mi7002andromeda · 6 years
memory of DI 
I use 3D background compose with 2D character for Di’s memory. Because it’s memory, should have difference with whole animation style. And the line of bottle is not clear, that means the memory of bottle is not full and legible.
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mi7002andromeda · 6 years
one shoot (background)
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mi7002andromeda · 6 years
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mi7002andromeda · 6 years
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mi7002andromeda · 6 years
ocean test
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mi7002andromeda · 6 years
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test of ocean, firstly I use ocean texture as froth of wave. And it looks not bad in beginning. But when I use the “maya hardware 2.0″ render to rend it, the ruslt is bad, the froth is gone, it’s too bright. So I use a textrue downloap from internet as the froth.
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I try this one first, but it’s not good. So I search another one below.
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This one best.
And I creat a earth. And find a textrue of earth (sky and ground.)
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Firstly, I just use lambert texture as sand. but it looks terrible.so i find a sand texture from internet.
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after sand texture, is much better.
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mi7002andromeda · 6 years
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mi7002andromeda · 6 years
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try some iron texture on the charge station. but no one suit.
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final deside use bling texture
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mi7002andromeda · 6 years
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character done (without hand virson)
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mi7002andromeda · 6 years
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do the 3D part use maya
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mi7002andromeda · 6 years
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shoot stop-motion part
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mi7002andromeda · 6 years
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do the head of the character at home.
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mi7002andromeda · 6 years
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I find some reference for the background.
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mi7002andromeda · 6 years
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mi7002andromeda · 7 years
 1.    Idea
I am plan to do a 30 second around animation compose the stop-motion and 3D. My aim is to call for everyone to protect the water resources.Because water is the source of all things, we need water for everything in our life. My story is about hydraulic electro generating. There are many little robots live in a factory city, they rely on the water to life. But follow the time goes by and the waste by human, the water resource is not rich like before and even near to dry. Robots are all most to die. The character of my animation is a little robot, he realized this city is empty except himself, but he still has some memory of this city, finally he died when he accept the true of “there is no water here”. There are my story line follow.
1. He open eyes and look around.
2. he find the city is messy and empty.
3. he want to find someone else but nothing.
4. he walk to a “ desert” , that was the sea.
5. he see his friend play on the beach with him. And some windmill in the sea and them are turning.
6. he run to them he ant to catch his friend. The view is change.
7. “ that was the past “ he realized.
8. the battery is near to die and the light is flash on his body.
9. he feel powerless and sad.
10. he walk to a place and fall down.
11. one drop of tear flow out from his big eyes.
12. the tear is stream away and go go go and flow to the windmill. and fellow  the windmill’s body go onto the leaves.
13 leaves turn around.
 2.     Technology
a.      Background
Build model in the Maya softer ware. Add texture on the model. It will need two or three scene of my final project. The easy thing of 3D software is build model. I can according the 2D picture to build in the Maya. But lay out UV line for me is a little difficult. The way to solve is there many tutorial in the net, I can learn how to lay out when I watch tutorial. And I also can ask my tutor and classmate.
 b.      Character
For character of my animation, I want to use stop motion to create it. Use wood make his head and body and the arm make by iron wire. And his foot is a round pan. His head is same size with the foot and the body will half smaller than the body. He is 10cm high, 4cm for head and foot, 2cm for body.
3.     Produce goal (story background)
 The animation is aim to call more people to protect our less water resource. The purpose of World Water Day is to raise public awareness of water conservation and strengthen water resources protection. To meet people's daily needs, commercial and agricultural water needs, the United Nations has long been committed to addressing the global water crisis caused by the rising demand for water. The "United Nations Water Conference" held in 1977 sent a serious warning to the world that water will soon become a profound social crisis. The next crisis after the oil crisis will be water. On January 18, 1993, the 47th UN General Assembly decided to set March 22 as the "World Water Day."
 In the "large water tank" Earth provides to humans, there is actually only a tablespoon of drinkable water. Earth has 70.8% of the area covered by water, but 97.5% of the water is salt water and can not be consumed. Of the remaining 2.5% of freshwater, 87% are ice sheets and snow cover hard to utilize by humans, alpine glaciers and permafrost. What humans can really use is part of rivers, lakes and groundwater, accounting for only about 0.26% of the Earth's total water. Even so, overall, the world is not water-scarce. However, the distribution of freshwater resources in the world is extremely uneven. About 65% of the water resources are concentrated in less than 10 countries while 80 countries or regions, which account for 40% of the world's population, suffer from severe water shortages. The ways in which human beings use water as well as pollution have exacerbated the tension in water resources. Since the mid-1990s, about 500 billion cubic meters of sewage have been discharged into rivers, lakes and seas every year in the world, causing pollution of 3.55 billion cubic meters of water.
 Cherish every drop of good water from nature because it is in harmony with life and nature.
4.     Weekly plan
Week Plan
2nd   Feb.    idea decision
9th    Feb.     storyboard, script
16th   Feb.     character decision & background research
23rd   Feb.     proposal
2nd    Mar.    character research
9th    Mar.   scene research
16th   Mar.     character build
23rd   Mar.     scene build
20th   Apr.      RENDER TESTS
17th   May.     DEADLINE
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mi7002andromeda · 7 years
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mi7002andromeda · 7 years
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