9 posts
Welcome to the blog of Mepler, also known as Meplerverse. This blog is a mix of an ask blog, as well as an rp blog but also a blog to post my lore. The characters that will answer the questions/rp are the main Bounty Hunting team.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
mepler · 5 years ago
Greysen smirked slightly at Gano's query, assuming that he also correctly figured out his own power. He then responded rather confidently.
" Oh that? That isn't my power Gano, that's just skill, experience, and intelligence that allowed me to figure your power. And before you ask recklessly, the finger snap was my power but it is not the manipulation of sound, despite it being the obvious answer. I'll give you a hint though. It's much larger than that, that's the hint. Now if two will excuse me, I shall clean up and prepare dinner since the time is 8:00 PM. "
Gano only grew a bit more embarrassed at Greysen's answer since that was his next question. As expected, Greysen was always the observant one of the group, knowing Gano enough to know that he'll ask an obvious question. Gano then looked at the windows to the outside garden. It really was nighttime. That means they have trained at least for 14 hours straight. Gano and Qurosuke guess that's why their entire body hurts like they were at the gym for hours without rest. Qurosuke them chimed in.
" If you don't mind Greysen, I will take my dinner to my room so I can rest my hands easy. "
Gano then added before Greysen could respond to Qurosuke's statement.
" If you also don't mind, I'll eat my dinner with Qurosuke so I can make sure he doesn't hurt himself more than he already did. "
Greysen merely nodded in agreement and understanding before cleaning up the training room and going into the kitchen to prepare for dinner. Qurosuke and Gano then would make their way to Qurosuke's room and wait for Greysen to finish cook their dinner. In order to pass the time, Gano decided to stir up a conversation with his master.
" So master. I wanted to ask you something. "
Gano asks Qurosuke while looking at him, only to see that Qurosuke looks likes he is daydreaming. Gano sighed a bit in annoyance and jumped on the bed where his master was sitting. Gano then tapped on Qurosuke's shoulder a few times lightly with his paw and fortunately, that got him out of his daydreaming.
" Huh what? Oh sorry Gano, I was thinking about how to beat the Training Cube tomorrow. Sure, go ahead and ask me anything. "
Qurosuke responded joyfully while being a bit oblivious to the atmosphere of their conversation. Qurosuke was still a child at heart. Meaning he was quite clueless of somethings. Gano finally asked.
" So, I was wondering if you actually believe to beat the Training Cube in a week. "
Qurosuke was a bit stunned by that question as Gano rarely doubted him for basically anything. Qurosuke didn't doubt Gano and Gano didn't doubt Qurosuke. That was the kind of friendship they had. But, Qurosuke quickly understood why Gano had his doubts. This was something new and unexplored so it made sense. Although, deep in Qurosuke's mind, he had a little amount of doubt as well.
" Well of course I do Gano. If I didn't believe in myself that I could, I would have given up right then and there. I have to believe that I have the power to do so. Otherwise, what's the point in trying? "
Gano listened to Qurosuke's answer quite intently. He could tell he wasn't lying but that there was a small feat in his voice. But, that was expected. Gano was afraid and worried about his best friend's safety because of what happened today. Gano continued.
" Well master, it's just that because of what happened to you today, it really got me scared. More scared than i ever been in my life. Seeing you get hurt like that made me think...about what if it was more than just your hands that were hurt. I-I don't know what to do if you seriously got... "
Before Gano could finish, Qurosuke quickly leaned in and embraced Gano in a tight but comfortable hug. Stunned, Gano didn't know how to respond to such action but his mind defaulted to having him hug back. Qurosuke replied.
" Gano. It's ok. I was afraid too when it happened. It felt like my life flashed before my life. But Gano, you got to understand that I would never risk something important like my life and future if I wasn't one hundred percent sure that those things would be safe. I'm doing this with complete confidence that I'll come back okay. Just think of this as a setback. In any case, Gano, I would be very afraid if the same thing happened to you. So...I guess we both care about each other's safety. "
Qurosuke said as calmly as he could, reassuring to Gano that he wasn't going anywhere anytime soon. When he finished, it took Gano a second before he could comprehend what Qurosuke said. But as soon as he did, Gano quickly tightened his arms around his master and best friend. Not too much to hurt but enough to return the hug. A hug of friendship and love.
Qurosuke would then look at Gano while still hugging him, preparing to say something but was taken aback when he saw Gano's face. There were tears starting to form in his eyes but Gano was trying his best to not weep. Qurosuke then would start to rub Gano's back while also petting and scratching in an attempt to comfort him and make him happier. Well, it was working for the most part as Gano's started to disappear. But, he then spoke...
" I now understand Qurosuke. But, if you don't mind. "
Gano says as he departs from the slightly emotional hug and takes a more relaxed position. He then Lay down on all fours, looking towards his master before continuing.
" Can you continue scratching/petting me? It has been a few hours? "
Qurosuke could only chuckle at Gano's question. He quickly understood why Gano would request such a thing. As a Mutant cat, normal domestic cat needs/wants are at least 10 times more than a normal one, so he needs/wants it to be petted/scratched every few hours, or else he starts to get moody. In any case, Qurosuke laid down beside Gano and started slowly scratch/pet his head and eventually his back, which in turn caused him to purr and smile a bit.
This had gone on for a few minutes but honestly, Qurosuke didn't mind it at all. He enjoyed Gano's soft fur and Gano enjoyed his scratches/pets, it was a win-win. Suddenly, Qurosuke's room door opened, revealing Greysen with 3 plates in his hand, each filled with food, a hefty glass of juice, and a large bowl of milk. Greysen would then speak.
" For your dinner meal master Qurosuke and Gano, two 4 servings of Sakana no Nitsuke, a large plate of Kabuto Ni, a glass of apple juice and a bowl of milk. I hope you both enjoy your meals and have a nice rest. If you don't mind, please put the plates back onto the cart when you're finished. I will see you two tomorrow. "
Greysen spoke calmly as he finished and left the room, leaving the food and drink for them to eat and drink. Hopefully, they had listened to Greysen. Hopefully, but no promises. Almost immediately, Qurosuke got off his bed and took the two plates of Sakana no Nitsuke and went back onto his bed for him and Gano to chow down on. As mentioned before, fish was both Gano's and Qurosuke's favorite type of meal.
Thanks to Greysen planning ahead, only one of the plates had a fork and knife in it which made since Gano doesn't need them to dine, as he also has no human-like hands to even use them too. Almost immediately as the plate got into his range, Gano started to consume his fish meal. It seemed that all that exercise and training he had made the kitty quite hungry. While Gano was eating his meal as quickly and ad much as he can, Qurosuke took his time with his meal. Not like he could eat that fast in the first place with his hand still healing. In any case, Qurosuke steadily ate his dinner while also drinking his juice in between chowing it down. The night slowly moved on as 10 mins have passed since the two friends had started to eat their dinner. Gano had actually finished his within 5 mins and was currently lapping his bowl of milk while Qurosuke was just finishing up his meal and drink. To Gano's perspective, the long quiet made him feel a little uncomfortable so he decided to start a conversation again, asking Qurosuke a question as he continued to lap his milk.
" Hey, master. Do you..think I'm strong? "
Gano asked in a slightly concerned and worried tone of voice but that part of the question flew over Qurosuke's head. He responded as he started to clean up and put away his meal back on the cart where Greysen had asked him to.
" Hell yeah man. You're hella strong Gano. I mean, I don't think anyone other than my dad could keep up with Greysen, even if it was only a little bit. Heck, I bet you're stronger than me at this moment in time. I got like a...uhh.. 40% chance of beating you if we're both serious. In any case, don't doubt yourself, Gano. You're my cat and best friend, so of course, you’re going to be strong. "
Qurosuke spoke with confidence and pride in his voice. Not pride in himself but pride in Gano. Qurosuke truly didn't doubt in Gano's strength and at this moment, Gano couldn't doubt Qurosuke's. Even then, the boost in confidence was just what he needed and almost started to cry because of the kind words his master had said but stopped himself before Qurosuke noticed. He then said.
" Thanks, master. I really needed that. Oh, and you mind if I sleep on the bed today? I don't feel okay sleeping on the floor today. "
Gano asked his master, being slightly embarrassed that he did because it was rare for him to sleep on the bed with him since the soft floor was good enough to nap on. Though, Qurosuke responded quickly as he finished putting away his meal and put away Gano's since he was done. The cat didn't even notice he finished.
" Sure you can. I don't mind at all. You can do it from now on if you want to in all honesty. Greysen probably wouldn't mind as well. "
Gano smiled as his question got the answer he wanted. Practically instantly, Gano jumped onto Qurosuke's large bed and with his size, took up the entire left side of the bed. This was okay for Qurosuke though, as he barely slept on the left side and mostly slept on the right side. Qurosuke would then join Gano in his bed and cover himself with his large blanket. No need to cover Gano as his vast amount of fur is enough for him to sleep on, added the fact he was laying right on the rest of the blanket but again, it was alright as the blanket was massive enough for him to use.
Before he would actually start to fall asleep, Qurosuke spoke to Gano.
" Goodnight Gano. Sweet dreams. "
Gano only smiled and responded respectfully to his master.
" Goodnight to you to master. Sweet dreams. "
Qurosuke the quickly clapped loudly twice in his room and almost immediately the lights in the room itself had turn off. Clap activated lights. How expensive and rich for Qurosuke's family. Due to the softness of the bed, Qurosuke and Gano had fallen asleep in less than 5 mins. Ending the day.
It was 5:00 am from Monday B to Tuesday A. Though, due to the intensity of his dream, Qurosuke was the first one to wake up. He remembered his dream clearly, right down to the little minuscule details. But, he wanted to make sure what happened in his dream really did happen, so he tried to recall the whole thing, right from the beginning.
Within the beginning of his dream, Qurosuke stood in what seemed to be a clear white room. He could clearly stand on something and that something was soft like a pillow but when he looked up, there was no ceiling. It was as if he looked at a clear white sky that stretched in forever. There wasn't even a sun He would then check his right, left, front, and back of him. Seemingly the same as there were no walls or anything similar to them, as they also stretched on forever. The only thing that didn't was the floor. Obviously being confused, Qurosuke slowly took a step to see what would happen both out of curiosity and fear. Luckily, nothing actually happened and as a result, he became braver and more confident and took a mother step, this time faster. Again, nothing happened. He would then take another step and another until he actually started walking. With quite literally nowhere to go, Qurosuke chooses to walk forward.
If he was a betting man, Qurosuke would say that he had been walking for at least a min or two. At a casual pace no less. He didn't want to run since anything particularly dangerous wasn't happening at the moment. He groaned quietly about how boring and blank this place was. Nothing was actually happening in this white world he was in. But as soon he started complaining about the lack of fun he started to see something far in front of him. About 10 feet away. He couldn't exactly see what it was but he could tell it was smaller than him and it was not human.
Grinning a bit that finally something interesting was happening, Qurosuke walked toward the thing in front of him at a slightly faster pace. As the distance between him and the thing grew smaller, he started to see the actual features of the thing. It looked kind of like a rabbit given he could see the ears but only barely as it had something on its head. Eventually, Qurosuke finally reached the rabbit with him and it only being a foot apart of each other. Now he definitely got a clear look at the rabbit. Its fur was white as snow, with specialized face markings and a 6 petaled flower on its legs, wearing a half black and half white Changshan, which is traditional Chinese wear for men, and an emperor headpiece of the same color. Clearly, this rabbit looked way different from the normal one but before Qurosuke could speak about it, the rabbit suddenly spoke.
" Greetings user Qurosuke. If you didn't realize it yet, my name is version H.E.L.P model 1904 version 10.0, or as per my current settings, Monoma. "
Qurosuke was completely surprised as he heard the familiar monotone voice. Though, Qurosuke face did obviously show suspicion as he never actually seen a rabbit that looked like this in his life, nor has seen Monoma like this at all. He only ever seen Monoma as a technological bracelet. Monoma immediately saw the doubt in Qurosuke's face and without skipping a beat continued on.
" I see that you are doubtful user Qurosuke. But do not worry. This is your mindscape after all, or more precisely at the moment, your dreamscape. Through this, I was able to make a physical form suiting for me that would fit your preferences, since you have told Greysen that other than cats, bunnies were your favorite animal and the black and white color scheme that you usually have is your favorite colors. Are you still doubtful, user Qurosuke? "
Well, after that statement, Qurosuke couldn't doubt Monoma's word now. He wasn't aware of it at first but now he was mindful that he was currently in a dream. Not that he minds it but he wondered why the hell his dream could be so boring and blank for a person like him who preferred to have fun but he digresses. Now that Monoma had clear his doubts, he felt a little embarrassed at the fact he did doubt and finally responded.
" S-sorry Monoma. I couldn't tell that this was a dream or not. But, I do wonder how the hell you're inside my dream. I mean, it's my dream. "
Monoma merely gave a slight smirk before answering Qurosuke's question.
" Indeed. This is your dream. Your mind created it but I was able to get into your dreamscape due to my default settings. Remember the last time where you heard me talk to you? I was talking to outside of your dream and you simply responded to the version of me within your dream. But, now I am completely within your dream. You may have created it but like last time, I'm in control as per my default settings and the purpose of our last conversation. Do you at least remember our last interaction in your dream? "
Normally, Qurosuke would be heavily confused as to what Monoma explained just now but, he actually did understand since his father used to speak in riddles just like that. And over time, he got used to it and usually would quickly comprehend what he said. Normal people would probably be confused but thankfully Qurosuke is far from normal. Qurosuke answered back quickly.
" Oh, I understand now. If I remember correctly, the purpose of our last discussion was that I needed to grow my power, or was it to take more control over my power? "
Qurosuke asked Monoma is a slight confusion as he didn't know which was the right answer. Thankfully, Monoma answered back promptly.
" Actually, it was both. As it is also the same reason why I'm here. Because of you burning yourself with that attack called Power Wave. Remember my prime directive is to make you, the seedling, into a tree. Trees don't hurt themselves as they grow. So, per my directives, I will teach you a few things while Greysen is resting. Are you ready user Qurosuke? This will be quite tough given your current progress. "
Qurosuke could only give a smug grin before confidently responding to Monoma.
" The answer should be obvious to me. Of course, I'm ready! If I can't move forward, I'll only move backward. So let's start already Monoma! "
Qurosuke shouted in full enthusiasm in himself. One of the few ways to get stronger is to train. If he even wants to have a 50℅ chance of beating The Training Cube, he'll have to push his limits. And with Monoma's help on top with Greysen's, he's sure that he'll beat it tomorrow. On his games, he will! Monoma then gave a small and soft but noticeable smile before responding.
" Acknowledged user Qurosuke then let's begin. The first problem you need to learn is control. Your hand was burned trying to use foreign energy that was different from what you're used to and different from the one you use. In order to stop yourself from getting burned, you must gain control of this energy. This energy comes from Mepler itself. Through my calculations and research algorithm, this energy is called Qi, Ki, or Chi. In traditional Chinese culture, qi or ch'i Is believed to be a vital force forming part of any living entity. Qi translates as "air" and figuratively as "material energy", "life force", or "energy flow". Qi is the central underlying principle in Chinese traditional medicine and in Chinese martial arts. The practice of cultivating and balancing qi is called qigong. Therefore, it should be possible for you to use Chi as you are alive. "
Qurosuke slowly understood what Monoma was explaining to him. Chi was life energy, therefore, he should be able to use it since he was alive. But, he burned himself some he never controlled Chi in the first place or even use the Chi from the Earth around him to use Power Wave or that he used Chi on a level that he couldn't control. It was probably all 3 reasons but that just makes this training all the more challenging and worth it. Qurosuke then asked.
" So... how do I even train to use Chi on a level that I can use for combat? I'm not familiar with Chinese traditions and concepts. "
Qurosuke asked Monoma in an interested tone of voice. He was not familiar with any culture other than his own so this makes his exercise that more difficult. Monoma responded quickly.
" Firstly, we must develop your Chi before you start to control it. Thankfully, there are a few methods in which one can develop their Chi. The first one we will do, if it's not too difficult for you, is developing your Chi through breathwork. The first step for this method is to get comfortable. So, user Qurosuke, get comfortable. To properly work on your breathing, it needs to be your main focus – not on how uncomfortable your legs are, or how you want to hang a picture on the wall you’re staring at. So, sit on the floor, preferably either in a cross-legged position or kneeling. "
Qurosuke was about to question the first but thankfully Monoma gave the justification to why he needs to get comfortable before he could interrupt it. He slowly followed the first step to the letter, sitting on the floor in a cross-legged position. He sat, patiently waiting for the next step. Monoma quickly noticed that Qurosuke had completed the first step and continued on.
" The second step is to breathe deeply. But, make sure you're paying attention to breathing in and out. Make sure you are using your diaphragm, not just your chest. Breathing from your diaphragm allows you to get more air both in and out. Cycling a lot of air through your body is essential to developing your Chi, user Qurosuke. It should be noted that keep doing this exercise over the course of days and weeks until it becomes natural. But by recording your personality, you will probably complete it within 3 weeks or 4. "
Qurosuke's eyes widened when Monoma had finished explaining the next. He was shocked to hear how long it would take for him to do this step until it becomes natural to him. He then objected.
" H-hold on Monoma. 2-3 weeks!? That'll take way too long! I have to beat The Training Cube within a week and-
Before Qurosuke could finish, Monoma interjected, with a stern and serious look on its face along with its serious tone of voice.
" Need I remind you user Qurosuke that Greysen had told you to that it was recommended or optimal to beat The Training Cube within a week, not that you have to or that you must beat it within a week or else something bad will happen, which is not the case. If you truly desire to develop and use your Chi on a level for combat use, you need to train for a long time. If you try to use shortcuts or the like to obtain some kind of progress, it will not be the result you want. Do I make myself clear user Qurosuke? "
Qurosuke was a bit surprised at Monoma's interruption, as well as the seriousness in its voice and serious look on its face. Yeah, he has to admit that if he tries to half-ass it, he won't get the conclusion he wanted. If he wants to succeed, he'll have to follow Monoma's instructions and training a best as he can. But, Qurosuke had a question in the back of his mind since the beginning of this and felt that he needed to say it. So he asked Monoma.
" I understand Monoma but I have an important question. Why would I train in my dreams when I could do it in real life? I wouldn’t achieve anything this way. "
Qurosuke asked in a slight concern tone of voice. It made the most logical sense. Anything that happens in a dream doesn't affect reality on the level Monoma would expect. Well, what any normal person would expect. Monoma responded just as quickly Qurosuke finished his question. What a rapid processing system.
" I understand the logic behind your question. Your thinking that since this is just a highly lucid dream, it shouldn't actually affect reality right? Well, your right but not in this sense. As I said before, I have control over this dream but, I also am still active in reality. To make things easier to understand, I'll simplify the next part. Anything that happens in your dream will affect you in the same way in reality. So if you train and develop your Chi in this dream, you can see the results in reality. If you get hurt in your dream, you get hurt in reality. I hope you understand because time is of the essence to you. So if you want to succeed, I suggest starting now. "
I guess I understand, Qurosuke thought. He didn't even try to argue against Monoma's explanation because this time he would just trust its words. Qurosuke would then close his eyes to concentrate and start taking deep breaths. Not loudly but edible enough that Monoma can hear him taking deep breaths. Deep inhale, and then deep exhale. As Qurosuke did that, Monoma spoke again.
" Make sure you are using your diaphragm, not just your chest user Qurosuke. If you don't know, Breathing from your diaphragm, lowering in your body close to your stomach, allows you to get more air both in and out. "
Thank god he said that Qurosuke thought. He didn't know what the diaphragm was. He wasn't biology or human anatomy expert but luckily Monoma takes notice of these things and is decent at teaching. Just as Monoma said, Qurosuke then started to take deep breaths, in and out, both using his diaphragm and chest. It definitely felt unusual at first since he never breathed like that, especially when taking deep breaths. Deep breaths, in and out. This had lasted for at least, by Monoma's calculations, 10 mins. After seeing Qurosuke getting the hang of it, it then spoke as he continued to breathe deeply.
" The next step is to keep your mind empty. It’s difficult to keep your mind neutral and away from thinking about anything and everything. But for the 20-30 minutes that you are practicing breathing, try to just focus on that. The in and the out are like the yin and yang – opposites, yet interconnected. And do not worry, I'm in control of the dream, so making your mind empty will not make me or you or even the floor disappear. "
Empty my mind? Qurosuke thought. How does anyone even empty their mind? How is that even possible? Do they stop thinking or- oh well now's he's asking too many questions and thinking too much. Albeit his best efforts, Qurosuke tried to clear his mind for the past 10 mins while he still deeply breathed. Monoma noticed the lack of achievement and spoke once again.
" It seems you are having trouble with this step. As a being or...thing who doesn't necessarily have a mind but rather chips and such, the only thing I can tell is a story that might help. The story goes like this."
Qurosuke simply sat with his eyes closed and still breathed deeply but he showed that he was paying attention to Monoma's story by giving him a quick thumbs-up before going right back into breathing. Monoma obviously noticed and continued to tell the story.
" Adi Sankara was walking through the market place with his disciples...They saw a man dragging a cow by a rope... Sankara told the man to wait and asked his disciples to surround them... “I am going to teach you something” and continued... “Tell me who is bound to whom? Is the cow bound to this man or the man is bound to the cow?" The disciples said without hesitation “Of course the cow is bound to the man!. The man is the master. He is holding the rope. The cow has to follow him wherever he goes. The man is the master and the cow is the slave.” “Now watch this”, said Sankara and took a pair of scissors from his bag and cut the rope... The cow ran away from the master and the man ran after his cow. “Look, what is happening”, said Sankara “Do you see who the Master is? The cow is not at all interested in this man. The cow, in fact, is trying to escape from this man. This is the case with us...I mean your mind user Qurosuke. Like the cow, all the non-sense that you carry inside is not interested in you... You are interested in it, you are keeping it together somehow or the other... You are going crazy trying to keep it all together under our control. The moment you lose interest in all the garbage-filled in your head, and the moment you understand the futility of it, it will start to disappear... Like the cow, it will escape and disappear.” Feeling free and relaxed is a choice. Error, this is more of an analogy than a story. I will correct this in the future. Do you understand now, user Qurosuke? "
Qurosuke then gave a slow yes nod in reply to Monoma's story/analogy. But in truth, he just barely understood what Monoma just said. What would count as garbage in his head? Maybe...the solution was in the present. That's right! Qurosuke thought. All I have to do is focus on myself in the present. The right now, at the moment. No need to worry about the past or the future. No one else but him would exist in this mind, not even Monoma when he clears it. All that matters is him and what he is doing right now...clearing all garbage...remove all unnecessary thoughts...and be free and relax...just breathe deeply. And then just like that, Qurosuke mind was clear.
For the past 30 mins, Qurosuke just breathed deeply in the way that Monoma had instructed with his mind now clear. But, Monoma did notice something that Qurosuke didn't. A faint golden and sparkling light seems to surround Qurosuke entire body. His deep breathing and clear mind just made his Chi, although faint, visible to people who are aware of such things. Monoma simply looked at Qurosuke with a curious look on its face and spoke.
" Interesting. So this is what Chi looks like. Or maybe this is what user Qurosuke's Chi looked like. Further studying and observation are required to make that conclusion. As the human saying goes, " So far so good. " "
0 notes
mepler · 5 years ago
Learning and Training (Part 4)
The moment he saw the cube extend a part of itself to counter-attack Qurosuke, his mind went into overdrive in terms of processing and thoughts and as a result, Monoma spoke into his mind.
" Hello user Qurosuke. I have detected a rather high increase in your brain thought processing levels and an increase in your perception levels. Due to this, I must inform you that this is the result of being attacked and that your power has activated. No need to be afraid of course, I shall inform you of how to use your power carefully. Do you understand? "
Monoma spoke in her monotone voice in Qurosuke's head. Oh, Qurosuke thought. That's why he was seeing the log from the Training Cube coming at him so slowly. His perception and thought processing were just ridiculously increased to the point that an attack at the speed of a snail moving on the ground.
" Yeah Monoma, I understand "
Qurosuke responded to Monoma in his head. It was a little bit weird while this was happening but since it happened yesterday, Qurosuke had nothing to worry about or rather there was nothing to fear off.
" Very well. While you were sleeping, your mind was undergoing massive information processing. Your neurons were working as one would call overtime in order to do its job. This is because you played too many games at one time and your mind was forced to absorb all of the games information at one time. I advise you next time to do at least only 5 games at a time. As a result, you wouldn't even wake up at your normal schedule even with your internal clock and user Gano trying to wake you up. In any case, I will try to explain your power as simple as I can. Essentially, your power allows using the powers, skills, abilities, feats, items, etc of the video game characters and video games you played. From Ezio in Assassin's Creed to Kyo in King Of Fighters. This is why you know everything about the games you played right down to the minuscule details. Because they are for you to use at your disposal. But, only if you actively choose them I'm afraid. So I must ask Qurosuke, who shall you use?
Qurosuke's mind than almost went into overdrive. So many options to choose from. I guess this was one of the weaknesses behind his Mutant power. He has to manually choose rather than fighting on autopilot. Though it annoyed him that his mind couldn't just choose automatically, what makes up for it was that his perception of time was at least 3 dozens time better than the average human at this point. So, because of the slug-like slowness of the Traning Cube attacks, he had way more than enough time to choose from. Wood. Flesh. Clearly not a good matchup. But, what could he do to make it fair, Qurosuke thought, or at least give him more of an edge?
Qurosuke would then smirk as he finally chose what he wanted. Back in real-time, just before the extended part of could hit him, Qurosuke used the momentum to recover by the usage of his upper body weight and left arm for support and leverage, he'd allow his lower body swing towards the ground with his right foot outwards and his left foot tucked in skidding across the surface and left hand. His right foot is landing and taking the impact and his left elbow bends in order to Lower his lower body. Outspeeding the Training Cube's counter-attack by twice it's speed and being only a few inches in front of it.
Before the Training Cube could respond, Qurosuke would follow up his attack with one of Kyo's classic moves. First, Pivoting off of his rear (right) foot, he'd turn at the waist simultaneously throwing his right arm out for a straight jab as an explosion would detonate on sight, equal to the force of a single grenade. Secondly, he'd slide forward on his left foot and his rear to follow motioning his left arm in the form of an uppercut. Upon motioning his left arm downwards, another detonation occurred as a follow-up. To end things, he's already bent knees would enable him to dip down reeling his right arm to his face as he'd aim to strike the ground with his right fist; having yet another detonation occur before him. A few of Kyo Kusanagi's special attack. 115 Shiki Doku Kami,401 Shiki Tumi Yomi, and 402 Shiki Batu Yomi.
As said earlier, this, of course, surprised both Greysen and Gano respectively. Gano was looking at his master with bewilderment and pure shock. Only on day two of training and he has shown a scary amount of progress, Gano thought. But deep in his heart, Gano was at least glad that Qurosuke had some kind of power to defend himself with. Either way, Gano would still try and protect him as well. Greysen however, was more along the lines of stunned and amazed. Now that Qurosuke's Mutant power has been achieved, Greysen's mind wonders, how will he use it? Though, that question has been partially answered from the attack by Qurosuke himself onto the Training Cube.
Back to the fight, the Training Cube simply couldn't react in time as it hit by Qurosuke's 3-hit combo. The sheer force of his fiery punch made a small but noticeable crack on the Training Cube and the temperature behind his flames almost made the whole Cube become ablaze. But, in response to the attack and how dangerously powerful it was, the Training Cube extended two more parts of itself from its left and right side. The extended parts looking similar to its last attack but it was coming at Qurosuke with at least more than twice the speed of Qurosuke's 3 hit combo. This time, unfortunately, the Traning Cube attack was aimed right at his head and stomach, intending to knock Qurosuke out as per its setting or at least make him incapable of continuing to fight.
Although, Qurosuke wouldn't let something like this happen. So close, a cm before either extended part could hit Qurosuke, he reacted faster and used another special technique from the same game as Kyo but this time it was Rock Howard. Qurosuke would use Rock's technique to seemingly teleport an inch behind the Training Cube, having it's extended attack miss him entirely. Well, it wasn't exactly teleportation. Similar to a flash step, it was just a high-speed movement tech.
Now it was time for Qurosuke's counter-attack. What shall he choose this time, he asked himself as his mind raced for the options and answers at his disposal. And just within half a second, Qurosuke finally chooses his next power. Qurosuke quickly gathers energy within his fist and punches it against the ground. The punch itself may not have enough power to destroy the wood, despite that not being Qurosuke's intention, but what came after was what matters. A half a second after punching the ground, a large energy wave around the size of a soccer ball going through the ground with the intense speed that was doubled the speed of the Traning Cube's last attack. If that wasn't enough, Qurosuke had to mock the Traning Cube by announcing the attack's name as he did it.
"Power Wave!"
Yes, through the ground. Qurosuke fire attack may have been lucky but now his cockiness just went over then line. The power wave destroyed the wood along its path to strike the Training Cube with its power, knocking it back almost halfway across the room. It almost went flying or weren't for its weight and size. This time, however, there was a very visible and large piece of the Training Cube near its edge. The damage itself wasn't large enough to reveal its core, but it was powerful nonetheless.
Qurosuke wouldn't allow the Training Cube to make a counter-attack, so he quickly ran after the Training Cube. But before he could take a single step, he fell over in the hardwood floor hard, making a rather loud sound. Out of fear and instinct, Gano and Greysen quickly rushed to his side to aid him. Qurosuke yelling in pure pain.
He twisted and turned his body out of the sheer effort to just make the agony go away but, his attempt to proved futile, which only made him twist and turn more.
Gano would quickly use his superior weight and larger body to keep his master body from twisting and turning. Fortunately, it mostly worked as he just merely laid on the ground making more futile attempts to move around but proved useless as Gano kept him from doing that. While he did that, Greysen kneeled beside Qurosuke to check his body for any injuries or as to why he was in pain.
" Head? Fine. Arms? Alright. Legs? Good. Chest?... Alright. Hands? Here's the problem. "
Greysen finally found the source of Qurosuke's pain. Quurosuke's hand was burned but, not the type of burn when your hand was on fire but more on the level of touching something hit for too long. With his experience and knowledge in first aid, Greysen knew the problem and surprisingly the cause.
" First degree burns all over the hand your hand. Not because of the fire you used earlier but because of the energy, you used in the power wave you used. You know how to do it and the amount of energy and power to do so, but remember this young master, your own body was not ready to suddenly handle the new source of energy gathered in your hands. Luckily, it quickly left your body just as soon it entered in it. If it stayed there a few seconds longer, the first degree burns would have become 3rd or maybe even 4th-degree burns. Gano, a bucket is located in the bottom pantry, fill it up with cold water and come back.
Greysen says his last sentence with a commanding tone of voice while his previous sentences were one of calm and collected but slight worry if one could hear correctly. Gano quickly understood Greysen's request and jumped off if his master and ran his way to the kitchen. Faster than Greysen expected him to be despite his size and weight. Only after a min passing of Qurosuke on making loud whimpers of pain, Gano came back with a large bucket of cold water, almost a whole gallon and carefully set it beside Qurosuke and Gano. Greysen would then promptly and carefully place Qurosuke's hand in the bucket of cold water.
Qurosuke would then give a loud sigh of pure relief as his hot hands were submerged in the bucket of cold water. The chill embrace of his hands slowly but surely a lot cooler as more time passes.
" Thanks, guys. I probably wouldn't have done that myself without you guys to help me. At least I now know not to do something like that. "
Greysen merely sighed at Qurosuke's slight ignorance while Gano to give him crawled to him and gave a long and wet lick on his face. Just to punish him for making them worry and to show how much Qurosuke meant to them. Gano would then lay across Qurosuke's lap and start to rest there. He would then look Qurosuke straight in the eye, showing for one of the few rare times that he was serious.
" Qurosuke, you are not leaving until your hands are fully treated. Understand me? "
Gano says to his master also in a drastic tone of voice. He even said his master's own name, showing how much he was crucial in his declaration. But, that's to be expected from a feline with a feline mutant personality, more specifically his erratic side. But, while Qurosuke was ignorant, he was understanding of the seriousness of the situation, despite it calming down. But, he was surprised at Gano's tone of voice, almost scaring him a bit. He would give Gano a yes nod while looking in his eyes.
" O-of course Gano. I understand completely. Also, Greysen, how long will this take for my hands to fully heal? "
Gano then smiled a little at his master's awareness of his problem. Thank god he isn't a dunderhead, Gano thought as he attempts to rest and sleep on Qurosuke's lap but, still fully aware of his surroundings thanks to his feline senses.
" Given my knowledge in the medical field, it may take at least a week, maybe less with antibiotics and resting. As such, we will have to postpone your training until your hands are fully heated. Whether you want to go to your room or not is completely up to you, young master. "
Qurosuke would them contemplate for a bit. He could either go to the room and rest up or just watch Gano and Greysen train for the day until dinner time. In both options, he just sits there and does nothing. Although, watching Greysen and Gano does have the potential to teach him something in the long run. But, resting up does heal him a lot faster. Qurosuke knew the choice he had to make.
" I'll just sit here and watch. Don't mind me. Just keep doing what you have been originally doing. "
Qurosuke says casually as if nothing had just happened literally minutes ago. That was apart of Qurosuke's personality though. He may have been or is currently in pain but he chooses not to show it so that others don't have to worry about it. This was partly because of his stubbornness and one of the sayings his father used to say. '' Being a man is being stubborn. ''
Greysen nodded in understanding while Gano hesitantly nods too. Gano was still worried about his master's health and condition but his worries quickly disappeared when he looked at Qurosuke's face. A pure joyful and hopeful smile. The smile brimming with happiness. And fortunately, it was also an infectious smile. Just from looking at that smile for more than a second made Gano smiled too.
Greysen and Gano would then stand a few feet away from Qurosuke so he wouldn't get hurt and resumed the training they had. Surprisingly, Qurosuke had never watched Gano or Greysen train since he was so focused on other stuff. Now, he can turn his focus onto them, with an unbiased thought of thinking who would actually win.
But even when Qurosuke was focused, his gamer like mind was still racing all throughout. The topic being of what would be the perfect or best song for something like this. As a gamer, he has listened to a lot of game OST, also known as the official soundtrack. But, he also listened to some to his sleep when he has trouble doing so. There was this one particular theme that would fit the current situation. He heard it once through a 100 video game song playlist but doesn't know the name since he was asleep. Luckily, he did remember the song perfectly. The tempo, the instruments, the rhythm. Even how long it was right down to the very seconds. He secretly played it through his mind while also directing his eyes and attention on Gano and Greysen.
While he was focusing, however, through the unconscious use of own power, the music he played through his head also played all throughout the training room, for everyone to hear. It wasn't as if the sound was coming directly from Qurosuke, it was just as if there were speakers all around the room itself or the music compared themselves was performing right in front of them. For some reason though, Gano and Greysen looked as if they didn't even mind it or actually fully notice the music. If Qurosuke had to name the song himself given the current event, it would be...
[Greysen Vs Gano (Training)|]
The training started with Gano using his rather long tail which was using the kendo stick as of it was an arm since he only had paws. Gano's tail was at least 5.5 feet normally but secretly he can extend it up to 8.5 feet. Given that he was only a few 4 feet away from Greysen, this starting attack would probably hit him. His tailed gripped the handle do the kendo stick and swung it at Greysen, aiming for his left leg, specifically the knee to knock him off balance. The sheer speed at which Gano attacked Greysen was comparable to the average speed of a major league pitchers fastball. A fast attack at such short range, how can Greysen possibly get out of that? Easily, is the answer.
Greysen quickly reacted just in time to elegantly and masterfully parried the attack as if it was merely a child's play, like a novice learning how to use a kendo sword for the first time. He parried it towards the ground and before counter-attacking with an overhead attack of his own, with one arm no less. This was obviously a spar so Gano's starting attack was intentionally not that powerful, it was at least powerful enough to visibly damage an adult oak tree to the point of near tipping over and falling. Although, Greysen's counter-attack was at least 2% faster and stronger. Greysen was intending to punish Gano's reckless attack and teach him a lesson but that wouldn't happen.
Gano's a feline, obvious to anyone to has a brain and good eye. Meaning, he has feline instincts and due to his Mutant nature, his senses are at least a dozen times better than a normal cat. Gano's enhanced hearing and sight, along with his speed and reflexes, allowed him to dodge Greysen's counter-attack with slight ease by pouncing 2 feet to Greysen's left side at least 5% faster than the counter-attack but, he was also at least 1 foot behind Greysen which spelled trouble for him. Because, in a location like that when fighting an opponent, that would be called a blind spot. A blind spot is an area in your range of vision that you cannot see properly but which you really should be able to see. For example, when you are driving a car, the area just behind your shoulders is often a blind spot. In a more scientific explanation, specifical anatomy, a blind spot is a small portion of the visual field of each eye that corresponds to the position of the optic disk (also known as the optic nerve head) within the retina. There are no photoreceptors (i.e., rods or cones) in the optic disk, and, therefore, there is no image detection in this area. As one can tell, even a novice knows that this would spell trouble for even the most experienced combatants. Gano thrust his kendo stick at the back of Greysen's stomach area, usually where his pancreas would be at. This time, Gani took it a bit more force behind his attack, this time it had enough power to break an adult oak tree in half with one swing.
Greysen's senses may have been human, but his experience and knowledge of battle make up for it. Despite being human, Greysen senses were at least 10 times better than the average person's. So, he simply used them to his advantage to parry Gano's attack once again towards the ground, causing a visible crack in the floor. Look's like Greysen has his work cut out for him, both present and in the future. But, Greysen does not make a mistake twice, and since this was training, he would have to show Gano the mistake he made himself. Before Gano begins to react to what just happened, Greysen used one of the sword techniques he had learned and used throughout his life, specifically fencing, called a Riposte. In fencing, a Riposte is an offensive action with the intent of hitting one's opponent, made by the fencer who has just parried an attack. This technique allowed Greysen to make a quick one-handed towards Gano's stomach area with the same speed and force he used in his last attack. But, Gano had a surprise for Greysen.
Gano, as stated before, is a Mutant cat. But, that part is almost always noticeable given his size and the ability to talk any human could. But, no one knew his Mutant power, not even Qurosuke. It wasn't as if it was a power he had to hide, but rather he just didn't have a reason to use a lot. Although, it seems like the perfect moment to reveal his Mutant power in an attempt to surprise Greysen and impress his master.
Gano's instincts and senses allowed him to dodge Greysen's attack once again by sidestepping, or at least the cat version of it since he's not human, by at least .5% faster than Greysen's Riposte, 1 foot to the right. This time, Gano was getting serious. Why one may ask? Not because he had to, but because of the music that Qurosuke has created. It gave Gano a feeling of adrenaline, excitement, and fun, similar to how one would get when they are competing in a physical competition. In summary, Gano was having fun which made him put more effort into the training in an attempt to have more joy. Qurosuke could even see it the happiness that Gano had on his face, which only made Qurosuke smile.
Gano finally unleashed his Mutant power but not in the form of some huge burst of energy, rather all the black fur on his body stood up quite a lot. This caused something that even surprised Greysen, which is extremely extraordinary in itself. Firstly, Gano's tail and the kendo stick he was wielding with it increased from 1 to 2. No, he wasn't gonna stop there. It increased to 3, then 4, now 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and finally 10 tails, each holding a kendo stick exactly like the first one. Gano has a smug look on his face, thinking that this spar was now over unless Greysen had a trick up his sleeve, which Gano doubted.
" Cloning, thought Greysen? No, Replication requires the user to have charged a certain amount of energy or at least the user must have a large storage of energy within them. Not to mention, this was automatic or even instinctual, meaning there wasn't any kind of concentration required to make a copy. His stamina is also relatively the same, even after doing such a feat. Furthermore, he has 10 tails and 10 of the kendo sticks with him now, one being biological and the other being nonbiological. Replicating two at the same time without some kind of preparation isn't possible. In conclusion, this is not Replication or Cloning. I know what it is now through this simple deduction. "
"You manipulated the Quantity of your tail and kendo stick, didn't you Gano? "
Greysen spoke confidently and loudly for Qurosuke and Gano to hear clearly. He reached the conclusion to the small mystery of Gano's power. He was able to figure out with his thinking only a second after being shown it. In response to Gano acting smug, Greysen gave the cat a rather arrogant smile of his own, just to mock him for thinking he could try to trick him with something like that. Gano slightly scowled at Greysen for figuring him out so quickly and the fact he was mocking him now. However, Qurosuke genuinely thought it was Cloning or Replication, showing that his knowledge of Mutant powers was rather limited and linear but he didn't object Greysen due to him being factually smarter than him.
Gano didn't care much as Greysen figured out his power because to him, that was the plan all along. Within the next second, Gano aimed all 10 of his kendo sticks at Greysen, practically desiring to attack all around his body. The head, the chest, the stomach, the legs and feet, the arms and hands, nothing was safe. Gano then launched his attack while secretly all the white fur on his body stood up by a considerable amount. The speed of his almost dozen strike being faster than the fastest soccer kick and each strike having enough force to smash a 7-foot slab of concrete into pieces even with one of those strikes. Gano gave a slightly smug look again while he did this, knowing that this strike was going to teach Greysen rather than him trying to teach Gano.
Greysen merely scoffed in his mind at the attack he was presented from Gano. Yes, it was fast, powerful and difficult to dodge but that didn't mean anything to Greysen's experience and superior swordsmanship. Greysen parried the first one like it was no trouble away from him. Then the second, third, fourth and fifth one the exact same way. But he noticed too late on how different the sixth attack was.
Visually, the sixth attack looked like it was just the same as all the previous ones. Nothing was visually different from the tail using it or the kendo stick itself at all. But no, at the very last second the attack altered in how it originally ones, it increased in every way. Power, speed, technique, etc. Whatever made up the quality of a good " attack " was used against Greysen in that last second. The sixth attack was at least 2% better in every way when compared to Gano's previous attack.
Greysen couldn't react in time and was forced, for the first time, to actually barely block the attack, which resulted in a piece of the kendo stick to break apart. Something was wrong, Greysen thought. The kendo stick was of the highest quality and has had no difficulty handling attacks at the same or similar level. So why wasn't it working now, Greysen thought? But before he had a second to think, Gano continued his assault.
Greysen blocked again and that resulted in another piece being broken apart. He needed to act fast if he wanted to be able to counter-attack. Guess it was finally that time huh, thought Greysen. If he had to use his Mutant power then so be it. Before Gano's next strike could hit him, Greysen merely snapped his with his free hand. You see, Greysen's Mutant power was the ability to manipulate waves, or at least, in this case, soundwaves. He manipulated the sound generated by the snapping of his finger on his free hand and intensified it to the point it generated enough sound to break windows, about 130 decibels. Think of a fortissimo singer being right in front of you or being in front of a live rock band. That's how audible Greysen's finger snap was.
Qurosuke covered his ears in an attempt to drown out the sudden loud finger snap while Gano jumped back both out of a bit of fear and pain. Due to being a Mutant feline, Gano's ears were sensitive to sound, especially loud ones. Gano had to stop his attack and jump back a few feet, even his increased tails and kendo sticks disappeared due to his lack of focus using them. Due to having such sensitive ears, such a loud noise that sudden and close made him feel like he was drunk or almost similar to experiencing vertigo. Greysen then makes a slight grin on his face and quickly capitalized on Gano being slightly disoriented and unfocused. With a quick lunge, Greysen took one step forward and struck Gank with enough force to destroy a 100-ton slab of concrete with one strike. Boom, that was the knockout move, having enough force to push Gano back all the way until he had hit the wooden wall. Groaning in slight pain before waving a white flag with his tail. Greysen quickly took a bow in honor of the fight while Qurosuke was cheering both for the winner and the loser. The winner was Greysen by the surrender of Gano.
Almost immediately after the fight had ended, so did the music that played around them. Guess it was something only to be used in battles. Probably, most likely, maybe. A thought for a later time. Qurosuke quickly got up to check on Gano despite his injury to his hands. Though, Greysen was already quick on the subject and checked on Gano's health himself. He checked Gano's body all around using his gloves, no actual danger to his health. Just pain from my last strike, Greysen thought. He then stood up and spoke.
" Nothing actually serious Gano. Just the pain from my last attack. Nothing but a good night's rest can cure. But by the by, I'm rather impressed with your improvement from last time but I was more surprised by your power. Although it's just a guess, your Mutant power is manipulating Quality and Quantity, right? "
Gano merely groaned in slight pain from Greysen's final attack. Guess he needed to get stronger because even if Greysen was hiding it from Qurosuke, he knew that Greysen used only a fraction of his strength in that. Gano then stood up all fours like he normally should and shook his head a bit, trying to get rid of his slight confusion from Greysen's finger snap. He then looked up at Greysen with an embarrassed smile before responding.
" I was already planning on having a good and long sleep already Greysen. That attack just made me want it more. And yeah, your right on the mark. My black fur represents my power of manipulating the quantity of something and my white fur os quality. It's kinda scary how you figured it out so quickly after just seeing it ONCE. And I'm assuming that's your power Greysen? "
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mepler · 5 years ago
Learning and Training (Part 3)
After 9 hours later of sleeping, the sun rises again, shining through Qurosuke's room anew. The day has now turned from Monday A into Monday B. What the hell? Why are there two Mondays, one may ask? Well, Mepler takes about 47 hours and 59 minutes to spin around once and 730 days to orbit around its sun once. The early civilizations on Mepler mistakenly thought that Mepler was similar to Earth and therefore made the calendar like that of Earth's. Only after a million years has passed is when an astronomer has finally noticed that the calenders were drastically wrong. To correct this, the astronomer told everyone that they only needed to adapt and act as a day lasted 48 hours instead of 24 hours. Also, the astronomer told everyone to make a separate day system, making it 14 days a week rather than 7. In simpler terms, there were two Mondays. Back on topic, instead of Qurosuke waking up to the sun shining through the windows, Gano was the one where his sleep was interrupted. He groaned in annoyance as the dream he was in was rudely ended. Gano looked at the clock in Qurosuke's room and saw that the time was 6:00 am. The crack of dawn. How annoying Gano thought. Even at this time, millions of other people would still be asleep but, due to his eternal clock and schedule, that would be his antithesis. Gano stretched his body and felt a bit sore throughout his body, a surplus bones cracking due to Greysen's harsh training. Not the wrong type of bone-cracking, the one where a person would do with thier fingers. Gano would then look towards Qurosuke and see that he is still heavily asleep, loudly snoring his way through the morning.  He would then make his way towards Qurosuke and start to shake his body in an attempt to wake him. But, after a few seconds of rocking him, Qurosuke just wouldn't wake up. Gano then started to shake Qurosuke a bit more roughly, which in turn started to move the whole bed a little too. After another few seconds, Qurosuke is still soundly asleep, unaffected by Gano's attempt at waking him up. It was time to get rougher. Not in the physical sense but more of a psychological sense. Gano would lean onto Qurosuke until he was only a few cms away from his ear and would then whisper something that would wake him up.
" If you don't wake up right now master, I will eat all of the fish in the refrigerator. "
The murmur had a hint of truth and mischievousness in it. If left unnoticed, Gano would honestly eat all of the fish. Qurosuke wouldn't let that happen even if it was Gano. He loved eating fish just as much as Gano. So much so, if they were in a fish-eating competition, they would both tie first place. Immediately, the words process in Qurosuke's head caused him to wake up. He sprang up from his resting position and onto an upright position. His eyes were full of a mixture of shock and annoyance.
" Okay, I'm awake! Don't eat them all Gano! Save some for me! "
Qurosuke yells in a whining and annoyed tone. Not that he didn't mind it too much. He was having a very odd dream while he was asleep if one could call it that. It was rather strange that it was merely a reply to him playing the games yesterday. But, the memory didn't just play once, it repeated itself over and over, with each repeat being more detailed than the next, giving Qurosuke the info about the games he has played. From the characters, the music, the background, to the powers, weapons, vehicles, etc. Right down to the most useless detail. Everything about the games he played was now in his head, just floating there seemingly with no use except for when he would either play it again, which was unlikely, and if someone were to ask him information about the game itself.  While Qurosuke was just finishing up processing, Gano merely chuckled at the rude awakening he gave his master.
" Well, next time you should wake up when I tell you to the first time. Besides, I won't eat all of the fish. I respect you too much to do so. Though, I won't say how much will be left. "
Gano says with slight mischief in his voice. It was rather hard for Qurosuke to determine if Gano was lying or not, even as his best friend and master. Gano would then get off the bed with his master right behind him. Finally, now that his master was awake, they can start the day right. Although, Gano was a bit concern as to why Qurosuke had trouble waking up and getting up a bit later than in his normal schedule but he checked that off as a one-time thing and didn't find it that serious.
They then make thier way out of Qurosuke's room and into the large hallway, similar to yesterday but, the only difference being that Qurosuke woke up a bit delayed.  They both then make thier way halfway down the steps towards downstairs, only to be met with the beautiful scent of breakfast. Greysen must have awoken at least an hour earlier than Qurosuke and Gano to make breakfast. The smell of the breakfast itself reached Gano and Qurosuke's noses and it was just heavenly. Although Qurosuke and Gano were addicted to any fish-based food, they also ate other food on different occasions. Today is one of those times. Any person within an average or standard childhood could recognize the smell. The smell of eggs, bacon, and pancakes with brown and sugary syrup and given that Qurosuke and Gano's appetite were very spacious, their breakfast was gonna be huge.
They immediately raced thier way down the steps and into the living room then into the kitchen, being met with one of the biggest breakfast they have seen. 4 pancakes stacked on top of each other with syrup slowly flowing on them then onto the plate. On the side was 3 average-sized sunny side up eggs and bacon, also having a small amount of sugar on them to Gano's and Qurosuke's preference.  As a drink, Qurosuke got a generous glass of orange juice and Gano got a massive container of milk. Of course, as a butler, Greysen also had placed the appretiate eating utensils for their breakfast. Due to his schedule, Greysen had already eaten his breakfast to correctly prepare Qurosuke and Gano. Gano and Qurosuke then quickly take thier chairs at the large glass kitchen table, Gano sitting in a particular chair made for him to eat as if he was a human and Qurosuke resting in a normal seat.
" Enjoy your breakfast you two.  While you do, I will be preparing the training for today. Also, put the dishes in the sink when you're done as will be in the training room for almost the rest of the day, thank you.  "
After finishing his sentence, Greysen would then be seen walking out of the kitchen then disappearing to the training room. Almost immediately when he did, Qurosuke and Gano started to eat thier breakfast. Qurosuke was absolutely in love with the pancakes and syrup, appreciating the tiny but noticeable sweet taste to it while the syrup's natural sugar only made it better. Qurosuke did have a bit of an obvious sweet tooth. That's why Greysen made it the way it is specifically for Qurosuke's taste. While Qurosuke started with the pancakes, Gano started with the eggs. Eggs are technically safe for a cat to eat depending on how they are cooked. Sunny-Side Up is safe for Gano to consume and is actually beneficial to him. Then, Gano would eat one of the whole eggs right in front of him in one enormous bite and gulp. Yup, that's how Gano would eat something if it wasn't large enough for him. The eggs itself tasted godly. The little amount of syrup that was on the egg complicated its flavor to Gano. Actually, Gano had a bit of a sweet tooth but was different when compared to most, especially Qurosuke.
In under 5 minutes, Qurosuke and Gano would finish their breakfast quietly and efficiently. There wasn't any trace of a breakfast on the plates now, evident to the plates being comparable of squeaky clean, the light from the sun the shined through the kitchen reflective off of the plates perfectly. Again, showing how much Qurosuke and Gano enjoyed Greysen's cooking. Out of the request of Greysen, Qurosuke would put the glass and dishes in the sink for Greysen to clean later. Only Qurosuke since he had the obvious perk of opposable thumbs when compared to Gano having paws but, Qurosuke didn't mind doing a simple and quick task by himself.
Qurosuke and Gano would then start to make their way out of the kitchen and to the training room but before Qurosuke would walk out of the kitchen, he felt a quick yet rather strong tug on his right arm. It was soft and unforgettable of the feeling when his arm was touched and tugged. It was Gano's tail, evident to it having a half black and half white color when Qurosuke noticed. Qurosuke would then turn around a bit to see Gano but not with his usual smile on his face. It looked like he was worried about something bad would happen or that he was nervous about something.
" Hmm. What's up Gano, something wrong? "
Qurosuke asked in his usual calm but bright tone. He wasn't unhappy so he had a reason to be happy or at the very least joyful. But, this only made Gano look a bit more worried on his face.
" Master. Are you all alright? I mean, is everything okay with you? "
Gano asked in a bit of a nervous and anxious tone of voice. But in all honesty, Gano was truly worried about his master after him not usually waking up at his normal time and not waking up after multiple attempts to do so. Any normal person would find this weird so why shouldn't Gano? Qurosuke could only give what Gano a half-hearted smile in response to hearing to his question before responding.
" Well, My mind is a bit jogged up at the moment. Other than that, I'm fine. "
Qurosuke answered Gano honestly and nicely. It wasn't a lie. His min did feel like it was on the verge of having a headache but also not having one at the same time. It didn't hurt but, it was only just a bit uncomfortable at best.
" Oh. Then I'm glad your okay master. "
Gano finishes his sentence with a smile. He was a lot happier knowing that his master and only friend, well, best friend is okay. As his best friend, he would know almost immediately if Qurosuke was lying or that he was feeling bad. Qurosuke would then kneel down to Gano's height and started to pet and scratch his head and neck, which shortly causes Gano to purr.
" Gano, if I was feeling bad or if something was wrong, I would tell you. But, thank you for being so worried about me. Such a good boy. "
Gano would then purr a lot longer and louder at his master's compliment. Qurosuke as a pet owner loves to compliment and sometimes even spoil Gano for being such a good cat, even at times when he doing nothing but resting and relaxing. Shows how much of a good and caring pet owner that he was.
" Well then master, I have nothing to worry about. Now let's not keep Greysen waiting. "
Gano says as he must, unfortunately, leave from his master petting and scratching him. To him, Qurosuke petting and scratching him was next to god-like since his hands were so soft and comfortable and searched the right places. Qurosuke and Gano would then make their way out of the kitchen and into the training room. But, something was different. The tv and game system from yesterday was no longer there but in its place was a rather large block of wood. Nothing was even on it. It was just a large block of mahogany wood at least being 10 x 10 x 10 inches in size and in the shape of a cube. Other than the cube of wood, everything else was the same, even the kendo sticks that Greysen was holding, the bottles of water, and even pillow. With Gano behind him, Qurosuke approached Greysen with a slightly cheerful attitude of his, like most of the time.
" Yo Greysen. What's with the random giant block of wood in the room? "
Qurosuke asked Greysen in a curious tone. What in the world was just a large cube block of wood doing sitting there randomly in the training room? This would have easily confused anyone else a bit like Gano but for Qurosuke, he was more curious than confused. Greysen would then respond.
" This, young master, is not just any block of wood. I asked a friend of favor to lend me this for the entirety of the training. This is called and a Traning Cube. Built with a magical rune inside of it, this cube is primarily used for physical training. How do you train with a cube you may ask? The rune inside of the cube allows it to move and morph as easily as a person would without actually changing its shape. But, due to how it's designed, the only way for it to activate is for you to attack it. Which brings us to the point of your training. If you want to accomplish your training young master, you must destroy the rune within the cube. Are there any questions before we begin, young master? "
After finishing hearing his sentence, Qurosuke had to contemplate the questions he had to ask. After 40 seconds of thinking. Qurosuke knew the questions he wanted answers to.
" One, what are you and Gano going to be doing while I fight the Training Cube? Two, is there a time limit? And finally three, as long as I destroy the rune inside means I complete my training, even if I fail multiple times doing so? "
Those were the question Qurosuke asked in an eager and slightly serious tone of voice. It looks like he was really taking his training seriously. In response, Greysen only gave a small smile in gratitude on how serious Qurosuke was taking this compared to his usual self. He thought he would take this more as a joke but was proud that Qurosuke was more mature than he looked or rather he takes things seriously when he has to.
" Well young master, me and Gano shall resume our usual training with the kendo sticks but rest assured, I'll be watching you both carefully at the same time. There's no defined time limit but I would like you to complete your training in at least a week. And yes, you can fail as many times you can, as long as you destroy the rune. "
Greysen answered all of Qurosuke's questions with full confidence and honesty. It seems that if Qurosuke wanted to complete his training while still at least impressing Greysen, he should finish it within the time limit but since he can fail as many times he wants, he can set the pace himself. Qurosuke would then give a slightly cocky smile mixed with enthusiasm. Now he looked and thought he was ready. Qurosuke asked one last question.
" When do I start Greysen? "
Greysen and even Gano could only smirk at the courage Qurosuke had. He didn't feel anxious or afraid, not even one bit. He wanted to train and be good at it. Well, whether the training would be successful or a bust would be up to Qurosuke. Would he destroy the rune inside the cube or will the attempts to do ao break him? Greysen would then answer him.
" You can start now if you like to, young master. "
Almost Immediately as Greysen would finish his sentence, Qurosuke would quickly walk towards the Training Cube while Greysen would hand Greysen a kendo stick start training, clashing the wooden sticks against each other making a bit of a thwacking noise. Qurosuke was at least 5 feet away from the Training Cube. He knew how it only would activate when he attacked but for a beginner like Qurosuke, he didn't know how to approach or begin to attack it correctly. But, Qurosuke didn't have to think long about his actions. If he can't decide on his actions, he would never get better.
Qurosuke would begin his attack by rushing a hard right punch at the Training Cube. Due to being a beginner and have no training or even fighting for that matter, his punch would be at least 4.5 meters per second with only 0.01 tons of force behind it. An average punch to be more specific. Almost immediately as he began his attack, the Training Cube activated and unfortunately for Qurosuke, retaliated. The Training Cube itself did not move an inch but a part of it did. Like a piston, the Training Cube extended out a part of itself at Qurosuke stomach. The extended body part is similar to that of a log that would be accurately measured at 12 inches in diameter. It was twice the speed that Qurosuke punch was going at. Flesh vs wood. Obviously, flesh losses to wood as long as there was assistance or the flesh in question was trained to beat wood. But, what happened next surprised Qurosuke and even Greysen a bit.
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mepler · 5 years ago
Learning and Training (Part 2)
Qurosuke, Gano, and Greysen then make their way into what seems like what one would call a karate dojo. The place itself has a 300 square ft spacious, smooth hardwood floor. The floor glistens from the sun that shined through the windows. The windows themselves show a large garden full of a diverse species of flowers that appear after a person would leave the dojo. Though the dojo itself was empty, a supply closet was present in one of the far corners of the room. They then make their selves to the middle of the dojo.
" Please wait here while I get some supplies from the supply closet. " And so, Qurosuke and Gano complied with Greysen's request. Qurosuke would then sit on the floor rather than stand on it, as he thinks it's better to do so. Gano would then sit at his master's lap and almost immediately, was being petted and scratched by him and, as a result, would give a low and deep purr from it.
After a few minutes of sitting and waiting, Greysen comes out of the supply closet with an 80" by 40" table with wheels on it in. The table had what seemed to be two kendo training sticks, a 72" flat screen tv, a technological bracelet and collar, a book that looks like its 300 pages long, a stack of multiple video games for the PS4, a PlayStation 4 including of all of its appropriate wire and cables, a PS4 controller, two bottles of water, and two king-sized pillows. Greysen would then set up the T.V and PS4 while ignoring the confused looked on Qurosuke and Gano's face. He would then casually throw the two king-sized pillows at Qurosuke for him to successfully catch while throwing the two bottles of water at Gano for him to also successfully catch with his long tail.
" Young master, there is a theory among the Mutant community. It is when a Mutant wants their powers to start to flourish, they should do the activities or habits that sturs their happiness. So, I decided to have you do the one thing that makes you happy, playing video games. Also..." Greysen then would grab the technological bracelet then put it on Qurosuke and Gano accordingly before continuing his talk. " This device is called Mutant H.E.L.P. It's an A.I tool for Mutants who have just started to use their powers or a helpful tool for children Mutants. Because let's be honest, you and Gano are like children Mutants who only began to tap into their powers. No offense, of course. It should work right about now-" Just as Greysen was about to finish his sentence, a voice then appeared and spoke through Qurosuke and Gano simultaneously.
" Hello, users named: Qurosuke and Gano. My name is H.E.L.P model 1904 version 10.0, or as per my current settings, Monoma. My primary function is to help bring your Mutant powers from seedlings to adult trees. Are you ready to start? I know i am. " Qurosuke and Gano almost jumped and screamed in surprise at the sudden voice but quickly composed themselves as they didn't want to be embarrassed. The sound itself seemed somewhat monotone, but it still had a resemblance of emotion in it. It also was recognized on having an adult woman's voice, probably in the early or late '20s.
" I'm ready as I'll ever be. " Qurosuke answers honestly. Even if it didn't exactly look like he was fit physically, but he was able mentally. " O-of course. What master said. " Gano also answers honestly. Unlike Qurosuke, Gano is fit physically but, wasn't exactly ready mentally. On an emotional standpoint, they were both similar and leveled. The training itself will see to that or rather, Greysen will see to that and Monoma will just comfort them when need be. " Wonderful then. As a start, Qurosuke, please start playing the video games in front of you until you complete them. While he does that, you Gano shall have physical training with Greysen by using one of the two kendo sticks. "
Gano was a bit hesitant at first but, he then used his long tail to grab one of the kendo sticks, evident to the fact that he can't grasp it with his paws. Greysen would also pick up the other kendo stick and make a gesture to for Gano to follow him. Without having any reason to dent him, Gano would follow Greysen until they were both at least halfway across the room. A considerable amount of distance between them and Qurosuke. Which made sense to Gano, since he didn't want to disturb Qurosuke while he and Greysen were beating each other with kendo sticks. Or rather, Greysen would be hitting Gano with the wooden club while he would desperately try to hit him back but to probably no avail.
After approximately 5 hours that have passed, Gano looked like as if he was about to pass out thanks to the hard physical training. Even with his big figure covered with thick fur, he was still dripping a puddle of sweat onto the hardwood floor. Much to his belief and surprise, due to his Mutant nature, Gano was very quick on his paws and highly responsive when it came to reacting to Greysen's attacks. He even got a few hits on Greysen but, it was quite clear that Greysen was intentionally holding back. Meanwhile, Qurosuke had been playing a game called Watch Dogs for the whole time without stopping. But, the most surprising thing was that he had completed the game, all 100 hours of it. Greysen would then check on Qurosuke's supposed achievement of the game by checking both the T.V. and PS4.
" Impossible. " Were the words that Greysen uttered when he finished examining. Qurosuke finished a 100-hour game in only a few hours. But how was that possible? Thankfully, Monoma was exactly programmed there to answer that question. " Ah, I see. The way you would play video games is different from how Qurosuke would do it. The moment Qurosuke started playing the game, there was very small and almost unnoticeable change within Qurosuke's DNA. Qurosuke unconsciously made the game accelerate in speed and progression at its very limit because that is what both he and body desired. To both finish the game as fast as possible and enjoy it at its fullest. " Although Qurosuke and Gano could barely understand what Monoma said, Greysen understood immediately. 
" Interesting and acceptable. Besides, I need to reward you two due to how effort and progress you made in just a few hours, both mentally and physically. Just wait for a moment. " Immediately, Qurosuke put down his controller and Gano slumped down onto the floor, clearly exhausted. Qurosuke would then start to crack his knuckles, making rather loud cracks due to doing nothing but playing the game for hours without stop. He even had to get up and stretch his whole body. Oh, one of the cons of being a gamer but at least he was going to have breakfast finally.
After a few minutes have passed, Greysen comes out with a cart of food on top. Quickly, Qurosuke and Gano ran at the food because of the clear and delicious smell of their favorite food of all time, sushi. No matter what was the food, no matter what was made by the chef, Qurosuke and Gano would always eat sushi. How fitting, for a cat to like sushi and their best friend to like sushi too. Since it was breakfast time, Greysen served 8 servings of waffle sushi rolls. But, such an irrelevant number meant nothing to the sushi loving friends. Qurosuke and Gano were eating 4 sushi each but, the way they did was as if they haven't eaten in weeks. They stuffed their cheeks with the sushi and ate loudly but, you can bet that they haven't made a mess. They wanted to eat every single sushi and savor it. Then only within less than 30 seconds, Gano and Qurosuke ate their breakfast.
" Hmm. So that's the reason why 15% of my fish every day is gone but, it doesn't bother me...much. " Qurosuke and Gano could only laugh at Greysen's statement about their obsession/addiction to sushi based products. 15% of over three dozen different species of fish every day was at least a bit annoying bu, nothing Greysen could handle. Greysen would then reveal a large bowl of milk for Gano and a cup of apple juice for Qurosuke. As a cat, milk was unmistakably an all-time favorite thing to drink. As for Qurosuke, even as a kid, he just knew that apple juice was his favorite juice of all time, even after trying a large variety of them. Gano would then use his to tail to grab the bowl of milk and set it on the ground. Immediately, Gano starts lapping his milk in about a rate of 25 laps per second. That was way bigger than the average for normal cats. Qurosuke however, was taking his time to drink his apple juice. They were not in much of a particular hurry and they were smart enough to know that the moment they finish their breakfast, Greysen would resume training again. After a few minutes of prolonging the inevitable, Qurosuke and Gano finish their drinks. Almost immediately, Greysen took notice and acted upon it. He would then gather the empty plate that once had the sushi, Gano's bowl, and the empty cup. He would then walk away to the kitchen so that he would clean them, as such is a butler's duty. After a few minutes, Greysen came back with what almost looked like a sinister smile on his face, more directly towards Gano than Qurosuke.
" Now that we are done with breakfast, we can get back to training. " Gano flinched a little bit at Greysen words. If there was anything he didn't like, it was anything physically stressful but, he decided to continue to keep training for his reasons. Guess Gano's will was a bit troublesome to break. Gano and Greysen went back to physical training with their kendo sticks but, this time it was twice as difficult. While that would happen, Qurosuke would have to use all of his focus and patience to complete all of the games Greysen gave him.
After 6 hours have passed, Qurosuke and Gano collapsed from the stress of Greysen's training. Gano was sweating immensely in the floor through his paws, creating a small puddle as a result. Now he was truly exhausted and spent. This was an extremely stressful day, equally for Qurosuke and Gano. While Qurosuke wasn't exactly sweating, his mind was at its limit. He couldn't bring himself to play another game. He had just finished playing Watch Dogs 2 and 3, Grand Theft Auto 1-5 including San Andreas, Assassins Creed 1-3, Dark Souls 1-3, Bloodborne 1 and 2, Sekiro, Nioh, all the Hitman games, Under Night In-Birth, and all the King Of Fighters games. So many games with so many stories, characters, plots, etc. They were all somehow perfectly memorized. Every game perfectly memorized right down to every detail, even the tiniest one. So much information was being processed in both his brain and DNA and due to his mental stress, his body went with the solution that he needed rest immediately.
" Ah. Well, I guess that's enough for today. I'll carry you two to young master's room and make your dinner so you both can eat it in advance. Other than that, you both did decent today. Just get better with your stamina. " After saying that, Gano also passed out due to exhaustion. In a few minutes, Greysen cleaned up the dojo, made dinner and put Gano and Qurosuke in their bedroom alongside their dinner near them. What a way for the day to end. Exhausted, stressful both mentally and physically, and what's worse. They had to do it again tomorrow. While Qurosuke was sound asleep, his body was going into overdrive from the result of playing too many games at one time. Not that it was life-threatening or anything, it just made him brain drained. All the while, the A.I Monoma was keeping track and collecting helpful data from the changes in his body. No matter how big or small. Truly, Qurosuke was becoming different as time passes, day by day. For better or worse was the mystery.
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mepler · 5 years ago
Learning and Training (Part 1)
" Oh jeez, this early in the morning Greysen-san? "
Qurosuke groaned and complained as he looked at the message that his butler sent him and the time. 6:00 am?! But, Qurosuke didn't have any excuses to deny his butler's request, so he had to comply. Qurosuke would then walk out of his bed in his pure white pajamas, in contrast with black and white hair and white and black slippers. Qurosuke was asked to go directly to the living room but, if it was so important, then his pet has to come too. Qurosuke would walk to the opposite side of his King-sized bed, the place where his cat Gano was sleeping soundly and peacefully. In terms of length, he was taking 1/3 of the bed despite being king-sized. Qurosuke would then frantically shake the black and white cat in an attempt to wake him up.
Almost in an instant, Gano woke up in surprise in his sudden break from his slumber but quickly calmed down when he saw that his master was the one that woke him up. Gano groaned in annoyance while speaking " Master, you almost scared the crap out of me. I was having such a good dream too. Why'd you wake me up like that at 6:00? " Because of Greysen-san wants to tell me something important and I don't wanna be there without my best friend."
Gano smiles at his master's kind compliment/reply.
" Aw, master that's so nice of you to say. Now I have to oblige to your request. " Gano then got off the bed at and onto the soft fluffy floor. He didn't need to say anything more unless he wants to or when a conversation is already happening.
Qurosuke would then slowly walk to his room's door and opens and then walks through the hallway with Gano right behind him. After walking down the corridor, they then walk down the steps into downstairs and the living room. The sheer size of the living room was astounding. A 45-inch flat-screen tv, 2 gray Ashley Furniture Joslin couches positioned across from each other with a medium-sized mahogany table in the middle, A fireplace set below where the flat tv screen is currently burning wood, a red rug spread across the entirety of the living room, the living room in question is an astounding size of 3,200 square feet, making it the world largest living room. Greysen is seen in the middle of the living room with a whiteboard next to him. He had a 12-inch ruler in his hands and a black marker in the other. A few inches in front of him was a small blue couch. He was clearly waiting for Qurosuke come to see him.
" Good morning young master, I'm happy you listened to my important text but, I'm also regretful for the inconvenience of the time. " Qurosuke and Gano then finally made their way down the steps and sat on the couch near Greysen. They placed themselves on the furniture where Gano was laying across on Qurosuke legs while he sat plainly, petting and scratching his cat while he purred from delight.
" That's okay Greysen-san since it was so important, then I don't mind with being up so early. In any case, what did you need to see me for? " Qurosuke asks in a curious and worrying tone. He didn't know whether to be interested or concerned so, a mixture of both was created. Even while comfortable with the petting and scratching, Gano was still intently listening in on the conservation.
" Well young master, this concerns your father and mother. More specifically, " Qurosuke started to develop a frown after Greysen finished his sentence. Even when weeks have passed, Qurosuke would still be saddened of the death of his mother and father. But, that was in the past, and it was time for him to move on.
" Your mother and has passed down a will that has given me their final order and crucial information for you to hear. Do you understand Young master? " After asking his question, Qurosuke nodded and responded.
" Yes, Greysen-san. I follow. " Greysen then continued with his talk. " The first thing I should tell you is that even while your father and mother weren't, it is a fact you are a Mutant. "
Qurosuke was confused when Greysen finished his sentence. A Mutant? That's impossible. Qurosuke, even while pretending to use it, hasn't been able to use any mutant powers in his entire life. " Huh?! Greysen-san, that's absurd. I don't feel as if I'm a Mutant. What makes you say I am? "
This has also come off as a surprise to Gano, as animals are keen to detect Mutants in other species, but Gano couldn't identify anything in Qurosuke saying that he is. " I know this comes as a surprise to you, but lemme explain. Early in your birth and anyone else that was born in the city of Uni, a machine called Mutanto is used to determine if the newborn baby is a Mutant or not. Mutanto is also used to determine the amount of power the baby would have in their toddler, teenager, and young adult life by going through hundreds of thousands of calculations and variables, ranging that baby's power from 1-1000. 1 being the weakest and 1000 being enough power to destroy multiple city blocks. When you were measured, in all 3 sections of your life, the result came out as ???. Not only this was this the first time in Uni history, but also one of the few times in Mepler history. ??? represents that even though through hundreds of thousands of calculations and variables. Mutanto was unable to determine your power. Not that it was immeasurable or anything. It was just not in the range of Mutanto calculations. Not only did this scared the doctors in the hospital, but since all hospitals in Uni was in some way connected to the military, this also scared very high ranking soldiers with the Uni Military Corps.
After some heated debate for days, your parents were given 2 options, but more like an ultimatum, to either inject you with nanobots called Mutant Suppression to suppress and have the part of the DNA that makes you Mutant, unable to use your powers until you die, or the military take you away as government property and test on you until you become ''disposable.'' Your parents made the hard choice but, they wanted to raise you as their child, so they choose the first option. "
After Greysen gave his explanation, it felt like Qurosuke's world has shattered. Almost just like when his parents died. 
" My parents kept such things from me? Just so I would be taken care of by them and have a normal life? I didn't think they would risk such things for me. I don't even know what to say or even what to think. " Qurosuke thought ironically. It took a few good solid minutes for Qurosuke to fully comprehend and understand what Greysen said.
" I-I think i understand Greysen-san. Please continue." Qurosuke would then continue to pet Gano but to calm himself down. Safe to say it was working a little bit.
" Of course, young master. Your parents also saw that within the contract they signed, there was a loophole. That loophole meant the contract would become null and void in the event you became a legal adult. Which is in the will that states I inject you with a substance that will safely disable and remove the nanobots within your body. In essence, you're now a Mutant. But, I must also teach you what kind of Mutant you are, young master. Do you understand? " Qurosuke thought for a moment, before giving him yes nod.
" Alright then, there are different types of powers a Mutant can have, that much is obvious but, the real question is how they do it. The first is Physical Powers. This type of power means that the power in question is integrated into the user's body. Take, for example, Gano's ability to speak like a normal person even though he's a cat. That's a Physical Mutant Power. Of course, there are varying degrees and different powers within that category but, you decide to learn more about them. The second is Mental Mutant Power. This type of power is when the user's power stems from their mind. This doesn't mean it is not physical in nature, rather the person does not to physically interact with anything and their body to use the power. Take. for example, a classic one. Telekinesis. If I were to move your body from one couch to the other by using my mind, it still would be Mental while you are still being physically interacting with the couches. The next few haven't been described or properly recorded so they are a bit vague and mysterious and aren't officially listed.
They are Manipulation, Enhancements, Almighty, and Supernatural. To determine what type of Mutant Power you have, your parents have asked me, with the help of my colleagues, to determine it through a series of test. Don't worry, these tests are common within the Mutant community so don't think it was foolishly something like needles in a lab. In summary, my colleagues and I determined that you have a mixture of Physical and Mental Mutant Power. That itself is rare but not that uncommon. Do you understand, young master? "
Qurosuke then responded a nod of yes.
" Good. From now on, as per the will of your parents and at their request, I must teach you to learn, utilize and grow stronger with your power, as per the nature of Uni, Mepler, and the universe. You too Gano, As per the request of his parents. "
As Greysen finished his sentence, Qurosuke responded as he didn't understand one part. " Hold on Greysen-san. What do you mean by nature? " Greysen then gave a small smirk. It seemed that Qurosuke, even if he looked like he wasn't, was paying attention to what he says. " That's actually the next subject that I have to teach you. The nature of the universe is information that isn't exactly kept in secret, just not in the general public. The first is something we would call The Stepladder. In simpler terms, is a Non-corporeal, Higher-Dimensional Existence that is Omnipresent. Okay well, that wasn't simpler for you and Gano.
It means it everywhere at once, lacks any concrete physical form, and exists beyond 3-D, like us, for example. The Stepladder is more of an object/tool that almost anyone can use. The Stepladder exists to help people who want to reach their goals, their dreams, and their ideas. The Stepladder is similar to Fate or Destiny, as everyone has their own individual ladder. People, plants, and even animals have a stepladder, as long they have a dream or a desire. A being's Stepladder seemingly only disappears when they no longer have a dream or a desire. If a person were to say, wants to win a million dollars. That person will have to take ''steps'' on their Stepladder to achieve the said dream. The number of steps and the difficulty of each one cant be determined but it does get harder for each step. Said obstacles getting to the point where such things as murder is a factor.
And that is basically everything I had to teach you, young master. Are there any questions? " Qurosuke gave a slight smirked at responded.
" Just one. When do we start training, Greysen-san? "
Greysen also gave a small smirk. If there was anything about Qurosuke, he was arrogant but brave. Gano then chimed in a bit surprised. " Wait, does that include me too Qurosuke? "
" Of course Gano, Your my best friend. So of course, I want you to be just as strong as me. "
Oh boy, this was the beginning of such harsh and powerful training. How will Qurosuke and Gano adapt to it, if they even could?
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mepler · 6 years ago
Prologue Of Mepler (Part 2)
When Qurosuke was born, he had a genetic trait of heterochromia black and eyes, and a half white and black hair color, even though his mother had blue eyes and red hair and his father had brown eyes and blond hair. His only family being him, mom, dad, and a butler who he considers family. Starting with his childhood, Qurosuke was very shy towards other children, never wanting to talk to them, no matter how much his parents convinced him to do so. But when he would go outside, he would only play with a stray cat he called Gano. Gano had the same color scheme as Qurosuke, creating familiarity and a small bond between the two. Their friendship was in secret, however, as his parents would be mad of him playing with a stray cat. Qurosuke would also give Gano baths, feed him and make make-shift cat toys for him that broke a lot, and I mean a lot. Over the next few years, Qurosuke would notice something strange about Gano. Not only do the fact that Gano grew up to 300lbs and 3 feet tall and was still healthy but, also gained the ability to speak to humans. Gano's tone of voice would be defined as a male but also a very feminine form of speech. In terms of personality, Gano was snobbish towards people other than Qurosuke, if only a little snobbish towards him. It also includes sassy, cheeky, and quick to savage commentary. Sometimes, Gano would refer Qurosuke as his name or master based on how much he loves and respects him due to taking care of him. Onto his adolescent years, an unfortunate event occurred in Qurosuke's life. His parents were killed in an unfortunate car accident while he was at school. His mother died and his father was in critical condition and even with his astounding amount of money to have the best doctors around to help him, he only had a least a day left. While Qurosuke was seen having tears in his eyes, crying on the bed of his damaged father while the butler tried his best to comfort him, but he was also crying, just on the inside. Qurosuke's father then gestured for the butler to come over. The butler then walked to Qurosuke's father and leaned in to listen to him as his voice is damaged. After a minute, the butler's face turned to shock for a brief second then became calm again. The butler's only reply was " I understand sir. " Qurosuke's father then spoke to his son. " Qurosuke my son, promise me that until the day you die, you won't allow anyone to control your life. You won't allow anyone to make decisions for yourself and most importantly, you will do the things that you want to do. Do you promise me that? It took a moment for Qurosuke to respond to his father but, he finally did. " Of course father, I promise. " The moment Qurosuke said that his father gave him a small of happiness and relief right before the heart rate monitor went flat line. Qurosuke went blank for a second before coming back to reality. He began to start crying and shake his father's now dead corpse as an attempt to wake him up/bring him back. Even when the doctors and nurses and even his butler and try to get him out of the room, he still was slightly overpowering them for a few minutes before finally calming down due to the lack of energy. After a few days, his parent's funeral was set in the afternoon, with Qurosuke and his butler attending it, along with the close colleagues and business associates from their jobs. But unlike Qurosuke and the butler, the other attending were pretending to be sad, making crocodile tears, and fake sad noises. As much as he wanted to hurt them, he controlled himself to honor his mother and father's funeral. A few days later after the funeral, Qurosuke would merely sit in his room, barely eating and sleeping. The butler did try his best but, he decided it would be best if Gano were to comfort him. For the most part, it worked. Gano's constant need to be petted, talked to, played with, and cuddle actually worked. Finally, Qurosuke went back to his old self for the most part and even graduated before his grades started to drop. Qurosuke finally went to bed and fell asleep as tomorrow was the first day he was going to be an adult. But, the butler had other plans for Qurosuke. After being instructed by his father's last request and read the will of his parents. While Qurosuke was asleep, he would inject a nanobot within his bloodstream painlessly, You see, Qurosuke was a mutant but his mother and father weren't but, his grandparents were. To ensure safety for Qurosuke and others, his parents genetically sealed his mutant power until he turned 18/their deaths according to their will. The butler also had to explain some things to Qurosuke about some of the things about Mepler and the universe that normal people don't know or rather only specially chosen people would know. Special people like Qurosuke, the butler and Gano and so many more. But for now, the butler went ahead and go prepare and call a few people for favors for Qurosuke's and Gano's sake. The morning then came, the bright lights of the sun's rays shine through the curtain on Qurosuke's window and then to him, waking him up in that instant. Qurosuke groaned at being woken up so early in the morning but, he figured a lot of adults themselves do so anyway, so he had to too. he immediately went for his phone and saw that he had a message from his butler that said " Young master. Please come to the living room after waking up. It is of urgent importance that you do so. ' Well, what a way to start off the day Qurosuke guessed and what a way to start the beginning of his journey and Gano's journey. Prologue end.
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mepler · 6 years ago
Prologue Of Mepler (Part 1)
Sitting in the galaxy of Baladon within the constellation of Amadeus lies the solar system of Mepler, and within the solar system occupied the Exo-planet itself, Mepler. Mepler itself being 20 times the size of Jupiter. Calling Mepler big was an understatement. Mepler was also a very diverse Exo-planet, having many different biomes and ecosystems including but not limited to deserts, oceans, grasslands, islands, tundras, taigas, savannas, rainforests, estuaries, mountains, fresh waters, salt waters, and arctics. The beings who live within the many different biomes also are highly diverse with the living establishments including but not limited to villages, towns, kingdoms, cities, countries, and continents. The types of governments that lie within the living establishments including but not limited to are Republics, Democracies, Theocracies, Autocracies, Technocracies, Fascisms, Anarcies, Monarchies, Oligarchies, Plutocracies, tyrannies, Totalitarians, Federations, Communisms, Juntas, and Dictatorships. But, the citizens of Mepler, or Meplians, are an entirely different story. After at least 10,000 years passing after Mepler's creation, the first generation of Meplians was highly intelligent. They were so smart, all of them immediately recognized the effects of Carbon Dioxide as well as the other harmful gases, the Greenhouse Effect, and pollution and worked together, so that future generation is healthy and safe. But, that was the only time they ever worked together ever again. You see, upon Mepler and the Meplians lies The Three M's. The Three M's are the subspecies of Meplians that were separated ever since the first generation. The Three M's include Monsters, Magicians, and Mankind. A Monster is a creature that is identified to be anything inhuman, unnatural or hungers for fear. In more simpler terms, anything connected or classified as a Monster from the Archives Of Earth is a Monster. The Archives Of Earth refers to information collected by Homosapien's history on their planet Earth. Monsters are more savage, brutal, instinctual, attuned with nature, and has more of a Survival Of The Fittest/Law Of The Jungle lifestyle. Next, are the Magicians. Magicians are beings that have very complex physiology, different from that of Monster and Mankind all together. This physiology allows them to connect to Magic itself. Magic is a conceptual conscious that spreads throughout all of existence, but only usable to Magicians. Magic itself as a conscious chooses who can use it and gains its benefits while also changing their physiology to become Magicians themselves. There are also different types of people who use Magic, these include but not limited to Wizard, Witch, Warlock, Mage, Sorcerer, Magi, Enchanter, Conjuror, Shaman, Archmage, Elemental, Cleric, Seer, Witchdoctor, Wiccan, Faith healer, Abjurer, and so much more. Magicians rule each other as a hierarchy of Families. The more members and longer your family tree have been around, the more rights and benefits you are given. Finally, the last ones are the people of Mankind. People of Mankind are more the closest to Homosapien's both in terms of biology, genetics, and physiology but, that is only a certain percentage of people of Mankind. The other portion of people of Mankind is named, by the Archive Of Earth, as Mutant, Superhuman, and Inhuman. Mutants are humans born with a mutation within their genes, causing them to have one or multiple powers. Superhumans are humans that gain their powers through effort, and training, usually making them physically or mentally stronger or sometimes both and gaining abilities of their own. Inhumans are humans that are affected by an unfortunate event or problem within their life, causing their body to change as a result and thus gaining powers too. Mankind are more technologically, scientifically, and more economically advanced than Monsters and Magicians combined. Mankind's type of government is a combination of democracies and republics and a few unpopular ones in-between. A person can tell the differences between them but the reason why they are similar because, at the end of the day, they were born human and are still human, making them still apart of Mankind. Mankind, Monsters, and Magicians each control 1/3 of Mepler's territory but, very often at times, they will have small scale-large scale wars ranging from 100-500 years at a time, causing a lot of death to each side. After 3 million years of constant conflict, death, turmoil, and uncooperative, Mepler finally had enough. Mepler was a planet that had a consciousness, will, and emotions of its own. Because of the way time works slowly when compared to people and planets, even with its age of 3 million years, it still acts like it has the mind of a 16-year-old. Mepler itself had enough of its inhabitants, so it introduced a choice to them. Either work together in a year or, Mepler will refuse to sustain the life on itself, killing everyone but itself. Its choice boomed through-out the entire planet, causing widespread panic and fear. In order, o solve this problem and keep the peace, all the top leaders from each M decided to have a peace summit to discuss their solutions. After a full 24 hour non-stop arguments from back and forth of each M, they finally reached a tolerable answer. Within that one year, with the combined efforts of Monsters, Magicians, and Mankind, within one year they had built a city called Uni. Uni is short for Unify. As such, Mepler kept his promise and kept sustaining life. Uni was a city the size of Russia, but it did not make it a country. Uni allowed both Mankind, Monsters, and Magicians to coexist within it. Although, this allowed a lot of things to transpire. After another few thousand years, little by little, each of the people of the region started migrating and living in the other regions. But of course, there were going to be a lot of controversies. Racism, Stereotypes, Prejudice, Biased Rights, Injustice, Slavery, Police Brutality and much more, unfortunately. This is where the story will begin. With a certain half black and white-haired gamer called Qurosuke Masaldaverous. What events may transpire in his journey? What people will he make friends with? Who will become his enemies? That is a question only Mepler would know. Qurosuke Masaldaverous shows us the journey of how you came to be The Ultimate Gamer and the many events on Mepler.
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mepler · 6 years ago
You know what?
I might as well just copy/paste the text story and OC'S people wouldn't have to go to amino/have amino just to see it. Makes more sense to me. Thank you.
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mepler · 6 years ago
Taken from Urban Dictionary
noun. A term used in role play games to describe a person used for the physical description of a character. Said person can be anyone, but is typically an actor or animated character.
I'm going to ask the moderator if I can switch Carlisle Cullen's face claim from Peter Facinelli to Lee Pace. I know Facinelli is the actual Carlisle, but Pace is who I think of as "handsomer than other movie star I've seen."
I couldn't help but giggle a little when I heard Aidan Turner was cast as Luke/Lucian in the upcoming Mortal Instruments movie, having used him once a Luke/Lucian face claim way back when.
I'm basically telling you guys this just so there isn't any or less asks about me stealing art. I'm just using the art as a face claim for my OC's since I can't draw/commission artist. Thank you.
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