mermxy · 2 years
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mermxy · 2 years
There'll be a moment when you realise you're 27 when yesterday you were just 17; and you wouldn't be able to tell how a decade passed away and your life got divided into before and afters. The fury of youth will subdue and nothing will really change but everything will feel different when you look at old photographs and blurry videos taken on cheap mobile phones. Scents will remind you of childhood and certain friends you don't talk to anymore, hangouts will become reunions and mom's burnt pie will become the best food you ever had. And I know on some days you won't be able to show anything of those 10 years but I hope you remember to breathe, and let go of the knot in your chest. I hope you go out in the sun and live a little, because tomorrow is 37.
Edit- I added the visualizer for this piece on my YT, check it out here
-Ritika Jyala, excerpt from The Flesh I Burned
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mermxy · 2 years
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mermxy · 2 years
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mermxy · 2 years
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mermxy · 2 years
tumblr isn’t considered a social media because everyone on here is just talking to themselves
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mermxy · 3 years
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snow and dirty rain- richard siken / quora ask/ work song- hozier
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mermxy · 3 years
it’s always “let women and girls do what they want” and never “why do women and girls want to go through such tremendous pain to change their physical appearance to fit into arbitrary beauty standards set by industries making billions off of their insecurities“
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mermxy · 3 years
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Merry Christmas y'all
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mermxy · 3 years
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mermxy · 3 years
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mermxy · 3 years
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Stop arguing, both of you! Listen to Peter 1!
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mermxy · 3 years
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mermxy · 3 years
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Source: [x]
Click HERE for more facts!
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mermxy · 3 years
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st. george and the dragon (1908-9) - briton rivière / the vigil (1884) - john pettie / vanitas still-life (1705) - evert collier / david garrick as richard iii (1745) - william hogarth / micro sff stories tweet
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mermxy · 3 years
i cant describe the sorrow that I suddenly feel. i cannot pinpoint as to where the emotions stir from. I cannot predict when the tears will threaten. this sorrow that I feel, this sadness that crests over my being, it comes and goes. I perform my daily rituals, I practice my practices and yet they come. Yet they haunt me when I’m at my most vulnerable - loneliness. 
Will i ever forgive myself for the action and decision that I have chosen? will I ever be able to face myself without all the labels I pasted all over myself? Will I ever be able to move on? or be rid of the regret that I feel?
Will i ever truly know what that feeling will be like? Will I know be able to develop a healthy environment for the future and what lies beyond it? Will I ever know?
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mermxy · 3 years
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this is the recovery bee popping in, gently booping your nose and landing on your shoulder to remind you that things will be okay, even if it doesn’t feel like it right now. you’re loved, you’re worthy and you’re important.
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