Um.. Sumireko futa with Shinya, please
A/N: Futa is the most requested XD but only with this ship, I love writing it though. The requests are still open darlings. I’ll literally write anything, and you guys don’t mine… Could you give me like a story line to work with ? Because I don’t know if you want them in a specific way. Also tell me who you want Dom and Sub, or if you don’t just sat surprise me!
“A-ah Shinya no.” Sumireko gasped as her girlfriend stroked her erect cock. “I-I’m gonna cum n-no!” She arched off the bed, cum shooting out of her cock.
“W-why do you keep doing this?” She whimpered, laying back onto the cum covered bed. “Y-you already made me cum 10 times leave me alone !”
“Pay back for shooting your seed into Mahiru with out my permission!” Her voice was low and full of anger.
“I-I’m sorry! I didn’t know I needed to - ah!” Shinya gripped her cock hard, squeezing out what cum was left over. “S-stop!” Tears leaked down her cheeks, desperate for her to stop.
“You’re so cute when you’re desperate~” Shinya smirked and let go of the girls limp cock. “But you still have to be punished.” She leaned forward and pressed her dripping pussy against Sumireko’s aching dick.
“You never wanna have sex with me… Is it because Mahiru’s submissive and easy to control ?!” She frowned , slightly grinding against her lover.
Sumireko looked away and bit her lip, “Y-yes Shinya…”
“I have needs too… And I’m gonna fuck you until I’m satisfied.” Reaching down she took Sumireko in her hands, aligning the head at her entrance. “I’ll make sure you’ll cum in me too.” She sank down slowly, watching her lover’s length disappear inside her.
“A-ah~ Now I know why Mahiru loves this so much.” Her hips moved on their own, bringing her strawberry blonde inside deep.
“S-Shinya.” Sumireko grabbed her hips but as smacked away.
“No… I’m on top so I’m in charge!” She growled and lifted her hips, then slamming back down. “Hngh~ M-mmm Sumireko!” Soft moans left her lips as she rode her girlfriend for all she’s worth.
Shinya blushed and leaned down, locking lips with Sumireko as she came. Her walls clenching tightly around her dick, awaiting Sumireko’s release.
“S-Shinya!!” Her hands grabbed her hips and thrusted up, spraying her seed all over Shinya’s insides.
“Hah ah~ Fuck~” Shinya slid off the softening cock and laid down. Sumireko’s cum leaking out of her pussy.
Sumireko smirked and got on top of the spent girl. “What are you doing?” Shinya growled while the girl sucked at her neck.
“You might be satisfied, but I’m not.” She slid her harden cock back into the girl’s pussy. Shinya’s lips immediately turned into a smirk; she wrapped her legs around Sumireko’s waist, bringing her in deeper.
“We have until sunset so take your time.”
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Thank you so much ; )
Sumibanba, please!! Sumireko futa, please!
Fandom: Akuma no Riddle Pairing(s): Sumireko x Banba Story Title: I want you Word count: 536 words Rated: MSummary: Sumireko and Mahiru have a little fun on the side of the pool. WARNING: CONTAINS FUTANARI DONT LIKE DONT READ, AND DONT HATE
A/N: Hope you enjoyed this honey ^///^ also I’m still opened to requests so just shoot me an ask ❤️
“S-Sumireko s-stop.” Mahiru let out slightly while Sumireko pressed kisses to her neck.
“Hmm~? Why~? I thought you liked your neck kissed.” She bit down slightly, “Also being bit~.”
Mahiru blushes and covered her face, hiding the blush behind her hands. “I-I do… It’s just… It’s embarrassing to do it here.” She gestured to where they were, which was by the pool.
“Hm? Why, we’re alone, I asked all the staff not to disturb us. I’ve been wanting you since this morning when I walked in on you showering.” Her hands traveled lower to Mahiru’s small breasts, giving them a light squeeze.
“C-can’t we just do this in your room like we always do? Y-you know I don’t like showing off my body.” A moan escapes her lips as Sumireko kept groping her boobs.
“But I wanna do it here, your body will only be seen by me.” Sumireko yanked down Mahiru’s swimsuit, setting her breasts free. Her hands immediately went up to cover her breasts, her blush getting brighter. “I’m so hard for you Mahiru~“Sumireko whispered in her ear, while taking the girls hand and setting it on her hardened bulge.
"I-I know, I can feel it.” She said awkwardly, slightly rubbing the bulge beneath her palm.
“A-ah.” Sumireko gasped and bucked her hips a bit. “I wanna taste you.” She said just above a whisper, making Mahiru blush even more than she already was.
“O-okay.” She gave in and laid down, slipping the rest of her bathing suit off. Wetness leaked from her pussy as she nervously rubbed her legs together. With a smirk Sumireko opened Mahiru’s legs and leaned forward, her tongue licking from her entrance up to her clit.
“S-Sumireko!” Mahiru tried to close her legs but Sumireko held her thighs open and slid her tongue within the girl. Slowly pulling her tongue in and out, stopping once in a while to give Mahiru’s clit attention too.
“I-I’m gonna cum!” She squeaked, trying to buck her hips to get Sumi’s tongue deeper. “A-ah!!” She froze up and gripped Sumireko’s hair, keeping her there until she can down from her high.
“Delicious as ever, Mmm but I think I want something more."She pressed the tip of her length against Mahiru’s entrance.
"N-no I’m still sensitive don’t-” Mahiru cried out as Sumireko thrusted forward, her length rubbing against her delicious velvet walls.
“A-ah ~ Oh fuck you’re so tight~"She panted while thrusting her hips at a fast speed.
"S-slow down , I-I can’t handle it.” Her whimpers became louder as her lover kept the same fast pace.
“I-I’m almost there!” Sumi moaned while her hips thrusted controllably, driving her length deeper inside of Mahiru. “A-ah! Mahiru I love you !!”
“I-I love you too Sumireko! A-ah~”
Her hips stilled as she released her load deep within Mahiru, causing both of them to moan out. “S-so warm.” Mahiru giggled while pulled Sumireko close to her, wrapping her arms and legs around the girl.
“I think I made a baby in there.” Sumireko pressed on the girls stomach with a worried look.
“Then I guess this makes you the Daddy and I’m the Mommy.”
They both giggled and shared a soft kiss, “That’s fine by me.”
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Этот артос я уже давно в твиттер выкладывала и еще куда-то, но на пиксив и сюда почему-то забыла.
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Ah! Sumireko X Mahiru! Please.
Send in two (or more) names and I’ll fill all this out about the ship!
Rate the Ship -  Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTPs
How long will they last? - Forever
How quickly did/will they fall in love? - Ironman with boobs saved girl with identity crisis from the bad bad MC scissoror. They fell in love INSTANT
How was their first kiss? - Sumireko was surprised. Mahiru pretends not to know what Shinya did. 
Who proposed? - Sumireko proposed at her in french. Shinya agreed. Mahiru got confused af after realizing she’s gonna marry
Who is the best man/men? -
Who is the braid’s maid(s)? - both
Who did the most planning? - Sumireko
Who stressed the most? - Mahiru! (that poor child don’t like that much attention)
How fancy was the ceremony? - Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 | 4 | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big. (RICH KIDS CAN AFFORD BIG MARRIAGES!!!) 
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? - Otoya, Tokaku, HARU (Also Isuke didn’t go because she hates bitches who are richer than her)
Who is on top? - Sumireko
Who is the one to instigate things? - Sumireko / Shinya
How healthy is their sex life? - Barely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | Once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They are humping each other on the couch right now
How kinky are they? - Straight missionary with the lights off  | 2 | 3 | 4 | Might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head
How long do they normally last? - Till Shinya appears! 
Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? - NO Irontitty needs to save enough stamina for the next rounds
How rough are they in bed? - Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it.
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? - No touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory.
How many children will they have naturally? -  //insets favorite Yuri manga quote 
How many children will they adopt? - 2
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? - Sumirekos slaves
Who is the stricter parent? - Sumireko
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? - At day both at night Sumireko needs to take care of everything
Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? - Mahiru
Who is the more loved parent? - Mahiru (Machines don’t love)
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings? Sumireko
Who cried the most at graduation? - Mahiru
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? - Sumireko 
Who does the most cooking? - Sumirekos slaves
Who is the most picky in their food choice? - Sumireko
Who does the grocery shopping? - Sumirekos slaves
How often do they bake desserts? - Sumirekos slaves bake everyday 
Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? - both
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? - Sumireko with the help of her slaves
Who is more likely to suggest going out? - Sumireko / Shinya (but only Mc Donalds)
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidently while cooking? - Shinya
Who cleans the room? - Sumirekos slaves
Who is really against chores? - 
Who cleans up after the pets? - Sumirekos slaves
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? -
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? - Mahiru
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? - Sumirekos slaves
Who takes the longer showers/baths? - Mahiru aka Shinya and the rubberducks
Who takes the dog out for a walk? - Sumirekos slaves
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? - Every Holiday 
What are their goals for the relationship? - To drink tea together while seeing the world burn
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? - Mahiru
Who plays the most pranks? - Mahirus split personality
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It’s been a long time I haven’t drawn these two. And I just happen to read chapter 35 today although it’s out for like a month ago. Ojousama is so straight forward lol.(I’m really happy right now my otp’s so canon xD)
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4. Феминистки ненавидят мужчин, и вообще их просто кто-то обидел. О, безусловно, мы не просто та стали феминистками. Но так уж ли важно, обидели нас или нашу подругу, или мы просто увидели массовую дискриминацию по признаку пола? Во-первых, хочется отметить, что некоторые аргументы абсолютно не логичны - “вот вы говорите, есть дискриминация, а тебя-то кто обидел? какая разница, какая статистика, раз её можно подделать?”, и “ах, тебя обидели? ну и что, это всего лишь твой случай, это ничего не значит!”. Даже если тебя не обидели, ты имеешь право встать на защиту обиженных. Знаете, как люди удивляются тому, что ЛГБТ защищают гетеросексуалы? О, это легчайший способ получить и себе “клеймо”. Поддерживаешь - значит, сам такой! А вот и нет. Меня могут ни раз не пытаться “склеить” на улице, но я всё равно борюсь за право женщины спокойно наслаждаться прогулкой без приставаний со стороны мужчин. Я ни разу не делала аборт, но я борюсь за право женщины на аборт. Я пока не работаю, но выступаю за равные и справедливые зарплаты. Да и в конце концов, какая разница, как мы пришли к феминизму, раз мы здесь? По поводу так называемой мизандрии - во-первых, далеко не все феминистки ненавидят мужчин, во-вторых, в условиях поглотившей мир мизогинии, мизандрия вполне объяснима. И не нужно этого бояться. “Мизандрия” в фемкругах - это чаще всего зеркало на всеобщую мизогинию, которая наблюдается ВЕЗДЕ. Простая мужская, внутренняя женская. Чаще всего, кстати говоря, мужененавистничеством называется банальная осторожность в отношении мужчин. Не хочешь ехать в лифте одна с мужчиной - мизандричка, отказалась ехать к малознакомому (да даже к хорошо знакомому) мужчине в гости - мизандричка. И прочее. А это в свою очередь всего лишь осторожность. Т.о. и выбор у нас - быть осторожной, но мизандричкой, или быть изнасилованной, но самавиноватой. “Мизандрия” в фемкругах - это чаще всего зеркало на всеобщую мизогинию, которая наблюдается ВЕЗДЕ. Простая мужская, внутренняя женская. Чаще всего, кстати говоря, мужененавистничеством называется банальная осторожность в отношении мужчин. Не хочешь ехать в лифте одна с мужчиной - мизандричка, отказалась ехать к малознакомому (да даже к хорошо знакомому) мужчине в гости - мизандричка. И прочее. А это в свою очередь всего лишь осторожность. Т.о. и выбор у нас - быть осторожной, но мизандричкой, или быть изнасилованной, но самавиноватой. https://vk.com/wall-78564229_335, https://vk.com/wall-87386629_75.https://vk.com/wall-78564229_335, https://vk.com/wall-87386629_75 https://vk.com/men_are_not_needed?w=wall-80168145_130
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[술 마실때만 등장]시에르 / シエル
※Permission to upload this was given by the artist
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THIS IS MY FAVORITE ASK EVER!!!! TOTALLY!!!!(Bless you anonymous person)Also, thanks to silent-shanin for the hair design and the piercings~ 
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Day Time/Night Time
Sumireko: *In a crowd looking for Banba*  This calls for drastic measures! Sumireko: *Uses her hands as a microphone* FREE DUCKS!! Mahiru: *From across the street* I-I WANT THEM!! Sumireko: There she is~ ♥ —————————-
Sumireko: *In a crowd looking for Banba* This calls for drastic measures! (again) Sumireko: *Uses her hands as a microphone* ME DRESSED AS A SEXY DUCK!! Shin'ya: *From across the street* YOU WON’T SLEEP TONIGHT!! Sumireko: *Tea Party Time*
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stressin’ so I doodled lil banba
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All the AnR couples looking cute…and the usual one being left out.
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A/N: I just got this idea out of the blue so I couldn’t help writing it. It’s another SumiBanba, so if you like them, go ahead and read it x)
Plot: When Mahiru catches a cold, Sumireko takes it upon herself to nurse the girl back to health.
Mahiru had been awaiting this day all week. Instead of a tea party or being victimized into tasting all of Sumireko’s culinary creations, they were finally going to go on their first official date. She had been waiting for this moment ever since the day she had confessed to Sumireko, which happened to be a few weeks ago. 
As much as she liked having tea parties with Sumireko, it didn’t feel like a date. It felt comfortable, too comfortable for her. She had been yearning for a different atmosphere, a more romantic one. Thankfully, Sumireko wasn’t dense.
But how did things end up like this?
Bundled under the covers, Mahiru lay in bed with a wet towel resting on her forehead. Her body felt heavy, as if there was a huge weight sitting down on her chest.
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