mhhhan-blog · 5 years
Project 03 | Collaborate work
Leaves fall from trees and become a part of the earth. They turn to earth and are trampled on by others without pity. It witnessed everything in the world, wind and rain, human activities, and so on. We want to hold a funeral for it to commemorate this fleeting life.
1. stone: We hang the smaller rock in the air, and the larger one is placed in the middle of the leaf funeral.
2. line: A white line links the two, this link symbolizes the connection between the mother and the child, and represents the cocoon that will break out.
3. leaves: leaves surround the central part of the device for the placement of the leaves. We imitate the Japanese landscape and the form of the Tibetan sand mandala, hoping to create an intense feeling. Represents the funeral of the leaves.
4. sound: the sound of everything in the world witnessed after the leaves fall, such as the sound of the wind,  rain, the footsteps of passers-by.
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mhhhan-blog · 5 years
Art viewing | PARTS OF SOME SEXTETS by Yvonne Rainer
This is really a good opportunity for me. It is the first time to do something volunteer work as a usher. The performance is awesome, and this is the first time I appreciate the performing art in person. Although I cannot fully understand what the text  movements are, it is powerful and impressive.
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mhhhan-blog · 5 years
Project 03 | Collaborate work
Leaves fall and reborn, reflecting the reincarnation of life. We want to hold a funeral for leaves.
1. Land art
Spiral Jetty, Robert Smithson
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2. Japanese rock garden (枯山水) 
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mononoaware(物哀)yugen(幽玄)The field(场域)
labyrinth/ dust / accumulation
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The sound part is a mixture of wind, rain, water, dog barking, children and other sounds. It represents that these leaves witness the vicissitudes of the world, and these sound fragments are forever in their "body".
These leaves stay in one place forever, but everything around them is changing...
When the audience is close to the center of the installation, the sensor will trigger the sound. The sound size is related to the distance between the audience and the installation.
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mhhhan-blog · 5 years
Notes of Computer as theatre
The tit-for tat mode ---> the common grand to human computer interface by Brennan (1990a)
The desk-top metaphor was first developed by Alan Kay at Xerox PARC in 1970. We can still see its fundamental out-lines in contemporary personal computers as well as in the arrangement of icons and what they mean on smartphones.
The metaphors is everywhere in the interface design and it is still with us today. the value of the metaphor is strong enough to boost most people up the learning curve.
The interface design is a interdisciplinary area. Involving engineers ( Engelbart’s legendary demo in 1968), psychologists (1.Norman’s insights suggesting a notion of the interface that’s more than screen-deep. What is represented in the interface is not only the task’s environment and tools, but also the process of interaction 2. another pivotal interface concept: the idea of direct manipulation), 
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mhhhan-blog · 5 years
Lecture 05 | Response to Hamid Rahmanian’s lecture
Hamid Rahmanian shared his works and experience on this week’s lecture. I like his illustration and popup book zahhak and shahnameh project very much. The interactive structure of popup is well combined with the illustration content. Both the content and the form recreate the traditional story, which is very powerful.
His features of fire: a personal epic, as the first real person shadow puppet in the world, is an innovation for shadow puppet. Through the body language of dancers, shadow puppets can become alive, and the traditional technique of shadow puppet can be brought back into people's sight.
Although this work lost some connotation and aesthetic of traditional shadow puppet, as a form of on-site drama, it is obviously difficult to feel the unique charm of this work in documentation. The accurate arrangement and design of light, sound, action and scheduling are amazing.
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mhhhan-blog · 5 years
Project 03 | group work draft idea
Xihao Zheng Xiaocheng Liu Menghan Jia
Leaves& life
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mhhhan-blog · 5 years
Guest lecture | Andrew Benincasa
I'm very glad to have the guest lecture of Andrew Benincasa. Although I haven't tried animation before, his lecture and the discussion in class brought me new thinking and broadened my horizons.
Andrew mentioned an interesting concept at the beginning. He asked us what we need for a game, and the answer was tools and rules. In the following lecture, he introduced this concept to the analysis of his works. The discussion and attention to the tools and rules can help us understand his works better.
In his works, I think the most interesting thing is that he added the "hand" to the stop motion animation, not just the stop motion animation of paper cutting. Using hands to interfere with the story development of the characters in the animation, just like God, is part of the concept of his works. What’s more, he is not only limited to the paper-cutting stop motion animation, but also some innovative form. He showed us another piece My body is a letter, which is a music video created for a piece of music. It is very exquisite in the interaction of characters and papers.
His works have an independent and distinct style. He has taken the animation style of “stop motion paper-cutting" as his personal label and created a series of works. There is no doubt that there will be many difficulties in the process of style formation, but it is also necessary, which is worth learning.
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mhhhan-blog · 5 years
Lecture 05 | Qestions for Hamid Rahmanian
1. Take shaahnameh as an example, are you regard the book as a commercial product or a artwork while you are making it?
2. I know that you are accomplished and successful in film. Why did you turn to making art books and audiobooks?
3. In feathers of fire, I found that the limbs of the puppet character you made can't move. Have you ever considered designing the joints of the puppet to be movable?
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mhhhan-blog · 5 years
Art viewing in MoMA
It is soooo great that there are so many great art pieces in MoMA, and its inner is good after furnitured.
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mhhhan-blog · 5 years
Art viewing in Brooklyn Museum
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mhhhan-blog · 5 years
Lecture 04 l Response to Miranda Javid’s lecture
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In my opinion, Miranda Javid's works are poetic, romantic and delicate. Smoke is nothing more than some subtle particles when the candle goes out, but Miranda gives it life. She discusses the theme of death and rights from the perspective of smoke. The images made of black and white play a good role in the atmosphere of her work. I like the rough brushes since it full of dynamic and changing. I think the most interesting point of Smoke’s last thought is the sound part. The form of musicals has injected a relaxing atmosphere into the animation, making the whole work more energetic and attractive.
In Miranda's lecture, what inspires me is her transformation into the field of animation. The dynamic images are more informative, of course, the work is greater and more difficult. It's obviously not easy to go into the animation field. Many people lack this courage. Through the pictures of her works, I can see her deep thinking on many problems. Whether it's the narrative way or the enlightening words she wrote has her distinctive personal characteristics. Her works are just like the feelings she gives to people—full of inspirations and vitality.
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mhhhan-blog · 5 years
Artist Statement(Final version)
My artistic practice is devoted to exploring the relationship between different artistic media and themes. I engage in interactive installations, products, graphic design, and illustrations to investigate the events and problems in people's lives, including the mysteries of the brain, cyber bullying, daily difficulties, and so on. I use an organic and sensitive approach to match media with a concept. My work is designed to evoke delicate feelings with a sense of style.
My recent interactive project, ​Brain Diary,​ involves collecting a person’s EEG signals and realizing the real-time visualization of that data in the form of dynamic images, allowing users to intuitively understand their brains. Another interactive installation–​Cyberbullying​–allows audiences to experience the phenomenon from the perspective of the victim, which draws attention to Internet issues such as the Internet disinhibition effect. My other ongoing projects involve interactive sound installations and mapping projects. My constant pursuit is integration of different media to focus attention on the problems of life.
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mhhhan-blog · 5 years
Project 02|Final work
CRECIVE, Menghan Jia, 2019, Video installation, 3:22.
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mhhhan-blog · 5 years
Project 02 | Anti-Apathy Project
CRECIVE is based on two violent incidents.
For the episode one, this clip is about the terrorist attacks in Sri Lanka in Apirl 2019. The three videos are the scenes before the terrorist attacks, the video after the terrorist attacks and the calm sea.
For the episode two, it is about the protest on Hong Kong recently. This incident have already involved into a violent incident with terrorist tendencies that has been used by some rights. I chose three videos for combination, one of which is the scene of the reporter's chaos recording in the local area, the second is the scene of the reporter moving towards the site of the incident, and the third one is the scene of the slowly swinging swing.
By combining pictures of different time, space and emotion, I want arouse people's attentions to the event.
I designed the shape of the video as a "crecive”. Some violent events are like crecive, they are destructive and dangerous, lurking around people, and may threaten people's lives at any time.
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mhhhan-blog · 5 years
My Artist Statement (Second version)
As an artistic explorer, my artistic practice is devoted to exploring the relationship between different artistic media and themes. I engaged in interactive installations, interactive products, graphic design, illustrations to investigate the events and problems in people's lives, including EEG visualization, network bullying, intelligent life and so on. My exploration of art is free by choosing different media and materials according to different themes to create sensitive and rich works. Audiences can feel delicate feelings and my pursuit of beauty when viewing my works.
One of my recent projects, Brain Diary, is an interactive installation that collects the user's EEG signals with a collector and realizes the real-time visualization through programming. By transforming data into colorful dynamic images, people can intuitively understand their brains. Another Interactive installation - Cyberbullying, is from the view of victims of Cyberbullying, arousing people's attention to Internet issues such as Internet de-inhibition effect through interactions. My ongoing projects include interactive sound installation, mapping projects, etc. Exploring new areas, paying attention to people's life problems and trying to integrate different media is my constant pursuit.
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mhhhan-blog · 5 years
Art viewing👇🏼
10/12/2019 👀I went to Museum of Art and Design this weekend.
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mhhhan-blog · 5 years
Response 03 | Response to Hsin-Chien Huang’s lecture
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Hsin-Chien Huang's lecture is like a light illuminating a new field for me. I didn't know much about VR art before, and some of his views of VR deeply touched me.
He thinks that imagination is the most important factor in the VR world in the future. You can make a work as big as the Earth with VR technology without paying a dollar. For VR, the viewer's mind is more unprepared, it can reach the depth that the media can not reach before. He also believes that VR, or the tool to take over people's five senses altogether, will be a very important medium in the future. "Body" is the theme throughout the history of Western art and philosophy: from the pursuit of perfect body proportion in Greek sculpture to the exploration of body in contemporary art, body has always been the theme of artistic exploration and description, and also the tool for the soul to feel beauty. By VR, the body disappeared, which was a big change that shocked the history of art. This began to make him think about the real capabilities of VR.
Besides, I think VR art has great advantages. In traditional interactive media, the mode is “one to one" or "one to many" . “One" refers to an audience, and the second “one" refers to content presentation. In VR art, this mode becomes "many-to-many", which means multiple audiences can see the creative presentation of different contents. Every audience has the right to choose the plot, especially the right to "control" the key plot and the fate of the characters. At the end of the film, based on the difference of each choice, each audience has a film of their own. Compared with the sensory stimulation of audiovisual perception, this kind of initiative and playability, which enables the audience to intervene in the development of the story, even the self-created version of the film.
Through the understanding and experience of Hsin-Chien Huang's works, together with some interviews of him on the Internet, I gained great interest in VR. I heard that there will be a workshop of him next semester. I am really excited about that! Although I haven't engaged in 3D modeling and VR before, I will learn it by myself from now on. I will share my ideas with Huang in the next semester's workshop. I do believe I will learn a lot!
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