mercurysanctuary · 3 days
All I have to do is decide, accept and know that I have my desire already (in my 4D) and not give a damn about the 3d because the 4d is the only real reality and then the 3d must reflect the 4d no matter what right?
if you know who you’re being, you have it in the 4d. if you see it as a natural thing, it will reflect.
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mercurysanctuary · 3 days
This is the solution to all your problems:
Knowing that you already have it.
Knowing that it's already done.
Knowing that your attention to the problem is the only reason why it exists.
Knowing that nothing is impossible for you.
Knowing that, what you assume to be true is gonna be true for you.
Knowing that your life right now is a result of your own thoughts.
Knowing that if you can manifest your life to be what it is rn, you can manifest it to be exactly how you want to.
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mercurysanctuary · 3 days
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And you’re worried if your sp texted you?
Just decide, accept, fulfill ,and move on easy as that
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mercurysanctuary · 3 days
remove the 3d from the equation.
imagination dictates all.
can you imagine having it?
then what’s convincing you you don’t?
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mercurysanctuary · 3 days
loa for babies
if you’re tired of scrolling through tumblr to find a simple explanation on how to apply the law: i got you.
it’s as simple as:
- choosing a desire
- assuming that you have it (think from your state)
- persist in doing so until you don’t feel like doing anything anymore
whatever unwanted / intrusive thoughts and assumptions you have don’t MATTER because you never INTENDED to assume that. unless you made yourself think that, move past it and assume what you want.
i experimented with this concept and two of my intentional assumptions reflected naturally. ITS ALL ABOUT INTENTION.
in order to change self, you have to think FROM the perspective of having your desires. assume the beliefs you want to have if you were in that position. have assumptions that ONLY align with the best case scenario aka your desired state.
stop worrying about 3d expression. this is a law, not a magic trick. wherever you naturally think from in imagination is what will get expressed. IMAGINATION IS THE ONLY REALITY BECAUSE ITS THE ONLY THING THAT GETS PUSHED OUT. intentionally assume what you want and KNOW it won’t fail you because that’s the only thing this world expresses.
applying the law is all about assuming what you want and persisting in that. you felt like you needed to assume the opposite because that is what we were taught. decide to assume from what you want and move on from the old. it doesn’t serve you anymore.
you need to understand that if you want to reap the change that you want, you need to allow yourself to assume what you want. persist in thinking from your desired state. nothing changes if nothing changes.
thinking = imaginal acts (affirming, visualizing, etc)
assume what you want and persist in those assumptions until you feel like you don’t have to do anything. that’s it. that’s all you have to do.
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mercurysanctuary · 4 days
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you assume you have it – you have it. It really is as simple as that. there’s no need to think about a million steps you need to take, no need to fixate on specific dates, and no need to worry about following some complicated method. it’s straightforward and direct. when you truly believe you already have something, that’s all you need. don’t overthink it or overcomplicate things. just focus on the fact that you have it, and let that belief be enough.
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mercurysanctuary · 4 days
(tough love ahead)
i don't care WHAT you see in the 3D, WHO your sp is talking to in the 3D, HOW broke you are in the 3D bc in the 4D YOU HAVE IT ALL, your sp is yours, you're filthy rich and you have everything you want. GET YOUR ASS UP AND PERSIST. you're gonna sit here and cry about your 3D WHEN YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO?
you have the KEY to all your desires, the knowledge of the LAW meanwhile there's people who are living miserable lives and have no clue about the law AND YOURE GONNA BE A VICTIM IN YOUR OWN REALITY???
STOP persisting only when its easy for you/you feel good, KEEP PERSISTING EVEN WHEN YOU FEEL LIKE SHIT. don't let your emotions control you and your thoughts, YES ITS OKAY TO FEEL SAD AND CRY AND SCREAM ITS OKAY but yk whats not? changing your mindset bc of your emotions.
this is persisting:
"i feel so sad bc of the 3D what do i do?"
-> "it's okay for me to feel sad, fuck the 3D i have xxx and i don't need to do anything but relax."
"sp is talking to another girl, he's never gonna like me, im too ugly."
-> "girl what the fuck are you on??? sp isn't talking to her, she probably approached him for class notes? ofc he likes me im literally so pretty."
if you're asking yourself where your desires are, when they're coming, dming blogs about tips to manifest and whether you can manifest xyz
you're not persisting.
trust yourself and keep going, i promise it all folds out so so beautifully
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mercurysanctuary · 5 days
Things I want to shift for #13
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THE NIGHT!!! Just having some friend or my bf and hanging out at night. Empty streets, the calm, the '' night smell '' (I don't know how to describe it but.. It's the kind of air without any car circulating, no people.. Just breeze and it smell fresh). Feeling safe, picking fast food, having late car drive, being surrounded by buildings.
I think that what keeps me from shifting it's.. That I'm scared to end up in a scary reality. Like.. I know it's stupid but.. I won't lie... It bugs me.
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mercurysanctuary · 5 days
hii jay<3 how are you doing? i love your posts soo much that i read them every day. i just wondered how is your life going, is there any new "manifestations" recently?
hiii!!! TYSM for the support <3. life's going well for me, thankfully! going back to school is giving me something to do aside from work so we ball. speaking of manifestations: there's been a few i'm really, really surprised about:
staying in the same hotel + room number despite my mom and i needing to check out that day.
manifested going to disney world despite that not being planned at - all (went to my fav park, magic kingdom!!). the tickets weren't crazy expensive that specific day either despite it being summer time.
a new pink iphone!!! my old one was literally dying and i was like "eh might as well get a new one if i really have to" so i got a pink 15 plus.
finding an extra class despite enrollment being closed.
my cat coming back safe and sound despite leaving the house for a few days.
assumed that i had vip in dress to impress ONCE and my friend gifted it to me out of the blue (it was permanent vip too, he was so sweet 😭)
looking back...aside from the stressful circumstances of the first one...i didn't really try? like, i just imagined as if i was at my end goal already and it just came to pass. but instead of already being in barbados, i was already at magic kingdom KSLKAJD
and i accomplished this while living life. and not scrolling through tumblr the whole time (refer back to my old iphone acting up).
idk if anyone needs to hear this: the law isn't that hard to apply. i understand that the terminology sounds like whole mythical thing you need to master in order to use it, but it's kinda...not that serious njfdlf. if you're intimidated by "just be it", just know that it's about thinking FROM your end goal instead OF it. ask yourself "what would i love to think if i already was/had my desires" and just do it. it'll feel weird at first, but the more you're consistent with it, you'll get used to it & it'll eventually get pushed out. we're not perfect so if you do happen to "fall out" of your state, use this analogy visualdior made up: you're currently 19 years old, but at times you feel like you're 18 again. you calmly remind yourself that you're currently 19 and go along your merry way. falling out of a state isn't the end because you can go back to imaging from your desired one. it's as simple as a decision. i heavily emphasised "decide and move on" on here, for a good reason. decide to think from a more favorable state and move on from your old one. leave the old man buried and just live your life, man.
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mercurysanctuary · 5 days
so I made something...
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mercurysanctuary · 5 days
if you ever get the urge to check 3d (we all do sometimes, it’s okay) go into your imagination, the 4d, the real reality, whatever you wanna call it and check it there. make a new story there. the 3d does not matter. to move on from an unfavorable circumstance or something that’s bothering you, you let it go. yes, i know it can be hard at times, but trust me and ask yourself what really is the point in looking to the 3d for validation?
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mercurysanctuary · 7 days
Someone said you shouldn't focus so much on your surroundings but instead you should focus on who you are and honestly I feel like that's helped me so much with shifting. I always focused on how my room was laid out, where my bed was, if I was against the wall or not, etc. All little things that I focused way too much on when I would shift. Shifting is being aware of who you are so why focus on your surroundings and not yourself? What does you hair look like? Your eyes? Lips? Body? Personality? Who are you in that reality? You're already them, you're not your bedroom.
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mercurysanctuary · 7 days
dont let all your pain go to waste
our life is not set in stone, it has been hard till now, so so so fucking hard. it doesnt have to be hard from now on. you have spent years crying, wishing, waiting, wanting, losing. but you do have a choice, by changing your assumptions, your beliefs, our feelings, you really can switch to having, loving, smiling, laughing, living.
it is possible for you IF YOU BELIEVE it is possible for you. dont let your bruised knees, and swollen wet eyes go to waste. dont let the years of crying, wanting, feeling lack, years when you tried so hard, when you persisted and never gave up....dont let those years go to waste.
your future self will be so fucking proud that you never gave up. that you never lost hope. im literally crying while writing this, but every time things that get hard, i am just reminded of little me who had so many hopes and dreams and how its my duty to fulfill her dreams.
how i cannot let the pain of little teenage me who persisted everyday, despite the worst circumstances. who affirmed, who forced herself to believe, who tried her best at that time, i cant let her pain go to waste. I WONT.
im sure most of us have spent a long time in our misery. but it DOES NOT HAVE TO BE THAT WAY. we have changed. as long as we dont give up. as long as you dont give up. all those hours, all those tears will be worth it.
and one day we are going to open our eyes, to our dream life, that little us would be so proud of, and you will be so proud that day, that no matter what happened, you persisted. you didnt give in to the 3d. the 3d is just a mirror that has NO WILL OF ITS OWN. it hasss to conform.
so keep going. you are doing great honey. you already are there. the day when you get to be happy, has finally come now. relax. breathe in. hold. breathe out. everything is going to be okay. and we have made it. and everything worked out just the way it was supposed to.
we did it. no more pain. no more regrets. just happiness and light. love and sunshine. laughter and love. now YOU can thank your past self and tell her - thankyou baby for always believing <3
-love, sam :')
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mercurysanctuary · 8 days
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𝗍ɦ𝖾 ᥣαω 𝖼α𐓣𐓣ⱺ𝗍 𝖿α𝗂ᥣ 𝗒ⱺυ.
the only way the law could "fail" is if you're failing yourself. something that i've learned throughout my journey is that you need to have faith in yourself and know that no matter what your 3D is showing you, it isn't permanent. this current reality isn't forever. and the more i came to terms with that the easier it got for me to focus on my 4D instead of whatever my eyes were showing me.
speaking of 4D and 3D, something i've seen a lot of creators say on here is that you have to ignore your 3D and while i do think that is helpful and does work, you don't have to ignore your 3D. that shit is HARD man especially when all you've ever known is what your eyes have been looking at. something that helped me out before i kinda stopped looking for results in my 3D was tricking my brain. like i would check for my results but if i wasn't seeing them i would just think as if i was. for example, a while back my phone was acting up, like badly. it would NOT charge no matter how many times i would plug it up and i got so frustrated that i ended up breaking one of my portable chargers from putting it in and out of my phone so much 💀
it took me a minute but i remembered that the law is y'know...the law so i started affirming my phone was charging. throughout the next couple of hours, i kept looking at my phone to see if it was charging and sure enough, it wasn't. but instead of giving up entirely i just thought as if it was and every time i checked i would go, "yep my phone's charging alright". that night i went to sleep still affirming because even though my 3D was deadass showing me that my phone did NOT wanna charge, i still knew that there was another reality that my phone was charging in. the next morning i woke up and turned on my phone and it was fully charged unlike the previous night when it was fully dead. my conclusion is, you must have faith in yourself my love. you already know how powerful you are. you've done the research, you've done the methods, you just have to remember that no matter the circumstance, you already have whatever it is that you want. nothing is gonna stop you from getting that desire because it's already yours.
𝗌𝗂𐓣𝖼𝖾𝗋𝖾ᥣ𝗒 𝗒ⱺυ𝗋𝗌,
𝐕𝗂α ☆
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mercurysanctuary · 9 days
The real “key” is just trusting yourself.
Knowing that what you say goes.
Looking to yourself for validation.
Standing firm in your decision.
You are in control. Don’t let anyone take your power away from you.
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mercurysanctuary · 9 days
simple as that
Hi! I am new to loass so how do I assume?
To assume all you have to do is decide you have it even if there is nothing to prove it. That’s what an assumption is.
If you want to date your SP = Assume your already in a relationship with them
If you want to travel to France = Assume you’re already in France
If you desire having a tiny waist = Assume you already have a tiny waist
The reason why this works is simply because your subconscious mind doesn’t have eyes to tell you something isn’t true. If you say you have something and persist in that assumption it will manifest into your physical reality.
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mercurysanctuary · 9 days
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manifesting an SP.
a lot of anons lately have been asking about how to make someone have a crush on you, or fall in love with you, so I thought I would make a post about it. manifesting a person to like you is actually so easy but not a lot of people believe that. so if you struggle with this, this post will help you.
first of all, imagination is reality, because once we imagine something it has been created, even if we don't sense it in the physical world.
now that we got that out of the way, how do you actually manifest an SP? let's say you want someone to have a crush on you, but you never talked to them- that is the old story. that is what the 3D is showing you right now, it's showing your old assumptions. I want you to create a new story. in this story they are crushing on you HARD. they literally can't go a day without thinking about you. you are now going to persist in this new assumption. do not give a single flying fuck if the 3D hasn't conformed to your new assumptions yet. it has no power, it has to obey, it has no other choice. this goes to every situation that you might have with your SP. if you're broken up, if the relationship is bad, if you have been crushing on them hard, but they just don't seem to notice you. switch those assumptions, no matter what the 3D says. it is irrelevant. go get your SP, boo 💖💅🏻.
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