metalectra · 2 months
Hello 🖐
I'm Abdelrahman, 22 years old. My journey has been marked by loss and resilience. When I was 18, my father passed away from COVID-19. Determined to build my own future, I pursued an education in multimedia technology, balancing my studies with work to cover my expenses. I was preparing to establish my home and life.
A few days later, I was hit by a missile in this previously destroyed house
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My mother: the princess whom we strive to make happy and satisfy. ❤️️
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Our house that sheltered my entire family 💔
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However, the war in Gaza, especially in the north, brought devastating tragedy. My home, university, job, and family were all destroyed in the conflict. While my family moved to the south, I was in the north, facing famine and moving from place to place, trying to survive.
Our street used to be lively and full of people, but it is no longer like that.
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I have witnessed countless difficult and painful scenes while escaping death multiple times. In northern Gaza, life is reduced to a cycle of fleeing from danger and searching for food amidst the rubble of destroyed homes.
Now, my dream is to travel abroad with my mother and sister to continue my education and develop my practical skills. For the past eight months, I have been unemployed, focusing on self-improvement and hoping for a better future.
This is where your kindness and generosity can make a profound difference. Your support will help me rebuild my life and continue my education. It will provide us with the opportunity to escape the cycle of danger and destruction, and to work towards a future filled with promise and potential.
Vetted by @el-shab-hussein 🍉 link
Vetted by @90-ghost 🍉link
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metalectra · 2 months
Urgent 🆘️ call: 🚨🍉 Please help..🥺😓🙏
My name is Falastin, and I am a mother of three small children, ages 5 years, 2 years, and 3 months. I am not very good with social media, but I am writing to seek your help to give my family in Gaza the chance to live their lives again.
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Due to the ongoing genocide we in Gaza are experiencing, my family need your help to survive, leave Gaza, and find safety.
In november 2023 last year, i lost three of my cousins from my mother's family with their wifes and children's, some of them still under the rubble untill now. 
In mars 2024 this year i lost another 2 cousins in Alshifa hostpital, this shock after three months of the first lose was a big slap into our face, it was a harsh reminder that death didn’t stop, and that none of us is an exception in this genocide, not a woman nor a child, everyone of us is a target to the death machines above our heads.
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My family has lost everything. Some of them have tragically passed away, and those who remain are without shelter, moving from one temporary place to another in a desperate attempt to stay alive. Currently "After more than 20 times of being displaced and having to leave our house escaping from rockets and death " they have fled south and are living in a makeshift tent made from plastic bags and torn clothes.
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Each day is a battle for survival. Each day, my family wakes up not knowing if they will have food to eat, clean water to drink, or a safe place to rest. Their homes have been wiped, and their children sit sleepless waiting their death. In Gaza, there is no where to seek shelter, no bunkers, nowhere to hide. Gaza is no more than 40 kilometers long and 10 kilometers wide with a population of just over two million. Gaza's border is completely surrounded by fences and barbed wire. The only way out of Gaza is to Egypt.
I used to introduce myself as the youngest in the family but in this GENOCIDE I’m a big sister who see her siblings’ future getting lost in front of her eyes, as i see my brothers kids who are still young and supposed to be in school, my mom who is 73 years old unable to find her medicine, as I see them, I made it a mission to myself to save my family or who’s left alive from it, to save their future from all of this and to escape Gaza.
Despite everything, I still have hope to save those who remain of my family. But I need all the help I can get from every person on earth. This challenge is not easy for me, especially since I am not good with social media and i dont have so many follower to reach and ask them for help. However, I am trying, and maybe with your support, the impossible can become possible.
Asking for your help is the only way I have to save my family’s life and future. Your help can be our hope when hope seems far away. Because of that, I appeal to your generosity and compassion, asking for help so that we can gather the necessary funds to help my family.
Photos of "Lina," who was born at the start of the war, and she is now 9 months old. Your donation could give her the chance to survive, leave Gaza, and find safety with her family.
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I would like to thank everyone who has donated, shared and supported my campaign so far. Your generosity has given us hope in the darkest of times, and I am deeply grateful.
So far, we have raised 3,950 SEK of our 2,000,000 SEK goal - August 15th. While this is a small step, it is a crucial one, and it shows that together, we can make a difference. We still have a long way to go, and I urge you to continue sharing our story and contributing if you can.
Every donation, no matter the size, brings us closer to saving my family and giving them a chance at life. Please read and act as if it were your family, your mother, your siblings in these conditions. 🙏🙏🙏💔💔💔���
Important note: Donation value:
** 1$ = 10.5 Swedish kr
** 10$ = 105 Swedish kr
** 100$ = 1050 Swedish kr
** 1000$ = 10500 Swedish kr
VETTED and shared by 90-ghost, also as no. 282 in The Vetted Gaza Evacuation Fundraiser Spreadsheet compiled by el-shab-hussein and nabulsi and shared in the masterpost.
We have also been verified by Al Jazeera News. Here is the video. I added this video today, august 15th. Its showing my cousin and aunt in the hospital, where she shares how the Israeli army airstruck them with their kids. Listen to my aunt Suad "Em Mhammed".
Best regards,
Falastin and her family.
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metalectra · 2 months
URGENT: Stand with Us and Don’t Forget Us-Every Donation Brings Hope
To those who still hold onto a shred of morality and humanity
Over 40,000 lives have been lost, with 70% of them being children and women. Among these numbers are my own family members—many of whom I’ve already lost. My family, my cousin, aunt, their children, and grandchildren were all directly targeted by Israeli airstrikes. I’m sharing a video of my aunt and cousin to reveal the harsh reality we are facing in Gaza.
In this video, my aunt bravely shares her story about how the f##cking Israeli army airstruck them along with their children and grandchildren. Even if you don’t understand Arabic, just watching her speak will help you grasp the immense suffering we are enduring in Gaza. You can see the vedeo in this post.
The few family members who remain are in grave danger, and I’m terrified of losing them too. We have a chance to make a real difference and give my 24 surviving family members a chance to live.
In Gaza, jobs are non-existent, and nonprofit organizations like the UN have drastically reduced their work on the ground. Basic necessities such as milk, food, and medicine are almost as expensive as gold. My family is struggling to afford even the essentials, and my mother urgently needs medication that we simply cannot afford.
I’m also sharing another video that shows the daily struggle people face just to get clean water. The suffering here extends far beyond my family; it’s a genocide affecting every aspect of life in Gaza.
Thanks to the generosity of those who have already donated, we’ve raised $535 toward our goal of $190,363- august 17th. I’m deeply grateful to each of you, but we still have a long way to go, and I need your help more than ever. Imagine if it were your family—how would you feel if they were in this situation?
For those who have created special posts or reblogged to amplify my voice, thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your support means everything to me and to my family. If you haven’t yet shared our story, please take just one minute to do so. Your voice could be the lifeline my family desperately needs.
You cannot continue to treat human lives as mere numbers. This is a genocide that demands immediate action. How many more should be killed before you all wake up? Will 40,000 lives be enough to stir us to action? 50,000? 100,000? 150,000?
Asking for donations and charity is something we never imagined having to do in Gaza before the war, and it’s heartbreaking that it has come to this. But if everyone who saw my last post donated just $10 or $20, we could reach our goal in no time. If you’re looking for a way to contribute, consider giving up your coffee, tea, or other “cup” for one day, one week, one month, or anything in between. Then, donate what you would have spent to help me. Please help us and donate now!
This is about more than just donations—it’s about preserving human lives and upholding our shared moral values. Your contribution can make a world of difference in our survival and ensure I don’t lose more of the people I love.
Demanding an end to this suffering is a matter of basic humanity. You cannot remain neutral in the face of such genocide. Please, let’s stand together. Enough is enough.
Every donation, no matter how small, brings us closer to hope and healing. Thank you again for your kindness and support. I will never forget it.
Important note: Donation value:
** 1$ = 10.5 Swedish kr
** 10$ = 105 Swedish kr
** 100$ = 1050 Swedish kr
** 1000$ = 10500 Swedish kr
VETTED and shared by 90-ghost, also as no. 282 in The Vetted Gaza Evacuation Fundraiser Spreadsheet compiled by el-shab-hussein and nabulsi and shared in the masterpost. My family's case has even been documented by Al Jazeera News.
Please share !
@timogsilangan@90-ghost @el-shab-hussein @appsa @buttercuparry @apollos-olives @sayruq @baby-girl-aaron-dessner @malcriada @nabulsi @riding-with-the-wild-hunt@queerstudiesnatural @palestinegenocide @orbleglorb @sar-soor @appsa @akajustmerry @annoyingloudmicrowavecultist @feluka @marnotrawstw-o @tortiefrancis @flower-tea-fairies @tsaricides @vivisectedgirl @belleandsaintsebastian @ear-motif @animenta @kordeliiius @communistcinema @brutaliakhoa @raelyn-dreams @troythecatfish @4ft10tvlandfangirl @queerstudiesnatural @northgazaupdates2 @skatezophrenic @awetistic-things @gentl3m4n @baby-girl-aaron-dessner @devilofthepit
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metalectra · 2 months
Help a Gazan Journalist Rebuild His Home!
Siraj Abudayeh @siraj2024 is a father of three who has been fundraising to rebuild his family home for the past month. Here he is introducing himself in his own words:
My name is Siraj. I am 34 years old. I used to work as a journalist before the war, and now I am without a job due to the bombing of the company in which I was working. Before that, I worked as a sports coach, and my interests are swimming and fitness. I studied a bachelor’s degree in journalism and media and finished my master’s degree a year ago. I was seeking to obtain a doctorate, but after… The war situation will not allow anything
Transformed by the war into a new kind of journalist, he makes a difficult journey to find stable WiFi every day, just to log onto this website to provide updates on his life in southern Gaza and ask for help rebuilding his family home, which he went into debt to build over the course of ten years, and which he misses like it was a family member. Recently, he has started writing about the emotional toll of living in a genocide.
Today, he has shared with me a short piece about the passage of time. Here it is in Arabic and English (with minor edits by me).
مر زمان طويل على عائلة سراج وهم في الخيام ذهب الحر وجاء البرد وانقضى ، وعاد الحر من جديد الأجِنة وُلِدت، و الرضع غدوا أطفالًا، و الأطفال كبروا الأغصان الجافة أورقت، و العام الدراسي إنتهى التجاعيد برزت وخطوط الشيب غدت أوضح، و الغائبون في ازدياد لقد جاء أغسطس، و لم تنته الحرب مر زمن طويل، ولا زال الأمل يتجدد في قلوبهم بأن يبنوا بيتهم ويخرجوا من هذه الخيام البائسة. ساعدوهم في بناء منزلهم، من خلال الدعم والمشاركة، فأنتم أملهم الكبير.
For a long time now, Siraj's family has been in tents The heat goes, the cold comes and goes, and the heat has come again Fetuses are born, infants become children, and children have grown up The dry branches turn green, and the school year is over Wrinkles appear, gray lines become clearer, and absent people have increased August has come, and the war is not over A long time has passed, and hope is still renewed in their hearts to build their home and leave these miserable tents. Help them build their home. Through support and participation, you are their great hope.
Since the war began, Siraj has been displaced seven times and survived at least two massacres on adjacent camps. His family lives in a dank, hot tent infested with bugs that he has previously called "a convection oven".
Siraj values his privacy. He has not shared any details or photos of his family. But he has shared something much more valuable to us - the truth about the zionist occupation and its genocide. For this he has received zionist harassment on several of his posts as well.
Gaza is running out of eSims, Israel continues to kill journalists in their attempt at epistemicide, and we are seeing growing efforts to redefine Palestinians as bots on this website, so it's crucial that we all listen to Gazans when they make an effort to talk to us.
I encourage you all to follow Siraj's account, keep up with his daily updates, and donate to his fundraiser to rebuild his home. His next short term goal is $30k CAD and he hopes to reach it by the end of this week.
[Line 219 on Nairuz and Hussein's Vetted Fundraiser List]
$21,363 CAD / $30,000
@decolonize-solidarity @springacres @genkishoujo @xinakwans
@timetravellingkitty @meaganfoster @briarhips @mazzikah @mahoushojoe 
@rhubarbspring @pcktknife@transmutationisms @sawasawako 
@feluka @terroristiraqis @irhabiya @commissions4aid-international @wellwaterhysteria 
@deepspaceboytoy @post-brahminism @junglejim4322 @kibumkim @neechees 
@mangocheesecakes @kyra45-helping-others @marnota @7bitter @tortiefrancis 
@toiletpotato @fromjannah @omegaversereloaded @vague-humanoid @criptochecca 
@aristotels @komsomolka @neptunerings @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @heritageposts 
@ot3 @amygdalae @ankle-beez@communistchilchuck @dykesbat 
@watermotif @stuckinapril @violentrevolution @mavigator @lacecap 
@socalgal @chilewithcarnage @ghelgheli @sayruq @northgazaupdates2
@bisexualpositivity @arty-cakes @closet-keys @assad-zaman
@claudeleine @killy @heritageposts @beanlightbibblekeepflickbeanboss @ixzotica
@realitycanbewhateveridesire @avifromaplaceofcaring @abyssbirds @maruxee @merricat-3
@tedious-insanity @budgies-in-blue @bandedbulbussnarfblat @emeraldinerosefaedragon @mothalaalee
@mere-glim @patantasma @dreamcaster-jelly @fuzzy-little-wormi-guy @salty-mush-soup
@leviticus101st @yamino @a-wild-louser-appears @kn1ghtraine @vhstape
@whatthe4355 @ehksidian @lyunarium @sunpdf @mytinystay @lopiditty
@illiterate-words @aphicius @shrimpkidd @megabullz @unknown-lifeform
@mindfulruminate @nibbelraz @beasaintgermain @fluffykitty149 @tododeku-or-bust
@littlestpersimmon @wayneradiotv
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metalectra · 2 months
I am beyond sad but more so outraged by the lacklustre support today shown for Wafaa's nieces and nephews (@wafans-blog). The emotion hadn't strike me fully in the chest until I saw Wafaa had reblogged my plush toy giveaway post in Arabic out of desperation for people to see the fundraiser, for them to care about her family, before editing her reblog and rewriting the post so that it is in ENGLISH. FOR YOU TO READ AND SHARE.
Palestinian families like Wafaa are doing this every day, logging onto a website with hate mobs just waiting for Palestinians to present themselves as less than "perfect victims" so they can accuse them of being bots or malicious scammers. Do you know how mortifying it is to have to bare your soul and your rawest emotions onto the internet for all to see? For strangers to see your suffering and for you to continuously beg for help to save your children and your loved ones only for it to fall on deaf ears?
Palestinian bloggers have been verifying posts FOR YOU and Palestinian families have been posting their pictures and their family stories all in English FOR YOU. The least you can do is shut up and share the campaigns of those who are already verified. The second thing you should do is donate whatever you can spare. No one is asking you to devote your entire fortune to saving anyone. But even a $5 donation, the cost of coffee before tax, will be enough to make a difference.
Go donate to Wafaa's family so her sister and brother can register their beloved children for evacuation. Muhammad fears every day that he will watch his newborn son waste away before his eyes and there is nothing he could do to prevent this except hope for money to be raised so the older children could take Salem away from this place. Please. Do what you can.
NO DONATIONS IN PAST 20 MINUTES. PLEASE HELP THIS FAMILY. $16,556 raised currently, can we raise another $444 to get the family to $17,000 in the next two hours?
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metalectra · 2 months
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baby salem by @lampyri* donate to salem's family follow: @wafans-blog vetted/verified: no. 260 on el-shab-hussein/nabulsi's sheet
did you know in gaza ~50,000 pregnant women are awaiting to give birth + ~5,500 due within the next 30 days? or despite the lack of functioning hospitals, ~180 babies are born every day? (source)
salem was only brought into this world a few weeks ago, and those weeks have been anything but easy. the scarcity of food left salem's mother, manal, malnourished throughout her pregnancy-- which led to salem being born anemic and very frail.
the constant trauma manal faces on a daily basis has made her unable to produce any breast milk. without access to formula, the family has resorted to extreme measures and feeds baby salem a slurry of cooked flour and water- an extremely dangerous diet for any newborn to be on.
a baby's cry is the first thing new mothers are blessed to hear. a sign of life that fills the room. salem doesn't cry. not anymore, at least. he's too weak to do so.
as the genocide continues- despite the iof's flagrant attempts to squash any chance of life- palestine lives.
whether or not it thrives is on us.
*= @lampyri is currently offering to draw headshots in exchange for $7+ donations to vetted/verified campaigns + organizations for palestine/sudan. i've received several works from kay in the past and have loved every single one. if you are interested in getting some art yourself- please do not hesitate to contact them!
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metalectra · 2 months
Help Bilal's Family Survive!
After Bilal @bilal-salah0 reached his goal on August 1st, he contacted me to let me know that, because the Rafah crossing is still bombed and closed, he can't actually use the funds to evacuate his family right away. The funds have since been redirected toward the skyrocketing cost of living in Gaza.
His family now has to raise another €30,000 as soon as possible to sustain themselves before the Rafah crossing opens, which could be as soon as next week for all we know.
My post celebrating Bilal getting close to his original GFM goal has over 7,000 notes, yet Bilal is only bringing in €20 every hour or so, which is a sharp decline from his previous momentum.
Bilal is still struggling with his own housing insecurity in Germany and the looming threat of deportation. Despite this horror, he's put the work in to vet a handful of fundraisers, promote fundraisers, and call out scams for us. He is simply too busy to campaign for his family on his own.
I encourage everyone to donate to Bilal's family and share his campaign with people you know on other social media platforms. You can repost any of the art people have made for him and share the pictures on his gofundme.
Bilal is a valuable member of our community! Please don't let him fall through the cracks!
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verification source (no. 132 on el-shab-hussein/nabulsi's sheet)
current progress: €70,827 / €100,000
tagging for reach, DM me if you'd like to be removed from this list:
@timetravellingkitty @meaganfoster @briarhips @mazzikah @mahoushojoe 
@rhubarbspring @schoolhater @pcktknife@transmutationisms@sawasawako 
@feluka @terroristiraqis @irhabiya @commissions4aid-international @wellwaterhysteria 
@deepspaceboytoy @post-brahminism @junglejim4322 @kibumkim @neechees 
@mangocheesecakes @kyra45-helping-others @marnota @7bitter @tortiefrancis 
@toiletpotato @fromjannah @omegaversereloaded @vague-humanoid @criptochecca 
@aristotels @komsomolka @neptunerings @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @heritageposts 
@ot3 @amygdalae @ankle-beez@communistchilchuck @dykesbat 
@watermotif @stuckinapril @violentrevolution @mavigator @lacecap 
@socalgal @chilewithcarnage @ghelgheli @sayruq @northgazaupdates2
@decolonize-the-left @bisexualpositivity @arty-cakes @closet-keys @assad-zaman
@claudeleine @killy @heritageposts @beanlightbibblekeepflickbeanboss @ixzotica
@realitycanbewhateveridesire @avifromaplaceofcaring @abyssbirds @maruxee @merricat-3
@tedious-insanity @budgies-in-blue @bandedbulbussnarfblat @emeraldinerosefaedragon @mothalaalee
@mere-glim @patantasma @dreamcaster-jelly @fuzzy-little-wormi-guy @salty-mush-soup
@leviticus101st @yamino @a-wild-louser-appears @kn1ghtraine @vhstape
@whatthe4355 @ehksidian @lyunarium @sunpdf @mytinystay @lopiditty
@illiterate-words @aphicius @shrimpkidd @megabullz @unknown-lifeform
@mindfulruminate @nibbelraz @beasaintgermain @fluffykitty149 @tododeku-or-bust
@littlestpersimmon @wayneradiotv @windwake-me-up-inside @flamagenitus @little-big-batbag
@chamiryokuroi @alliumduorpf @sunlitmcgee @fanficphoenixed @ourflagmeansdeath
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metalectra · 2 months
i think hazem got shadowbanned again. he hasn't even raised €1k and tumblr seems hell bent on making sure he never reaches his goal. please don't let them get away with it!
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(his younger brother ^)
Hazem Khalil (@hazem1999sblog) is @bilal-salah0's friend. Bilal is verified by Nairuz and Hussein. He's legit. His old blog, @hazem1999, was shadowbanned and he had to remake just a few days ago. Now he's getting error messages when he tries to send DMs. This is really, really bad.
His entire family has been stuck in Jabalia refugee camp in northern Gaza for months. Now the cost of living has skyrocketed and the means for survival are scarce. His family cannot even access drinking water or food. Tumblr is taking away his only source of income during the genocide.
They need €50,000 as soon as possible, but its been 10 days and they haven't even broken €1k.
Please reblog this, follow his blog, read his previous posts and donate. We can't let Tumblr silence him.
current progress: €953 / €50,000
edit august 1:
Hazem got terminated! I swear to god Tumblr wants him to never see his family again!
but thanks to you we crossed €1000. how quickly can we get his family to €2000??
his new blog is @hazempalestine, please follow, donate, and share
tagging for reach!
@timetravelingkitty @meaganfoster @briarhips @dirhwangdaseul @mahoushojoe
@rhubarbspring @pcktknife @transmutationisms @sawasawako @feluka
@terroristiraqi @irhabiya @commissions4aid-international @wellwaterhysteria @deepspaceboytoy
@post-brahminism @khanger @kibumkim @neechees @mangocheesecakes
@kyra45-helping-others @marnota @7bitter @tortiefrancis @toiletpotato
@fromjannah @omegaversereloaded @vague-humanoid @criptochecca @aristotels
@komsomolka @xinakwans @heritageposts @nibeul @ot3
@amygdalae @ankle-beez @communistchilchuck @dykesbat @watermotif
@stuckinapril @mavigator @lacecap @yugiohz @socalgal
@chilewithcarnage @ghelgheli @sayruq @northgazaupdates2 @vakarians-babe
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metalectra · 2 months
I am Nader from northern Gaza. We have been displaced for 9 months, and the situation gets worse every time. We are in a war of genocide; we have lost everything we own: our home, my father's job, and my own business.
Today, I am in need and urgently ask for your help. Your donation saves our lives. Do not forget me and my family from these massacres that happen every day.
They have suspended my GoFundMe account, and it is still closed. They are not allowing me to withdraw the money. GoFundMe's policies are terrible, and their handling is very poor.
Every donation makes a big difference in our lives
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metalectra · 2 months
URGENT: Help Evacuate Newborn's Caretakers Together
Hi all, as you know now Shaima and Muhammad are Wafaa's sister and brother, and they urgently need to evacuate all 10 of their children as soon as possible before they can even think to evacuate themselves and their respective spouses. This family was personally added to the vetted spreadsheet by @el-shab-hussein as family number 260, so please don't hesitate to donate.
Yesterday, Wafaa received extremely worrying news about Muhammad's newborn Salem, who is just weeks old, is suffering from severe malnutrition. Manal, Salem's mother, could not produce breast milk because of stress and malnutrition herself, and the family is forced to feed Salem cooked flour slurry, which is an extremely non-nutritious and even dangerous diet for a newborn. On top of this, because Salem was born in a field hospital, he was not able to be vaccinated; his immunocompromised status makes the current active polio epidemic in al-Mawasi camp extremely dangerous for him.
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We helped raise enough money in the past two days for Zeina, who is 15 years old and has been taking care of the younger children since the invasion. Let's now try to raise enough money so Zeina's twin, Malik, could also be evacuated. As a reminder, Salem is suffering from anemia and severe malnutrition from not getting milk for days while Salma, the 5 year old daughter, suffers from intestinal infection and skin rashes have not abated for weeks now. Zeina cannot take care of all 4 of her younger siblings all by herself when time comes to evacuate.
Shaima and Muhammad's fundraiser has stagnated DANGEROUSLY, we have only received 5 donations in the past 2 hours, with the most recent donation from 30 minutes ago. To evacuate Malik, we need to raise $20,000 by Wednesday (August 7) at the very latest. Please help us ensure the twins can continue to take care of their younger siblings together.
Currently $15,598 raised of $20,000 goal as of August 5, that's $4,402 left to raise!! Please donate whatever you can spare as this is an urgent matter.
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metalectra · 2 months
Help Us Save Our Children's Lives from the Horrors of War in Gaza 💔
Vetted by : @apollos-olives Link
And @malcriada Link
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Hello, my name is Ahmed . I am a father of three children living in Gaza with my wife Noor. Today, I write to you from the depths of our suffering, where every day is a battle for survival. 💔
Every morning, we wake up to the sounds of bombings and explosions, searching for food and water for our children in a city besieged by war. My home, which once was a safe haven for my family, is now a pile of rubble, and the future of my children is shrouded in fear and uncertainty. 😔
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Ibrahim, our seven-year-old, loves to play and is full of innocence, but now he questions safety. Ahmed, our youngest, doesn’t know a life without fear. We just want to give them a chance to live, laugh, and grow up in a safe environment. 🏡❤️
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We have faced bombings multiple times and fled to the south seeking safety, yet we still live in constant danger. We urgently need your help. Every donation can make a significant difference and give us a chance to survive. 🌟
I appeal to your kind hearts to extend a helping hand to us. Please help us save our children's lives and give them a chance to build a future free from terror and despair. 🌈🙏🙏
Join us in this fight for life. Every donation, no matter how small, can be the ray of hope we desperately need. 🌟
For those willing to help, you can donate through the attached link.Thank you for your support and generosity. 🙏💕
Urgent Request to Document and Share Our Donation Campaign🙏
Hello,I am reaching out from Gaza, where my family and I are living through unimaginable hardships due to the ongoing war. Our lives have become a daily struggle for survival, and we are in desperate need of help. 💔
I am writing to ask you from the bottom of my heart to Document our donation campaign and share it with your friends and acquaintances. This campaign is our only hope to secure food, water, and shelter for my children. We live in constant fear, and every donation can make a significant difference in our lives and give us a chance to survive. 🙏
Please, help us spread the word about our campaign and save my children's lives. Your support is the hope we cling to in these desperate times. 🌟
Thank you for your kindness and support. 🙏
@nabulsi @ibtisams-blog @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @vakarians-babe @7amaspayrollmanager @fairuzfan @fallahifag @sayruq @humanvoreture @kaapstadgirly @sar-soor @dimonds456-art @plomegranate @commissions4aid-international @nabulsi @soon-palestine @communitythings @palestinegenocide @vakarian-shepard @ghost-and-a-half @7amaspayrollmanager @kaapstadgirly @annoyingloudmicrowavecultist @feluka @marnota @toughknit @flower-tea-fairies @the-stray-liger @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @vivisection-gf @communistchameleon @troythecatfish @the-bastard-king @4ft10tvlandfangirl @el-shab-hussein
@northgazaupdates @northgazaupdates2
@90-ghost @appsa @marnota @palestinegenocide @apollos-olives @commissions4aid-international @communistchilchuck
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metalectra · 2 months
Since Tumblr deletes genuine Palestinian blogs, here is a list of verified fundraisers!
Please donate if you can.
Do not hesitate to reblog and share! 🙏🏽
(Click here for Part 2).
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IMPORTANT: Bear in mind that I do NOT verify fundraisers. I am not Palestinian, and I do not speak Arabic! They have been vetted by Palestinian users!
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1) Mohammed Al-Habil (@mohammedfamily123) and his family (€4,519 / €50,000). Verified and vetted by @/el-shab-hussein.
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2) Mahmoud Helles (@mahmoud92hells) and his family (€757 / €50,000). Verified and vetted by @/90-ghost.
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3) Asmaa Sheikh Youssef (@asmaalshaikh-blog) and reunion with her fiancé (€3,001 / €30,000). Verified and vetted by @/90-ghost and @/ibtisams.
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4) Muhanned Shaheen (@mohanedshaheen) and his family (€2,658 / €35,000). Verified and vetted by @/90-ghost.
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5) Momen Al Ostaz (@mo98h) and his family (€11, 213 / €70,000). Verified and vetted by @/el-shab-hussein
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6) Tawfik Satoom (@tawfiksatooom) and his family ($14,089 / $40,000). Verified and vetted by @/ibtisams.
(Make sure to donate to his PayPal, as well! It will end in three days!)
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It will help every one of them to reach their goal and to evacuate safely.
Thank you!
Divider by: @cafekitsune
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metalectra · 2 months
Palestinian men should not have to repeatedly hold up pictures of their family struggling through a genocide, for us to care about them. Fundraisers conducted by/for Palestinian men, should not have to repeatedly refer to their mothers, sisters, wives and children, to make us realize their humanity, their vulnerability. Enough. Isn't it enough after so many months? Hadn't it always been enough?
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metalectra · 2 months
I don't know why there are fake people distorting our image. I am Moataz from northern Gaza, a graphic designer, and this is my Instagram account. I photographed almost the entirety of northern Gaza. You can visit it and make sure. Unfortunately, we have gone through a lot and there is no passion to delve into the controversy of what is happening outside the world.
IG @moataz_art
For this reason, I unfortunately do not receive any donations
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This is my campaign, and I will continue to fight to reach its long-term goal and rebuild my home, just as I fought throughout 257 days of war to stay alive. This is all not for me, but for the sake of my daughter, my wife, and our future children. My brother was martyred a week ago, and this is the biggest thing that has happened to me in this war, but I cannot surrender. I will keep trying just for the sake of my family.
Or via PayPal👇🏻
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metalectra · 3 months
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Learn more about Simmers for Palestine here
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metalectra · 3 months
"Help me and my family escape this raging war in order to survive."
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Since October 7th, our lives have turned into misery.
My family and I are separated by barriers, despite being just a few kilometers apart. My family has been living in the besieged northern sector for over two months, deprived of food, water, and medicine, and they are suffering immensely.
My daughter, Sara, is experiencing dehydration and malnutrition due to the lack of food and contaminated water.
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My son, Sami, narrowly escaped a severe explosion while trying to get water.
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What is the fault of my innocent children living in a brutal war environment beyond their control? Why are they deprived of education, health, food, and water? They live in refugee schools that lack privacy, comfort, and safety, and move between the rubble of destroyed buildings and streets with no infrastructure. Why are we forced to live in a city that has become uninhabitable due to destruction and devastation?
What is happening to us is a genocide by people who k now no mercy or the laws of war. I ask everyone who reads my story to help me and my family raise funds to leave the Gaza Strip as soon as possible before it's too late.
Thank you 🙏🙏🌹
My account is vetted by
@90-ghost and @northgazaupdates.
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metalectra · 3 months
This one aint even got their wings unfurled yet
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