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I quite like how it turned out, I personally feel like I captured the essence of Emily Hubley's style as well as keeping true to my strengths and adding my own quirky-ness to it as well. After weeks of work, Im glad to say I am satisfied with how everything turned out, on to bigger things!
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Soundtrack for the Animation
I had mixed this audio track with several layers of SFX, such as underwater sounds as well as splashes and swimming sounds to make it appear a little closer to the theme of this and the sea
I had done a few tweaks to the base audio, since I'm using only the last portion of it, I muffled the sound using post-processing on Davinci Resolve, to get the effect of being underwater (during the black and white scene)
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The Obstecal Scene - FEEDBACK
The obstacle scene in my animation started out as a way for me to showcase Emily's years of hard work and dedication to finding her own style and creative outlet. However, after feedback from my peers as well as tutors, I was doubtful of the impact that the scene had on the audience.
I was notified that the 'fish' who represents Emily in my animation, seemed a bit stiff or 'unfinished' and that the scene seem a little boring or longer than it should be; after pondering on the thought, I went ahead and did a few tests to see how I could make the animation seem a bit more fluid.
Seeing the new tests I did for the fish animation, I realized a few things I should've earlier on. What this scene represents is Emily "finding" her calling, she's going on a journey that lasted around 15 years. It's quite hard to show the passing of time in a 30-second video, especially time on such a large scale, however, I had originally made this scene in order to capture the reality of an artistic journey.
To make the viewer feel the time passing by, I wanted the audience to experience the 'never ending' adventure that Emily had gone through. She's still incomplete, she's still not confident to be moving around in such a fluid manner, and she's not fully blossomed into the artist that she is today. That is why towards the end of the animation, we see Emily swim a lot more fluidly and smoothly than she did before, as we see the same obstacles surrounding her. drawing a major connection between the two scenes.
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Story Boards - Detailed Explanations.
The animation starts with a single line, paying homage to Emily's simple yet captivating art style. It glides across the screen and then seems to form something.
The line continues to form a man and a woman, these are Emily's parents, Faith and John Hubley, since there are not many characteristics that go into Emily's character in her own animations; I wanted to show that they're her parents through their hairstyles.
A few colorful bubbles appear and this represents their creativity and artistic talents.
As the water rises, parts of John and Faith Hubley's body start to turn into 4 fish representing their 4 children. Fish is a very frequent element in most of Emily's personal animations. She herself told me to use it if I thought it would be good for my animation.
John and Faith then both disassemble into various shapes and then slowly float into nothingness, while the four fish (children) swim around for a while.
The bubbles from earlier, go into these four fish, which represent John and Faith's creativity and talent being passed on to their children, two of whom are animators and one a musician. This sequence was shown because Emily's upbringing and childhood was a very important time in her life as most of her inspiration comes from back then. She values her parent's contribution to her artistic side as well as her siblings.
the camera then focuses on the main character of the story, Emily.
She slowly swims towards the top...
...but as she does, the camera rotates and flips her upside down, showing her jumping into the water rather than out of it, this is crucial to her depicting her life as this shows how she plunged into her creative side rather than being introduced to it, She herself said it took her 13 years to find the momentum in her art.
She then swims through a sea of shapes in various colours, depicting her journey in finding herself and getting in touch with her creative side, at first exploring different styles which didn't suit her (thus the sharp shapes)
But as she swims forward, she finds more organic and smooth shapes, this shows the evolution of her art style and how she grew as a person while finding herself and her style. She. got more comfortable with it and that's why it's more smooth and more organic.
She then swims into a new scene, this time it's black and white, to show some of her other styles, some animations she done in black and white and I thought it would be wonderful to have this emotional scene in black and white.
The fish opens up and falls to the ground, unravelling...
the eyes of the fish slowly start to enlarge... (part of this is mainly because of Emily's surrealistic approach to transitioning from scene to scene. She deploys various methods that are abstract and unique to drive her narrative in an interesting and fun way.)
This shows the emotional part of Emily's life where she lost her mother to cancer. Same here, using size and hairstyles I could give the character some features and make them seem like mother and daughter. Faith floats away as Emily tries to keep holding on, but she has to let go in the end.
This is a learning moment for Emily, as she sheds tears for her mother. the black and white in the scene really depicts how I think she felt back then, being pulled from both sides.
As one of the eyes is pushed away from the frame, the water starts to rise back up, back into colour.
She is then again transformed back into a fish and still with colour. Shows that's shes healing from the experience and using it to her advantage to move on and become a better version of herself.
She then swims along with those same shapes lining the edges of the road. She's still finding herself and still growing, becoming a better person each day.
She finds the same shapes since she's not done finding who she is and what her art is. She's still going on a journey and isn't done yet. The end screen slowly fills the screen signaling the end of the animation.
The End! This is Emily Hubley's actual handwriting which I asked her to send to me for this animation alone. Im extremely grateful for her help with this animation and hope to make something that would make her proud!

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Emily Hubley - Animatic
Task 3: Produce a timed, coloured animatic with sound.
I just need to work a bit more on the smoothness of the animation and fill in a few gaps.
The sound design is something that I like, it's something that I made using an online tool and it's royalty-free. the SFX also adds to the character of the animation, with the underwater sounds as well as the splash sounds.
other than that I'm pretty happy with the pacing and also the tone of the narrative; it's not too sad and not too happy either, it captures the simplistic but complicated nature of Emily's life and art style.
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A few shots from my Animation.
Task 2: Complete and finalise coloured versions of concept art/ backgrounds/characters for the final piece.
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Emily Hubley Animation - Colored Story Boards
Task 1: Complete and finalise coloured storyboards for your narrative (unless the final piece is in Black and white). *Please annotate all panels with camera angles and brief explanations of the actions taking place in each panel.
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