mhawriterhere · 11 months
I see this
Bakusquad headcanon time!
(I mention ADHD in this post and I have it myself btw)
Kaminari is prone to spacing out and not coping well with loud crowded areas, so to help with that the squad stay close, maybe another member will lightly hold his arm or hand to remind him that they're there.
Bakugo and Kaminari both have ADHD. One affect of ADHD means needing more sleep, but both of them have trouble sleeping so sometimes they both just kinda nap together.
Bakugo doesn't really genuinely hug anyone in the squad often, but on some rare occasions he will. I.E: one time Kiri felt insecure and was really upset and admitted it to Bakugo, and he gave Kiri the tightest hug ever.
They eat dinner together in the dorms. Bakugo makes it. They low-key have gossip sessions at the table.
Sleepovers. Sadly though they need to be prepared just in case Bakugo has one of his nightmares.
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mhawriterhere · 1 year
Did the post only get two likes? Yes am I telling u the story anyways?…..also yes
I’m not gonna sugar coat it I listened to music super loud already so I was losing my hearing and then one day ✨Car accident✨ and then yeah
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mhawriterhere · 1 year
This was written by my cousin….. trust me my writing isn’t THAT bad
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mhawriterhere · 1 year
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mhawriterhere · 1 year
I have five
hey if you have a pet or pets you need to reblog this rn and tell me in the tags what their names are. bonus points for including what kind of animal.
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mhawriterhere · 1 year
If yall want a story on how i went deaf like this post
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mhawriterhere · 1 year
Kirishima: what'd you think of our first date?
Bakugou: it was good, i enjoyed it
Kirishima: would you say you had a...blast?
Kirishima: i'll just shut up now
Bakugou: good idea
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mhawriterhere · 1 year
Yall go follow my bsf @urfriendlygaywhore they and thier friends are hilarious
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mhawriterhere · 1 year
Prove me wrong Denkis the type to cry at everything EVERYTHING
Deadass you’ll walk into the dorm and see him crying and be like
You:“Are you watching titanic”
Kaminari sniffling,crying,dying:“ROSE HAD ROOM ON THE DOOR”
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mhawriterhere · 1 year
So I imagine bakugou have a friend outside of school named Lexi so this is what she looks like:
Brown hair
Left eye brown right eye purple
Streetwear style
Kinda grungy honestly borderline Emo
Her top five artists are mother mother,my chemical romance,falling in reverse,Nirvana,And Slipknot
More of a passive asshole but still an asshole
Girl gets in so many fights
She the bitch that bites her acrylics off in a fight
She intimidated katsuki on the first day no shit
How they met:
It was the first day of middle school
She came like 20 mins late
The teacher was an asshole and singled her out
She got pissed and cussed him out
When she learned deku was quirkless she bullied him worse the katsuki sometimes
Honestly he had a crush on her until high school
There might be a tiny bit of feelings left
Her quirk:
Its called lightning
Kinda like kaminaris but different
She can make lightning cover her body and make it come out of her hands
The lightning is purple
Instead of going all short circuit like kaminari she has aftershocks that never go away thier Kind if like tics but not
They hang out a lot outside of school
Honestly she feels bad about what she did to deku but feels too guilty to even talk to him
He forgives her
Holy shit where did I get all this from-
Ok I’m actually going to sleep now
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mhawriterhere · 1 year
Quirk drawbacks that i see almost no one talking about
Kendo has wrist pain (gurl same)
Todoroki cant regulate his body temperature so some time he will get hypothermia or seizures and fainting from being too hot
Not really a drawback but jiro gets depressed over the amount of shit she hears
Monoma has a lot of scars from when he tries to copy someones quirk but couldnt fuigure out how to use it correctly
Shiso get tierd after a while of using his quirk
Bakugo goes blind from the light of his quirk
Bakugo accidentally blinded a girl in his class when he was in 3rd grade he still thinks about her to this day
Thats all for now! But I have other things that don’t fit into this category that I’ll talk about later!
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mhawriterhere · 1 year
We don’t talk about how he’s literally me-
Here are some Autistic Monoma headcanons, I personally see him as someone with ADHD or OCD but I can understand where you came from.
Monoma is definitely the type of guy to either scratch at his palms, hit his hands on the desk/ any surface or open-palm smack his own chest as a distress stim.
His tactile sensitivities usually act up when he uses his quirk too much or touches something greasy/ sticky, which would lead him to distress stim.
Monoma definitely struggles with hyperlexia and silted speech.
He suffers from frequent overstimulation episodes due to the nature of his quirk and his autism diagnosis.
He was diagnosed at 3 years old due to the fact that he was sensory seeking for every sense except his touch.
His mom doesn't like to acknowledge his diagnosis so that results in a lot of screaming and stimming as well as a his already prominent inferiority complex.
However, Monoma has echolalia and it usually comes in the form of repeating sentences or laughing at the same time someone else laughs.
Monoma when deeply distressed or frustrated becomes nonverbal and sometimes pout while sitting criss-cross on any surface he is near.
Also, as a kid; Monoma would walk away from conversations that didn't involve his special interest or hyperfixation.
Monoma's special interest is Theatre and Hero-work but he has a hyperfixation on French culture and Fashion.
Monoma, both due to his quirk and his autism; struggles with near debilitating hyperempathy, once when was a kid, he cried to what felt like near dehydration due to seeing someone break their leg.
Monoma has delayed-echolalia and mild immediate-coprolalia,but only when already in distress; which result in situations like:
Shinsou: Hey, Neito! Do you want a cookie or a Klondike bar?
Monoma: *aggressively curls index finger at Shinsou* Milkshake!!
Shinsou: What? No, I asked if y-
Monoma: Hey! Cookie! Milkshake!
Shinsou: ...Nevermind...
Monoma's eating habits are either time oriented or completely erratic, there are no in-betweens like he will eat frosted cookies with chocolate milk at 2:30 pm or he'll eat a BLT sandwich (it must be put together like a sandwich), but he won’t eat it that way, he will pulls it apart and eat the contents separately. However, he won’t eat it if it’s not made in the sandwich formation first.
Finally, Monoma has like no volume control, so he once scared Shihai awake in the middle of the night while having a conversation with Kendou.
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mhawriterhere · 1 year
Characters:y/n x bakugo
Summary:bakugo is very insecure and his s/o helps him through it (he’s also hoh in this)
You walk in his room, he doesn’t notice you at first as you don’t flicker the lights as you usually do. You watched as he lifted his shirt before rubbing his hand on his ribs. He then stepped on the scale, you didn’t see what he weighed but he was obviously upset about it. “Katsuki?” You stomped on the floor to get his attention. He gasped and turned around “how long have you been standing there?” He yelled. ‘Long enough’ you signed as you pulled him into a hug. He hugged back and began ranting to you about how he’s “too scrawny to be a hero “and he “doesn’t weigh enough” which is bullshit. ‘Baby… I’m going to be honest with you okay? You are beautiful,amazing,and important okay? Don’t let anyone tell you different. ‘But you have to admit…I’m tiny’ he signed defeated. He didn’t feel like talking his throat hurt from choking back sobs. ‘You are beautiful baby okay’ you signed rubbing his back ‘okay babe let’s get to sleep’ you layed in bed with him. He will never forget those words
Ok I’m going to sleep now night y’all
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mhawriterhere · 1 year
They’re making me insane
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mhawriterhere · 1 year
Todoroki: midoriya why is bakugou throwing up
Midoriya: he kept eating too much spicy food
Todoroki:why didn’t he stop?
Midoriya:tbh I told him to but he said “FUCK YOU SHITTY DEKU ILL DO WHAT I WANT”
Todoroki: …
Bakugou: *throwing up noises intensify*
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mhawriterhere · 1 year
snap //  bakugo
description ; aizawa’s sleep is interrupted by an incessant clicking sound 
authors note // horrible ending bc it’s like 3AM but i swear i’ll revise in the future. angst incoming though
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aizawa tried to ignore it at first. the snap, pause, snap, pause, snap. students, annoying students, had their own ways to focus. jirou listened to music. midoriya muttered. denki tapped his pencil. he often had no problem with it as long as it wouldn’t disturb him. but this, this incessant, off-beat snapping.. it was giving him a migraine already. not even his sleeping bag could muffle it enough for him to drift off to sleep.
snap, snap.
the hero’s jaw tightened. it was getting more aggressive, persistent. whoever was doing it was getting frustrated. aizawa tightened the bag around his head in contempt. goddamn students.. can’t be quiet for a second, he scoffed internally. only twenty more minutes of class, he reassured himself, twenty more minutes and the fucking snapping would cease. he could sleep.
snap, snap, snap, snap.
snap, snap.
aizawa wanted to snap, too. snap at whoever wasn’t aware of how irritating they were being. the noise was getting even more frantic, somehow. the teacher growled, tossing and turning in his sleeping bag. his rage was reaching a boiling point and he could barely stay still from it. all 1-A needed to do was write a simple essay on how school was still important in their hero teaching. that was it. it’s not like he was asking them to solve world peace, for christ’s sake.
“uh, bakubro?”
snap, snap, snap, snap, snap, snap, snap, snap, snap-
“who the hell is snapping?!” aizawa had enough, ripping open his sleeping back and clambering to his feet. he slammed his hands down on his desk, eyes bloodshot from how exhausted he was. the students in front of him flinched at the outburst- pencils clacking to the desk, a yelp or two sounding through the now paralyzed room. tension filled the room. it became deafeningly silent. 
except for one sound. one student.
snap, snap, snap.
kirishima tugged desperately at his friend’s shirt, almost shaking him, “dude! mr. aizawa is going to murder you, stop it!” bakugo seemed to ignore him, intently focused on the fingers next to his ear.
snap, snap.
aizawa hissed, stomping his way around his desk. students in the perimeter of the blonde seemed to scoot as far away as they could from the impending explosive argument. kirishima yelped at the sight of his oncoming teacher, “come on, he’s gonna give you like a year’s detention for this!! don’t be stubborn!”
snap… snap… snap.
the furious teacher could feel his scarf ready to strangle the snapping boy- “katsuki baku-!”
but it was as if bakugo couldn’t comprehend the teacher standing over him, taking both of his arms and suddenly hitting the sides of his head with a small scream of frustration.
“stop- fucking stop, i c- i can’t.. FUCK!”
aizawa paused, stunned at the behavior. bakugo’s voice shook in a way aizawa hadn’t heard before- hadn’t expected. the boy in front of him ripped his arms from the sides of his head and snapped his fingers again, and snapped and snapped in both of his ears until.. until he slammed his hands down on the desk, the air of defeat around him so foreign aizawa felt as if he was in a parallel universe.
“kat..katsuki?” eijiro’s hand slacked from his best friend’s shirt, sounding choked and wet. it fell quiet once more. aizawa stepped forward gently, placing his hands down above bakugo’s. he knew the signs of a panic attack, or at least an oncoming one. but the blonde refused the touch immediately, jumping from his chair. bakugo stumbled backwards, hands shaking in front of his face. as if something only he could see what was staining them.
“hey, hey, kid! calm down, what’s going on?” shota could almost see the panic radiating from his student. his rage instantly washed away, and concern for the boy who was looking smaller by the minute pushed him forward. aizawa raised his hands encouragingly and took a small step toward bakugo. but it was almost as if he was a caged animal, backing away hurriedly from aizawa with such shaky knees, the teacher was surprised he was even still standing. bakugo hit the back wall, knuckles white as he gripped the window sill.
“someone, go get recovery girl for me, please.” the calm, even tone of their teacher snapped class 1-A from their stupor. 
“s-sir.. is k-kacchan okay..?” izuku midoriya hadn’t seen his childhood friend so vulnerable since after all might retired. it scared him. bakugo was strong, bakugo didn’t panic. he was always confident and he never faltered.
“i will take care of him, midoriya, so please, give us some room.” most of the class listened to the request, stepping back from where they crowded. but midoriya and kirishima looked at each other, hesitant. they wanted to help, even if they knew there wasn’t much they could do that their teacher wasn’t already. it didn’t stop the fact they could feel their hearts crumbling piece by piece with every jagged breathe katsuki struggled with.
“bakugo, i need you to calm down for me. why don’t we take a step outside for some fre-”
katsuki suddenly shot his head up, interrupting aizawa’s plead. everyone could see the blonde’s face now- see his tear streaked, blotchy, twitching, terrified face. it was such a distressing, outlandish sight for the usually self-assured boy that aizawa could hear the students behind him gasp. some called out to him in soft voices. but bakugo, bakugo kept his bloodshot eyes on shota himself. the teacher could feel the pit in his stomach drop with nerves.
“katsuki, please, try to even out your breaths for me, okay? follow my breathing.”
except the encouragement could only serve to fill the kid with more dread. aizawa noticed the fall and raise of his chest quicken considerably, breathing so rapid he could only assume bakugo was getting lightheaded, confused.
“ kid, you’re going to pass out if you keep-”
“s-sorry te-teach.. you-’re gonna,” bakugo hiccupped, tears streaming faster, and yet it looked as if a wavering smirk was making it’s way onto the kid’s face, “y-you’re g-gonna needa-.. needa sp-speak up.” katsuki look behind his concerned teacher, eyes scanning his classmates, focusing on moving lips. and then he raised his palm close to his ear. without a seconds notice, the boy began popping off small explosions. yet, even as they got louder, aizawa couldn’t help but notice how the problem child wasn’t flinching at all. bakugo and aizawa connected eyes once more, the blonde’s wobbly smirk widening with self-hatred.
“because i can’t hear shit.”
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mhawriterhere · 1 year
The fact that one of my friends did this…during an assembly…..WITH THE WHOLE DAMN SCHOOL THERE-
Girl didn’t even wait to be yelled at she just fuckin booked it
another HoH bakugo headcanon with a twist.
kirishima becomes so used to flicking the light switch on and off when entering a room because of bakugo that he just…always does it now.
he’ll go into kaminari or sero’s room and just subconsciously flip the switch.
none of their friends want to comment on it because they honestly find it quite endearing because it shows that he cares for bakugo’s comfort since he does it not to startle him. plus, it shows just how much time he spends going to bakugo’s room that it just is second nature at this point.
the rest of the class is just waiting for someone else to comment but they all find it really sweet so they don’t say anything for ages.
…until kirishima accidentally does it coming into class one morning.
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