merldadunbroch · 5 years
💬 [TEXT TO: tink 🥃]
Tink: omg you have a HORSE??? wild man that's wild
Tink: idk uh... well what would you event want????
Tink: even*
Merida: Yeah!!! have i never mentioned him??
Merida: old fella got me out of many a tricky situ
Merida: hm.....
Merida: i've thought about
Merida: i want either
Merida: your left kidney or a large diet coke and some fries
Merida: your choice
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merldadunbroch · 5 years
Ariel let out a laugh, shaking her thought at the memory. “I totally remember that! That squirrel used to frustrate me because just the little things would set off such big events. And all for an acorn! Could you imagine ever meeting someone like that?” She scoffed, thinking about it. She’d never liked people who were self-centered, and she didn’t think she ever could. “Oh, Alvin and the Chipmunks! I used to want to be like the Chipettes when I was younger, but I don’t think any of my family members wanted that. Too shrill.” She nodded, eyes sparkling with ideas. “Totally! Let’s think of something right now! Hm, what are people into these days?”
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It was easy to join in with the other girls laugh, even if the chaos that the squirrel wrecked didn’t so much as frustrate her as fill her with fond memories. “Well now you mention it, I’m pretty sure all three of my brothers would set off an ice age for an acorn,” she grinned, Merida might not say it or even show it, but she did miss the three of them a lot. “I think you would have made an amazing Chipette, like, in the best way possible, you have the chipmunk look.” Merida vaguely hoped there was a good way to take such a comment. “Um, destroying the planet, electing terrible leaders, marvel films? People were into eating tidepods for a while right?”
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merldadunbroch · 5 years
💬 [TEXT TO: tink 🥃]
Tink: angus????
Tink: well it's just that my arm's too fucking SHORT
Tink: you've got longer arms than me
Tink: come over and HELP. *PLS*
Merida: yah. my horse. angus. miss him
Merida: hmm 🤔 🤔
Merida: what's in it for me if i do help you?
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merldadunbroch · 5 years
💬 [TEXT TO: tink🥃]
Tink: calling for it??? that's just ridiculous
Tink: and no, it's not on my wrist. I'm not THAT much of an idiot
Tink: ..wait it might actually be under the dresser
Tink: fuck
Merida: hey i once found mi lucky shoe by calling for it
Merida: i mean Angus was hiding it in his stable. but still it worked
Merida: those dressers are portals to another world good luck getting it back now
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merldadunbroch · 6 years
💬 [TEXT TO: tink🥃]
Tink: listen.. you gotta help me
Tink: I lost my favorite bracelet of all time and I NEED it
Tink: this is so important
Tink: does astra have a like.. lost and found or anything??? this is dire i'll do ANYTHING
Merida: not sure about a lost a found
Merida: have you tried calling for it
Merida: have you looked under your wardrobe? those things steal EVERYTHING
Merida: u sure its not on your wrist?
Merida: could ask at main desk
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merldadunbroch · 6 years
Grinning, Ariel nodded. “Absolutely! I mean, how many times have we seen a squirrel be the cause of people’s problems? It feels kind of… anticlimactic.” Not that she would know; there weren’t many squirrels back home. “But, yeah! They don’t seem like the type of animals to attack people, anyway. Chipmunks, either. Those are too cute.” Biting her lip, she tried to think about it. “I feel you’d have to be a really terrible person to piss off a rabid squirrel.” She sat up straighter on the couch, giggling. “Sure, they’ve got to, right? And it’d be super great to get some money if they like the story we have.”
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Merida thought about it for a moment, head tilting to the side before a wide smile broke out across her face and she laughed before saying, “The only squirrel I’ve seen that caused people problems is that crazy one for the Ice Age films!” She had always wondered if it was one acorn he was chasing or a different one each film. “I’ve never seen a chipmunk before, other then the ones in that film where they sing,” Merida frowned a little, “Maybe I watch too many animated films.” Following the other girls movements she sat up too, turning her body to further face her friend. “They have to give people something for these stories, true or not. And I know that the two of us can come up with something ten times better.”
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merldadunbroch · 6 years
Ariel chuckled a little at Merida’s reaction, shaking her head. “I know, right? You’d think that they’d actually make things more interesting, but they just cut off the flow like that. We deserve better.” She ran a hand through her hair, sighing. “They’re really not, unless they’re rabid. And I’m pretty sure squirrels wouldn’t hide in basements. At this point I’d totally be rooting for a raccoon instead.” She looked at Merida, tilting her head. “We could totally make a better story than this one.”
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“We do! You are so right,” Merida pointed her finger at her, to emphasis her point, “We put a lot of effort into reading this article, we deserve better than a squirrel.” She wasn’t sure why the squirrel was causing her such an annoyance but here she was, fully ready to rant about it. “And really, how scary could a rabid squirrel be? They’re tiny things, very easy to like, bat away,” she mimed hitting something through the air with grin. Her eyes brows twitched up at the other girls suggestion, “Oh! Do you think they pay for stories too? We could be rich!”
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merldadunbroch · 6 years
Usually, Ariel wasn’t someone to listen to the tabloids. She didn’t like reading false stories about people, even if she didn’t know them; knowing she’d hate it if something like that had happened to her. But she couldn’t help reading this particular story with Merida, eyes wide as they followed every word on the page. It was something about a haunting, or at least, what a family thought it was. She nodded in agreement as Merida spoke, biting her lip. “I would be too, not going to lie,” she whispered, looking up at her fellow redhead. “It’d totally ruin things, and there’s nothing worse than that.” She continued on with the rest of the passage, voice soft so she didn’t tire it out. “… Was nothing more than a rabid squirrel, which was such a nuisance that pest services had to be called in.”
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As soon as the word ‘squirrel’ left the other girls mouth Merida let out a groan, letting her head fall back dramatically against the chair back. “I knew it would be a disappointment, and yet. I am still disappointed,” she said sadly, lifting her head back up to look at Ariel as she finished the paragraph in a soft voice, the perfect level for such a story she decided. “Ghosts and squirrel’s aren’t even remotely similar, how daft are these people.”
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merldadunbroch · 6 years
📖 our muses read a story
There was something calming about being read to – a fact Merida would refuse to admit out loud, especially in the vicinity of her mother – even if the story being read was from a trashy magazine that the two red heads had found abandoned on the coffee table. Merida let out a small gasp as Ariel came to the end of her paragraph, “Oh my god, this is getting good now!” Taking the magazine back she quickly skimmed the page to find her spot to pick up from before clearing her throat. “It was only when the family returned home that hey discovered the creature that had been living in their basement for weeks,” she paused a moment to look up at Ariel, brows raised. “If it turns out that the demon living in their cellar is actually a racoon I’m going to be disappointed, I’m just telling you now.”
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merldadunbroch · 6 years
💨 catch my muse in a lie
“So...” Merida started as she slid in to the seat opposite Marinette that had just recently been vacated by a rather loud gentleman, helping herself to sip of the other girls drink in the process of getting comfortable. Folding her arms on the table and leaning in close, Merida started at her friend for a moment, squinting her eyes in thought even as the brunette looked at her confused. “Is there a reason you just told that young man you didn’t know how to use the oven in the common kitchen? As if you aren’t known for your amazing baking?” Merida leaned back, feeling proud of herself as she saw Marinette blush slightly and begin to sputter out a response.
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merldadunbroch · 6 years
👊 (Gaston)
👊 our muses train
One of these days Merida was going to punch this guy in his pretty face, she had thought about the moment quite often this first meeting him. Had wondered about how satisfying it would feel to see his shock at being knocked down by a girl. But unfortunately, today would not be the day of her dreams because they both needed a partner for the weights and apparently the two of them were the only ones in the gym today. Which is how Merida found herself staring up at Gastons smirking face as she lifted the bar up with a grunt. “Sure you don’t want me to take a couple of kgs off?” She glared in response, pushing up just a little further until the bar reached it’s goal and the weight left her arms. “Your turn big guy, lets see how much you can lift, huh.”
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merldadunbroch · 6 years
“Being all unable to walk properly and grumpy about it.” he answers her question with a soft sigh and a roll of his eyes. He hoists his crutches under his elbows and gets ready to move off into the restaurant. “Just because the institute is paying?” he laughs. “You drive a hard bargain with that one.” Practically hopping after her he stops to wave his hand at her with a scowl at the offer “I can walk just fine…or rather I can move just fine don’t worry about it.”
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She shakes her head at him sadly, tutting in response, “You, grumpy? That doesn’t sound right.” She lets out a mock gasp, laughing lightly. “You know it!” Turning around and walking backwards for a few steps to point at him with wink, “They’ve gotta know people are gonna take advantage of a free meal.” Because Merida was certainly going to try. Raising her hands up Merida laughs again, slowing her pace to match his, “Okay, okay. Just thought it’d be nice to ask.”
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Mystery date
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merldadunbroch · 6 years
It was almost laughable when he spotted who he’d been set up with. He snorts audibly, standing outside the restaurant as he watches her approach. “Merida.” he greets once she’s close enough. “Long time no see.” he adds rapping a knuckle on his cast as the reason he hasn’t been to the gym at their usual time recently. “Food?” he adds gesturing backwards towards the restaurant the initiative had booked them a table at.
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“Byron! What on earth have you been doing?” Merida can’t help but laugh out loud when she sees the cast on his leg, an amazing contrast to the rest of outfit. “God, yes please,” she agrees quickly closing the remaining distance between them so they can walk next to each other – or hobble, she supposes, in Byrons case, “I’m starving! And plan on ordering the most expensive thing on the menu. Unless it’s lobster, in which case I’ll pass on that.” She pulled a slight face, shaking her head at the idea. Glancing back at her friend, Merida tilted her head slightly as she asked, “Do you need a hand walking?” 
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Mystery date
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merldadunbroch · 6 years
Merida’s words brought a blush to Mari’s cheeks, and she started stammering a bit. “Uhm.. well, you see…. I am not professional! If you really want to know, you ask my uncle, Wang Cheng. He is professional chef!” She really disliked being in the spotlight like that, because there were so many people better than her at what she did. “No… I don’t have that much money. But I always want to…”
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Turning away from the restaurant for a minuet Merida looked at the other girl properly, letting out a small gasp. “You’re not a professional? That seems wrong. You’re cooking is so good!” Granted, she had never tried her uncles food, but Merida highly doubted it could beat Mari’s. “Hm...” she pursed her lips in thought for a moment, “Personally I think they’re a bit over hyped, but the food was still good. The dream would be to eat at the place they film Hell’s Kitchen, though.” Merida grinned, peering back over at the restaurant just in case the main man himself had shown up while they were talking. 
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merldadunbroch · 6 years
It had only been half a joke when Marinette proposed to go hunt down celebrities. She wasn’t great with American celebrities at all, but there were some everyone knew, and some British ones hung out in the States too, and she was much better with those. Gordon Ramsey was her favorite chef in the world, and rumor had it (well, the fansites claimed it) that he was filming his new show in LA, hunting down restaurants to revamp them, and Merida had been up for hunting him down in return. It was great - Marinette felt like a true detective with her camouflage outfit and binoculars. “Yes,” she hissed back, with no ill intent. “It looks fancy enough for him to enjoy, right? I would eat there.”
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“Well if you’d eat there it must be good,” she nudged her friend lightly with her elbow as she grinned. Though Merida had to admit the other girl had a point, the place they were spying on was very fancy, and definitely the type of place Gordon Ramsey would go. And while Marinette was clearly out here to try and meet a fellow chef, Merida had a bone to pick with the man about a certain restaurant back home. “Have you ever been to one of his restaurants?”
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merldadunbroch · 6 years
Merida found Valentines day to be boring, why did people need a specific day to show someone they loved them? Shouldn’t they just be doing that every day already? It just seemed silly to her. But that didn’t mean she wasn’t going to participate. The chance to get free sweets and flowers from someone? Merida would never pass that opportunity up. Not that she was about to get anything for free in her current situation, crouched behind a flower pot, across the street from a fancy restaurant. She could feel herself getting cramp in her left leg, she really wasn’t wearing the right shoes for this. “You sure he’s in there?” She whispered to her spying accomplice who was currently looking through a pair of binoculars. 
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merldadunbroch · 6 years
Determination, that was something Zarina definitely understood. She considered it one of her biggest strengths, even, along with her ambition and general intelligence. “Yeah, I get that. I can be pretty stubborn when it comes to continuing something shit, just to be able to say I finished it.” Many Netflix shows had fallen victim to that. “So you’re a big fan of archery, then? I’m quite skilled at fencing. I know it’s not comparable, but… you know. Badass chicks doing typically male-dominated sports.”
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“There is something about being able to say ‘oh I finished that!’ when someone asks you about something. I forced myself to read Les Mis for that very reason,” Merida said, only a fraction smugly – the three weeks it had taken her to slog through the book had been some of her most boring but she wasn’t about to say that. Picking up the old receipt she was using as a bookmark and letting her book close around it, Merida leaned forward a little, pulling her knees up to her chest in the same movement with a grin. “Ooo! I love fencing! Getting to whack people with swords? A great pass time. Archery’s kinda my...thing, as my mother would call it.” Giving the girl a once over, the red head grinned a little wider, “You definitely have the badass vibe down.”
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