Experimental Motion Graphics
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mi5019joelturnbull · 3 years ago
Final Animation
Finally to finish off my animation I compiled the clips in premier and added layers of sound effects and music to bring the clips to life.
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Overall I’m very pleased with how my final piece has turned out and feel as though it successfully conveys my research in an interesting medium. 
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mi5019joelturnbull · 3 years ago
Shot 5 Edited
I added in some flocks of birds to the scene, this was a very minimal change. However I think it brings the scene to life and in showcasing wildlife it provides further symbolism and depth to the shot. 
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mi5019joelturnbull · 3 years ago
Shot 5
My final shot is a closer up shot of earth and how it could look as a result of switching to these greener alternatives for the planet. I chose to have a large tree surrounded by a forest as the symbolism behind trees, being life and growth really conveys the message I’m trying to get across. Overall I’m happy with how this shots looks however I don’t think there's enough animated aspects in the scene. To improve this shot I plan on adding in a few flocks of birds flying to add a small bit of movement and to further emphasise the message behind this shot. 
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mi5019joelturnbull · 3 years ago
Shot 4
My fourth shot highlights how beneficial and rewarding working towards creating a greener planet would be. I attempted this by showcasing the planet again but this time looking far brighter and greener with a few trees beginning to emerge. As well as this I included some solar panels and wind turbines to represent the technologies I had researched. 
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mi5019joelturnbull · 3 years ago
Shot 3
For my third shot I wanted it to showcase a brighter greener future for our planet. This shot references the research I carried out on fossil fuels and their negative impact along with how we can use modern technologies in order to begin solving our climate crisis. I feel as though I was able to successfully convey this message through some very simplistic imagery and colour scheme. 
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mi5019joelturnbull · 3 years ago
Shot 2
This is my second shot with the 2D and 3D assets composited together. What this shot represents is the effect of transportation on the planet. I attempted to convey this message through my choice of colour and imagery. Overall I'm happy with how this shot has turned out and feel as though it represents successfully what I aimed to show. 
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mi5019joelturnbull · 3 years ago
Shot 1
This is my first shot with the 2D and 3D assets composited together. What this shot represents is how badly industrialisation and pollution has and is effecting the planet in a somewhat abstract sense. Overall I think this has achieved the look and aesthetic I was aiming for and from here I plan on adding audio to my shot. 
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mi5019joelturnbull · 3 years ago
3D Progress
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After having finished creating each of the 3D assets for my shots I revisited them before beginning to create the 2D assets and realised that my 5th shot would need re creating as it doesn’t fit in with the other shots as well as it could’ve. 
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mi5019joelturnbull · 3 years ago
3D Progress
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I modelled and added lighting to my fifth shots 3D models.
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I created this scene using a tree model and multiple MASH networks to create a forest. 
From here I plan on animating and rendering out all of the 3D scenes and bringing each of them into after effects to add the 2D features of each scene. 
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mi5019joelturnbull · 3 years ago
3D Progress
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I created all the 3D assets required for the new storyboard scene and pieced it together in Maya and gave each of the objects a material with colours chosen from my colour palette. 
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This scene was created as a representation of industry and transportations role in climate change and the negative way in which it impacts the environment. 
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For my fourth scene in the storyboard I created some new tree assets and re used the solar panels and windmills from previous scenes. 
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From here I plan on creating my final scene and animating the 3D assets before rendering each scene and adding in the 2D elements. 
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mi5019joelturnbull · 3 years ago
Storyboard changes
After starting the process of creating the 3D parts for my final animation I realised that my third shot in the storyboard wasn’t going to fit well with the final animation. 
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Therefore I decided to do some more research into my subject matter and came across research on transportation and how that is a leading factor in climate change. I decided that this would be interesting to include as it links to the brief and ecology as a whole. 
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I sketched out different ideas and the two that stood out were these two. The left image is trying to show just how bad transportation is on our planet and how it plays a far larger role then we think. Where as the shot on the right is taking a more closer look at its direct impact on the planet showing nature as being destroyed and in ruin. 
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Finally I decided on going with the shot of the planet as I think this one will fit very well with my 4 other shots. I then decided to change its position on the storyboard as I felt as though the animation would run better with shot two moving into the third slot. 
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mi5019joelturnbull · 3 years ago
3D Progress
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I’ve continued creating the 3D assets for my final animations, this time I began working on my second shot on my storyboard. This scene consists of a dystopian themed world where industries are destroying our earth which then transitions over to a far better and brighter utopia. 
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This is the greener version of earth which showcases familiar technologies that we use today as a symbolism for a greener brighter vision of the future. 
From here I plan on rendering this shot and adding in a 2D animated background with other 2D effects overlaying the animation to give it more animated features. 
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mi5019joelturnbull · 3 years ago
3D Progress
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After finishing my storyboards and mood boards I’ve began modelling the 3D assets for my final animations. I started with shot one of my storyboard which consists of several factories surrounding earth. 
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I created these factories following a low poly style as I wanted the focus to be more so on the imagery of having these factories surrounding earth and what that means, rather then on how detailed the factories were.
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mi5019joelturnbull · 3 years ago
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I created a mood board that represents all the different features and the overall aesthetic of my animations to help keep my work consistent and provide useful reference for some of the models such as the windmill and solar panels. 
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mi5019joelturnbull · 3 years ago
Art Style
For my final animation I plan on using a combination of 3D and 2D animation with a very simplistic art style. I’ll be using Maya to create the 3D environments and main parts of each scene and I’ll be using 2D animation for the smaller details by compositing it into the shots in After Effects. 
Disorder (Climate Trilogy) - Robert Grieves
This animation of Robert Grieves makes use of both 2D & 3D animation techniques in a very successful and impactful way. I like the way each of his shots are completely different and convey a different meaning yet visually are all linked together. 
2D & 3D Animation Combined - Olof Storm
In researching combining 2D and 3D animation I came across this video which perfectly demonstrates how to go about creating this type of animation. Also for the look of my final animation I’d like to use a style similar to this artists as I think its a great way to include lots of detail especially in the 3D elements whilst still conveying a very clear and clean look through the visuals. 
Colour Palette
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I’ve created a colour palette that I think will do a good job in creating a clean and clear visual design for my final animations. 
From here I plan on modelling each of the 3D assets for each of my 5 different shots ready for when I bring them into after effects. 
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0 notes
mi5019joelturnbull · 3 years ago
Storyboarding Versions
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Version 1
I’ve decided on going with my third original storyboard idea as I think it ended up being the most experimental of the ideas and can be used well to showcase parts of my research and my overall idea with this topic. 
Before finalising that version of my storyboard I wanted to experiment with different ideas to see if I could come up with a better more in depth animation. 
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Version 2
My second version of the storyboard tells a story of this once beautiful green earth being taken over by industry and pollution.
My first shot being of this green earth, second the earth taken over by industry, third a look at the core of the earth and how its turned into this very dark gloomy place, fourth being the stage of rebuilding and bringing it back to its original state with the help of new technologies and finally the last shot being a look into the future of the earth after its rejuvenation. 
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Version 3
For my third version of the storyboard I decided to show in a more abstract way the way in which the earth has recovered from pollution and climate change through the use of new technologies and they way its combined technology and nature in a symbiotic relationship. 
The first shot representing climate change and peoples negative impact on the planet, the second shot showing a switch to cleaner ways of creating energy, third a second shot of this new energy source, fourth another long shot of our planet showcasing the contrast between how it started and where its at and finally a close up shot that represents a greener planet. 
0 notes
mi5019joelturnbull · 3 years ago
Introduction to Houdini
Today we were introduced to a new software “Houdini”, this is a 3D software that allows you to create real-time animation through the use of simulations and key-framed animation. 
Test 1
Are first test was to just get familiar with the software and what some of the most basic tools are used for. 
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We created a sphere object which we then edited with a couple nodes that allowed us to adjust the colour and transform of the object. 
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We then added a “chopnet1” node that allowed for us to make some changes to the keyframed animation we’d created. 
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After this we then added a fetch node that then copied the changes we’d made to the original sphere to the other two and allowed us to make some adjustments to have the movement between the original look random. 
Test 2
For our second test we experimented using rigid-bodies, simulations and collision. 
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We created a basic sphere with multiple other spheres at each point of this piece of geometry. 
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We then added a time shift that allowed for the animation to start shortly after the animation started. 
Test 3
For our final test we experimented with destruction. 
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Again we created a basic sphere and added multiple nodes that gave it the information to allow it to crumble and fall apart. 
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Then we added a rigid body to the sphere and adjusted the transform of the object so that it would collided with the ground plane we’d created early that has a mountain node attached. 
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