mercedeskiller · 7 years
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mercedeskiller · 7 years
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                                   fuck     you
                              ┖                          ┚
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mercedeskiller · 7 years
 some men just want to WATCH the world burn.
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mercedeskiller · 7 years
Do me a favor. Reblog this if you welcome the use of ask memes as icebreakers between characters that have never, or rarely, interacted before.
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mercedeskiller · 7 years
so apparently this is a thing: under debbie’s blue umbrella
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mercedeskiller · 7 years
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     ❛ what kind of M O N S T E R do you think i am? ❜
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mercedeskiller · 7 years
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mercedeskiller · 7 years
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mercedeskiller · 7 years
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Brady Hartsfield | 1.04 Gods Who Fall 
I know. Even I don’t know what I’m gonna do half the time.
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mercedeskiller · 7 years
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Who’s next?
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mercedeskiller · 7 years
Bad Day rp Starters
"Why the long face?"
"You seem bummed. Wanna go do something fun?"
"You alright?"
"Don't lie to me. What's wrong?"
"If you don't want to talk about it, you don't have to."
"I'm not making you uncomfortable, am I?"
"You've been awfully quiet today."
"You know, you're not really acting like yourself."
"There has to be something I can do to turn that frown upside down."
"Want to talk about it?"
"It'll be okay. Everyone has bad days."
"Oh, come on! I can't leave you all alone over here, mopey and unhappy."
"Let's see a smile!"
"You're so much prettier when you smile."
"You know, if you want to just relax and take the day off, I don't think anyone would blame you."
"I know you've been feeling a little down, so I brought your favorite snack and a movie!"
"We could just cuddle or something, if you think that would make you feel better."
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mercedeskiller · 7 years
Have you always wanted our muses to meet, but didn’t know how they would first interact? Send me one of the following ice breakers so we can embark on our roleplaying adventure!
“Good morning, sorry I’m late!”
“I’m not late am I?”
“I don’t think we’ve met before…”
“You look familiar, have we met?”
“Do I know you?”
“Sorry! You dropped this!”
“Oh, sorry I thought you were someone else, I didn’t mean to hug you!”
“Watch where you’re going!”
“Are you okay? You didn’t fall too badly did you?”
“I should have said something earlier, I’m-”
“I’ve seen you around, I’ve just never had the guts to say hi.”
“You must be new…”
“Do you need a hand?”
“Have you just moved in?”
“If you want me to show you around, I don’t mind helping.”
“I saw you from across the room and I had to say hi.”
“I wouldn’t buy that if I were you.”
“Do you need some help?”
“Is this yours?”
“Sorry, I’m not from around here, do you know where the nearest pharmacy is?”
“Hey, have you got change for a note?”
“Want some gum?”
“Ah, sorry. I’ll move my bag, this seat is free.”
“Not every day you meet someone with such a smile!”
“Thanks for holding the door open for me!”
“Uhm, excuse me. Hey, wake up! This isn’t your stop is it?”
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mercedeskiller · 7 years
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      ❛ what kind of M O N S T E R do you think i am? ❜
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mercedeskiller · 7 years
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mercedeskiller · 7 years
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Harry Treadaway
August 2017
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mercedeskiller · 7 years
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mercedeskiller · 7 years
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                   brady hunches over a clipboard, finishing forms from a call-out he’s just returned from. his manager, robi ( a nickname which brady hates using, not that anthony ’robi’ frobisher would ever guess ),has been on his and lou’s case about getting their reports turned in ASAP ( despite the fact that brady is always very thorough and hands in EVERYTHING in a timely manner, anyway ). but he’s DISTRACTED, wondering what is taking the fat ex-cop so long to take the bait and finally contact him on debbie’s blue umbrella. if he doesn’t do something  S O O N brady will have to take matters into his own hands.
                  he catches a glimpse of someone moving towards him, but he doesn’t look up until the customer, now standing directly in front of him, speaks. his jaw C L E N C H E S for a moment, the distraction an annoyance to his daydreaming, before he collects himself and raises his gaze. brady smiles politely and straightens to look down at the laptop she’s offering him. of course she needs help ( don’t they all? ) and he finds it redundant that she even has to ask. he pushes his papers aside to give her the semblance that she is his top priority. ❝ What seems to be the PROBLEM ? ❞
                       she  likes  technology.  she  was  fairly  GOOD  at  managing it  too.  emily’s  family  made  her  the  SOLE  technician  of  the  household.  from  televisions  to  laptops,  she  did  it  all.  the  UNWAVERING  need  to  be  useful  prompted  her  to  pick  up  such  a  skill.  but  then  she  met  RAY.  and  ray  did  not  favor  being  outsmarted  in  any  field.  he  was  INSISTENT  he  be  the  provider  and  hard  worker  of  their  RELATIONSHIP.  so  naturally,  emily  stepped  aside  and  allowed  him  to  do  his  thing.  she  lost  a  lot  of  her  INDEPENDENCE,  sure.  but  it  was  for   L  O  V  E   and  that  was  good  reason  enough,  right  ?   today’s  DILEMMA  is  in  the  shape  of  a  square.   (   his  STOLEN  macbook  to  be  more  specific.   )   it’s  password  locked  as  it  should  be  and  well,  even  that’s  something  she  can’t  crack.  therefore,  she  makes  her  way  into  the  shop  that  supposedly  cares  for  such  issues.
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                         removing  the  laptop  from  her  TRUSTY  satchel,  emily  offers  a  sheepish  smile.  setting  it  down  carefully  on  the  counter,  she  clears  her  throat.   ❛❛   hey there  …   ❜❜   her  eyes  squint  to  peek at  his  name  tag,   ❛❛ Brady.  i,  uh,  i’m  having  troubles  with  my  computer.  d’ya  think  you  could   HELP    me  out  ?  ❛❛
@mercedeskiller  !
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