mewchonne · 5 years
What’s up everyone? Do people still RP TWD on here? I’m thinking of making an April Chalmers (from Rise of the Governor) blog on here.
Aaaand a Brian Blake, cause reasons.
Is it worth it? SOS?
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mewchonne · 5 years
Uh, still looking? :P I am OBSESSED.
Some one talk to me about Philip/Brian Blake.
I need some one to rant with/ to about this. So if you have read The Walking Dead: Rise of the Governor message me so I can freak out. 
Thanks hahaha
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mewchonne · 5 years
The governor's heart says not found
Alpha's is just black
What the fuck is in the governor's heart that censored I'm scared
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I got this idea in my head like a week ago and I was dying laughing so I had to draw it
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mewchonne · 6 years
Back and wanting smut as usual. Uhhhh. Sup comic canons?
I am a fully comic-based Michonne blog, and I am fully up to date on the comics. I enjoy roleplaying and chatting on Discord as well as here. I’m a pretty shameless kinky smut writer, but I do like to have a strong basis for the characters and I prefer to play with comic-based canons only. I am majorly multi-ship and love getting creative with it. I’m 27 years old, so please be 18+.
Follow me and shoot me a message, I look forward to it. ^_^
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mewchonne · 6 years
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And then Rick and Negan proceeded to kick everyone’s asses… and things were good.
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mewchonne · 6 years
the walking dead [comic]; starter sentences.
❛ The thing about smart mother fuckers is that sometimes, they sound like crazy mother fuckers to stupid mother fuckers… ❜
❛ And that’s just it. THAT’s what it comes down to. You people don’t know what we are. ❜
❛ We’re living on borrowed time here. ❜
❛ You think we hide behind walls to protect us from the walking dead? ❜
❛ We are the walking dead. ❜
❛ In a world ruled by the dead, we are forced to finally start living. ❜
❛ Mother Fuckers. They’re going to feel pretty stupid when they find out. ❜
❛ They’re fucking with the wrong people. ❜
❛ If it’s dead - fucking KILL IT. ❜
❛ That was probably the most naïve thing I’ve ever said. ❜
❛ You kill, you die. ❜
❛ You kill, you live. ❜
❛ Hold on to it, remember it… don’t let yourself forget it. It’s too easy to lose. ❜
❛ You think I’ve been around these fuckers long enough to get comfortable enough to SLEEP ten feet away from them? Not fucking likely. ❜
❛ I’ll knock your fucking teeth out with my swinging dick! ❜
❛ Okay, I’ll move the lawn chairs. ❜
❛ I’m going and I’m not going to die. I’m going to prove to you that you’re not the only one who survives. ❜
❛ I hope you’re wearing your shitting pants. ❜
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mewchonne · 6 years
So I haven’t used this blog in forever, I’m thinking about doing a (very NSFW) art blog for TWD fanart...I wonder if I should put it here, or on a new username so that people on here aren’t just exposed to massive influxes of porn? :P I could always just flip the NSFW switch on this blog, but a lot of people are already following expecting only written smut.
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mewchonne · 7 years
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i was visiting someone’s campsite and oh my god they caged him
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mewchonne · 7 years
I always get attached to everyone and no one gets attached to me so I always just feel dumb
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mewchonne · 7 years
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richonne + textposts [1/?]
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mewchonne · 7 years
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mewchonne · 7 years
New blog, for a comic canon named Siddiq, some of you might know him. ^_^
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mewchonne · 7 years
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mewchonne · 7 years
Siddiq x Rosita Playlist
I hate myself. Any suggestions for songs for this? I've got one solid candidate for the list thanks to the mall speakers.
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mewchonne · 7 years
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@mikathekiller I know, took me long enough.
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mewchonne · 7 years
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Hey friends! Meg here for a really, long, wordy TUTOR TUESDAY! This week we take a look at drawing characters that are interacting. If you need help with anatomy here are a few tutorials: legs, arms/legs, necks, and here is a previous tutorial on poses. If you have any tutorial suggestions send ‘em in here or my personal. Now go forth and I’ll see you next week!
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mewchonne · 7 years
Wow perfect character for me, a homewrecking slut, it’s almost like foreshadowing of my life
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