mexdragoon · 9 years
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mexdragoon · 9 years
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CTNx First-Timers Survival Guide
AKA the post I wish I had when I had my first CTN experience in 2013
CTN Animation Expo is the convention for people interested in animation, especially film and TV. CTN is heavily 2D-artist focused, but 3D has been working its way in.
If you’re a fan of animation, an animation student, or looking to break into the industry, CTN will be a great experience for you. Bring your portfolio and business cards!
CTN main website
CTN tickets (my suggestion: CTNer Lite 3-Day) Pro-tip: some colleges/companies have promo discount codes
Workshops (depending on your pass, you might not need to pay for workshops, so make sure you read everything your pass covers)
Raise the Bar Recruiting (great for students/industry hopefuls)
CTN’s travel/housing suggestions (my suggestion: stay at the Marriott for convenience if you can)
Floorplans (print these!)
Event Schedule (print this!)
Shuttle Info
What to Expect
Typical CTN events include: gallery shows (via shuttle bus), screenings, panels, workshops, demos, recruiting/portfolio review opportunities, meet-the-artists, and your standard artist alley.
Panel and workshops can range from behind-the-scenes looks at recent films (last year was BH6), lectures on specific jobs and projects (i.e. Disney Imagineering), demos from painters, animators, etc., and Q&As with artists/studios.
Also: many people in the industry attend CTN or even have their own booth, so there’s a good chance you’ll get to meet your faves!
CTN Prep Tips
1. PRINT EVERYTHING. Print your plane tickets, hotel info, Ticket and Workshop purchase receipts, Floorplans, Schedules, etc. There should also be a CTN app with schedules/floorplans, but having the actual printed-off info in your hand is so helpful.
2. Plan. Highlight every panel, event, and screening that interests you. Put a star next to the ones that are the most important. Pro-tip: you’ll never be able to see everything, so don’t overwork yourself by trying to do it all. Have all of your events scheduled, know what times and places you’ll need to be at. And make sure you put in room for meals!!
3. Give yourself free time. This was the hardest one, because there are so many events. Make sure you have time to just sit down or get a bite to eat. There’s a Panda Express, Denny’s, McDonald’s, and other small restaurants directly across the street. You can also call in Pizza Hut. The Marriott will have water jugs set up, but those tend to run empty pretty fast, so try to keep a bottle of water with you. (They also have food but it’s expensive).
4. Bring a sketchbook or notebook. There will be panels or workshops where you’ll want to write down all the incredible tips you’re going to hear.
5. Bring your portfolio/reel/resume/business cards. You don’t have to show anyone, but you might want to. All of the artists there are willing to give it a look. There will also be opportunities to sign up to meet with recruits from Disney, Nickelodeon, etc. If you want a cheap business card site, I’ve used overnight prints, and they’re great.
Getting Around at CTN
The actual location isn’t huge, and if you have trouble finding your desired location, there will be plenty of yellow-shirt volunteers who can tell you where to go.
If you get a standard, non-VIP pass, you’re going to want to pay extra attention to these tips:
1. Always come early. You can pretty much guesstimate how early you should get to each panel. If it’s an opening night panel with Glen Keane, get there 3 hours early. Seriously. By my second CTN trip I had figured out that most people won’t do this, so my friends and I would snag the front of the standard pass line every time. And you’re going to want to be in front, ‘cause seating is limited, and VIP holders go in first.
2. Plan your fastpasses. If you aren’t a VIP pass holder, you should take advantage of the free fastpass a day that comes with the standard pass. Fastpass line opens every morning, and, once again, get there an hour or two early. The good fastpasses get taken extremely fast. And, in case you’re unsure of their purpose, they will get you in the VIP line, which goes ahead of standard pass lines.
3. Make friends! You’re going to be standing in lines a lot, so have fun!
CTN is always in late November (20th-22nd for 2015). If you can’t make it this year, there’s always next year.
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mexdragoon · 9 years
Lovely gif!
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Shhhh…hey I’m streamin’ with my bud @MexDraconis come and chat n’ stuff~ https://furstre.am/stream/Zarock
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mexdragoon · 9 years
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Zootopia new Poster! Really excited about this!! :D
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mexdragoon · 9 years
what will you do if nintendo does actualy find a way to shut this project down? i dont want to see that happen
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Ladies and Gentlemen, Plan B.
Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that, though
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mexdragoon · 9 years
My friend Matthew is working in an amazing project of an animation of a spinoff of Nintendo Franchise  Star Fox. Please go check it out and Support him starfoxtheanimatedseries   
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mexdragoon · 9 years
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Crisis on Katina
Commission Accomplished for friend Mexdragoon. Of his Character Ed and Falco holding enemy forces from taking the Cornerian Outpost on Katina.
Mexdragoon also does some cool art you guys should go and check out his Art Blog  
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mexdragoon · 9 years
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A Fox McCloud pic from his Star Fox Adventure design. Even if a lot of fans didn’t like the game, I really loved how it looked in this one. This is a experiment using kyletwebster​ gouache brush set. I have to say the results are regarding.  Coming up the rest of the team. Thanks a bunch!
Follow my Twittah:  https://twitter.com/MexDraconis
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mexdragoon · 9 years
Something about this pic makes me feel so calm and peaceful. Amazing Job! :)
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Promo poster-type image done for StarFox: The Animated Series.
See the full res here, and be sure to check out the Patreon to keep this project going!
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mexdragoon · 9 years
Repost Due to several changes on the design. Gonna make this a print for my studio! :) 
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Repost! I did some mayor changes on the anatomy and It came out really well. 
I had so much fun with this one yet this one make me feel like I need to study more Female anatomy. >_<
This is a special poster I made for my friend Fred for his project
starfoxtheanimatedseries . He asked me to draw a vintage beer poster, so I mixed up some pin up and vintage illustration for this one.
Hope you guys enjoy it! :)
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mexdragoon · 9 years
New Fan Art in my other account!
James McCloud Portrait!
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Yet another quick painting Fan Art of Star Fox. 
- James McCloud, ace pilot, founder of “Star Fox” and father of Fox McCloud, current leader of the Star Fox Team. - 
A little late for Father´s Day but here you go.  Hope you guys enjoy! :) 
Thanks for the Support! <3
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mexdragoon · 9 years
A new pic posted in my art account. Support me if you wanna see more fan art illustrations of Star Fox. You can also suggest other themes or ideas for my next illustration. Thanks for the support
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The Three Amigos. 
Star Fox Fanart
This illustration took me forever due to the time I have been working on my day job but its finally done. This was mostly based on the design of the Star Fox Puppets of the first game. I hope you guys enjoy it! 
One of my goals is to be working as an independent artist and make more illustrations like this. If you wanna suggest more fan art topics and themes for my illustrations, High resolution images, see exclusive previews and artwork or receive reward pics,  check out my patreon:
If it goes well, I will be able to quit my day job and be able to work at home in my studio. 
Thank so much guys for all your support and any help counts! :) 
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mexdragoon · 9 years
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Respecting its history, its game mechanics and characters, added with beautiful graphics and longer missions, Star Fox Zero is the Star Fox Game I was waiting for so long! Thanks for making worth it that I change to your side again Nintendo! 
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mexdragoon · 9 years
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StarFox Zero Coming Holiday 2015
Finally, a StarFox free of dinosaurs, walking missions and other crap we never asked for. Look at it: it’s glorious!
The game will take full advantage of the game’s gyroscope as you can see from the gifs above. Your Arwing will also be able to turn into a walker. Neat! The Landmaster is also making a return, along with a new vehicle called a “Gyrowing.” Check out the reveal trailer here.
Buy: Amiibo Figures, Star Fox Games
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mexdragoon · 9 years
Kung Fu Panda 3 Teaser Trailer! Dreamworks needs to snap out of it...
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mexdragoon · 9 years
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Like nothing you’ve seen be-fur… Zootopia.
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mexdragoon · 9 years
I can’t even wait! <3
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