Nightmares - Klaus Baudelaire
Klaus Baudelaire x Reader
Word Count: 563
Warnings: none.
8: “You can’t banish me! This is my bed too!”
11: “Stop being so cute.”
19: “Here, take my blanket.”
You creep quietly up the stairs where the three Baudelaires were currently sleeping. You pushed open the door softly to reveal Violet sleeping soundly with Sunny tucked into her chest. You looked quizzically around the room for the second Baudelaire.
“Looking for someone?” A voice came from behind you.
You jumped a mile high. You turned to see the second eldest with a boyish grin on his face. You sent a menacing glare his way as you playfully shoved his shoulder.
“You scared me.” You said. He laughed a soft and quiet laugh.
“Well if it helps, you scared me too. I went to your room and when you weren’t there I started to panic.”
“Well, … I-I had a nightmare.” You admitted shyly, avoiding eye contact with the boy. He smiled to himself when you wouldn’t look him in the eye. He engulfed you in a hug, rubbing your back gently and whispering quietly in your ear.
“It’s alright. You’re going to be okay. I’m here.” he said.
You buried your head into the crook of his neck and sighed in content. You could have stayed like this forever. Suddenly, Klaus began to laugh and you stared at him in surprise.
“What’s so funny?” you asked.
“You’re so cute right now. Stop being so cute.”
“You’re laughing because I’m cute?” you said.
“Yes I am.” He said smiling widely.
“That’s it. You’re sleeping in my room tonight. I’m banishing you from your bed.” You said, feigning superiority.
“You can’t banish me! This is my bed too!” he protested.
You laughed. “Oh, I can’t?”
“No you can’t. Besides, you should take my comment as a compliment. I did say you were cute.” He said.
You pulled his hand and led him into the room, carefully so as not to wake Violet and Sunny. You collapsed on the bed, pulling him down with you. He happily settled down on the small bed and carefully wrapped his arms around you. You cuddled into his chest. He whispered quietly, “If Count Olaf finds us in the morning he’ll kill us.”
“I don’t care.” You said, too happy at the moment to think about facing the consequences in the morning. You shivered at the cold temperature in the room. He noticed this and wrapped his thin blanket around you.
“Here, take my blanket.” He offered.
You graciously accepted and kissed his cheek as a thank you. It was too dark in the room for you to notice that he’d gone red. The scarlet blush that graced his cheeks, although unnoticed by you, were caught quickly by him. Klaus thought to himself for a moment. Why was he reacting this way? Then it hit him like a ton of bricks. He liked you, far more than he’d like to admit but he did like you. You lay there motionless and presumably asleep and Klaus couldn’t imagine how a smart, beautiful, funny, and perfect girl like you would ever want to be with a person like him. There you were sleeping peacefully next to him and he’s been a fool all this time to ignore his feelings. He glanced at you for a moment and then closed his eyes with finality. He hoped you would reciprocate his feelings and hoped things would sort themselves out in the morning. With that, he went to sleep with you by his side.
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Together - Klaus Baudelaire
Klaus Baudelaire x Reader
Word Count: 2619
Warnings: Child abuse.
You were done for. That was all you ever thought. Every thought you had you thought to be your last. It was in your nature. Living in a household alone with an evil man who sings horrible songs and thinks too highly of himself is a nightmare. Basic human nature teaches us to run from the tiger. You had nowhere to run. So naturally when you finally had company it was very hard to get used to. Company almost always meant cooking roast beef and opening expired and ages old very dirty wine. This company was different. It was, instead of the Count’s ugly theater troupe, more children. Their names’ were Violet, Klaus, and Sunny. You knew them to be the Baudelaire children; whose parents had recently died in a horrible fire. You had read the news and heard Count Olaf plotting to take their family fortune. They were interesting children nonetheless, so you decided to help them. You, dear readers, cannot understand the story if you don’t hear it all so let’s back up, shall we?
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i saved these as “O. MY. fUCKING. GOD”
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Feelings - Henry Mills
Warnings: none I guess? 
Word count: 914
Summary: In order to save Emma you tagged along to Camelot. When you arrived there you quickly found out you would attend your first ball that night. You might have been a princess in The Enchanted Forest but you were ripped away from that world before you could have your first ball. As you step down the stairs Henry suddenly realizes that he has deeper feelings for you then friendship.
Pairing: Henry Mills x Reader
Hello dear,can you do a Henry mills imagine where the reader and Henry are best friends,and when they’re at Camelot (the reader is the daughter of a princess) she feels self conscious since she’s never been to a ball before. As she’s walking down the stairs with snow and charming(snow helped her calm down and pick out clothes) Henry’s jaw drops and he realizes he loves his best friend? Thanks love. - anon 
Notes: Y/n = your name
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Requested by anon.
“Are you following me?” You asked, clutching on to the strap of your bag.
Henry shook his head, stumbling over his words. “N-no! I-I mean yes, b-but it’s because-” he paused swallowing hard as he stared intently at you.
His stomach was in knots, to the point where he was beginning to feel nauseas.
“Because what?” You muttered.
“Because I just want to make sure you make it home safe.” Though that was true, that wasn’t what he wanted to say.
You furrowed your brows. “Why?” You exhaled. “You never worried before, when we were younger.”
Henry let out a long sigh, as he dug his hands deep into his pockets. “Actually, I followed you home almost everyday since we were in second grade.”
Your eyes shot wide. “Since second grade? Henry, that’s seven years ago!”
He felt stupid now more so than before. Seeing your reaction, he knew how creepy it sounded. “I know. I just needed to know you were safe.” He muttered.
“But why? We’ve both grown up here our entire lives. I know these woods like the back of my hand, and-”
“Because I like you. I really like you. And I don’t want anything to happen to you.” He blurted out.
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Bonnie & Clyde
Bonnie & Clyde (criminal)Bucky x reader AU (completed)
Bonnie & Clyde: Young and Beautiful (1)
Bonnie & Clyde: Pretty When You Cry (2)
Bonnie & Clyde: National Anthem (3)
Bonnie & Clyde: Burning Desire (4)
Bonnie & Clyde: West Coast (5)
Bonnie & Clyde: Cola (6)
Bonnie & Clyde: Brooklyn Baby (7)
Bonnie & Clyde: Ultraviolence (8)
Bonnie & Clyde: Off To the Races (9)
Bonnie & Clyde: Million Dollar Man (10)
Bonnie & Clyde: American (11 Fin)
Bonnie & Clyde: Art Deco (addition) 
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My Trinity
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Amends Masterlist
(Sebastian Stan x reader) (Tom Hiddleston x reader)
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(Moodboard by @angryschnauzer)
One night after a party you end up having amazing sex with your hot neighbour Sebastian. The morning after however your ex, Tom, is back in town and eager to win you back. But Sebastian isn’t planning on letting you go that easily.  Before you know it you have two men fighting for your affection and attention.  Who will you choose?
This fic is 18+ NSFW, explicit smut in every chapter. Angst, feels, jealousy, comfort, fluff. Warning: cheating
*Chapter 1 *Chapter 2 *Chapter 3 *Chapter 4 *Chapter 5 *Chapter 6 *Chapter 7
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Blindfolded: Matt Murdock x reader
Summary:  After a short interaction at the bakery just down the street from the office, Foggy finds out that Matt had some blindfolded fun with the bakery assistant the previous night.
Word count: 3212
Warnings: NSFW, blindfolding, graphic gifs (none of them belong to me)
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Spencer Reid tongue
Can we just take a moment to appreciate the tongue lick thing that Spencer Reid does.
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I mean its so freaking sexy
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Like damn boy
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does he even realize how sexy it is?
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And my personal favorites
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What I wouldn’t mind him doing with that tongue 
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billy imagine where you get accepted to college in paris and he moves there with you cause he'd follow you anywhere? ty!
A/N: I hope this is okay! Enjoy!
Warnings: language
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“This is so exciting! We’ll have to go shopping and get youall new things. Things for studying, things for your bathroom-“
I couldn’t listen to it any longer, my mind automaticallytuning the sound of my Mother’s voice out as she continued to list the things I’dneeded to get sorted before I left.
“Honey?” I blinked a couple times having zoned out, her handon my shoulder bringing me back in the room.
“Mhm?” My mind was reeling.
“When are you going to tell Billy?” She spoke the wordskindly, but a part of me knew she was somewhat relieved that I’d be over fourthousand miles away from him.
“Tonight, I guess.” I shrugged, trying not to break downthen and there. A part of me was in too much shock to even acknowledge thatmuch emotion. Although we’d been together pretty much since he landed inIndiana, I got the feeling that my mother was in denial about our relationship.Of course, Mother’s talk and I think she took the gossip about the Hargrove’s alittle too seriously. Either way, this wasn’t going to be as easy for me as shewas expecting.
“I’m just gonna go to my room,” I started, taking the letterfrom her hands, “I’ve got some stuff to sort out.” As I made my way up thestaircase, she replied.
“You certainly do! Oh, Hillary is going to be so excitedwhen I tell her!” She squealed, making her way to the phone in the kitchen, nodoubt calling all of her friends. I rolled my eyes, pushing my bedroom dooropen with my foot.
I walked straight over to my bed, landing face first ontoit.
I’d seen people in movies scream into pillows when they werein situations like this, but knowing my Mom she’d have Homeland Security roundat the house at the first sign of any screaming. Instead, I let out a deep sighthat I’d been holding in. The paper in my hand was slowly starting to burn ahole in my chest. I couldn’t take it.
Rolling over onto my back, I stared up at the ceiling. I hadno idea what I was going to do.
I decided a shower would be the best idea. I always had mybest ideas in the shower. Sure, it was only 1pm and I’d showered only a fewhours before, but I needed it. I left the letter on my bed, forcing myself upand grabbing the still slightly damp towel that I’d left hanging over my chairon my way out.
As I made my way out of my bedroom and across the hallway tothe bathroom, my attention was caught by the doorbell. I hung back a moment,waiting for Mom to answer it and see who it was – probably one of her friends.
“Ah, Billy. What a nice surprise,” my Mom said without anounce of sincerity in her voice. As soon as I’d heard his name I dropped thetowel and ran toward the top of the stairs. Knowing my Mom, and her opinion ofBilly, I knew she’d get a kick out of telling him herself. I couldn’t let thathappen, he’d be devastated as it is, let alone if he heard it from her.
“Billy!” I shouted, catching both of their attention. Theconfused look on his face almost made me smile, but given the circumstances, Iwasn’t sure I’d ever smile again.
“Uh, hey.” Billy wasn’t stupid, and judging by the look onhis face, he knew something was off.
“Y/n’s got some big news, haven’t you sweetie?” My Momannounced, not even turning to look at me. Her eyes were fixed on Billy,clearly waiting for his reaction at my leaving the country.
“Why don’t you come upstairs, I’ll explain,” I told him,adding a small smile at the end, trying not to make it sound so sinister.
Without a word, he tipped his head at my Mom and made hisway up the stairs, following me to my room.
I picked my towel up on the way back, throwing it back intoits place over the back of my chair. Billy shut the door behind him as healways did, knowing it annoyed my Mom.
“Babe, what’s going on?” He hadn’t even sat down before heasked me. I sat on my bed, patting the space next to me.
“Okay so you know a few weeks ago I applied to thatUniversity in Paris?” I started, “Well, I got a letter back from them today.” Ihesitantly handed him the letter, letting him read it himself.
He was silent for a few moments as he read it, and Iprepared myself for the worst. I bit my bottom lip in anticipation, not beingable to help myself. My eyes moved from Billy’s face to the letter, and back tohis face again. I couldn’t read his expression, after all this time, I had noclue what this was.
“Billy would you please say something,” I begged quietly, unableto bear the silence any longer.
“This is uh,” he paused, licking his lips, trying to findthe words. “This is amazing, babe,” he smiled.
“What?” He looked at me, confused again. “This isn’tamazing. I applied to get my Mom and Dad off my back about College. I didn’tthink I’d get in!” I explained. “Do you think I want to move across the damnocean to study History?”
“Then why did you apply to Sciences Po Paris?” He asked, andI began to ask myself the same.
“I only did it because I was at a loss for what to do nextyear. I did it because I thought my chances were minimal, and then at least Icould say to them ‘oh well I tried.’ I was trying to buy myself some time.” Iwas so close to crying, I could feel the tears threatening to spill.
“Hey hey hey, calm down.” Billy shuffled closer to me, hisarm now around my shoulders. “You’ve got to go,” he asserted.
I looked at him incredulously, blinking quickly to make thetears disappear.
“I’m not going, I’m not leaving,” I declared.
“Of course you are. This is too amazing to turn down,” hepointed out, placing the letter back in front of me.
“I can’t leave you,” I couldn’t help the tears now.Everything I’d kept in was pouring out at once. “I know it sounds ridiculousbut I just can’t. I don’t want to be in a strange place away from home,especially without you.” I desperately wiped the tears away from my cheeks,hating how pathetic I looked when I cried.
“Who said anything about being away from me?” Billy countered;I turned to look at him, not quite following. “Why don’t I come with you?”
The frown of confusion on my face hadn’t shifted, and Billyquickly added, “I mean if you don’t want me to that’s fine I was just thinkingthat if we went together then maybe-“ I cut him off as my arms wrapped aroundhis waist tightly, practically lunging myself at him. “So is that a yes?” Helaughed.
“Of course it’s a yes.” I was crying, again, and I couldsense Billy’s annoyance at the damp that was now on his t-shirt.
Now I could think about it. I could breathe a sigh ofrelief. Only now did France seem like a good idea to me, now that Billy wascoming.
“Your Mom is going to fucking kill me.” Billy said with alaugh. 
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I think I feel most like a princess when I’m sort of bursting with happiness and love, so whether that would be like with my boyfriend or my family or at a really fun party – just when you’re full of life.
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requested by anon - text au of texting boyfriend!tom when you’re drunk
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A nice Friday night in with Bucky and Steve.
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader x Bucky Barnes
Word Count: 6,522
Warnings: So many. Smut. Dirty talk. Oral Sex. Vaginal sex. Anal sex. Double penetration. See you all in hell.
Bonus: Music I listened to during the writing process… Take Care, Numb/Encore and these playlists.
Enjoy, you guys. I love you all so much.
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requested: fake social media request sweet pea and yn badass couple?? and another one with the south side cour four and yn? thanks sm!!
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requested: do a social media interaction between jordan connor and a fan after they jokingly express how single they are and how much of a crush they have on jordon skdvhaksfg then months later they end up dating <3 :’)
- changed it up a bit, hope you don’t mind :)
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requested: Fake social media with sweet pea where you just became a serpent
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