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mexican-hoe-gold · 7 years ago
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mexican-hoe-gold · 7 years ago
30 Glow Up Challenge
Day 1: Cut out all sodas/juices/energy drinks and switch for tea or water for better sleep, skin, metabolism, and to kill excess sugar cravings.
Day 2: Do 50 squats every day before your shower to get that ass🍑
Day 3: Do a face mask.
Day 4: Paint your nails/toes with a cute ass design💅
Day 5: Make yourself a bomb ass breakfast before starting your day.
Day 6: Clean out your closet and try on shit to configure some cute ass outfits for future reference.
Day 7: Take an epsom salt bath to detox and relax.
Day 8: Buy yourself a new highlighter. Even a cheap one like ELF or Makeup Revolution can ya shit pop✨
Day 9: Take a selfie. Take 10. Take 100. Do your makeup or go natural, and gas yourself up with as many selfies as your heart desires. Y'all have no clue how much this boosts your self confidence.
Day 10: Pick/buy yourself some flowers. Love thyself.
Day 11: Do something different with your hair. Part it a different way, straighten it, curl it, dye it, whatever makes you feel glammed up💆
Day 12: Go for a walk outside. Get that fine ass some fresh air and exercise.
Day 13: Get your eyebrows done, or do them yourself if you prefer.
Day 14: Trim your split ends💇
Day 15: Try out a new lip color💅
Day 16: Go through old makeup and throw out anything unwanted or expired. Keep that vanity fresh.
Day 17: Go to bed early for that young beauty rest💤
Day 18: Go through social media and your phone contacts. Delete/block people you don’t like or want to talk to. Cut that toxicity outta your life.
Day 19: Wear a new perfume, or one you normally don’t wear.
Day 20: Exfoliate ya face with your favorite scrub.
Day 21: Apply coconut oil (to lenghten) or castor oil (to volumize) to your lashes before going to bed
Day 22: Buy or make a lip scrub to get them soft kissers😘 (diy scrub: honey+sugar+olive oil)
Day 23: Buy yourself a cheap, fake little engagement ring to remind yourself that you are married to yourself. It also wards off fuckboys.
Day 24: Stretch properly after you wake up, and before you go to bed.
Day 25: Make yourself a lit ass playlist on spotify or your phone’s music to jam whenever you’re feelin down.
Day 26: Make a fruit salad and gobble that shit up for a healthy snack (melt some dark chocolate and drizzle over it for a little treat)🍎🍓🍇🍉🍍
Day 27: Do some yoga.
Day 28: Wing out ya eyeliner like a bad bitch💁 Use scotch tape as a guide for beginners.
Day 29: Buy yourself a new bra or pair of panties to feel sexy af in💞 Target has cute shit for cheap.
Day 30: Meditate to clear your mind and boost your mood.
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mexican-hoe-gold · 7 years ago
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Paolo Sebastian spring 2018 couture
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mexican-hoe-gold · 7 years ago
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mexican-hoe-gold · 7 years ago
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mexican-hoe-gold · 7 years ago
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mexican-hoe-gold · 7 years ago
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mexican-hoe-gold · 8 years ago
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🌺 Compartan por favor 🌺
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mexican-hoe-gold · 8 years ago
We just had another strong earthquake in Mexico
On the same day of the 1985 earthquake anniversary.
I’ll keep you all updated
Update: Preliminar reports say it’s 7.1 in Axochiapan, Morelos
Telephone lines do not work well right now, please use online services like Whats App, Facebook Messenger, Line, Telegram or similar to contact your family and friends.
Do not smoke or light a candle. There are gas leaks and it is very dangerous to have fire or sparks around it.
Update: Some biuldings suffered damages in Mexico City, around 44 collapsed and there are reports on TV of people traped in some of them. The AICM (Mexico City Airport) is now operating
Update[!!]: Reports say there are 130 dead people across all afected areas. (19:25 pm) This number may change.
Update: A factory exploted in Mexico City. Link The ITESM CCM has suffer big damages. Schools in the city have suspended activities.
Update: Civilians and professionals are working together to free people from rubble; cons is that they make so much noise that people trapped can not be heard.
Update: The metro offers free service to users today at all stations, but not all the lines nor stations are operating right now; be cautious. This are the lines that work: L1, L2, L3, L4, L5, L6, L7, L8, L9, LB
Update: There are reports of robberies on the streets in damaged zones. Be super cautious. This zones are Periférico altura de San Ángel, near IBERO, and in Puebla
Update: Hospitals are offering free service in their emergency departments.
-Some Emergency Numbers- (Can call from any state -> ): 911 Locatel: 5658-1111 Bomberos: 5768-2532 Fugas: 5654-3210
If you want to help, you can donate canned foods, medical equipment and personal hygiene products on the shelters that were used on the Chiapas earthquake; make your wifi open for others to use if you can. You can donate blood in any hospital, just follos the rules ( have about 2 years of getting tattoos, no blood diseases like hepatitis )
If you are not in Mexico but want to help with money, consider donating to: Brigada de Rescate Topos de Tlaltelolco Here is a post with their info Mexican Red Cross
(This are the things that media has shared. If you know other way to help or any other civil aid association, please tell me to add it)
Links to other posts with pictures: ehr-mantraut, monoukotori, glowyskull
If you have more information you think is super important and want it to appear on this post, do not hesitate to contact me.
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mexican-hoe-gold · 8 years ago
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mexican-hoe-gold · 8 years ago
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Those cheekbones. That face.
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mexican-hoe-gold · 8 years ago
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These Women Know.
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mexican-hoe-gold · 8 years ago
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mexican-hoe-gold · 8 years ago
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This photo was taken on the remains of the city hall of Juchitán, Oaxaca, one of the most affect cities.
They recovered the Mexican flag from the remains of the city hall.
This is my country, it can fall apart but it will always try to recover!!
Este es mi país, se puede caer a pedazos pero siempre tratará de recuperarse.
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mexican-hoe-gold · 8 years ago
If someone is wondering, we just had an 8.1 earthquake here in Mexico. A strong one indeed; until now there are no big damages to buildings and the most common thing is lack of electricity in some communities and a tsunami alert in some zones.
(As far as I know)
But all of our twitter and Facebook is filled with memes and funny relatable texts. We are always like that ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Update (no one sees the reblog with it): official sources say it was 8.4 The epicenter was Pijijiapan in Chiapas. There have been replicas of 5~6 degrees
Update 2 [!]: The deaths are reported to be 32. (September 8, 7:26 am) (this update can change the number if necessary)
Update 3: Telling by people’s reports on Twitter, Chiapas seems to be the most affected with some buildings collapsed or partially destroyed. Some damages in the Mexico City international airport have been reported as well
Update 4: Classes have been suspended today Sept 8 in 11 states (Update) The IPN, UNAM (for today) and the ITESM (until new notice-mostly today-) have officially suspended classes; other universities are starting to reach out to their alumni. Since it’s exam season, try to locate your teachers to see if they know when will the exam will be reprogrammed. If you are already on your way to school, be careful and find a institution representative or check your school’s social media to confirm any labor suspension
Update 5: Not earthquake related but hurricane Katia will arrive to Veracruz between today’s night and Saturday morning. Beware of big and strong waves in the zone and rain mostly in the middle of the country.
-Some Emergency Numbers- (Can call from any state): 911 Locatel: 5658-1111 Bomberos: 5768-2532 Fugas: 5654-3210 Cruz Roja: 065
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mexican-hoe-gold · 8 years ago
To put you all in context, this has been the strongest earthquake registered since the 1985’s earthquake that destroyed half the entirety of Mexico City. The one tonight was an 8.1 earthquake.
Update: there are tsunami alerts on all of the Pacific coast.
Everyone stay safe! There might be other earthquakes throughout the night.
Another update: it was a 8.4 earthquake and there’s already been reported another Earthquake (5.4) registered in Guatemala
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mexican-hoe-gold · 8 years ago
🌺 M E X I C A N H O E 🌺
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