can read it properly then it is the right side.
While handling tinted lenses, if the edges have a darker shade of the tint on the edges, then it is the right side, otherwise flip it inside out.
After all this, in case you are still not able to get to the right side, do what you can do, put it in. In case it’s wrong, you will feel a sense of discomfort in your eyes and now you know that it was the wrong side.
First and foremost, wash your hands thoroughly before the applying contact lenses. Make sure you wash your hands with soap which are not scented or contain lanolin or moisturizing lotions that can hamper the lens by sticking to the membrane of your lens.
Begin with the eye whose lens you got out first so as to avoid the confusion in case it gets mixed up.
Shake your lens case which has lenses immersed in the sterile solution before opening so as to loosen them in case they get stuck.
Slide the lens out of its case and place into the palm of your hand. Make sure you don’t put scratches on the membrane through your nails.
Place the contact lens on the tip of your index or middle finger, which should be dry or mostly dry so as to prevent to contamination of the lens through water present on it.
With the fingers and thumb of your other hand, simultaneously pull up on your upper eyelid and down on your lower eyelid. Be extremely careful and calm while doing so.
Position the lens on your eye while looking upward or forward, whichever you find easier. During the first few times, try doing it while standing in front of a mirror.
Gently close your eye, roll your eyes in a complete circle to help the lens settle, and then blink. Using a dry tissue, soak the solution present on the brink of your eyes.
Look closely in the mirror to make sure the lens is centered on your eye. If it is, the lens should be comfortable, and your vision should be clear.
Wash your hand thoroughly beforehand, try to remove it in a place which is well lit and cover the drain with tissue paper in case you are standing in a sink as lenses fall out during the removal.
To remove soft contact lenses, look upward or sideways while you pull down on your lower eyelid. With a finger, gently maneuver the lens onto the white of your eye. There, you can very gently pinch the lens together with your index finger and thumb and lift it off the eye. Put it in the designated case before removing the other one.
In case you are going to put on makeup, apply the lenses before the makeup. Also remove it before removing your make up.
Make sure the lens case always has a sterile solution so the membrane remains hydrated at all times.
Don’t use your fingernails in any part of the process as they can cause serious structural damage to your lenses as well as your eyes.
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miacareindia · 4 years ago
Contact Lens Tips: A User Guide With Expert Advice
The popularity of silicone hydrogel contact lenses is evident from the extensive use of these accessories among people of different age groups. Well, if you have already decided to switch to contact lenses, here’s the guide you were looking for. People who are new to contact lenses generally face certain difficulties, particularly while putting them on. Besides, you might want to know how to clean and store your silicone hydrogel lenses. In this post, you will come across a comprehensive guide regarding how you should be dealing with these new pairs of accessories. This would enhance your comfort, while helping you maintain the lenses.
1. Finding out whether your lens is inside out At times, contact lenses get flipped inside out. This is evident mostly in the case of soft lenses. Users find it challenging to say whether they can put on the lens as it is, or need to flip it in the proper shape again.
• The trick to understand this aspect is to place the lens on the top of your finger, so that it forms the shape of a cup. Now, you need to hold your lens in front of your eyes directly, staring at the side face of the cup. Although there can be a subtle difference, you would realize that the lens looks like a ball cut in half, when it is in proper position. Now, if you find that it looks like a bowl along with a rim, you need to flip it over.
• In case the lens has its edges flared out and forms a ‘U’ shape, it indicates that it is inside out. However, if it does not have the edges flared out, but forms only the ‘U’, it is in the correct shape.
• Another way to check the shape of your lens is to place it on the tip of your finger when you are wearing it with a handling tint. Now, you need to look down on the lens. The edge would look greenish or bluish, depending on its tint. However, if they are inverted, you wouldn’t notice this hue.
• Besides, some of the branded lenses come with a laser marking. The edge of the lens may bear the name of the brand. In case you are unable to read it properly, it indicates that it is inside out. However, even if you accidentally put on a contact inside out, you would feel uncomfortable but can always correct the position. Wearing an inverted lens would not harm your eye.
2. How to apply your contact lenses? Before you put on your contact lenses, make sure to clean your hands by washing them properly. It is advisable to avoid scented soap, or the ones containing moisturizing lotions or lanolin. These elements can stick to your lenses.
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• Now, when you put on your daily contact lenses, make sure to start with the same eye each time. This would prevent you from mixing up the lens meant for a particular eye.
• In case you find that your contact lens is stuck in the storage solution, gently shake the case that has the solution in it. Try not to pull out the lens from this position, as you might end up damaging it.
• While cleaning it, slide it out on the palm from the case. Use the recommended solution for rinsing your contact lenses.
• When you put on the lens, dry your fingers and place it on the tip before inserting it into the eye.
• You need to pull the upper and lower eyelids up and down, respectively, using your fingers and thumb.
• Look forward or upward when you place the lens on your eye, as per your convenience.
• Now close your eyes gently, and roll them in circles, so that the contact lenses settle in your eyes. Blink your eyes to put them in the right position. • Check out whether or not the lenses are in proper place in the mirror. They should be at the centre of your eyes. When you put on your lenses in the correct way, you would get a clear and comfortable vision.
3. How to remove your contact lenses? Before taking off your contact lenses, make sure to wash your hands or sanitize the same. In case you have a sink in front, cover the drain with a paper towel. This would prevent your lens from going down the drain, in case it accidentally falls.
• Now, look sideways or upwards and pull your lower eyelid down. The lens has to be moved to the white part of your eye with a finger. In this position, you can pinch the lens gently with your thumb and index finger to lift it out. • Trim your fingernails until you are well-versed with the process of removing your contact lenses. Having long nails may cause accidental damage to your eyes.
• In case you are using gas permeable lenses, simply hold out your palm and bend over. Now open the eye widely and pull the skin between the eyelids (upper and lower) with a finger towards your ear. The lens would pop out of your eyes when you blink and drop on your palm. • Alternatively, you might get a silicone device meant for removing GP (gas permeable) lenses. You can easily get one of these accessories online. These devices come with a suction cup attached to one end, which helps to remove the lens.
When you buy the best silicone hydrogel contact lenses from reputed brands like Miacare, you can benefit from UV-blocking features. Well, you know how delicate your eyes are, so you wouldn’t want to risk your vision by opting for non-reputed brands. You can also reach out to the professionals online for an eye-checkup. Get your contact lenses prescribed by the experts and buy them online.
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miacareindia · 4 years ago
7 Need-To-Know Benefits Of Contacts: Why They’ll Improve Your Life
The popularity of contact lenses has multiplied manifold over the years, with the multiplicity of benefits of these contacts making them suitable for most people. In fact, silicone hydrogel contact lenses are better than glasses in several aspects. Switching to contacts may certainly help you in several ways. Reputed brands like Miacare offer a wide selection of contact lenses to choose from, both for medical and fashion purposes.
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What are the benefits of wearing contact lenses?
The seven most significant ways how you may benefit from wearing lenses are:
Greater field of vision
One of the prime issues faced by those who wear glasses is that, glasses restrict their field of vision. While putting on glasses, only your frontal view would be enhanced, not the lateral one. This is especially problematic for those who drive, or ride vehicles. However, silicone hydrogel daily contact offers a full field of vision, similar to someone with perfect eyesight.
Ability to lead a more active lifestyle
Wearing glasses greatly restrict your movement, and this is a major challenge for those involved in sports activities. Glasses falling off while running or playing sports is quite a common occurrence. This explains why sportspersons are usually advised to wear contact lenses. While using lenses, you can move around freely without having to worry about it as silicone hydrogel lenses rarely fall off. These lenses are soft, as a result of which adjust to the shape of the cornea and sits in firmly.
Contacts being uncomfortable for the eyes is a popular myth. The lenses are designed in such a way that they would fit in without making the wearers feel like a foreign object is present in their eyes. While the rigid lenses in the past often caused some discomfort and led to problems like drying and reddening of the eyes, the problem has now been solved by sophistication. You may purchase lenses which are specifically made of materials which would retain water and allow enough oxygen to pass through.
Many individuals hate wearing glasses as it covers up their style. On the other hand, lenses can be said to be invisible from certain aspects. Unless you wear coloured lenses in front of someone who knows your eye colour, it is impossible others to know that you are wearing lenses. Moreover, you may also buy coloured contact lenses to add to your style. In fact, people often wear coloured lenses just as a fashion statement. In case if you want to wear sunglasses, you can wear any one of your choice instead of having to go for a prescribed one.
Clarity of vision
Lenses deliver much clearer vision over spectacles due to a number of reasons. For instance, lenses in a pair of glasses usually generate reflection, which might prevent the wearer from enjoying clear vision. Moreover, glasses usually get scratched over time, which is a permanent damage unless you get the lenses replaced. This can be too costly to be done regularly. On the other hand, silicone hydrogel daily contact lenses usually do not get scratched as long as you do not handle them with your fingernails or sharp objects. Even if they get scratched, you can dispose them and get a new pair instantly.
Almost everyone who wears glasses all the time is aware of the inconveniences caused by water on the lenses. Venturing outdoors in rainy weather while wearing glasses prove to be quite miserable, as you end up needing to wipe the lenses time and again. Similar problems arise in case if you get fog on your glasses. You wouldn’t have to face any of these issues while wearing contacts as they would be present inside your eye. Moreover, you may also bid goodbye to the irritating feeling of your glasses sliding down your nose and having to push it up.
Suitable for different medical conditions
With the constant sophistication of technology, a wide variety of specialised silicone hydrogel monthly contact lenses are now available. Those suffering from astigmatism can find lenses build specifically to meet their needs. Likewise, you might have other issues, where customized lenses might help. The leading contact lens brands such as Miacare offer a wide variety of contact lenses to suit different requirements.
How can you buy quality contact lenses?
Those who are new to using contact lenses or are considering to switch to contacts often find difficulty in identifying and buying the best silicone hydrogel contact lenses available. You may follow the steps below to go about it:
Get tested for eligibility: Not everyone can wear contacts. For example, those who suffer from eye infections regularly might have to stick with glasses. You need to consult an eye-care professional and check if it is okay for you to wear lenses.
Get prescribed for lenses: Just like spectacles, you would need a proper prescription if you are using the contacts to correct your vision. Your optician would:
·         Test your vision and provide you with a prescription
·         Measure your cornea to determine the dimensions of the lenses you would need. Known as fitting, this process is very important because lenses which do not fit properly may harm your cornea.
·         Tell you which type of lens would be perfect for you, in terms of material and disposability.
Shop online: Browse online for silicone hydrogel contact lenses in India as it would present you with a wider range of options than an offline store. You can find products from Miacare and other such leading brands and pick from diverse options. It is highly recommended to opt for branded contact lenses as it is important for the safety of your eyes.
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Due to this multitude of benefits, contact lenses are expected to retain their popularity, both as a healthcare accessory and a fashion item. The reputable brands are constantly coming up with newer types of contacts to suit varying needs and medical conditions. As long as your optician has let you know that contacts are fine for you, you may stay assured of a good experience.
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